IMPACT: A Secret Baby Sports Romance (11 page)

Chapter 18




Her eyes widened. For a moment, I thought she might hit me. Anger flickered across her face, as did laughter, then disbelief.

She was wide open to me right now. Her last wall had fallen down and she was letting me see
And it was so fucking beautiful that I needed more, and I knew, on instinct, that I would have to push her to get it. Nudge her over past the last boundary she had erected between us. And that meant taking complete control. 

I leaned over her and took her bottom lip between my teeth. I bit down, making her gasp and then hiss, before I took it between my lips and sucked greedily. She moaned into my mouth and in that moan, I heard it.


"You ready?"

She nodded once, her eyes closed.

"I'm taking off your clothes now."

She nodded again.

I lifted her shirt over her head, nearly tearing it in my eagerness but trying to go slowly. She was trusting me, for maybe the first time ever, and I would be damned if I took that lightly. So I tamped my desire down and took my time, lavishing her now naked breasts with attention, kissing and suckling them until her dark nipples were tight and erect.

"Unh, you're going to leave a mark," Olivia groaned.


"Don't be." She twisted from side to side, her eyes shut tightly. "Mark me, Brad. Make me feel it."

"You will," I promised, leaning over and kissing her full mouth. She parted her lips, letting me in eagerly.

Then I sucked in my breath and got to work.

She opened her eyes and watched me, and her eyes shone so brightly that I could see myself in the reflection as I snaked the rope around the headboard and trailed it down in equal lengths along her body. I could see the concentration on my face as I tied her, not so tight that it would hurt her, but tight enough that she
feel it.

"Do you like this?" she wondered.

I leaned back and looked at her. The rope bound her wrists to the headboard, then twisted down in a crisscrossing pattern that put her breasts on display. I had finished with a complicated knot, centered right over her breastbone.

"Yes," I breathed, letting my eyes rake over the sight of her. "Yes. I really fucking like this."

Her lips parted and her breathing came faster. She was nearly panting now and I hadn't even begun to touch her. "You like it too," I said, smiling. "You really do."

She licked her lips. She still didn't want to admit to me how much she wanted to give in.

I wasn't worried. That would come next. 

"You look, amazing," I declared. I wanted her to
it, how beautiful she was, how much she fucking meant to me. But, also, this
Olivia I had naked and tied up underneath me. I couldn't resist a little bit of dirty talk too. "You look good enough to eat."

Her eyes flashed and a little bit of the nervousness in them drained away. "You gonna eat me, Brad?"

"No. I'm going to devour you."

Chapter 19




Just before his tongue touched me, he groaned. It was a small noise and I could tell I wasn't supposed to hear it. And it nearly shattered me.

Then his tongue found my center and I lost all capability of thinking.

His mouth was searingly hot on my skin. He didn't nibble or tease. He grabbed ahold of the knot at the center of my breastbone and pulled me to him, using the leverage he gained to thrust his tongue deep into the secret spaces inside of me. I wiggled against him, feeling the way the rope slid against my skin and I knew it was going to mark me, probably everywhere, but I didn't fucking care because it was marking me as his.

I was his and I wasn't going anywhere.

And neither was he.

My skin felt electric, my body blazing hot with the fire he'd ignited. Brad was always good at oral, precise and diligent, but right now he was losing it and that made it so much more real than anything we had done before. I heard his grunts and sighs down there and I knew he was loving this as much as I was, maybe even more.

And though I had always known him to be a good lover, this was the first time I had considered that the word 'lover' meant
someone who loves.

That thought broke open above me and suddenly it was all I could do to keep myself from crying again.

I wriggled, pinned and somehow the fact that I couldn't maneuver myself to meet him, that my pleasure was all in his hands made it break over me all the sooner. All at once I cried out because I was cumming so hard that it blinded me, and I swore that my eyes were open but there were only white flashes in my vision.

And then, so fast, so fast that I hadn't even stopped crying out, he slipped inside of me and I hit that peak yet again. I squirmed and bucked, riding the frenzy. It was good, so good, that I was tied down because it was the only thing keeping me from flying away.

"Holy shit," Brad breathed, looking down at where we were connected. "Jesus Olivia, look at you."

But I looked at him instead, this man I thought I had figured out, and I was so, so glad I had gotten him all wrong.


"Leave it," I sighed sleepily. "I want you to keep me like this."

I barely knew what I was saying anymore. All I could think was that if he untied me, I might fall apart. This rope was the only thing keeping me together.

But Brad's eyes narrowed. "Liv, it's going to hurt you. You can't sleep with your arms up like that."

"Can I at least try?" I pleaded.

He chuckled. "You liked it that much, huh?"

"Yeah," I said softly. "I did."

"Then we'll do it again," Brad said, just as matter-of-fact as can be, like he didn't just blow my mind by casually mentioning a
next time

"Here," he whispered. "This might hurt a little."

The rope had cut deep dents into my skin and they stung more than I was prepared for. I hissed at the burn.

Brad leaned over and kissed the mark.

I exhaled sharply as he did it again. Laying a feathery trail up my torso, he soothed the burn, alternating kisses with little laps of his tongue then blowing a cooling breath over my skin. "If you keep doing that, I might cum again," I groaned, "I'm warning you."

"I don't mind that in the slightest."

"But I'll die," I protested. "I'll be the first confirmed case of death by orgasm. You'll have to explain it to my mom."

He chuckled and dragged his prickly beard against my skin. "There, does that help?"

I gazed at him. "You'd think so. But no. Getting your beard involved will only make me cum harder."

He laughed again and reached above us. "This is gonna smart a little," he warned. Then he undid the knots at my wrists.

"Ooooh," I breathed. My shoulders ached like I had spent the day at the gym. Then I regarded him quizzically. "How do you know so much about the after effects of bondage?"

He didn't answer. "Here, sit up," he instructed instead. I did so, and he slid behind me so that I could lie back on him. I melted against his bare skin as he worked the knot out of my shoulder.

"You didn't answer my question," I murmured sleepily.

"I think you might know the answer to that," he replied, diplomatically.

I turned my head to look up at his face. "Why didn't you tell me you were into bondage?"

"I told you now."

"But... before."

He took a heavy breath. "Bondage requires trust, Liv."

I pouted. "You didn't trust me?"

"No, sweetheart. You didn't trust me."

I closed my eyes against the profound and deep feeling of regret that rushed in. "I trust you, Brad," I said, my voice breaking.

"I know you do," he soothed, sliding us down so that we were on our sides, him holding me tight from behind. I had never felt so much like the little spoon than I did at that moment. He kissed my neck, then nibbled on my earlobe. "And I am so fucking glad that you finally do."

Chapter 20




Our flight had been rescheduled for two that afternoon. Which meant that I needed to leave Olivia's at ten in order to grab my bags and get to the bus in time.

At 9:45 I was between her legs again.

"Just one more kiss goodbye," I promised her, lapping greedily.

"Are you going to tie me up again?"

"Are you going to start getting all grabby?" I wondered.

She boldly stared me down with a challenge in her eye. Sleep had made her spunky again. "Yes."

"Then no. I
you to grab me. Hold my head and tell me exactly where to lick you, Liv."

"Jesus," she cried, grabbing my hair. I let her go buck wild on my face, fucking herself with my tongue until she came, her thigh muscles quivering around my face.

It was incredible. And after her beautiful surrender last night, she absolutely deserved to use me this way.

The rope had marked her like I knew it would. Her skin was olive, but the marks were a deep purple. I loved them and I hoped they'd still be there when I got back.

But if they weren't, I would be sure to put some new ones in their place.

"You should fuck me again," she panted. Her skin was covered in a fine sheen that I could taste. She tasted like everything I could ever want.

"Aren't you sore yet, you greedy woman?"

She lifted her chin at me. "I'm sore as fucking hell and I'll probably be walking like a cowboy all day today. I don't give a shit. Put your cock inside of me."

I grinned. Her filthy mouth was back again. "Is that how you ask nicely?"

She bit her lip as I pressed my thumb against her clit. "Brad, I have 206 bones in my body," she whined, grabbing for my cock. "I want 207."

"I have to leave," I told her, even as I was pressing my tip to her entrance.

"One more time," she whispered, her eyelids fluttering. Then she said the fucking magic word. "Please."

Fuck, I was so gone for this girl.

"I'm going to fuck you one more time," I murmured. I thrust as slowly and gently as I could, mindful of how raw she must be, but it took everything I had to hold back when I felt her clutch my back the way she did. "And then I'm going to go on the road and do my job real quick and professional like, so I can come back home and fuck you again."

"And again," she echoed.

"That's right." My breath was coming faster now, and the heat was building in my center. "And again and again after that. So be ready. Getting fucked by me is now your full-time job. None of this part time shit, right? This is real for me Liv, and - Christ you feel so good - and it's real for you too. Right Liv? Tell me this is real."

"It's real," she gasped, drawing out the last syllable into a slow scream. I broke as she did, following her over the edge while I clutched her tight.


I was late as fuck when I finally broke free of the spell of Olivia and got my ass in a cab. Coach Randall was going to tear me a new one if I made the team miss the flight to Denver. Usually, this prospect would fill me with anxious dread.

But so long as I could call up the image of Olivia tied up and cumming underneath me, I didn't think I could ever mind anything again.

I sat in the back of the cab, my head in the clouds. Even the waft of something ripe that puffed up from the seat when my head hit it couldn't dampen the magic of what had just happened.


It felt like a triumph, a victory far sweeter than any I had achieved on the rink. It felt like, if I could make this happen, if I could make
into a thing, then I could do fucking anything.

Maybe even captain this team.

The more I considered it, the more it just seemed like a no-brainer. Ian was right. Aside from him, I was the most senior guy on the team. I had a reputation for staying in the shadows, but that was probably a good thing. With no badass reputation to maintain, I could walk onto the rink with no pre-conceived notions clouding the refs' judgment. They would have no reason to make a point by ruling against me, a problem we had often enough with Ian wearing the 'C."

I could do it. In fact, I could probably do it even better.

The cabbie swung by my apartment, and I tipped him a twenty to stay put while I ran upstairs.

The first thing I heard as I put my key in the lock was the blaring boom of my sound system. It sounded like a war zone even before I opened the door. When I actually pushed it open, the noise that assaulted my eardrums sounded like I was actually on the battlefield myself.

"Marc!" I shouted. But my brother couldn't hear me over the din. He was parked on the couch, and his eyes were glassy. He was unshaved, and looking pretty rank in his dirty-ass tighty-whiteys.

I'm not a neatnik by any stretch of the imagination, but the sight of his unshowered ass sprawled all over my nice couch made me livid.

I stalked across the room and hit the main power button, shutting the whole damn thing off in one go.

"Whoa!" For a second, Marc looked like he was going to hit me.

Then he blinked a bunch of times. "Oh, hey Brad. Didn't hear you come in."

"Yeah, no fucking shit. You wouldn't have heard if Armageddon was going on outside. What the fuck, Marc? I've got neighbors."

"Really?" He looked like he hadn't even considered this idea. "Oh. Sorry man."

I leaned in and sniffed. "Wait. Have you been drinking? It's ten thirty in the morning!"

His tone turned petulant. "Well, what the hell else am I supposed to do with my time?" he whined, sitting up and stretching, then scratching his side. "I've got a meeting with my parole officer tomorrow. And other than that, it's just a big, wide-open blank space." He sat forward, resting his elbows on his knees. Already some of that muscle tone he'd honed in the prison yard was atrophying, replaced with a layer of softness no doubt a result of all the pizza he'd been charging to my card. "I've got no job and no prospect of ever getting a job." he exhaled, running his hand over his naked scalp. "My friends are fucktards and my brother is too fucking busy with god knows what to even hang out and catch up." He lifted his can and leaned back again. "So I'm drinking. Seemed a sensible option at the moment."

I stared at him livid, ready to light into him. But there just wasn't time. The cab was waiting. I had to settle for a deep, irritated sigh, "Marc. Get up. Take a shower, get off my couch and do something. Go for a walk or whatever." The way his face fell made my heart fall with it. "Goddammit, come here." I clutched him in a quick, tight hug. "Don't do this, Marc. You're too smart to let yourself atrophy like this."

Marc made a rueful noise. "If I were smart, I would have never gotten caught in the first place.

He had me there. "You're smart about a bunch of things. You're just not a very smart criminal." I clapped him on the shoulder. "Maybe that's a good thing?"

He smiled a wan, watery smile. "You gonna be gone long?"

"Not long," I said, as encouragingly as I could. "And when I get back, we'll go out. Just.... take a shower between now and then, okay?"

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