Read I Haiku You Online

Authors: Betsy E. Snyder

I Haiku You (2 page)

you hug away tears,

making boo-boos all better—

best teddy ever

taste buds are cheering

for a squeeze of your sunshine—

HOORAY, lemonade!

purple popsicle,

you’re the coolest summer treat—

i love every drop

little by little

i love watching you grow up,

each and every inch

achy-heartbreak love,

miss-you-so-much-it-hurts love.

please hurry home, love

it’s quite clear to me

after hanging out with you—

we’re friends at first sight

you be my jelly,

i’ll be your peanut butter—

let’s stick together!

wiggle-wag tail love,

sloppy-smoochy-poochy love,

true-furry-friend love!

toasty together—

happy-camper sandwiches,

ooey-gooey s’mores

while we are apart,

stars wink a message to you—

i (twinkle) love you

from your button nose

to your little piggy toes,

i luv-a-dub you!

shiny mister moon—

your smile keeps me company

when the lights go out

snuggles and stories—

best way to wrap up the day …

a happy ending

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