Hybrid's Love (3 page)

Read Hybrid's Love Online

Authors: Seraphina Donavan

Tags: #menage, #mmf, #aliens adventure, #erotica science fiction and fantasy, #aliens coming to earth

Wren was screaming, the pleasure so intense,
bordering on pain as he drove into her again and again. He filled
her completely, reaching places so deep inside her that no one had
ever touched before. Each stroke, each hard thrust had her gasping.
Her head fell back, she sobbed with pleasure, as she clutched at
his shoulders. “Faster,” she urged, “Harder.”

He withdrew again, and then thrust
forcefully, impaling her. Again and again, he thrust into her. The
soft, damp flesh of her sex yielded to him, accepting the brutal
strength that was so much a part of him. Her nails scored him,
digging into his flesh with each thrust. He could feel the tingling
at the base of his spine, the tightening of his balls. His cock
lengthened and thickened inside her. He could not last much longer.
He shortened his strokes, circling his hips against her, grinding
against the small nub her clitoris with each thrust. Her breathless
cries echoed through the cabin, her hips thrusting against him. He
felt her clench, felt the quivering of her belly and the quake in
her thighs. Then she was spasming around him. He groaned, relishing
the grip and release of her wet cunt around him as she came. His
own release took him then. He pressed his mouth against her neck,
his teeth scraping over the sensitive skin between her neck and
shoulder as his hot seed jetted into her welcoming body. He pumped
his hips into her, relishing the sound of their labored breathing,
of the wet slap of their bodies joining. He was shaking, trembling
as wave after wave of hot semen poured from his body into hers.

It was everything he had anticipated and
more. Weak with satiation, his forehead dropped to her shoulder.
She stroked his hair. Small aftershocks of pleasure rocked her
body, and with each one, he shivered in response, his spent cock
still partially inside her.

As the sound of their ragged breath faded, he
became aware of other sounds, primarily the rhythmic beep of an
alarm. He looked towards the command center of the ship, to the
blinking lights on the display. She tensed against him, obviously
sensing that something was wrong.

What is it?” Wren asked.

We are being pursued. I need you to
change,” he said. He disentangled himself from her, immediately
missing the warmth of her body against him. He retrieved a flight
suit from the locker and pressed it into her hands. The suits were
made of a durable fabric that could stretch to accommodate any
shape or size. The fabric was also impenetrable, heat and cold

Without shyness, Wren stripped the remainder
of her clothing and began the arduous process of getting into the
suit. Her knees still trembled, and she could feel the dampness of
their mingled essences between her thighs. The sensation was
pleasantly erotic. The flight suit was not. It was rather like
putting pantyhose over one’s entire body. When she finally had it
on, he gave her a pair of boots that were similar to the ones he
wore. There was a jacket, as well, of the same leather like
material. He headed for the cockpit area and she followed on his
heels. She took the seat beside him, and he fastened the small
harness for her, strapping her into the seat.

When he was strapped into the seat beside her
as well, he began to speak commands. “Nivarre, 17548,” he said.
Immediately the lights and screens before changed.

A modulated, electronic voice filled the
cabin, “Acknowledged 17548. Proceed with commands.”

Initiate stealth settings and evasive
maneuvers,” he instructed.

Immediately the lights in the cabin dimmed,
and it appeared that a dark film descended over the windows.

Stealth mode achieved. Beacons
disengaged. Transponders down,” the electronic voice said. Wren
understood none of it. “Course to coordinate Sector H, Fourth
Quadrant blocked by a flotilla unidentified spacecraft. Alternate
route is recommended, 17548.”

Kyr didn’t curse, but his mouth firmed.
“Change course. New coordinates are 153-619 Sector F9, Outer

Coordinates calculating… confirmed,

The ship banked hard to the right, and
rocketed forward at a speed that slammed her back into the seat.
Wren understood why they had needed the harnesses now. She glanced
over, and Kyr was focused on the controls in front of him, piloting
the ship with the use of a small keypad on the arm of the chair he
occupied. “Where are we going to now? I don’t know what all of
those numbers and letters mean.”

Kyr met her concerned gaze, “We are going to
a neutral zone. We will not have the protection of Core guards
there, but attacks on anyone are forbidden. It will give us the
time we need to send confirmation to my commanding officers and
request aid.”

Wren nodded, and then stared ahead, watching
the blackness of space as they sped past. Her mind was just as
adrift, unable to process everything that had occurred. She
retreated into silence.









Chapter Three

It was hours later, and Wren had not spoken.
Kyr rose from his seat. They had slowed to a more reasonable speed
to conserve energy as there was no indication they were being
pursued. He walked through the main cabin where Wren had retreated
earlier. She was lying on the narrow berth again. She had her back
to the room and to him, staring at the wall. He did not know what
to say to her, so he continued into the galley, and began the
sequence to initiate meals. It was a simple protein pack, with
little taste. He knew that she would balk at eating it, but she
needed to. It had been more than ten hours since he had taken her
from the café where she worked, and given the turmoil of the day,
he knew that she needed the sustenance.

You must eat, Wren,” he said

She sat up, and glared at him over her
shoulder. “I ‘must’ not do anything. If I eat, it will be because I
want to and not because you have told me to.”

He sighed. “My language is very different
than yours, Wren. When I say you must eat, I do not command you to
do so. You need to eat because the events of the day have been
physically and emotionally difficult. To deny yourself nutrients in
this situation could cause you harm.”

Wren knew she was being a petulant child. She
was as much annoyed with herself as with him. Though it goaded her
to do so, she apologized. “I am sorry for being difficult.”

He brought the small tray to her. “It does
not taste very good. It is best to eat quickly and drink the
electrolyte compound last, as it is more palatable.”

It was a thick paste. Experimentally, Wren
touched her finger to it, then licked it. It really had no flavor,
at all. She picked up the spoon that had been placed on the tray
and did as he suggested, eating it quickly. Taste was not the
problem, but the texture was repulsive. She managed to down half of
it, before her stomach began to rebel. She opened the small bottle
of what he called electrolyte compound and drank it quickly. It
tasted vaguely sweet, like sugar water. In all, it was the least
satisfying meal she’d ever had. In spite of that, she did feel
better afterwards. She also had more questions.

Wren had not just spent the last few hours
sulking. She had been thinking, planning and trying to figure out
how her life had turned into a Joss Whedon script overnight. The
simple answer to that was that it had not been overnight. Whatever
was different about her, had been different since she had been
born. Why else would she have dreamed of the Aldacyians before, why
would she have seen them skulking about periodically throughout her
life? It wasn’t precognition that had prompted her to fear them,
but memory.

How long have you been assigned to
protect me?”

For as long as you have been alive,”
he answered honestly.

Wren thought about that, about her mother’s
insistence that her biological parents had been damaged in some way
and that was why Wren herself was ‘different’. “Why would the Core
want to protect me? What were they protecting me from? Why did the
Aldacyians want me? Every time you answer a question it only raises
more questions.”

Kyr met her gaze with an assessing one of his
own. “I will answer any question you have, if you are ready for
those answers. I fear that you are not.”

“I’m like you, aren’t I? An alien.”

“The term alien is incorrect. Right now,
neither of us is on her home planet. We are both aliens. I am a
hybrid, as are you, but not just like me. I was bred to be a
warrior, engineered to understand combat, strategy and to withstand
pain and injury.”

Wren fought the urge to hurl the tray at him.
“What was I bred for, then?”

“You were bred for me, genetically designed
to my perfect mate,” he replied softly.

Wren rose and paced the cabin. Again, the
urge to deny his words was welling within her. It explained so
much. It explained her response to him. She was hardwired to want
him. At the same time, it repulsed her. She had been raised as a
human being, to believe that she had free will, to choose her
lovers on her own criteria. To hear that her sole purpose, her very
conception, had been to be a vessel for a man made her ill.

“Never again,” she said. “You will never
touch me again!”

The gentleness that she had seen in him, that
he had been so careful to hold onto with her, vanished. He stalked
towards her, his large body imposing, powerful. He was towering
over her, looming above her as she clung to the wall behind her. “I
will have you again,” he said. “Make no mistake, Wren Marlowe. I
have claimed you and you are mine now.”

“I am not an object to be claimed! I am a
human being!” she cried.

He brought the tips of his fingers to her
face, touching the single tear that had fallen from her eyes. His
anger had vanished, but there was a resolve in him that was
unmistakable. “No, Wren. You are not a human being. You are mine,
created for me, made to fit me in every way. I will never harm you,
I will never force you, and I would give my life to protect you…
But do not think to leave me,”

“Where do I sleep, here?” she asked, sweeping
her hand towards the berths. She was effectively ending the
conversation. She couldn’t face it, not the knowledge that she was
something other than human, or that her free will had been nothing
but an illusion. She also couldn’t face the traitorous leap of her
pulse at his promise, or the dangerous thrill she’d felt in knowing
that, at last, someone wanted her just as she was.

Kyr moved away from her, tension still coiled
through his body. It was evident in the hard line of his shoulders
and his tightly clenched jaw. He accessed a keypad on the wall, and
entered a series of commands. The back wall of the small cabin
opened, revealing a large bunk, obviously designed for a man of his
impressive stature. It was covered in pristine white bedding. “You
may use the sleeping chamber,” he said. “I will sleep out

Did she want that? No. Her confusion about
her current situation aside, she couldn’t forget the way he had
made her feel, and that whatever else had happened, in his arms,
for the first time, she hadn’t felt alone. It galled her to do so
and it stung her already abused pride, but she said, “No... Please,
I don’t want to sleep alone.”

Kyr moved quickly, lifting her into his arms.
He carried her to the bed and began to remove her clothes. His
touch was gentle but deliberate. Every area that was revealed was
caressed, fondled, massaged and adored. When the bodysuit had been
peeled from her, and she lay naked before him, he stepped back.
Reclining on the bed, her pale skin looked like silk. Her red curls
fanned out beside her. He could fully appreciate now the beauty of
her form. The firm globes of her breasts were tipped with cherry
pink nipples, already peaked and begging for his touch. Her waist
nipped in before flaring into full hips that tapered again into
long legs. She was not a thin woman by the standards he had seen on
Earth, but to him she was the personification of femininity. He
savored every lush curve, every mound, all the valleys and crests
that marked her body as the perfect counterpart to his own.

“Take your clothes off,” she said. “I want to
see you.”

As he moved to fulfill her request, Wren
raised up on her elbows to watch him. In that pose, half reclining
on the bed, her full breasts with their puckered nipples on
luscious display, she was far more alluring than she realized. His
eyes never left her as she watched him disrobe. He removed his
weapons first, placing them on a small ledge near the bed. He
stripped off his jacket and boots, then his shirt. At the sight of
his chest, her full lips parted in a slow, sensual smile.

He was beautiful, she thought. His broad
shoulders were powerful, the sleek muscles bunching and shifting as
he moved. His chest was smooth and devoid of any hair, revealing
the hard planes of his pectorals and the flat copper discs of male
nipples. The delineated muscles of his abs were taut and firm. His
hands moved to the waistband of his pants and her breath hitched
with anticipation. She had glimpsed him before, poised at her
entrance. She’d touched him, had felt the wonder of his cock moving
inside her, but now she was curious to look at him, to see the
perfection of his body. His pants skimmed over his legs, to be
discarded with his other clothing. Standing before her, naked and
proud, she was stunned by the perfection of his body. The hard
planes of his chest and stomach, the perfectly sculpted muscles of
his hips and thighs—she wanted to touch every inch of him. Her gaze
was drawn to the hard length of his cock, jutting from a nest of
dark curls. He was long and thick, so thick she knew that her hand
couldn’t fully wrap around him. Her body wept for him, eager to
feel the power of him inside her again.

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