Igniting the Wild Sparks (71 page)

Read Igniting the Wild Sparks Online

Authors: Ren Alexander

Embarrassed, I fleetingly peer up at Rod, but he doesn’t laugh or say anything. He only stands stoically with his arms crossed. I look back to Dr. Raddison. “Um, come to think of it, the last couple times, yes.” After decorating for Morgan’s shower, when I assaulted
him. I was in a lot of pain. So was our last time at the hotel, only I didn’t know it was our…last time.

He says, “That’s a big red flag.”

“Oh. I thought it was because I was bruised. When I was first hit, the pain radiated all over my stomach and sometimes down to my groin. I just assumed it was from that. I’m so dumb.”

“No. I can see how you missed it. Who hit you with the softball?”

I glance at Rod, who grimaces.

“Nice boyfriend,” my doctor jokes with a laugh.

“I didn’t mean to,” he grumbles. Poor Rod.

“I had a CAT scan of my stomach. How come that didn’t pick it up then?”

“CT scans are broader in their imaging. Something hidden and small like an ectopic would be extremely hard to find if that isn’t what is being investigated. An ultrasound is best, but even they miss them.”

“So, if I had
alcohol, since I didn’t know I was pregnant, that didn’t affect it?”

“No. Nothing you did caused this.”

“Is there anything I can’t do now because I only have one tube?”

“Could you throw webs and swing from building to building?”

I narrow my eyes. “No.”

, no. It just might take you longer to conceive. If after some time you still can’t get pregnant, we can look into fertility drugs or IVF, if need be.”

I scowl and shake my head. “I’m not worried about that. I’m not going to be getting pregnant anytime soon.”

“This pregnancy wasn’t planned?”

Looking down to my legs, I quietly say,

“I see that you had an appointment with me this week and you
wanted to go back on the Pill? Do you still want them?” What’s the point now? I’m not looking to “spreading my legs,” like I was told in my nightmare, anytime soon.

“Not right now. I’m good.” I’ve got to stop saying that. I sound like

“Okay. Let my office know and I can give you a prescription if you change your mind.” He steps away from the wall and says, “You can try to eat, but only a little at a time until you’re sure you can hold it down. Get plenty of rest and no work for four to six weeks. I’ll sign any FMLA papers you have for me.”

“Thanks.” He leaves and I dully try to understand what all he just told me.

Rod says, “Well,
that was informative.”

I snap my eyes to him. “Don’t call me that.” I give him a meaningful look and he takes the hint why.

Sighing, I whisper, “Thanks for stepping up for me. I just didn’t want my doctor to know I was pregnant and dumped.”

He moves closer to me and holds onto the bedrail.
“It’s not your fault. That bastard had other…” He stops and fluffs up his hair, looking away from me.

“Priorities? Ambitions? I know. Other things more important than me. That’s probably why he really didn’t want to marry me for three years. He didn’t want anything holding him back.”

Rod puts his hands on his hips and sighs. “I’d say that’s not true, but honestly, I don’t know. I thought I somewhat knew the guy.”

“I thought I knew him better than anyone else.
” I blink away the tears forming and whisper, “He was my best friend.”

“I’m sorry, Hadley. I really am. I… I wish I could do something for you.”

The door slowly opens and we both look. From behind the short wall next to the door, a ragged voice asks, “Can I come in?”

“Dad!” He peeks his head around the edge of the wall and just the sight of him has me
completely crying. He comes over and gently puts his arms around me, letting me sob in his arms as he kisses the top of my head. He whispers into my hair, “Pumpkin pie, I’m so sorry.”

“I’m so stupid, Dad.”

“Shh. No, you’re not. Don’t even think about him right now.” I know my dad is almost as hurt as I am. I don’t know how much else he knows.

“He’s gone, Dad. He moved to Baltimore. He didn’t want to stay and work it out, or at least try to. He said the baby wasn’t his. I would never cheat like he did! I didn’t
anyone else!”

“I know, baby doll.” I feel him lift his head from mine and I see Rod mouth
ing something to him. My dad nods against my head and says, “We’re here for you.”

Clinging to him, I
cry, “He got me pregnant, cheated on me, and left!” I breathe hard and gasp, “God, it hurts so much!”

He says, “Hadley, you have staples in your stomach. It’s going to hurt when you cry. Shh.”

“My heart hurts more.” He sighs over my head and Rod looks out the window. I must be one pathetic sight.



Dad asked me if I told Bethany, but I said no. She’s busy getting ready to come to Richmond, so she’ll be here in a couple weeks anyway. No need to worry her when I’m on the mend.

Val told my coworkers I was in the hospital for an appendectomy. I was grateful she didn’t lay it all out to them.

I forced Rod to go to the game Saturday. He said it was weird with Drake there, but he found Drake to be a
“real fun guy,” or a mushroom, so they seemed to hit it off. Rod said everyone has questions about the change in the coaching staff. Rod only told them our coach transferred. Betsy and Shasta had asked him why he moved abruptly and without me to which Rod said they’d have to ask our former coach that question. He even suggested sending him an email at his new station.

Rod then stated Shasta is now in love with Drake, so he doubts she’ll even remember our former coach by next week.

My hospital stay lasted four days. My dad, Rod, Morgan and Val alternated staying with me in shifts. Morgan actually was the one who I preferred staying with me. She didn’t talk about much and I was glad for once, and being doped up and let down, I wasn’t great for conversation anyway. We watched TV and she painted my nails black. I had been in between colors and she happened to know what I wanted without even having to ask.

Somewhat thoughtful, Shane came to visit me, which was nice at first.
He had found out from Ivan of my condition.
Thanks a lot, Jethro.
He even brought me flowers.

, you were pregnant. That explains a lot with your weight loss.”

“I guess.”

“Where’s Wilder?”


“Is he coming back?”


“He broke up with you when you were pregnant?”

“No.” Technically,
broke up with
so I wasn’t lying.

“So, you’re still together?”

“Thanks for the flowers.”
Now shut your gaping hole

Thankfully, he didn’t ask any more questions involving
my private life.

When my staples were removed and I was discharged, my dad stayed with me for a couple days, but since he saw I was in good hands with my friends taking care of me, he went back to Annapolis. After he left, Rod took over my couch. He also took time off work to take care of me at my apartment. He said he didn’t have much use for his saved vacation time before, so
I was doing him a favor.

Morgan brought us dinners and we’d all sit on my bed, talking about what
Rod and I were missing at work, which wasn’t much, except for Shasta’s nonstop chatter about Drake, much to Rod’s annoyance.

Val would stop by my apartment, bringing Rod and me lunch. The Thursday following my surgery, when Rod is out picking up more pain medication, Val and I sit on the couch eating grilled cheese sandwiches on Texas toast. As I take a bite, she says, “I knew.”

“You knew what?”

She takes a deep breath. “I knew you were pregnant.”

I drop my sandwich and it tumbles off my plate onto the table. I skeptically ask, “What? How’d you know that when
didn’t even know?”

“It was your aura. You and Morgan both had a dominant orange, which I assumed was because you both were hopeful to get married. Yet, Morgan’s was mixed—bright orange with silver. Yours was dark orange and gray. I asked Paloma and she said those colors most likely represent pregnancy. Morgan had it, but then so did you. Unfortunately, gray means that you were either having trouble getting pregnant or you were and…” She drops off
, regarding me sadly.

Still cynica
l, I ask, “You knew I was pregnant just from my aura?”

“It was that
, and then I kept having more fish dreams. I keep having them until I acknowledge that someone in my life is pregnant. After Morgan told me, the amount of dreams decreased, but some were still reoccurring, so that meant I missed someone. You.” Val sighs. “Also, I noticed you were losing weight, and you looked pale and tired all the time. After I had talked to my sister, I was positive. I wanted to mention my suspicions to you, but I didn’t get a chance to before things took a turn for you after Morgan’s reception. I’m so sorry, babe. I should’ve told you sooner.”

“It’s okay. Wow. You could see I was pregnant?
missed it. I thought I was at one point, but then I got what I assumed was my period, so then I thought I wasn’t.”

“Were you trying to get pregnant?”

I look down to the table. “No, I wasn’t.”

“Oh, babe. It’ll happen for you someday when you find the right man. Maybe I’ll find you one.”
I look up to see her smile, and I shake my head.

“I don’t want another man. I had one
who I completely trusted, but look what happened. He cheated on me. Just like Max Warren did in high school with my best friend.”

“Not all men are like that. Some aren’t, but do make mistakes. You two were so cute together. I was positive he was going to marry you.”

I scoff, “
didn’t want to marry me
have kids with me. You were right about his green aura. All he cared about was his career. One time he lied and said he’d quit his job for me so he wouldn’t be in the public eye anymore. He never meant that. All he cared about were his fans and ratings.”

“Despite his dominant green, he still was very much in love with you.”

I doubtingly scoff, “Why? Did his aura change or something?”

“As a matter of fact, yes. When a person is in love and is near the object of their affection, their aura will merge with their significant other’s. The energies combine to create a realm of light around the two, even leaving part of their energy with their loved one when they leave.”

I cautiously ask, “Really? He had that for me?”

His light is still with you. I see it. That’s why it’s so hard for you.”

“His aura could’ve done that with anyone.”

She shakes her head. “No. It only happened when he was near you. His light only stayed with you.”

“Not Cara?”

“Not even a flare around her. Only with you. His love for you was intense, as you know. Your auras, although different, meshed beautifully”

away from her, I try hard not to lose it. I thought it
intense, but if his love for me was that strong, why did he mutilate me time after time?

Val says, “He left me a message with Rhonda when you were in D.C., but I hesitated calling him back for days. I didn’t know what I was going to say to him, but I wanted to hear what he had to say. When I
finally tried calling him back, his number had been changed.”

I’m bewildered. “Why did he call you?”

“I don’t know. Rhonda said he was looking for you, but you had left for the weekend.”

“He was looking for me?”

“Yes. Rhonda said he sounded desperate to find you.”

He probably had time to think and decided since he is free now, to take that job after all. Maybe he wanted to give me something of mine he found while packing. Whatever it is, I don’t want it.” I wouldn’t have gone with him anyway. I think…

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