Impeached: The Trial of President Andrew Johnson and the Fight for Lincoln's Legacy (53 page)

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Authors: David O. Stewart

Tags: #Government, #Presidents & Heads of State, #Executive Branch, #General, #United States, #Political Science, #Biography & Autobiography, #19th Century, #History

They also were expected:
Browning Diary, vol. 2, pp. 189–90 (March 31, 1868).

That argument over the president’s intent: New York Times
, April 19 and 20, 1868.

With a tart New England outlook: Cincinnati Commercial
, April 18, 1868.

In his sober and ingratiating manner: New York Times
, April 19, 1868.

Though other Cabinet members: Globe
Supp., pp. 225–34 (April 17, 1868);
Cincinnati Commercial
, April 19, 1868.

By muzzling some: New York Herald
, April 22, 1868;
Chicago Tribune
, April 19, 1868; Blaine, vol. 2, p. 365.

They talked too much: New York Times
, April 19, 1868; Brockway, p. 4.

he evidence sheds”: Globe
Supp., pp. 239–47 (April 22, 1868);
The Nation
6:324 (April 23, 1868).

For Frenchmen: Washington Daily National Intelligencer
, May 11, 1868, reprinting from the
London Times
of April 23, 1868;
New Orleans Commercial Bulletin
, April 14, 1868, reprinting from



t is certain that no man:
Lady Trevelyan, ed.,
The Works of Lord Macaulay
, New York: Longmans, Green & Co. (1897), pp. 634–35.

It was all conjecture:
Moore Diary/Large Diary, April 19, 1868, p. 14.

Petersburg Index
in Virginia: Chicago Tribune
, April 11 and 17, 1868;
New York Herald
, April 16, 1868;
Springfield Republican
, April 20, 1868, reprinted in
New York Herald
, April 21, 1868;
New York Independent
, April 23, 1868;
Petersburg (VA) Index
, April 22, 1868. “There are 12 Democrats and conservatives certain and seven out of the Republican ranks wanting,” wrote old Thomas Ewing to his son in Europe. “These we think we can count, but it is not at all certain.” Thomas Ewing to Hugh Ewing, April 3, 1868, in Thomas Ewing Family Papers.

Barlow remained skeptical:
William Shaffer to Barlow, April 4, 1868, and Jerome Stillson to Barlow, April 19, 1868, Barlow Papers, Box 68; Barlow to Stillson, April 21, 1868, Barlow Papers, Box 64.

Grimes insisted:
Curtis to George Ticknor, April 10, 1868, in Curtis, vol. 1, pp. 416–17;
John Sherman’s Recollections
, vol. I, p. 427; William Salter,
Life of James W. Grimes
, New York: D. Appleton & Co. (1876), p. 336 (Grimes to H. W. Starr, March 6, 1868). The
New York Herald
correspondent agreed that the Democratic senators and the Radical Republicans knew how they would vote before the trial was held, but insisted on March 25 that “the greater number” of senators would “judge of Andrew Johnson’s acts as charged in the articles of impeachment in a spirit of fairness.”

The senator told a companion: New York Herald
, April 11, 1868.

Colfax named four more Republicans:
Colfax to Barlow, April 16, 1868, in Young Papers.

Colfax, like several newspapers: Chicago Tribune
, April 17, 1868;
The Independent
, April 23, 1868 (letter dated April 17, 1868).

A half-million dollars: Milwaukee Sentinel
, April 16, 1868 (letter of April 11, 1868).

Bent collectors:
Thurlow Weed to Seward, January 28, 1868, in Seward Papers; Jeremiah Jenks, “The Development of the Whiskey Trust,”
Political Science Quarterly
4:296, 298–99 (1889);
New York Times
, October 4, 1867, December 31, 1867, May 20, 1868, May 30, 1868, June 30, 1868, October 23, 1868; Hearings before the House Committee on Ways & Means, 40th Cong., 2d sess., January 6, 7, 13, 15, 23, and March 12, 1868, 40 HWAY .T1 through .T6 (handwritten records of testimony in the Law Library, Library of Congress).

Colonel Moore at the White House: Washington Daily National Intelligencer
, April 25, 1868, reprinted from
New York Times; New York Herald
, April 22, 1868;
Philadelphia Press
, April 18, 1868; Moore Diary/Large Diary, April 21, 1868, p. 16.

Wade’s disposition:
Though Wade did not preserve much of his correspondence, throughout the impeachment season another Radical congressman, Elihu Washburne of Illinois, was besieged with requests for appointments in the new Wade administration. Edwin Johns to Washburne, March 23, 1868; John Shank to Washburne, March 24, 1868; L. H. Whitney to Washburne, March 31; S. S. Patterson to Washburne, April 8, 1868; James Rowen to Washburne, April 30, 1868, in Washburne Papers, vols. 58 and 59; Garfield to Rhodes, May 7, 1868, in Smith,
Life and Letters of James Abram Garfield
, vol. 1, p. 425.

“The set of men”: Milwaukee Daily Sentinel
, April 6, 1868;
Chicago Tribune
, April 25, 1868; Sumner to Lieber, May 1868, in Edward L. Pierce,
The Life and Public Services of Charles Sumner
, Boston: Roberts Brothers (1893), vol. 4, p. 351;
Washington Daily National Intelligencer
, April 24, 1868;
Washington Herald
, April 22, 1868; Colfax to Young, April 28, 1868, in Young Papers.

For Republicans who preferred: Chicago Tribune
, April 25, 1868;
New York Herald
, April 25, 1868;
New York Herald
, May 4, 1868.

“I prefer tar and feathers”:
J. R. Briggs, Jr., to Young, April 17, 1868, in Young Papers; Fessenden, p. 185 (letter to cousin, dated April 12, 1868).

Two more years of misrule:
Salter, p. 323 (Grimes to Mrs. Grimes, March 12, 1867).

In early April:
Fox Diary (April 5, 1868). Some who were skeptical of impeachment nevertheless feared Johnson’s reaction to an acquittal.
The Nation
, April 30, 1868, p. 344.

Republicans might vote:
Colfax to Young, April 9, 1868, in Young Papers.

The president, he assured them:
Cox, pp. 592–94.

Johnson could be acquitted: Cincinnati Commercial
, April 16, 1868.

The president did not care:
Sefton, p. 102; Donald B. Connelly,
John M. Schofield and the Politics of Generalship
, Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press (2006), p. 207.

When Evarts objected:
John McAllister Schofield,
Forty-Six Years in the Army
, New York: Century Co. (1897), pp. 413–18 (memorandum prepared by Schofield in May 1868, reflecting conversations with Evarts).

This time, Evarts nodded yes: Chicago Tribune
, April 25, 1868.

The press reported:
Moore Diary/Large Diary, April 23 and 24, 1868, pp. 18–19;
Cincinnati Commercial
, April 26, 1868;
Chicago Tribune
, April 27, 1868.

In reply, Schofield:
Grant to Schofield, April 12, 1868, in
Grant Papers
18:235; John M. Schofield, “Controversies in the War Department,”
54:581 (1897).

Because Grant’s commission:
Moore Diary/Large Diary, April 26, 1868, p. 21.

The news must have:
Moore Diary/Large Diary, April 21 and 24, 1868, pp. 17, 18.

Though he deplored:
Fifty Years of Public Service
, p. 154;
New York Herald
, April 19, 1868; Mark M. Krug,
Lyman Trumbull, Conservative Radical
, New York: A. S. Barnes & Co. (1965), pp. 266–67.

Uncertainty also surrounded:
J. R. Briggs, Jr., to Young, April 17, 1868, in Young Papers; R. W. Bayless, “Peter G. Van Winkle and Waitman T. Willey in the Impeachment Trial of Andrew Johnson,”
West Virginia History
12:79 (1952).



e have been wading:
Garfield to Rhodes, April 28, 1868, in Smith,
Life and Letters of James Abram Garfield
, vol. 1, p. 424.

Nevertheless, the number: Globe
Supp., pp. 251–68 (April 22, 1868).

The ladies turned:
Briggs, p. 69;
New York Herald
, April 23, 1868.

If this earth: Globe
Supp., pp. 274, 284–85 (April 22 and 23, 1868);
New York Herald
, April 24, 1868.

Of the managers: Globe
Supp., pp. 306–7 (April 23, 1868); Bowen, p. 98; Temple, pp. 167–80; Briggs, p. 72;
Chicago Tribune
, April 24, 1868;
New York Herald
, April 24, 1868;
New York Times
, April 25, 1868;
Philadelphia Press
, April 24 and 25, 1868;
Chicago Tribune
, April 24 and 30, 1868.

In truth, the letter: Globe
Supp., pp. 295–96 (April 24, 1868).

One listener claimed: New York Herald
, April 26 and 27, 1868;
New York Times
, April 26, 1868; Cox, p. 589; Welles Diary, vol. 3, p. 193 (April 25, 1868);
Chicago Tribune
, April 30, 1868.

Ah, he was too eager: Globe
Supp., p. 319 (April 25, 1868).

His gaunt face: Washington Daily National Intelligencer
, April 27, 1868;
Cincinnati Commercial
, April 29, 1868.

Stevens accepted: New York Times
, April 28, 1868;
Philadelphia Press
, April 28, 1868.

If the president was unwilling: Globe
Supp., pp. 322–33 (April 27, 1868).

Following the sepulchral: Globe
Supp., pp. 324–35 (April 27 and 28, 1868);
New York Times
, April 30, 1868;
New York Herald
, April 28 and 29, 1868;
Washington Daily National Intelligencer
, April 29, 1868 (Williams, “having nothing to say, could not get through it in a single day”).

During a recess: New York Times
, April 29, 1868; Howe,
Portrait of an Independent,
p. 116;
Chicago Tribune
, April 30, 1868.

Nelson scornfully answered: Globe
Supp., p. 337 (April 28, 1868). Nelson’s words were: “So far as any question that [Butler] desires to make of a personal character with me is concerned, this is not the place to make it. Let him make it elsewhere if he desires to do it.” The
New York Herald
on April 29 described Nelson as “hinting at pistols,” while the
Philadelphia Press
on that day dismissed Nelson’s “characteristic plantation braggadocio.”

After their squall erupted: Philadelphia Press
, May 1, 1868.

A slim figure:
Barrows, p. 153.

As one observer noted: New York Herald
, April 30, 1868.

Joined by Boutwell: Globe
Supp., p. 348 (April 29, 1868);
New York Times
, April 29, 1868.

Evarts’s marathon performance: Globe
Supp., pp. 357–59 (April 30, 1868);
New York Herald
, May 1, 1868;
Philadelphia Press
, April 30, 1868.

Stanberry made little contribution: Philadelphia Press
, April 4, 1868;
Supp., pp. 378–79 (May 2, 1868).

Some onlookers: Philadelphia Press
, May 6, 1868; Bingham to Lucy and Emma Bingham, February 26 and April 11, 1868, John Armor Bingham Papers, Morgan Library.

“Yesterday the supremacy”: Globe
Supp., p. 379 (May 4, 1868).

He ranged far beyond: Cincinnati Gazette
, May 8, 1868.

Chase directed that: Globe
Supp., p. 406;
Philadelphia Press
, May 7, 1868;
New York Herald
, May 7, 1868;
New York Times
, May 7, 1868;
New York World
, May 7, 1868.

“God knows I have tried”: Chicago Tribune
, May 9, 1868; Briggs, p. 81.

“We are not as strong”:
Colfax to Young, April 16 and 28, 1868, Young Papers.

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