If I Break THE COMPLETE SERIES Bundle (123 page)

Read If I Break THE COMPLETE SERIES Bundle Online

Authors: Portia Moore

Tags: #Romance

“Okay. Are you ready now?” he asks.

As ready as I’m going to be.

“Yeah, let’s get this over with.”

I follow Chris into the dining room. Mr. Scott is sitting at the head of the table, his hands folded but his face relatively relaxed and the hardened frown I’ve become accustomed to absent. When he sees us he even smiles and that shocks the hell out of me. Since I’ve met the man he’s never smiled at me once. I don’t know what Chris said to him after our conversation this morning but it really must have been something. When we’re seated he takes a deep breath, and shifts his body weight towards me.

“First I’d like to apologize to you Lauren,” he says without a hint of bitterness or anger hidden beneath his tone. I nearly fall out of my chair.

“I have been extremely unhospitable to you since you’ve arrived,” he continues. “Just a plain jerk,” he adds with a chuckles.

Yeah you have.

“I blamed you for things that were not your fault. I used you as someone to take my anger out on since they weren’t here for it and I am truly sorry for how I have behaved towards you.”

Has hell just frozen over? Who is this man sitting in front of me?

“Christopher, what you told me this morning really was a wakeup call for me. You did exactly as you should have and stood up for your wife, for her respect and I couldn’t be more proud of you,” he says putting his hand on Chris’. I can’t help but note how pleased Chris looks, how much stress seems to have lifted off him just in these few minutes.

“I want you both to know that, if you choose to stay, it will be different around here on my end. I will be here to support whatever decisions that you make, but both Gwen and I would be thrilled if you chose to stay.”

So that’s what this is about. He wants Chris to stay, God forbid he steps out from under papa’s wing.

“Well dad that’s…”

“You don’t have to answer me now. I’ll give you both time to talk about it. I just know that one of the main reasons you’re leaving is because of the way I have been acting and I couldn’t sleep tonight if I knew that I was breaking up our family,” he says and I can’t believe my eyes when I see that Mr. Scott is actually tearing up. What in the world has just happened? He turns towards me.

“Lauren do you accept my apology?” he asks and takes my hand in his. I can’t believe this is happening. I glance over at Chris who looks like he’s about to tear up as well.

This man has been nothing but mean, nasty and cruel to me since I’ve known him, but this guy in front of me seems to not even be the same person. If Chris was his biological son, right now I’d swear that DID runs in their family.

“I-I,” I don’t know what to say. I glance back at Chris who has this pleading expression on his face. How can I not give him what he wants? His happy family. If William can stop being a jerk, or at least pretend, then I can move forward, I guess.

“Of course,” I tell him and before I know it he’s stood up and pulled me into a bear hug.

Am I dreaming? After he releases me he does the same to Chris but Chris’ return embrace is genuine.

“Thanks, dad,” he says beaming. Mrs. Scott appears in the doorway and soon everyone is hugging. I don’t know what to say or what to think. They’re happy so I should be happy. This could mean things are going to go really well, we deserve a break after everything that’s happened. Chris deserves a break. Then my thoughts drift to… what happens after?


can’t say I’m not surprised, because nothing about you surprises me. But you—successfully married and happy? I didn’t exactly see that in your future. I am very proud of you,” Helen beams at me like a gold digger who’s just spotted a dying single billionaire.

“Why thank you mother. I knew you’d be proud,” I say, just as sarcastically.

“Even remembering your two month anniversary. I am very impressed,” she says, handing me the box with Lauren’s present in it.

“These are the Dorothy shoes?” I ask, looking at the box. Helen has it wrapped in black paper with a big red bow.

“The correct name is limited edition Loubuitons,” she corrects me.

“The Dorothy shoes that fine ass Jessica Alba had on?” I ask.

“Yes Cal. The ‘Dorothy’ shoes,” she says dryly and takes a seat on the couch next to me.

“Dex only remembered our anniversary because his assistant reminded him.”

“I know I don’t say it a lot, but thank you—for everything,” I tell her with a shrug.

“You deserve to be happy Cal. I’m glad you’ve finally allowed yourself to be,” she says, patting my shoulder.

“Well I’ll be happy once you get the final okay on the meds,” I tell her, handing her my empty pill bottle. She can’t give me a refill until she receives some final results.

“I’m headed to the team right after I leave here. Besides I better get going, before I ruin your surprise,” she says, standing from her seat.

“Let me know what Lauren says once she sees the shoes. I had trouble parting with them,” she says before I head out the door.

I look at the clock. Lauren won’t be expecting me for a while. I’ve worked out for two hours. I can’t wait until I get home and get to see the look on her face when she sees them. Especially since I’m going to pretend not to remember what today is. Everything has been so fucking good. I’ve never been this happy in my whole life. I never thought I could feel like this about someone. I took, all that I wanted out of life. Everything I have, I had to take or fight for. With Lauren it’s not like that, for once the universe is cutting me a break. Me, the dark sheep, the prodigal son, happily married to a beautiful, amazing woman who loves me. Not for who she thinks I am or wants me to be, just me. There’s really no better feeling than that. I wouldn’t trade it for the world on a platter.

I knew she’d be pissed when she thought I forgot our anniversary. She’s so sexy when she’s pissed. It’s cute that she tried to hide that she was upset at first. She was obviously disappointed, but with a little prodding she let it out. I hate when she doesn’t say what she feels. I don’t want her to hide any part of herself from me. That’s why my favorite look on her face is right when she comes. You can’t hide that at all.

“You’re mad,” I sigh trying to keep from laughing as I put down my suitcase.

“No. Well, yeah, I am. I can give you a pass for forgetting our anniversary, even though it was only two months ago but if you think I’m going to give you a pass for every holiday because you think it’s ‘cliché’ or ‘arbitrary’...” she trails off as I pull out the shoes Helen had wrapped. I set the box on her lap and laugh at myself for the big cheesy grin that’s on my face.

“You were saying, Mrs. Scott?”

A huge smile spreads across her face and she rolls her eyes at me.

“You’re a jerk, you know that?” she jokes, untying the bow on the box.

I sit next to her and kiss her neck. She’s so careful taking it apart.

“Come on babe, tear into it!”

“Okay, okay. It’s just so pretty,” she squeals, removing the paper and when she sees the box she freezes. She looks over at me her eyes wide and bright.

“You didn’t!” she says excitedly. She opens the box to see the pair of Dorothy shoes she talked about for a week straight.

“Oh my gosh Cal!” she says her eyes tearing up.

“Read the card,” I say pointing to it tucked in between the shoes. She picks it up.

These shoes look like they’re straight out of ‘The Wizard of Oz,’ but since sometimes I’m like the tornado that blew you into Oz, I guess you can wear Dorothy’s red slippers. And if I’m gone and seem lost, maybe you can do a little click and I’ll find my way home.

“It’s corny isn’t it?” I ask, feeling a little embarrassed.

She nods and climbs on my lap.

“As corny as you being my Prince Charming,” she says, kissing me softly. I want more of her. I wrap my arms around her waist and press her down on my lap so she can feel how much I want her. She giggles.

“Are you going to wear them for me?”

“I have the perfect white dress for them,” she says, running her hands through my hair.

“No dress. Just them,” I say, watching her skin turn red.

“Later,” she promises. “I have to run and pick up your gift,” she says hopping off me. She runs to the console table and grabs her purse.

“No, my gift can be you,” I whine. She cannot leave me with a full hard on.

“It will be. Tonight,” she promises, reaching the door. I give her the saddest face I can muster.

“Don’t look at me like that.” She giggles, and I make my way closer to her. “No. Five feet,” she laughs threateningly, her hand on the doorknob.

“I hope you’ve gotten a lot of sleep since you’ve been gone. Because you’re going to be up all night,” she says, giving me a faux-warning and my body perks up at the thought.

“Plenty,” I say with a wink before she slips out the door.

My work out this morning must have really kicked my ass. I usually never take naps. When the phone rings I almost put it back down until I see it’s Dexter and he’s called twice.

“What’s up Dex?” I ask groggily.

“We have a problem,” he says solemnly. His tone causes me to sit up in the bed.

“What type of problem?” I ask him anxiously.

“Helen’s talked to her team. The medication hasn’t been recommended for further trial…” I heard what he just said, but he can’t have just said what I think he’s just said.

“Can you run that by me again?” I ask, hoping that I heard him wrong, that I’m still asleep and my brain isn’t functioning right.

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