I'll Be Seeing You (29 page)

Read I'll Be Seeing You Online

Authors: A.P. Hallmark

"It's not going to happen, Emma. Ever. Why do you persist with this behavior?" I move to make my way to the elevator, but she manages to clamp her hand around my arm.

"Matthew,” she begins seductively, “it will happen. You will be mine again, or I will take you down along with your pet project. Why don't you come back to my hotel with me? I need you to fuck me in the worst way, baby. We were good together once; we can be that again," she purrs, running her hand up and down my arm. I jerk it free and step back from her.

"You haven't changed one single bit, have you? You’re still the manipulative whore you’ve always been. You think that you can flaunt your body for everyone, and they will drop everything for you. For the first time in my life, I have someone who loves me and plays no games. Just go away, Emma, and leave me alone." I turn from her and come to a stop when she speaks.

"Does Joy know about your plan to do your magic on her yet?"

My blood turns to ice. I turn to her and quickly close the few short feet between us.

"You … do not say her name," I snarl, my face a mere inch from hers.

"Oh, darling, did I just strike a nerve?" she asks, sticking out her bottom lip in a pout.

Backing away, I relax my stance and laugh at her. "What is it you really want, Emma? It isn't me, certainly. What do you want?

"Oh, all right, if you insist," she sighs, waving her hand in the air. Shifting her weight to one foot and sticking her hip out while looking at her ridiculously long fake nails, she finally says it. "I want in. I want to be part of your project. I want to be there when it gets the approval. I want to be at your side when it goes global."

My blood curdles, and my eyes squint as I look at her. "How did you know about Joy?" I demand, and as soon as I ask the question, she bursts into vindictive laughter.

"You think I'm stupid, don't you, Matthew?" she draws out slowly, closing the distance I put between us. "Have me share your bed and make me a partner, or you and your precious Joy are history."

I go numb and my mouth falls open at her request.

"Matthew?" I look over Emma's shoulder and there stands my father. Emma snaps around to look behind her and then back to me. She puckers her lips at me in a mock kiss and turns to walk toward my dad.

"Why, if it isn't Leland Davis," she shouts across the garage, strolling toward him in the same manner she walked toward me. "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes?"

In a seductive glance, she looks over her shoulder at me.

Sashaying a circle around him, she regards my father from head to toe. "I wonder if Lillian would mind if I fucked you and your son together … at the same time." She throws her head back in one of the most sinister laughs I've ever heard. "She could watch if she wants to."

"Get the fuck out, Emma. Now!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

"See you around, Mattie," she says, waving her fingers as she walks away.

"Matthew, what was she doing here? Are you —? I mean, you aren't —?”

"NO! Fuck, Dad! How can you even ask that?" I shout, picking up my bag that I don't even remember dropping.

"What was she doing here?" he asks again, his eyes huge from shock.

We both turn toward the elevator, and I look over my shoulder to make sure I don't see her following. "She … she knows about Joy. She knows I want to do my procedure on her." Clearly shaken, I put my hand on the wall to help with my balance. To hear that vile human being even say Joy's name turns my stomach.

"What did she say?" my father asks, pushing the elevator button.

"She said she wants to be part of my project. She wants me to make her a partner. She threatened me." I have a sinking feeling and the gloom and doom sensation that comes with it.

"Well, what the hell did she say, Matthew?"

"Um … she asked me if Joy knows about my plan to operate yet." I try to recall everyone who knows. There's my family, of course, Laura and Brian, but they don't even know Emma. "God, dad, this is making me nauseous. I'm sick at the thought that she's not going away. She's been calling and stopping by my office. I think it was her at the house last night too. Now this." No, she's not going to go away easily, I think.

After the elevator stops on the tenth floor, Krista is at her desk, as usual.

"Good morning, Krista. You remember my father, Leland, don't you?" I ask, while thumbing through the abundant stack of messages already received this morning.

"Yes, absolutely. How are you, Dr. Davis?" Krista stands out of respect and shakes his hand.

"I'm very well, thank you. It's good to see you again." He returns her smile.

"Krista, my father and I are going to make rounds together this morning. Would you get the interns together that are on the schedule?" I request before we enter my office.

"Shut the door behind you, will you, Dad?"

Taking off my jacket, I put on my lab coat and start where I left off. "She somehow knows about Joy. She knows about the procedure. She knows my plan to operate on Joy and she actually wants to be part of the team I will need to build around the success of it. She plans on blackmailing her way in, and she's threatened to take the project down if I don't." Running my hands through my hair, I drop into my desk chair. My dad takes a chair across from my desk.

"Can she do that? Take the project down, I mean?" my father asks, sounding sincere.

"She took down Johns Hopkins without even blinking an eye, ruining our relationship while doing it. She doesn't care who she walks on, or damages in the process. I don't think she'd have a problem or the lack of ethics doing it."

"I just wonder where she learned about Joy." I speak my thoughts out loud. I look up at my dad and he's watching me.

"Let's not tell your mother about what she said in the garage, okay? She would go ballistic knowing another woman talked to me like that. Lillian may be on the reserved side, but in reality, she's fiercely possessive over what's hers."

"So that's where I get it." I smirk at him, recalling my past protective and possessive behavior over Joy. I chuckle when he raises an eyebrow at me.

"Let's not mention this to Joy either. If word is leaked to her about the procedure and her name in the same sentence, 'ballistic' won't begin to describe it." We both nod at each other in agreement and head out the door to make rounds.

Once we’re in the elevator, my father springs some rather surprising news on me.

"Matthew, I need to talk to you about something, and now is as good a time as any, I guess." I look at him as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Your mother and I are selling our practices in Chicago and moving to Seattle."

"What? Wait … What?" I push off the wall of the elevator and stare at him. "You guys are all right, aren't you? I mean, you aren't sick or anything?" If I was nauseous earlier, nothing can describe what I'm feeling now.

"No … No. Nothing like that," he quickly replies, holding his hands up in surrender.

"Are you sure, Dad? You aren't placating me or anything, are you?" I search his face for anything that tells me he's not being truthful.

"We just decided that we want to be closer to our family. We're getting older and with you and Maddie here, we want to be here, too. Are you okay with that?"

How can he even ask me that? I throw myself at him, wrapping him in a tight hug when the elevator doors open and naturally, in walk three of my interns, looking at us skeptically.

"Gentlemen, let me introduce you to my father, Dr. Leland Davis. Father, this is Dr. Murphy, Dr. Justice and Dr. Wilson." All three shake my father's hand, and then he looks back at me.

"I'm happy to hear the news, Dad," I say, throwing my arm around his shoulder.

"Good, because I'm looking for a job." He laughs as the elevator door opens again and walks out into the hallway, leaving me frozen to the spot.

After my morning rounds are over, it’s nearly lunchtime and my father and I head back to my office where we can talk more privately.

"So, tell me what's going on."

"Well, like I said, your mother and I are looking to sell our practices, which won't take long once we put them on the market. We will then pack up our lives in Chicago to move here. Your mother has already found a house she’s interested in. That's one of reasons we have extended our visit … to house hunt." He gets up from his seat and walks nervously to the window. After a few minutes of reflective thinking, he turns around to look at me.

"We have a proposition for you." I nod my head indicating him to go on.

"How would you like to add Davis Cardiology to your marquee downstairs?"

Slowly getting up from my seat, my brow furrows and I have to ask. "Dad? How long have you two been thinking about this?"

"Since before you came to New York this year." He runs his hand through his hair. I smirk at the action and know now where I get that trait.

"So, what do you think?" he asks nervously, as if he half way expects me to say no.

"Having you and mom practice here in this building would be fantastic. I would love to have you both here. We have the perfect space for you just downstairs on the ninth floor. Want to go have a look at it?" I smile at the look on his face.

"Heck yeah! Let's go." He wraps his arm around my shoulder just as my cell phone rings. I look up at him.

"It's Mom," I say before answering.

"Matthew? Is there a reason Emma Ford would be sitting in her car watching Joy's apartment?"

"What?" I yell. So loud, that Dad is at my side instantly and Krista runs in from outside my office.

"What? Lillian? Are you all right, baby?"

"Mom, what's going on?" I say, holding the phone to my ear with my shoulder while I shrug out of my lab coat. Krista immediately runs to my coat rack and grabs my suit coat helping me on with it.

"We’re on our way. Do not get out of the car. Just stay put, do you hear me, mom? I fucking mean it." I hang up my phone and yell at my dad.

"Come on, Emma's at Joy's."

"Fuck,” my dad says, shocking me.

"Fuck,” Krista says.

"Krista, cancel my appointments. Better yet, give them to Jacobson or Jessie," I yell as we run down the hall toward the elevators.

"Mom’s in front of Joy's, and Emma’s sitting in her car across the street watching the apartment," I inform my father, breathing heavily.

"What in the hell is up with that woman?" Dad asks, shaking his head.

"I don't know, but I think I need to go to the police station and talk to them about a restraining order. This is just too much. I will not have her harassing Joy, especially when she can't protect herself."

We run the few short blocks to Joy’s, but once we get there, Emma is gone.

"Mom? Are you all right?"

"Yes, but what's going on, Matthew? Why was she here? I mean, I haven't seen that girl in ten years. Why is she coming around now?"

I explain just enough to satisfy her curiosity. I don’t want to upset her with the more intimate details of the conversation.

"Dear, why don't you and Joy join Matthew and me for lunch today? We can take you to Pikes for lunch, if that's where you were planning on going." I can see the concern on my dad's face as he pulls my mother into his arms.

"Okay. Let's go get Joy. She's probably wondering where I am since I told her I would be here twenty minutes ago."

"Mom, Dad, let's not say anything about this to her, all right? I don't want to worry her unnecessarily, and I need time to figure this out, plus, I'm getting a restraining order."



A pleasant musical tone has me coming out of a deep sleep and I roll over and lazily stretch my body like a feline. Realizing the tone is coming from my phone, I quickly sit up straight in bed. Apparently, Matthew pre-programmed the alarm on my cell to wake me up. Reaching for him on his side of the bed, I feel nothing but a cold, empty space. Reluctantly, I drag myself out of bed, not bothering with a shower since I’ll be at the spa today. Placing my hair in a high ponytail, I quickly apply a small amount of moisturizer on my face, slip into a pair of comfortable velour yoga pants with a matching hoodie, and head downstairs.

"There she is," Maddie cries out, as she shuffles her feet to me at the bottom of the stairs. "Are you ready to get primped, Joy?"

I smile at her exuberance and allow myself to get excited as well. After all, how many times does a girl go to a ball?

"Good morning, beautiful," Brian quickly greets me with his familiar kiss on my cheek.

"Good morning, handsome," I reply, pressing my cheek into his lips.

"Actually, I am excited, Maddie," I answer in response to her question. "I'm looking forward to the massage the most."

"Good, me too. The guys are cooking us Eggs Benedict," she says jubilantly, guiding me toward the kitchen. She lowers her head, whispering in my ear, "It's my dad's specialty."

"Mm, I love Eggs Benedict." My stomach growls just thinking about it.

"I'm over here, babe," Matthew calls from the kitchen. "I'm at the stove making the Hollandaise." I follow his voice and when I reach him, I wrap my arms around his waist.

"I missed you this morning," I pout. Laying my head on his chest, I smile at hearing his strong heartbeat.

"I would prefer for you to wake me up, rather than an alarm,” I sigh quietly.

"Hmm, I'll remember that, no leaving Ms. Johnson until after a visit from her doctor. Got it." I can feel the blush rise from my chest into my hairline.

"I love that color of pink on your cheeks, baby." I actually purr when he gives me a respectful kiss in front of his parents. "They should add that color to the Crayola Crayon box and call it Joy's Blush." I squeeze him tighter at his silliness.

Releasing his waist, I turn to greet his family, "Good morning, everyone." Leland returns my greeting with a kiss on my cheek.

"Come over here and sit next to me, Joy. I have a cup of coffee waiting for you … unless you want a mimosa?" Lillian offers.

"Is Laura here yet?" I ask, bending down to say good morning to Conrad when he lays his head on my lap.

"Not yet. They’re on their way though and should be here by the time breakfast is ready," Matthew explains while stirring the sauce.

"Do you need me to set the table or anything?" I ask, getting up from my seat.

"Don't you move one muscle, young lady," Matthew calls out. "Me cook food. Me set table." I laugh when he nibbles my neck. "Me hunt woman," he continues while making growling 'nom nom nom' sounds into my neck.

"Okay. Jane sit here — look pretty," I mock, while sipping my coffee.

"Hey, Brian, would you set the table?" Matthew shouts over the chatter in the room.

"Yo! Hey, everybody," Jessie calls from the living room. The first thing he does is introduce Laura to Matthew’s parents.

"Mom, this is my girl. Laura, this is Dr. Lillian Davis, known to me as Mom." He then lowers his voice, "She's not really my mom, but she kind of is. I've known her all my life."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Dr. Davis."

"My, aren't you a pretty thing?" Lillian replies, smiling brilliantly. "It's a pleasure to meet the girl that finally settled this boy down. I never thought I would see the day." I snicker behind my hand when Matthew makes a loud snorting sound. We weren’t sure that they would actually pull it off.

"I didn't think I'd see the day either, to tell you the truth," Laura says, chuckling along with Lillian. Jessie then introduces her to Leland.

"Leland, meet my Laura."

"Enchanted, Laura,” I echo Lillian's surprise. “I never thought I'd see the day Jessie would bring a girl home to meet us."

"It's an honor to meet you both, Dr. Davis," Laura says.

"Laura, dear, it's Lillian and Leland," she insists.

"Thank you … Lillian," Laura replies. "I was wondering how I was going to keep track of all the 'Dr. Davis’ in one house."

Sitting back, I listen to all the chatter. Lillian and Maddie are talking about the ball. Brian is talking about a particular book that Leland sent him, and Matthew tries to talk to everyone about what time they should be back to get ready. Since Matthew is the founder of the Davis Institute, there is an expectation that he will be there early to meet and greet everyone.

Given that the ball starts at seven o'clock, it’s agreed that we will be there at six forty-five and Lillian confirms that us girls will be back at the house by four. The men grumble at how much time we will be spending on ourselves today. I roll my eyes and expel a quiet giggle.

"Is this funny, Ms. Johnson?" He kisses the shell of my ear, not forgetting to nibble on it before leaving a trail of kisses down my neck, and then he whispers in my ear, “How about this, Ms. Johnson?” he growls as he presses a sweet kiss to my smiling lips.

"Matthew, stop,” I say, nearly purring. “Your parents are in the room."

"Yes, they are, and my mother is glowing with pride that her son is in love with a beautiful woman."

"Oh, you,” I admonish, pulling on his shirt sleeve. “Stop. You're embarrassing me."

"Breakfast!" Leland calls out from the kitchen. Matthew escorts me to the table, and I feel Conrad taking his place next to my feet.

The sound of everyone chattering around the table and the noises of everyone enjoying their meal makes my heart feel full. This is my family. Everyone I love is at this table.

After breakfast, the girls do the dishes and then get ready to leave for our appointment at the spa. I don't know about the others, but I plan on getting the works. I review my mental checklist: manicure, pedicure, wax, facial, massage, hair and makeup. I want to knock Matthew's socks off.

"Have fun, baby," Matthew says as he helps me into the SUV. After he insists that I sit in the front seat, he buckles my seatbelt and kisses me soundly. Always looking out for me, he asks Laura to take care of me and makes sure his mom knows not to let me go anywhere alone.

"Yes, Dad," Lillian agrees exasperatedly.

"Matthew, we got this, all right? We'll watch out for her. You don't even have to say it," Laura reminds him.

"I know, but—" he begins, before Maddie cuts him off.

"Matthew, enough. Shit!" she lashes out. "We understand that you’re worried, but it's needless, all right?”

"Let us go so we aren't late for our appointment," I impart, cupping his face in the palm of my hand. "Let's go, Lillian." Before I know it, the car is rolling, even before Matthew shuts my door.

"Fuck, Mom!" Matthew yells as we drive away. I shake my head at his over protectiveness, but I love that about him. I feel loved, cherished, and safe.

It doesn't take long to get to the spa, and by the time we arrive, we are laughing hard at a story Maddie was sharing about how she and Matthew, along with the Edelman twins, rode their bicycles over a blind hill. Matthew's bike hit a small boulder hidden behind a bush. Before he had time to react, it was too late. Maddie said it took an hour to get him to quit crying. He had to be carried home by one of the twins because his little boy testicles were injured and he couldn't walk.

What made it even more comical was the fact that, since their dad was at the hospital working, their mom had to examine his injury. The way Maddie describes it, Matthew's humiliation was priceless. Lillian said 'blue balls' took on a new meaning. I’m laughing uncontrollably to the point that I have tears streaming down my face when I hear Laura move quickly from behind me to open my door and help me out of the car, guiding me inside.

"Here, Joy, dear. Let me remove your shield." I feel Lillian gently peel the surgical tape from my skin, and the shield comes off easily.

"If you can avoid this area, right here, you won't cause her any pain,” Lillian explains to the esthetician. “You wouldn't want her doctor to find out that she's been injured. He's also her boyfriend."

Once we are signed in and seated, someone enters the room, and Maddie lets out a loud squeal.

"What is it?" I ask, my curiosity peaked.

"Ms. Johnson, Dr. Davis has sent this bottle of champagne for you and your friends to enjoy and he also asked me to remind you that your beauty cannot be improved upon."

"Oh, my," I whisper.

"Oh my, indeed," Laura repeats.

The champagne is opened and poured, each of us given a glass. We all raise them when Lillian proposes a toast.

"Maddie, dear, you already know how I feel about your Brian."

"Yes, Mama, I do," Maddie replies.

"Joy, Laura, here's to you for coming into my boys' lives. I'm so very happy to have you all in my family. Cheers." I hold out my glass, and everyone clinks theirs on mine.

"To Matthew." I toast, holding my glass in a silent salute to him for making this day even more special than it already is.

"Yeah, here's to Matthew Scissorhands."

"What?" I ask, curious.

"Should I tell her, Mom?" Maddie and her mother are laughing at a private joke and at Matthew's expense … again.

Poor Matthew.

"Tell me," I beg, giggling at the memory of the previous story.

"Well, let's see. We were about seven, and I was in the playroom playing with my seven thousand Barbie dolls. I had so much Barbie stuff,” she says dreamily. "Matthew came downstairs, picked up Ken and started to play dolls with me. It was fun." She quit talking, and I hear the bottle of champagne clink the rim of her glass.

"Matthew was mad because he wanted Ken to drive the Corvette, and Barbie wouldn't let him.

“You’re mean, Barbie.” Matthew said before he stomped off. I was heavily involved in a party that Redhead Barbie was having in the corner, and after a while, I turned around to find that Matthew had cut the hair off of all but three of my dolls."

"I stood up and screamed that high shrill that all little girls have. You know the one. Anyway, to shut me up, he rushed over to me and threw me to the ground covering my mouth with his hand." Maddie and Lillian are now laughing together, and she continues. “I think they look pretty," Matthew told me. "In fact, I think all girls should wear their hair like this one here.'

"He held up one of the rare Barbie dolls I had that had dark hair like mine. Most of them were blonde like Laura. Anyway, he talked me into the unthinkable."

Lillian is laughing so hard, and takes the story from there.

"I come running down the stairs to a screaming and frantic Maddie to see all of her long, beautiful hair lying all over the floor. I had visions of Matthew Scissorhands cutting Maddie's hair with the dark tresses flying through the air."

"What did you do?" Laura barks through her laughter.

"I screamed," Lillian says matter-of-factly. "I didn't know what to do. I stood there in total and utter shock. I looked at Maddie's bald head and then at all the hair lying on the carpet. The thought of using glue came to mind. Girls, her hair was a quarter of an inch long with bald spots, too."

"I have pictures,” Lillian said dryly. “Once I regained my composure, I asked Matthew what happened. He actually had the audacity to look up at me and, with his eyes wide open, he said, “She looks like G.I. Joe, huh?”

"And, so, that was my nickname for years. It took forever for my hair to grow back, too," Maddie says, taking a deep breath.

"What a little shit," Laura said quietly.

"Oh, that doesn't totally describe him. As much as he was a little shit, he was a little angel too," Lillian replies. "I can't tell you how many black eyes and nosebleeds he came home with, defending Maddie's honor. Not one rude comment was made without him taking care of whoever made it."

"Still, he was a little shit." Laura held firm in her belief, but she giggled out loud. "I would have loved to see that G.I. Joe cut, though, Maddie."

“Who would have thought that my perfect Matthew was such a little troublemaker?” Snickering at his little boy antics.

"Laura, your Jessie wasn’t the sweet angel he is today.” Everyone in the room snorted over that comment. “There was never a dull moment in the house while those two were growing up. And don't sit there looking so smug, missy." Lillian says to Maddie. "You have your tales of adventure, but I will save those for a day I can share with Brian."


After everyone has their hair, hands, and feet done, Maddie, Laura and Lillian begin cooing over how beautiful everyone looks.

"I wish I could see you all … to see how beautiful you look." I stand there and a bit of emotion hits me. In just a matter of days, that's the second time I've said to myself that I wish I could see.

"We know what you meant, babe." Laura, always the smooth talker, hugs me to her and starts explaining how everyone looks.

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