Illicit (3 page)

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Authors: Opal Carew

She walked faster, heading toward the elevator, then froze as she noticed a humming sound. Oh, God, the elevator. The doors parted and her jaw fell open as a drop-dead gorgeous man in police uniform stepped out.

His gaze locked on her and her heart stopped. His eyes were so blue. The color of the sky at twilight. And she couldn’t help noticing his strong, square jaw, his classic nose, high cheekbones … and his sexy lips.

And the glinting badge on his shirt.

*   *   *

Erik hadn’t realized just how beautiful she was, with her full, pink lips, bright blue-gray eyes, and shimmering golden hair that flowed well past her shoulders.

“Oh, um … hello, Officer,” she said.

“Hi. Is there something wrong?” The woman was clearly flustered. And he sensed slightly aroused.

“Um … No, not really, I was just on my way out.”

Why would she come all the way here, then leave?

Then again, women weren’t always rational. He’d learned that the hard way. In the half dozen or so serious relationships he’d had, they’d all ended with the woman walking out. Why? Because he knew them too well. He
them too well. They didn’t want someone who could read them as well as he could. In his book, that was not rational.

“I thought you came for the weekend,” he said.

Her eyes widened. “Oh, my God. You’re the third man.”

“That’s right.” He smiled reassuringly, wondering if his uniform was intimidating her.

“Look, there’s been a bit of a mistake—”

At the sound of Travis and Connor’s voices behind her, she spun around. At the sight of the two men walking into the room—Travis with a towel wrapped around his waist and Connor with his towel draped over his shoulder, leaving him essentially naked—her face blossomed with color. Their broad shoulders and glistening, muscular chests were a sight to see, but her gaze dropped to Connor’s big, dangling penis. Then shot away.

Had they started without him? Whatever had happened between them had clearly scared her off.

“Well, here’s our lovely guest, and it seems she’s met Erik,” Connor said.

Travis jabbed Connor in the ribs. “Uh, Connor, you’re making her uncomfortable.”

“Oh, sorry.” Connor grinned as he tugged the towel from his shoulder, then wrapped it around his waist. He pushed his dark, blond hair from his face, then stepped toward her and held out his hand. “Hi, there. My name’s Connor Jackson.”

“Haven’t you already met?” Erik asked.

“No, Lindsay was in her room when we arrived,” Travis said, “so we went out for a swim.”


Lindsay stared at Connor’s outstretched arm and hesitantly placed her hand in his. His big, strong fingers enveloped hers as he shook her hand gently, then squeezed. Her gaze shifted to his, and locked onto his hazel eyes, glittering with golden specks. Heat coursed through her as she remembered him holding his big cock in his hand, then later wrapping it around the other man’s. He smiled, as if he knew what she was thinking, and that she’d been watching them.

Finally, he released her hand and the other man stepped toward her, his hand outstretched.

“Travis Blake,” he said as she placed her hand in his. His full lips pulled up in a warm, welcoming smile. He shook her hand, his chocolate brown eyes simmering with heat.

“I haven’t introduced myself yet,” the police officer said, stepping toward her. “My name’s Erik Hamilton.”

“Hi, I’m Lindsay.”

When she took Erik’s hand, a wave of heat washed through her, and she imagined his arms sweeping around her, pulling her tight to his hard, muscular body while his mouth devoured hers.

She could see her need mirrored in his mesmerizing, deep blue eyes and she could feel herself being drawn deeper into the fantasy, longing for more. Wanting him to pull her into his arms in real life, to kiss the bejesus out of her, then start to explore her body with that sexy mouth of his.

When he released her hand, she just stared at him, slightly rattled at his effect on her.

“Lindsay was just telling me there’s been some kind of mistake.”

“Oh? Did you see us out by the pool?” Travis asked, his eyes narrowing.

*   *   *

Oh, damn. Erik felt a pang in his gut.

Lindsay nodded and the warmth dissipated from Travis’ eyes.

Now the pieces fell into place. Lindsay had been in her room when the guys arrived, so they went out for a swim. But it wasn’t just a swim. Now Travis believed that Lindsay had been repulsed by the sight of two men having sex.

“I’m going to change,” Travis said flatly and strode away.

Connor and Erik exchanged a glance. Connor had figured it out, too. Erik wasn’t convinced that Lindsay had a problem with the guys being intimate, but Travis had a chip on his shoulder about these things.

Connor turned his attention back to Lindsay. “Are you having second thoughts?”

“No, not second thoughts.” She dragged her gaze from Travis’ retreating back, looking a bit perplexed. “I thought the invitation was actually from my friend. A joke invitation to a girls’ weekend.”

“Well, that’s unfortunate,” Connor said.

“So you never intended to accept the invitation?” Erik asked.

“No. I mean … I don’t know any of you and … well, it’s kind of wild, the idea of me coming here to … um … be with three men.”

So he was right. Her leaving had nothing to do with seeing Connor and Travis together. In fact, Erik suspected that the sight of them together had actually turned her on. That would explain the arousal he’d sensed in her when he arrived.

Right from the first time he’d seen her in the elevator, he could tell she was a sensuous woman who had an active and exciting imagination. It had been a wild ride up that day, with sexual fantasies swirling through his head. His cock had hardened and he’d been tempted to stop the elevator when the last set of people got off and offer to satiate her need. With all three of them.

Of course, doing that would have been crazy, but he was sure she had been as mesmerized as he. And even now, he sensed that she was definitely curious. Maybe she just needed a little coaxing.

“I understand that this situation is a bit overwhelming,” he said, “but you came all the way here. Why don’t you stay for a swim and maybe talk a little? Get to know us. Then if you still want to leave, I’ll drive you home.”

“I don’t have a bathing suit with me. And I don’t want to mislead you. I am not going to stay for a … uh … fantasy weekend. My friend Jill set this up, right? Because I don’t know what she told you, or what she was thinking to arrange this in the first place. But I think there’s been a
big misunderstanding.”

“We get that the whole sexual fantasy thing is off the table,” Connor said, “but I have a suggestion. Why don’t you and Erik go out for the evening? You can talk and get to know each other. I sense there’s some smoking hot chemistry between you. If there is, maybe you’ll want to explore it a little more. If not, then all you’ve lost is a few hours of your time.”

And that would give Connor some time to talk to Travis and calm him down.

“That’s a great idea,” Erik said, stepping toward her. “What do you say?”

The heat of her soft, feminine body drew him like a warm magnet, and he sensed he was having the same effect on her.

She gazed at him, and he could tell she was more than a little tempted, but still she hesitated.

“He’s a cop, so you know you can trust him,” Connor chimed in. “And you’ve got to admit, that uniform’s hot.”

*   *   *

The closeness of his body, especially in the uniform, was definitely making Lindsay hot. There was no denying that the whole situation was completely crazy, but her gut told her to live on the wild side just this once.

“I know a great little place just a few blocks from here,” Erik said. “We could walk. Then afterward, I’ll drive you home.”

He was the hottest guy she’d ever seen and he was asking her on a date.
You don’t know him
, the voice of reason said.
Don’t you want to change that?
another more adventurous voice chimed in.

“All right.”

A wide smile spread across his face, lighting his midnight eyes. “Just give me a minute to change.”

Erik turned and headed toward the hall, then disappeared around the corner. She leaned over and pulled on her shoes.

“Well, here we are. Alone at last.”

She started and turned to Connor, who still wore only a towel draped around his waist. Thoughts of his big, heavy penis dangling beneath the covering wafted through her brain.

He chuckled. “Come on. I’ll get you a drink.” He turned and walked toward a door off the dining room.

She hesitated, then realized it would be silly to just stand by the elevator for ten minutes waiting for Erik to return. She followed him, her gaze drifting to the towel on his hips that slipped lower and lower as he walked. Her breath caught as the towel started to drop free, but he caught it and tucked the end securely into place again.

She followed him through the door into a huge kitchen with granite counters, stainless steel appliances, tall stools at the counter, and a table and chairs in a generous eating area near a huge window with a great view of the pool.

Connor opened the fridge. “We’ve got beer and juice. Or I could make you a margarita or something.”

“A juice, please.”

He twisted the top off a bottle and handed it to her, then opened one for himself.

“This is a really nice place,” she said, glancing around at the beautiful dark wood cabinets, black shiny countertops, and the glossy hardwood floor.

“We like it.”

She sat on one of the high stools at the counter and sipped her drink.

“Do you all live here together?”

He leaned against the counter and smiled. “Yeah. We moved in about three weeks ago. Before that, Travis and I were roommates. Now it’s the three of us.”

“Three of us?” Erik said as he walked into the room, wearing dark jeans and a striped cotton shirt. “Are you joining us, Connor?”

Connor chuckled. “I wouldn’t think of it.” He grabbed his juice and walked to the door. “I think Travis and I will catch a movie tonight, then head over to that new club. But I’d better put on some clothes first.”

As Connor disappeared out the doorway, Lindsay stood up, ready to leave.

“Go ahead and finish your drink. There’s no rush.” Erik sat beside her at the counter.

“Connor was just telling me you all moved in here recently.”

Erik glanced around. “Yeah. We’re still getting used to the place.”

“It’s a gorgeous apartment. And I can’t believe you have a pool right outside the door. Is it just for your use?”

“That’s right. It’s totally private.” He turned toward her, leaning his elbow on the counter. “Speaking of which, I assume that earlier you saw Connor and Travis outside doing more than swimming.”

She pursed her lips and nodded. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude on their privacy.”

“Not at all. I’m sure they didn’t care at all that you saw them. Travis was just reacting to the fact you were leaving and I’m sure he thought it was because you saw them and were making”—he shrugged—“I don’t know, some kind of judgment about them.”

Her chest tightened. “Oh, no. Not at all. That’s not why I was leaving.”

“I know. I just wanted to explain why Travis acted that way. Don’t worry, Connor will explain the mix-up to him.”

“Hey, you two.” Connor poked his head in the door. “Travis and I are leaving now. Want to ride down with us?”

Lindsay took a last sip of her drink, then followed Connor to the entrance. Travis stood inside the elevator holding the doors open. Connor grabbed her purse from the floor and handed it to her.

Lindsay preceded him into the elevator. She felt tiny standing amongst the three tall men. The doors closed and the elevator began to move. Erik stood at her side with Connor and Travis behind them. At the heat of their bodies so close to her, her insides quivered. They were so hot and sexy. She drew in a deep breath, trying to suppress the steamy images fluttering through her brain. Of Connor stepping forward until his hard body pressed the length of her. Of Travis sliding close beside her and stroking her hair from her face, his fingers trailing lightly across her temple, then his lips nuzzling her ear. Of Erik stepping in front of her, then taking her in his arms and capturing her lips in a passionate kiss.

Erik coughed and she glanced up at him. He smiled at her, a twinkle in his eyes, and she could almost believe he could see the images in her head. Even though she knew that was impossible, her cheeks flushed.

Erik continued to smile at her, as if he knew just what she was thinking.

Damn it, what came over her in elevators? At least, in elevators with these three men.

When the doors opened, she practically lurched into the lobby.

Connor and Travis said good-bye as they headed for the elevator to the parking garage and Erik walked with her to the front door.

They stepped into the warm evening air and walked along the sidewalk. It was still early on a summer’s evening so the sun wouldn’t set for a while yet. They walked by a restaurant with planters of pink and purple petunias out front, then crossed at a light and continued down another block.

“Here it is.” Erik opened the door for her and she entered the welcoming cool air of the bar.

Soft music was playing and she noticed a dance floor near the back. The hostess guided them to a quiet table, then a waitress came by and took their drink order.

“You live in a really nice neighborhood,” Lindsay said. It was definitely a prime area. She wondered how they could afford such an extravagant place in such a posh area.

“We like it. We haven’t had much time to explore yet. We’re still settling in.”

The waitress brought their drinks.

“So why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself?” Erik said.

“Oh, well, I’ve lived here all my life. I went away to college, but came back right after that. My father and stepmother live in a big house in the suburbs, but I prefer to live downtown close to the office.”

“What do you like to do in your spare time?”

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