Authors: LaConnie Taylor-Jones

Alex swallowed hard. “Ray, you’ve only heard the first part of my investigation.”

“What do you mean the
part? There’s more?”

Alex nodded stiffly. “Evangeline part two. Severa
l years ago, Evangeline changed her name.”

Ray stared confused. “Changed her name? Why?”

“Does the name Candice Powell ring a bell?”

“Yeah. A teenager named Candice Powell was responsible for the accident that killed her

Candice Powell a
nd Evangeline Williams are one in the same.”

Ray slumped back on the stool and ran both hands down his face. He blew out a hard breath and made the sign of the cross. Finally, he glanced over at Alex. “
…” he whispered in a feeble voice. Then he shared with Alex everything Laney had told him about the accident except Laney’s breakdown. That piece of information was a private matter between the two of them and one he’d carry to his grave.

When they’d first met, he’d never expected to be involved with an intelligent, amusing, and sexy woman who loved him. She hadn’t pressured him into giving her more than he could. She simply loved him and never hid the fact from him or anyone else. “Do you think Red knows this?”

Alex blew out a hard breath. “With the team of PI’s Laney had Charles hire? What do you think?”

~ ~ ~

He was mad enough to commit murder, Laney thought.

It was a half past ten that evening when Raphael made it back to Olivia. Laney sat in the middle of the bed with her knees drawn to her chest. Her gaze connected with Raphael’s the moment he opened the door. He was in a rage, his face set and hard.

“Why the hell didn’t you tell me you had Nelson investigated not to mention you knew Evangeline was Candice Parker?”

Laney wrinkled her nose. She respected his temper, but she didn’t fear him. “You didn’t ask,” she answered calmly.

Ray inched his way to the middle of the room and a muscle jerked in his jaw.  “I didn’t ask,” he repeated sarcastically. “Red, don’t play angel with me!”

Laney let the insult pass. “That’s not what I’m doing.”

She uttered her words in such a mater-of-fact tone Ray had to ball his hands into fists to keep from hitting the wall.

“Logic said if I triggered them they’d cease their inquiries into you and the other members of Les Croisés,” Laney stated.”

them, all right,” Ray roared.

“And it gave you enough time to recuperate and defend yourself.”

Ray was so enraged he could barely see. In the span of a heartbeat, he’d crossed the room, closing his hands on her slender shoulders. He wanted to shake some sense into her so she’d realize she needed to be frightened. She dove into his arms and clung to him with surprising strength.

He held her and felt her trembling. The red haze left his vision, and that’s when he realized she
frightened. It was her take-on-the-world attitude that had made her do what she felt was right in order to protect him. Nothing rattled his nerves more than the call he’d gotten that someone had attacked her. She’d placed herself in harm’s way on his behalf. Smoothing back a strand of hair from her face, he lifted her chin with a finger.

Ray forced himself to sit down next to her. Finally, his brain and mouth cooperated with each other. “When did you find out about Evangeline?”

Laney went on to explain everything she’d learned when she met with her grandfather, including the fact she knew Evangeline was Candice Parker. She reached up and stroked the side of his face. “Raphael, it was never my intent to do anything against your wishes, but I couldn’t stand around and let Evangeline blackmail you and the other members of Les Croisés into doing something you didn’t want to do. Besides, you were in the fight of your life. Maybe if the circumstances had been different, I wouldn’t have done what I did, but they weren’t. Whatever you do from this point on, I won’t object. Nor will I interfere. I started the race off until you could catch up. Now I’m handing the baton to you.”  

Ray trembled. Knowing her fiercely protective nature was one thing, but it was the first time he’d been faced with the true extent of it. She had a willingness to do whatever was necessary to protect those she loved. What she learned and had gone through for him was nothing short of gut-wrenching. Her faith and love in him was staggering. She’d loved him enough to chance going against the one person who’d caused her the greatest pain in life. Not only that, she’d put him before herself. As far as he was concerned, that was the true measure of love.

Ray tightened his arms around her waist. She was always indomitable and although slight and delicate, invincibility was woven through every fiber of her being. The very idea of defeat was foreign to her, and she’d moved through life arranging it to achieve success because nothing less would do. His angel had fought like a tiger for him and run the first leg of the race until he was back on his feet. Like she said, the baton had been passed to him. It was left up to him to get them across the finish line. “
Mon ange


For the first time, the controlled nature Ray had displayed all his life was gone and he stumbled over his words. “How can I ever repay you for what you did?”

“My love for you is always free.” Laney was silent for a moment. “Do you think Evangeline knows you had cancer?”

Ray shook his head sideways and proceeded to share the theory he and Alex had deduced earlier in the day.

Laney scowled fiercely. “If either of them tries to blackmail you…”

“Settle down, tiger. That’s not important anymore.” Ray effortlessly lifted Laney onto his lap. “I’m responsible for what happened to you, Red.”

“No you’re not, Raphael. You’re being too hard on yourself.”

“Not hard, just honest. At least I try to be.”

“That’s what I love most about you.” Somehow, Laney sensed he needed to hear that. “Integrity, compassion, intelligence, courage, and sensitivity are qualities you don’t find in people every day. They mean so much more than fame, money, power, and success. We’re as different as night and day, but where it counts, we’re the same.”

“Where does it count, Red?”

Laney placed his palm against her heart. “Right here.”

Ray doubted if any a word existed to express what he felt for her. He wanted nothing than to be inside of her warmth, thrusting against her heat, but  with everything she’d been through, he wasn’t that selfish. With his fingertips, he brushed a strand of hair from her forehead. “C’mon, let’s go to sleep.”

She shook her head. “No.”

“You’ve got to be exhausted.”

“I want to forget about what happened for now.” She caught his fingers in hers and lifted her mouth to his. He was everything she needed. His arms went around her, his lips opened, and she closed her eyes as his tongue slide between her teeth.

“I don’t want to hurt you,” Ray whispered.

She smiled, wishing she could laugh. “You’d never do that.”

Ray stood and undressed, then slipped between the sheets. As a hand found her breast, his mouth found hers. One feathery kiss led to a much deeper one as he delved into her mouth. The kiss was hard, deep. When it ended, he pulled her gown over her head, their cool naked bodies intertwined. They didn’t speak. He didn’t want the spell to be interrupted with the reminders of what they’d faced yesterday. The present was all that mattered and was filled with need and passion.

Ray smoothed his hands over her breast and stomach and followed with his mouth, arousing the taut nipples. He slid her on top of him, so it wouldn’t hurt so much and gently kissed the bruise on her wrist. “You sure you want to do this?”

“Don’t stop.” She clamped her mouth shut as an insatiable longing welled up inside of her.

“Close your eyes,
mon ange
. Don’t talk. Don’t think. Just feel.” Then he lifted her slightly and when she came down, he was in her.

“Raphael,” she cried out.

Aaah, this is what a man every man should hear at least once before he dies—his woman, calling his name. A shiver raced up his spine and back down again. This beautiful creation had given him the most precious gift any man could ever receive. She’d placed her mind, body, and soul in his care. If he never witnessed the dawning of another day, he wanted to know he’d pleasured her this time.

Feeling the spasm rocking his own body, his arms tightened around her as he shook. He was so aroused it was painful, but not so much that he didn’t hear her moan as her climax approached.  A masculine satisfaction spread over him when he felt a fine tremor rock her body. A thin cry of pleasure rang out and escalated to the sound of an angelic choir when she came. “That’s it,
mon ange
. Sing pretty for me.”

They made love explosively and tenderly. Afterward, there was silence and stillness. Listening to her even breathing, Ray knew she’d fallen asleep. He’d done nothing in life to deserve this kind of unconditional love. Yet, Laney had given him all she had. Immeasurable guilt washed over him. What had happened to her was because of him. If he hadn’t been so caught up with his image and not wanting to share the fact he had cancer, everything that had happened would be a mute point.

For months, he’d dodged the paparazzi with Laney’s help, but those days were over. Evangeline was the key to finding the answers he needed and in the process, his illness might be exposed.  

But he’d tell the world what he’d been through and then some to find out who’d hurt Laney and keep her safe. 









he next day, Charles O’Reilly arrived in Memphis. After he’d checked in on Laney, Ray asked if they could talk in private. As they walked along the grounds of Olivia, Ray listened as Charles briefed him on the details he’d learned on Candice Parker, aka Evangeline Williams.

Ray halted mid-stride and looked Charles square in the eyes. “Before we go any further, let me make this clear to you upfront. I take care of what’s mine and Red’s my responsibility now. I want to know down to the last penny what O’Reilly Enterprises paid for Universal Entertainment.”

Charles waved a dismissive hand. “Raphael, that’s not necessary.”

“I want to know the amount by close of business.

Charles nodded his consent and stuffed his hands into his pants pockets while glancing up at the home, which had been passed down three generations. “Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think Laney would have to relive the horror that almost destroyed her.”

Ray offered a sympathetic nod. “I believe you. Imagine how I felt when I found out. I’m the reason Red had to do what she did in the first place.”

Charles shook his head slightly. “Raphael, I suspect after Laney learned that Candice Parker and Evangeline Williams were the same that she went through with things as much for herself as she did for you. Candice has been the one demon in her life she’s never been able to overcome. Now she’s free from it.”

He beckoned Ray with his hand, and they continued walking. “Laney was so racked with guilt after Clarisse died, I honestly didn’t think she’d ever get over it. Olivia…God rest her soul…was the reason Laney is where she is today. When everyone else in the family had given up hope, Olivia refused to believe that Laney wouldn’t make it.” He paused and swallowed back the lump in his throat. “She hadn’t been able to save her own child, but she was determined to save her grandchild. Every day, I thank God for her perseverance. Laney’s so much like Olivia it’s frightening.”

Ray chuckled. “Was Olivia stubborn?”

Charles nodded. “If you’d pick up any dictionary and looked up the word, you no doubt would’ve found Olivia’s picture next to it.” 

“From this day forward, no harm will ever come to Red. I give you my word on that.”

Ray shared with Charles what he planned to do next. He’d already contacted Laney’s cousin Jewel and requested her assistance. It was a scintilla, but it was the only way he knew to repay Laney for the sacrifices she’d made on his behalf.

Charles listened intently, nodding occasionally. “You’re an honorable man, Raphael Baptiste. What do you need me to do?”

“Two things. First, keep a close eye on Red while I’m gone.”

“Consider it done.” Charles lifted his brow and asked very carefully, “And the other?”

Although his eyes were cold, deadly and angry, Ray smiled. In the calmest tone imaginable, he communicated the solemn vow he planned to make good on. “Those bastards made a mistake.”


“They hurt
woman.”  With that, Ray turned in the opposite direction and walked off.

~ ~ ~

Raphael Baptiste wasn’t happy.

In fact, nobody was happy. The next day Les Croisés along with JoJo and Alex, boarded a private jet, final destination Los Angeles. Ray swaggered into the office of Evangeline Williams, unannounced. Everyone else followed in a single file. He halted in front of the desk, his eyes like flint. “We need to talk.”

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