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Table 1-A. 1. Electrocardiographic (ECC) Characteristics and Causes of Atrial Rhythms

§ g


ECG Characteristics

Common Causes

PT Consideration




Regular rhythm, rate 1 60-250,

Rheumatoid heart

May produce palpitations, chest tight




may originate from any location

disease (RHD),

ness, dizziness, anxiety, apprehension,


above atrioventricular node, can be

mitral valve proweakness; PT would not treat if in


paroxysmal (comes and goes withlapse, cor pulmosupraventricular tachycardia until


out reason).

nale, digitalis





Atrial flutter

Rhythm can be regular or irregular,

Mitral stenosis,

Signs and sympwms depend on presence or


atrial rate of 250--350, ventricular

CAD, hyperabsence of heart disease but can lead to

§ r

rate is variable and depends on the


CHF, palpitations, angina, and syncope


conduction ratio (atrial:ventricuif cardiac output decreases far enough w


lar-i.e., atrial rate 250, ventric


reduce myocardial and cerebral blood

ular rate 125; 2:1 classic saw


flow; PT treatment would depend on toltooth P waves.)

erance to the rhythm.

Atrial fibrilla

Irregular rhythm, atrial has no rate

One of most com

Can produce CHF, syncope secondary to no

tion (A F)

(just quivers) ventricular varies.

monly encoun

"atrial kick"; if new diagnosis, hold PT

tered rhythms,

until medical treatment; if chronic and


nor in CHF, would treat with caution.

hypertension, cor


Premature atrial

Irregular rhythm (can be regularly

Normal people with

Usually asympromatic but needs ro be


irregular, i.e., skip every third

caffeine, smokconsidered with other cardiac issues

beat); rate normal 60-100.

ing, emocional

at time of treatment; can proceed


with treatment with close monitoring;

abnormal with

if they are consistent and increasing

CAD, CHF, eleccan progress [Q AF.

trolyte disturbances.

AF = arrial fibrillation; CAD = coronary artery disease; CHF = congestive heart failure; RHO = rheumatoid heart disease.

Sources; Data from B Aehlert. ACLS Quic.k Review Srudy Guide. St. Louis: Mosby. 1993; and EK Chung. Manual of Cardiac Arrhythmias. Boston: Butterworth-Heinemann, 1 986.

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Table l-A.2. Electrocardiographic (ECG) Characteristics and Causes of Ventricular Rhythms




ECG Characteristics

Common Causes

PT Considerations

Agonal rhythm

lrregular rhythm, rate <20,

Near death

Do not creat.

no P wave



Ventricular tachycardia

Usually regular rhythm, rate

CAD mosr common after

Do not trear; patiem needs



> 1 00, no P wave or with

acute Mlj may occur in

immediate medical assis

retrograde conduction

rheumatoid hearr disease,

tance; patient may be Stag

and appears after the QRS

cardiomyopathy, hyperble (maimain CO) for




shorr while bur can



progress quickly to unsta


ble (no CO) called pulse

less VT.

Multifocal VT (rorsades de

Irregular rhythm, rate > 1 50,

Drug induced with antiar

Do nor treat; patiem needs



no P waves

rhythmic medicines (quiimmediate medical atten


nidine, procainamide)j


� �

hypokalemia; hypo

magnesemia; MI; hypothermia

Premature ventricular con

Irregular rhythm, (can be

In normal individuals,

Frequency will dictate effect

tractions (PVCs) (focal

regularly irregular, i.e.,

secondary to caffeine,

on COj need to monitor


one ecropic foci and all

skipped beat every fourth

smoking, emotional diselectrocardiograph with

look the same; multifocal

beat); rare varies bur is

turbances; CAD, MI,

treatment; can progress to

more than one ectopic

usually normal 60-100;

cardiomyopathy, MVP,

VTj and this is more likely


foci and will have differcouplet is 2 in a row;

digitalis toxicity

if multi focal in nature or

ent wave forms)

bigeminy is every other

if >6 per min; StOp treatbeat; trigeminy is every

ment or rest if change in

third beat

frequency or quality.

Ventricular fibrillation


Severe heart disease mOSt

Needs immediate medical

common after acute MI,

assistance; no PT treathyper- or hypokalemia,


hypercalcemia, electrocution

Idioventricular rhythm

Essentially regular rhythm,

Advanccd heart diseasc;

CHF is common secondary

rate 20-40

high degree of atriovento slow rateSj hold treat

tricular blockj usually a

ment unless rhythm well


terminal arrhythmia



CAD = coronary artery disease; CHF = congestive heart failure; CO = cardiac output; MI = myocardial infarction; MVP = micral valve prolapse; vr = ventricular tachycardia.


Sources: Data from B Aehlert. ACLS Quick Review Study Guide. St. Louis: Mosby, 1 994; and EK Chung. Manual of Cardiac Arrhythmias.


Boston: Bunerworth-Heinemann, 1986.

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