IMPACT: A Secret Baby Sports Romance (29 page)

I lifted her legs, pressing them backwards, still caught inside of her skirt and panties. She was immobilized underneath me, and frankly I liked that. I pressed her backwards, loving how flexible she was, until the whole of her glistening center was exposed to me. “You need me,
?” I teased her, dipping my tongue into that sweetness. “I’ll be the judge of that.” I ran my tongue along the whole of her. “Shit, yes, you are completely soaked. Is that what thinking about my cock inside of you does to you, Candy? Do you get wet just thinking about it?”

She tried to answer, but I knelt upward, and pressed the head of my cock against her entrance, then slid forward to her clit, spreading the lips of her pussy, coating my cock in her juices. “Oh my God, Ian,” she moaned, her eyes rolling backwards. Her knees were practically to her ears, her arms splayed out, fingers clutching the bed.

“I could do this all day,” I growled.

Her eyes flew open. “Don’t you dare,” she hissed, and reached down to enclose my length in her small fist. “You put this inside of me, right now, Ian Carter.”

“Or what?”

“Or I’ll do it myself,” she insisted, wiggling herself into position and yanking my cock forward like she was pulling on a lever.

I laughed, and let her guide me inside of her. As soon as I slipped inside of that hot, slick tightness, we both groaned. “What are you doing to me?” she whispered, as I began to move inside of her.

“I’m fucking you,” I told her, thrusting higher and deeper. “And I’m going to keep fucking you, Candace. “You’re my sweet piece of candy, and I’m your big, bearded bully. Opposites fucking attract, and I have never wanted anyone the way I want you. As long as you want me, as long as you need this, I’m going to give it to you. Does that sound like a deal?”

She reached up, raking her nails down my back to clutch my ass tightly, pulling me inside of her.” Deal,” she gasped with a shuddering breath as I thrust into her as hard as I could. The bed squeaked, the wind howled and rattled the window frame, but nothing was louder than the sounds we made when we finally came together.







Chapter Nineteen




“What do you like?” Ian asked me, stroking my thigh.

I rolled over, arching into him. “I like pretty much everything you’ve been doing,” I purred, as contended as a cat.

He shook his head. “So far, everything we’ve been doing is about what
want,” he protested.

“Maybe I want what you want,” I said. “Maybe that’s why we work so well together.”

He shook his head again. “Candy girl, I’m a hockey player, so I’m part of a team. That’s not how teams work. It’s all about give and take. You are doing all of the giving, and I’m doing all of the taking. I want to know what you want, so I can give to you.”

I looked at him, a strange sort of panic settling around my chest. “This sounds stupid. But, no one’s ever asked me that before.”

“You don’t know what you’re into?”

I shook my head. “Is that pathetic?”

He growled against my neck. “It’s not pathetic, it’s exciting. This means we’re going to find out together. But you have to tell me the truth. You can’t just tell me something because you think it’s what I want to hear. Don’t be nice, Candace. Take what you want.” He lifted me to my feet to stand before him.

I looked up at him, this huge, mountain of a man, bearded and brawny, the exact opposite of Prince Charming…and my knees went fucking weak.

Who was I?

He looked down at me like he wanted to ask the very same question. Then he wound his fist around my ponytail, and yanked my head back.

I yelped as he assaulted my mouth with his, kissing me roughly, brutally, his tongue sweeping over mine, owning every inch of my mouth in a way that left me breathless and trembling.

“Did you like that?” he growled against my lips.

“Yes,” I moaned, exhaling shakily.

He reached down, touching between my legs. “I’ll say you did,” he growled, sliding his thick finger over the slickness that greeted him there. I moved my hips, pressing into him, already needing him again.

He took his finger away and I whined a little, shimmying with frustration.

Then he put his big hand on my shoulder and pressed downward, forcing me to my knees, my hair still wrapped around his fists, pinning me to him. I was suddenly face to face with that massive, thick cock.

“Open your mouth,” he told me.

I grinned up at him and did what he said.

He yanked me forward, and thrust himself inside of my mouth. My lips stretched wide, painfully so. I choked as he stole my breath, feeling like I was going to gag.

Then he yanked my head backwards again. “Did you like that?” he growled.

I coughed. “Yes,” I gasped.

“No, you didn’t. Stop being nice and tell me the truth.”

I shook my head slightly. “No, I didn’t really like that.”

He knelt down so that we were face to face, nose to nose. “No, fucking

I glared into those dark eyes. “I really didn’t like that, Ian. Please don’t do it again.”

He shook his slightly, still not satisfied. “Still too polite. Stop being nice, Candace. Take what you want.”

I narrowed my eyes. “You’re starting to seriously piss me off.”

He nodded a little. “Good, that’s good. Take what you want. Tell me, really give it to me.”

I placed both of my hands against his chest and gave him a little shove. He barely moved, but it felt good. “Don’t do that again, asshole.”

He grinned in triumph. “That’s right, that’s right. Now tell me to go fuck myself.”

I lifted both middle fingers, shocked and strangely delighted. “Go fuck yourself, dipshit.”

He widened his eyes in shock. “Holy shit, that was the sexiest thing I think I’ve ever seen.”

I giggled. “I don’t think I have ever flipped anyone off in my life!” I said.

“I told you, Candace. You’re ruining me. Now it’s my turn to ruin you.”

“I don’t think it counts as ruining me if I like it.”

He wrapped his hand around my ponytail again, crushing my mouth against his. I arched into him, smashing my breasts into his chest, feeling the all-over ache that consumed me whenever I was in the same room with him…on the same street…in the same city…country…

I wasn’t sure how I was ever going to not need him. I wasn’t sure of anything anymore, except that I wanted him.

Still kneeling, he snaked his hand under my ass, and lifted me in the air with one hand. I wrapped my legs around his waist, and let him lower me onto his cock.

“Oh my God,” I caught my breath as that thick length impaled me. “Oh my God, I sure as fuck like

Ian wrenched his lips away from my mouth and buried his face between my breasts as he began to move us both. I surrendered to the sensation, lost in the feeling of complete fullness, as he fucked me from below. I clung to him, but still felt like I was flying.

It felt a lot like falling, actually.

Falling in love.



My drafty single window rattled in its frame. Another storm, and a bad one, too by the sound of it. But strangely, I didn’t feel the blast of icy air that usually poured in.

“You’re like a radiator,” I murmured, snuggling closer.

Ian sighed and rolled over, throwing his massive arm over me so that I was pinned under its weight.

My eyes nearly rolled back in my head.

“I haven’t been this warm since August,” I sighed happily.

“Are you telling me you’re just using me for my body heat?” Ian growled, his voice raspy with sleep. It was the sexiest thing I had ever heard.

“Maybe?” I giggled. “Could we stay here forever?”

“I do have a pretty good career,” he said, leaning in and kissing my shoulder. “But I’d give it up in a heartbeat if it meant I could stay here with you all day.”

“It would only need to be until winter is over,” I said. “Then you could go.”

He stood up, yanking the covers with him. I shrieked when the cold air hit my naked body and pulled them back. “I didn’t say you could go now!”

“I’m hungry.”

“I’ve got something you could eat, right here.”

He raised an eyebrow. “I definitely haven’t had my fill of that yet. But I’m talking food, not dessert.”

“You’re making breakfast?” I asked hopefully.

“How do you like your eggs?”

“Olivia would want me to say fertilized.”

He shot me a shocked look. “Olivia sounds like fun.”

“She’d eat you alive.”

“I’m going to eat
alive,” he said, and dove under the covers, headfirst.



“Weren’t you talking about making breakfast?” I asked, nearly an hour later.

He tunneled up from under the covers and planted a kiss on my lips. His beard smelled like me. “I got distracted.”

I stretched upward. “I’ll say you did. And well done, too. Never mind about breakfast anyway, it’s pretty much lunchtime.”

“All I know how to make is eggs,” he sighed.

“Then we’ll have brunch?” I suggested.

“Right now would be a good time for you to offer to feed me,” he complained, sliding his hand up my thigh. “Given how hard I’ve been working.”

“I told you, I’m not moving from this bed until May.” I nudged him with my foot. “Plus, I think you’d look cute in my frilly apron.

He got up and padded naked across my bare floor. “How are you not freezing to death?” I gasped. “I mean, not that I mind the view.”

That was an understatement. Not since the locker room had I seen Ian walking around in all his naked, Greek god splendor. He was a sculpted, chiseled, mountain of a man. His body was a landscape of hills and valleys, ridges and ripples.

He caught me staring at him and turned, quietly accepting the full brunt of my gaze.

“Holy shit,” I whispered. “You’re not allowed to wear clothes anymore.”

“Might make for some dicey moments on the ice,” he chuckled, opening my tiny fridge and loading his arms up with an array of meats and cheeses.

“How many people are you planning on feeding?” I asked, eyeing the pile of food he deposited on the counter next to my tiny, shitty stove.

“I’m a growing boy,” he said. And then, as if to illustrate his point, he turned and stroked his cock, which immediately grew longer and thicker.

“Come here with that,” I demanded.

“Aren’t you hungry?”

I dared to slide my legs out into the freezing room, spreading them wide. “Aren’t you?”



“You are turning me into the biggest slut,” I complained.

“I’ll take that as a compliment.”

“It’s both a compliment, and a complaint.” My stomach rumbled loudly, and Ian snorted. “See? You’re going to kill me. Woman cannot live on orgasms alone.”

“It’s your own damn fault. Stop being so sexy.” He reached out and tweaked my nipple.


He grinned. “Never have, never will,” he said, with an arrogant toss of his head.

“Ah yes, Ian Carter and his man-slut reputation.” I said, reaching out to tweak his nose. “I guess we’re both sluts, huh?”

“Only for you, Candace,” he said ruefully.

Something about the way he said it made the smile slide from my face.

“I’m serious,” he said. “I’m pretty much going to guarantee you that I’m going to fuck this up, again and again and again. But I’m in this. All in. From now on, Ian Carter is a reformed man-slut. The only chick I’m fucking is you, Candy.”

“I’m the only chick you want to fuck?” I repeated.


Prince Charming. The stuff of fairy tales.
I stared at him for a moment, then touched his face. “That may be the most romantic thing I have ever heard,” I said, pulling him in for a kiss.


Chapter Twenty




“Holy. Fuck,” Brad huffed, sitting heavily down on a locker room bench. “Did we do something to piss Coach off?”

I grinned tiredly. I knew exactly how he was feeling. All around us, the usual locker room banter was quiet, all of us too out of breath, too physically exhausted to engage in the usual fucking around.

"I'm not tired," Jake piped up from around the corner. Brad rolled his eyes at me, and I hid my smirk behind a cough. "You guys are just getting too old for this gig. You should step aside, let the younger guys take over."

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