Read Hunting Heroes: A Superhero Novel Online

Authors: Derek Pozel

Tags: #Science Fiction | Superheroes

Hunting Heroes: A Superhero Novel (21 page)

“A brother,” Garrett said. “Who loves you very much.”

Greg stood and looked over her shoulder while she fumbled to open the envelope.

“Your fiancée here actually…” Garrett paused when he saw Greg’s eyes open in horror. “He met him already.”

Garrett held up his index finger to his mouth to hush Greg.

“Where do they live? Where did I live?” Zoe said when she managed to pull a picture free. It was of picture of her feeding a goat at a petting zoo. She smiled and a teardrop rolled off the tip of her nose onto the photo.

“They live in Mount Prospect,” Garrett said. “It’s where we grew up. It is our hometown. Your brother Ethan lives in the city with his wife.”

“He’s married…” Zoe said and she glanced at Garrett before she grabbed another photo. She plopped her slender body back down onto the couch. Greg followed right behind to catch every detail of her lost childhood.

Garrett saw the two huddled around the pictures and stifled a smile.

“It’s the three of us,” Zoe said and showed the photo to Greg. “I don’t remember this, but I know it’s me. How can I know that?”

“I remember that one,” Garrett said. “We went to play at the park right by our house. You would always beeline right for the swings and we had to take turns pushing you.” A smile spread across Garrett’s face when he thought of that day. In that moment he realized what Walter went through when his memories were overshadowed with the pain of loss.

Garrett slid forward in his chair and watched Zoe. “The three of us were best friends. Ethan and I are still best friends. He’s like a brother to me too. I would have been lying dead in some gutter if it wasn’t for him. He’s a good man and his wife is unbelievable. She’s pregnant with their first child.” The gravity of the situation came down on him when he saw how close Greg was to Zoe. The love he had for Emma and the closeness they shared when they were children was buried in the ground.

“Ethan lives in the city?” Zoe said.  “I want to see my family.” She placed her left hand on Greg’s forearm.

Greg exhaled, his eyes opened wide from her request.

“Start with Ethan,” Garrett said.

Zoe’s eyes flicked up to Garrett and then moved to Greg.

Greg tightened his lips and nodded. “Ok, if it’s what you want.”

“He’ll be waiting to hear from you,” Garrett said. “I wrote his number on the back of one of the photos.” Emotions rushed him like an avalanche and he knew the longer he stayed here the harder it would be to leave.

“Please, look at the photos and call him if you think you are ready to learn about who you are,” Garrett stood from the chair.

Greg jumped to his feet.

“Easy there. I’m sorry, I have to get going,” Garrett said. “I still have something I have to take care of.”

“You’re going after my father. He did something to me, didn’t he?” Zoe’s features darkened. “Uncle Walter said you weren’t a bad man. But my father said you’re dangerous. Probably the most dangerous Afflicted he has ever faced.”

Garrett’s eyes narrowed. “He never faced me. He sent the goon squad after me, no offense Crimson. It is not over between me and Patriot yet. He did things to…” Garrett stopped himself before he let too much out. “He did things to me and I am not going to forgive and forget.”

“Did I forgive him?” Zoe asked. “What are you going to do to him? I can’t let you hurt him. He’s my father.”

“He’s not your real father,” Garrett said. “He’s a lonely superhero whose head got too big.”

“You can work this out,” Zoe said. “Please, don’t fight anymore.” Zoe jumped from the couch and ran to Garrett. Her fingers dug into Garrett’s arms. He looked down into her eyes and the crack in his heart was almost audible. Even though Zoe did not remember him, she knew exactly how to get to him.

“Please don’t,” Zoe said. “Please don’t kill him.”

“I never said I was going to kill him,” Garrett bit his lip and looked away. “Is that how people see me now, a killer? Well, he used me like I was a damn tool. He took away my humanity for over two years.”

“I can’t believe it. My dad would never use an Afflicted for their powers,” Zoe spun around to face Greg. “He has done so much for the Afflicted.”

“Greg is it true?” Zoe said.

“He would if he was afraid of their powers,” Garrett said.

Greg hung his head. “Yes, your father used him after he was captured. He lied to us. I should have told you, but I didn’t think he’d show up here with your past in an envelope.” He held up the stack of photos.

She let go of Garrett and took a step back. “I can’t believe it. He’s a hero. He’s a great man who has sacrificed so much for us.”

“I know he has,” Greg said. “He did it to protect you Zoe and the city. I don’t agree with it either, but this fight is now between them. I don’t know how your father took you in or what happened to you. But we’ll find out ok?”

Greg took her into his arms. “We’ll figure this out together.”

Garrett watched the display of affection and the room grew larger and colder than it did before. “Time to go,” he whispered.

Greg nodded.

“You have some things to talk about,” Garrett said. “I wish I could tell you more, you’re not ready yet. I don’t know everything yet myself. Talk to Walter.”

Garrett winked at Greg. “Until we meet again, hopefully there will be no stabbing or cutting next time.” He patted his chest and walked to the front door. His Emma is gone and Zoe was meant for another, he thought.

“Wait!” Zoe raced to the door. “Thank you for risking coming here and telling me who I am and for saving my best friend.”

“Don’t thank me,” Garrett said. “I don’t deserve it. I failed you when I let go of your hand to watch Patriot.” Garrett brought his hand up to his mouth. “You were my best friends, my first love and I let you down.”

“I was your first love?” Zoe’s lips quivered when she said the words.

“Yes,” Garrett could not look her in the eyes. “That’s why I did what I did. Who is your best friend?”

Zoe wiped her red-rimmed eyes. “Valkyrie, you saved her life and you can save yourself. You don’t have to do anything.”

“I guess it is a small world after all,” Garrett said.”Tell her I said thank you. I heard her talking to me when I was in the hospital, telling me to hang on. I don’t know why she did after what I did to Granite. But tell her I said thank you, please.”

“I will,” Zoe said. “Or you can tell her yourself.”

Garrett marveled at her persistence, it seemed to be a family trait.

“I’d love to, I can’t though,” Garrett said. “I have things I have to take care of first.”

Garrett stopped and reached for the doorknob and turned it halfway. “I’m sorry for dumping all this on you.” Garrett opened the door and looked over his shoulder. He could still not believe Emma was right there, a few feet away in the arms of another man.

“Goodbye,” Garrett’s throat felt dry when he tried to force the words.

Zoe lowered her eyes, “Goodbye, Garrett.”

Greg stood behind Zoe and placed his hands on her shoulders. “Garrett, he’s waiting for you. You should run or turn yourself over to the AIA. They can protect you.”

“I’m not a runner,” Garrett said. “Everyone wants me to run. I have done it all my life. The only time I have an ounce of courage is when I am fighting one of you people. Someone has to keep you heroes in line.”

Garrett raised his left arm and made a tight fist. “It’s my gift and my curse.”

“What happened to Emma?” Greg asked. “What made you turn from the happy boy in those pictures?”

Garrett lowered his head. “What do you think happened? What do you think would make me go after the Assembly? You know the answer to the question.”

Garrett stepped out into the hallway and he heard the scream from Zoe’s mouth.

“All you do is cause pain, it’s the only thing you’re good for,” he said while he walked down the hall. Every step took him away from the perfect life he corrupted.

Chapter Twenty-Six

A bead of sweat dripped down the side of the glass while the ice cubes floated about in the murky brown liquid. Rays of sunlight peeked through the trees as the silence of spring slept in the air. Tall hedges formed a protective barrier around the square backyard. The large two story red bricked home cast a long shadow across the tan paver stone patio. A heavyset man sat alone in a lounge chair with a drink in hand. He raised the glass to his lips and gulped the cool liquid down his throat. A rusty squeak broke the serenity in the backyard.

His eyes slid in the direction of the gate and he coughed up his drink. 

Walter’s eyes opened wide. “Hello, Patriot,” Walter watched the superhero stroll into his backyard. Patriot wore loose gray slacks and a white button up long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up below his elbow.

“Sorry for stopping by like this Walter. I was in the neighborhood,” Patriot pulled up a chair from the patio table and sat beside Walter.

“I thought I’d pay you a visit, to see how you’re doing.” Patriot said.

“I doubt it, I haven’t seen or heard from you in a year,” Walter took another sip from his glass and placed it back on the table.

Patriot relaxed in the chair. “I’ve been busy since you abandoned us. I thought you quit drinking after you gave up your gift?” Patriot said with venom in his voice.

“Its ice tea,” Walter said through his teeth. “What can I do for you old friend? I don’t think you stopped by to say hello.”

Patriot chuckled and crossed his arms across his muscled chest. “I was out driving, clearing my head and I thought I’d pay an old friend a visit.” He glanced around the yard. “Looks like you kept everything in order back here after Elizabeth’s passing.”

“It keeps me busy and out of trouble,” Walter said. “She loved sitting out here and reading for hours on end. It was her little world away from being the wife of an Afflicted. She picked every flower and it’s placement to an inch. She was such a perfectionist.” Walter glanced around the yard at his wife’s meticulous creation.

“It is beautiful back here,” Patriot said. “The world is a colder and darker place without the ones we love. She did a lot to keep us both in line when we were starting out, didn’t she? She had the patience and understanding of an angel.”

“She was my little miracle,” Walter cracked a little smile when he spoke. “What brings you here today? I know it’s not to talk about Elizabeth and her green thumb.”

“I know you already heard about the incident,” Patriot said. “It’s a small world, even smaller for Afflicted or former Afflicted like you.”

“Problems in the hallowed halls of the Assembly?” Walter said.

Patriot’s eyes narrowed, the corner of his mouth curved downward. “You can say that. Isn’t there always problems when you’re an Afflicted?”

“From what I’ve been reading and hearing,” Walter swirled the glass, causing the ice cube clank along the side. “There’s more problems now, than ever before. I guess that happens when you’re as big and powerful of an organization as the Assembly.”

Patriot rested his head back against the chair. “We’re bleeding members faster than we can replace them. Other teams are stealing our members, the military wants to use us and some are just done being in Assembly, trying to be a hero. Valkyrie and Bloodhound quit and we lost track of more than a few Afflicted we were keeping tabs on.”

“I know,” Walter said into his glass. “Your biggest concern should be the missing Afflicted. The other things will sort itself out, in time.”

“I’m not worried about them,” Patriot shifted in his seat. “It’s the one’s who are leaving the Assembly that I care about. Losing Valkyrie and Bloodhound is bad for morale. I hear the rumblings already.”

“Can you blame them after what you did?” Walter said.

Patriot pushed himself off the lounge chair. He faced the backyard, hands in his pockets. “Yes, I can blame them. I do what needs to be done. None of you have ever understood my reasons. You and Bloodhound never liked to get your hands dirty. Sometimes it’s needed for the greater good. Sacrifices must be made.”

Walter’s hands began to tremble. He licked his lips and watched Patriot. “That’s not true. You always play the part of the martyr. Always trying to warn us of the danger on the horizon.”

“The world needs us to protect them from those who misuse their gifts,” Patriot said. “I have sacrificed too much for them.”

“What do you think I did?” Walter said. “I should have spent more time with my wife, but instead I spent it locked away in a lab working for you.”

Patriot glanced over his shoulder. “You’re lying, you were looking for a cure for her cancer. You can’t spout that righteous crap with me. I needed you and the world needed you. What’s worse is you were hiding from Elizabeth. You chose to hide down there. I never once told you to do anything. We were equals from the start.”

Walter’s face grew red, his hand tightened around the glass. “Screw you. You don’t know what it’s like to have someone you love wither away before your eyes. The world was fine before we came along. It will be fine when we are gone. You are afraid of being forgotten like those people you have hidden away in the Hotels. Those innocent people have no right being there. That is not why they were established. I know about those too.”

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