Hush: Family Secrets (15 page)

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Authors: Blue Saffire

Tags: #Hush








CHAPTER Twenty Two


I am sweaty, frustrated, horny as hell and pissed. Uri hasn’t touched me since we returned to London. He spends most his time working. Most nights he is at one of his clubs. I am tired of this.

I won’t beg him for sex. It’s not like we don’t talk. We talk whenever he is around but he has become more like a friend than my husband. Even the cuddling at night has stopped when he is not off at the club.

Donatella has talked me off the ledge a few times. It has been a month, an entire month without my husband placing a finger on me. I have packed my bags at least once a week before Donatella drags them back to the room to unpack them.

I have started to work out twice a day just to keep from blowing up. I would think he’s fucking someone else if it weren’t for the hungry looks he gives me when he thinks I’m not looking. I don’t know what to do. I have never been in a relationship like this one.

Honestly the few relationships I have had didn’t last that long at all. I miss Uri’s touch. Stupidly I think I love him more than a month ago when we were going at it like bunnies.

He may not touch me but he does the sweetest things for me. Like brushing my hair, while asking me about my day and how I am getting along with his mother. This has become routine on Wednesday nights which happens to be a slow night at the clubs.

Then there are the flowers he sends every morning. They come fresh with just my name on the cards. At least once a week we go out to dinner, just the two of us. The most action I get is a hot look over the table or the brush of my cheek.

I hate him for making me a nympho then taking away my supply. I hate him for making me fall in love with him to just pull away from me. I want my husband.

I growl in frustration as I strip down and jump in the shower. I don’t know how much longer I can take this. My own hands don’t feel like his strong large hands. It is useless to try to take care of myself. I just end up more horny and frustrated.

The hairs on the back of my neck rise. I turn to find Uri standing in the middle of the bathroom doorway just staring at me. My eyes rake over him and I don’t miss the bulge in his jeans. His face looks almost angry in contrast. I am at a loss. I move to step toward the glass shower door to go to him but he turns abruptly and rushes out of the bathroom. I am so confused and pissed off.

I grab a towel and rush after him. “Uri,” I shout after him. He doesn’t stop and he doesn’t answer me. Instead he grabs his keys from the bowl by the elevator and rushes out of the flat.

“Un-fucking-believable,” I growl and stomp my foot.

I hear snickering behind me and turn to find Donatella propped against a wall with her arms folded over her chest. I must look a soggy mess. I cup my face in my hands and growl.

“You still don’t get it do you,” Donatella trills.

“No, I don’t,” I hiss.

She throws her head back and laughs more. “Your husband wants you. You are driving the man crazy but you will have to go to him.”

“What,” I ask confused. We had a great sex life why do I need to chase him now.

“Uri calls himself teaching you a lesson, but I don’t think he has thought about what this lesson would do to him. Go to your husband, Valentina. Go to the club tonight, don’t let him run this time. Trust me you will see,” she beams before turning to go back to her room.

I huff and stomp my way back to the shower to finish it. I think over her words. Why should I go to him if he wants to teach me a lesson? What lesson does he think he is teaching me…how to be beyond sexually frustrated?

Well he is doing a bang up job of that. As I stand in the mirror combing my hair I shake my head. Maybe Donatella is right. I need to get to the bottom of what is going on with Uri. I can’t keep living like this. If it is another woman, fine. I can go home. I just can’t do this anymore.

“Game on Uri,” I murmur to my reflection.


“Just get it done,” I growl at the head bartender.

I am in a fouler mood than usual. I am sexually frustrated and I am ready to snap. When I doubled back to the flat this afternoon I hadn’t expected to find Valentina in the shower. I needed to pick up some paperwork. I’d gone into the bedroom to get a pair of cuff links I wanted for this evening.

I should have just ignored the shower running. Instead like a glutton for punishment I walked to the bathroom door. My cock swelled instantly.

My mama has told me that Valentina has been working out more but to see the results took my breath away. Valentina has always been fit but standing in the shower I could see her waist is slimmer and her legs are more toned. Her arse, I wanted to take a bite out of it. I wanted to slam her against the shower wall and drive into her until my balls were spent.

It took everything in me to walk away. I still have the image burned in my brain. I have thought about fucking her in every way on every surface of the flat. My mum will need to take a mini vacation when I finally get my hands on my wife.

The club has been open for a few hours now, but I have a special party going on tonight. I asked for a specific champagne to be served for the bottle service but of course because I am already a pissed off ogre no one can do their job right. What I need is to strangle someone.

My thoughts go to that wanker my mum is married to. He is on the run now that he knows I am looking for him. I find this entertaining, that he believes he can hide from me. I am just playing with him like a mouse in a trap.

I have an American mouse I need to step on as well. After speaking to Don Vincent about the Giordano issue I have learned that Raphael real doesn’t believe Valentina is the one and only Val. He has it in his head that he can come after me and take my wife while he is at it. To him he believes Valentina belongs to him. How bloody wrong is he, dead wrong to be exact.

I make my way back over to the VIP section where I had been sitting with a few buddies when I feel her. I turn to scan the club but I don’t see her right away. I rub my temples thinking that lack of sex has finally fried my brain.

I continue to my table and have a seat. A slim brunette that has been trying to get in my lap all night saddles up close to me, batting her lashes. I have absolutely no interest in her. Maybe before laying eyes on my wife for the first time but not now, Valentina has consumed my appetite for women.

Henry, one of my associates, lets a wolf whistle rip and I follow his eyes to see what he is drooling over. I growl and almost rip his head off when my eyes land on the vixen that consumes all my thoughts. This is why I don’t bring her to the clubs.

What the bloody hell is she wearing?
I think as I lift to my feet. She slides up to the bouncer for the VIP with a smile. She places a hand on his arm and lifts on her toes to whisper something to him then points to me. When Gregory turns to look at me I nod for him to let her through.

The closer she gets the more painfully tight my pants become. Valentina knows how to use her body to call a man’s attention and right now she has mine and half the other men around me. I am vibrating with rage as I take in her outfit.

She has on a gold scrap of a top that just barely covers her breasts and half her stomach. The black leather pleated skirt she is wearing is so short if she bends over we all will get a view of her knickers. Then there are the knee high boots with the fuck me heels.

I’m going to kill her.

When she stops in front of me and wraps her arms around my neck I growl. I wrap my arms around her cupping her ass and turning her from everyone else to cover her with my body. As I thought the skirt is just barely covering her arse.

“Have you lost your mind,” I hiss in her ear.

“Aren’t you happy to see me,” she pouts.

“Don’t fucking play with me Valentina. What are you wearing? Why are you here?” I demand.

Her smile fades and tears well in her eyes. Her face becomes angry and she pushes at my chest. “I don’t know why I’m here. I’m going home. I’ve had enough of this. I’ll be out of your hair before you get to your flat,” she snaps.

I chuck off my suit jacket and wrap it around her. I then grab her wrist and drag her to my office. This ends tonight.


Uri has some nerve to be angry with me. He has practically ignored me. I wouldn’t be here now if he’d just stopped to tell me what the hell is going on. I’m so tired of this.

I planned on telling him just that as he closes the doors to his office but my words are stuck in my throat as he pushes me up against the doors and crushes my mouth with his. Before I process what is going on Uri lifts me by my ass and I wrap my legs around him.

He growls into my mouth as he grinds his erection into me. I whimper and lock my fingers in his hair. His hands are everywhere, cupping my breasts, squeezing my cheeks, his knuckles brush across my soaked panties and I shudder hard.

“Valentina,” he groans.

Hearing the lust in his voice snaps me back to reality. I break the kiss and push him away as hard as I can. He stumbles back just a little, causing me to have to use the door knobs to catch myself.

“I won’t play these games with you Uri. You haven’t touched me in a month. Not even a kiss. Now you are all over me, what is your problem,” I yell.

“What is my problem,” his face grows dark as his eyes rake over me. He points a finger at me. “You, you are my problem.”

“What,” I breathe feeling like I’ve been slapped.

Uri moves back in my space towering over me. He places his hand in my hair and draws me nearer to him. “I said you are my fucking problem. I’m in love with you Valentina and you drive me insane. I love you, but you’re a brat that has this stupid idea –,” I cut his words off as I fling myself at him.

I kiss him so hard I know I am bruising both our lips. “I love you too,” I sing against his lips.

I barely get the words out before he deepens the kiss devouring my mouth. He groans into my mouth pinning me back to the wall. I wrap myself around him once again, shrugging his suit jacket from my shoulders.

“Fuck, I need inside you,” Uri rasps.

I whimper and grind against him. Uri pops the tiny straps that hold my top in place and the gold fabric floats down off my body. His hands are under my skirt next tearing at my thong popping the fabric and tossing them to the floor.

He rains hot kisses down my throat to my breasts drawing a nipple into his mouth. My head falls back against the door behind me. My body is on fire. I have missed him so much.

He pulls away and looks up into my eyes. “Is this okay, can I take you like this,” he asks with concern. I think my heart just melted for him all over again.

“Yes, please yes,” I plead as I reach to tear at his belt.

I guess I’m not moving fast enough for him. He pushes my hands away and pins both above my head with one hand. He makes quick work of releasing his belt and freeing his rock hard shaft from his slacks.

I cry out and arch my back as he drives into me. It has been so long, he feels so massive inside me. I dig my boots into his ass and he groans as he swivels his hips into me. I’m stretched to the max as he fully seats himself. We moan in unison as he pulses inside me. Uri hooks my legs over his arms and starts to pound into me with an almost punishing pace.

“You have driven me crazy,” he says huskily. “I’ve wanted to be inside you every single day and night. This tight pussy belongs to me Valentina. You’re mine to love, mine to care for, mine to make love to, mine to fuck. Do you understand?”

“Oh yes,” I whimper. “Yes, Uri I’m yours. I love you so much, Baby.”

He captures my lips as he continues to pound into me. My back starts to bang against the door but I could care less. I claw at his back through his shirt, wishing I had taken it off to be skin to skin with him.

I feel my orgasm coming on strong. We are both sweating, panting, and grunting but neither of us shows signs of stopping. As I clinch and squeeze around him Uri pounds harder into me, pulling me down onto him with each thrust.

“Uri,” I scream.

“Shit Love, so fucking good. Come all over my cock, Baby.”

“Baby, I’m coming again,” I cry out in amazement. He has given me multiples before but not this strong. My second orgasm snatches my breath away, tightening around my heart. My toes curl in my boots and I swear I am going to black out.

Uri releases me and sets me on my wobbly legs. He spins me around and presses me to the door. He kicks my feet further apart. “Open for me,” he commands.

Gripping my waist he pulls my hips back and thrusts into me once again. I find purchase on the door knobs and hold on like they are a life line. A loud rumbling growl vibrates from his chest through my body.

I yelp when he slaps my ass. He chuckles deeply then slaps the other cheek. “Whose is it?” he demands.

“Yours,” I whimper.

“Say it, Baby. Tell me whose pussy this is,” he barks as he rolls his hips.

I nearly choke gasping on my words, it feels so good. “Oh fuck yeah, Uri.”

His hand snakes around my throat and squeezes just a bit. He leans in over me placing his lips to my ear. “I said tell me who this sweet little pussy belongs to,” he growls in my ear.

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