Read In His Sails Online

Authors: Tabitha Levin

In His Sails (3 page)

Chapter 7


I tossed and turned in the bunk bed all night, unable to think clearly. I had less than two weeks to figure out what to do with my life.

Dragging myself out of bed, I looked in the mirror. The dark circles under my eyes were evident. I tried covering them with concealer. Not happening today. I sighed.

Lucy texted me, asking about the details about the date.
Shit, David. I almost forgot. Almost. He was the only good thing happening right now. I should forget all this mess Dad was putting us through and just drown into his arms. He could save me from this.

Mum was on her phone, making plans to move to Aberdeen with Aunt Josie. It was all happening so quickly. Two days ago I was surly at my mother for dragging me here
, and now I didn’t even have a
to return to.

My father had already hired someone to clean out the house and pack our things for us. He
wasn’t wasting anytime, now that my mother had agreed to the terms.

I tried calling him, to ask why he was doing this to us.
I’d left several messages. He didn’t return any of them. I knew the avoidance game when I saw it.

My fingers were trembling. I
couldn’t breathe. It was too much of a decision to make right now. I needed air. I needed to get away from the craziness.

I decided the lagoon would be quieter than the beach and headed in that direction.

I sat on the same rock as two days ago, without realising it. I wasn’t expecting David to show up, after everything that had happened last night with Dad, he’d been pushed from my mind.

“Alone again?” he asked.

Startled, I smiled weakly. “Sorry, things are a bit crazy at the moment. I think I need some alone time, actually.”

“Everything okay?”
He sat down next to me. He was wearing a short sleeve shirt today. Buttoned up neatly. Just the top button undone. His hair was messy, deliberately so with wax or gel. I bit my lip thinking about running my hands through his hair, ripping open that shirt and letting the buttons pop onto the floor as I ran my hands over his chest.

Where did that thought
come from? I looked away shaking the picture from my head.

“You can tell me. I’m a good listener.”

His blue eyes stared at me with the same intensity that made my pulse quicken every time he did it. I wondered if he realised the effect that he was having on me.

I nodded. Sometimes
it is easier to tell a stranger how you are feeling rather than your own family, and that was the case here, as I poured out my heart about how hurt I was by my father, and how angry I was that my mother let him do this without fighting. How confused I was about where to go, what to do. It was a good hour before I stopped letting the words pour out of me. Just saying them made me feel lighter.

“What are you going to do?” he asked.

“I don’t know. I need some thinking time.”

“Hard to think here, with the crowds.”

“There’s nowhere else to go.”

“Have you ever been sailing?”

I looked at him in confusion. “What a weird question.”

“No I mean, out there, on the ocean, it’s peaceful, quiet.
It’s a good place to think. And I don’t know - answers seem to come easier when you are out there.”

I knew what he meant.
That’s why I liked floating on the surface of the water and letting it transport me away from my problems. Except when seaweed tangles in your foot, of course.

He brushed the back of my hand with his fingers, sending
goose bumps up my arm. “I’ve got a boat, I could take you out if you like?”

“So you could have me all to yourself?
All alone?”

He laughed. “True.
But I’d stay out of your way. I’ve got some work to do anyway.”

“On the boat?
What could a lifesaver do on a boat in the middle of the ocean?”

“The lifeguard gig is
my a job. My other passion is writing. I have a book in the works. I write my best stuff when I’m alone at sea. Helps me think. It might help you think, too. What do you say?”

“I’m not sure.”

“It’s fine. I understand. But if you want to, the offer is there.” His fingers entwined in mine and my heart beat faster. He looked away at the sea, lost in thought.

“Okay, when?”

He turned back to look at me. “How about this afternoon? I’ll grab us something to eat and we can get away, and be back before it gets too late.”



Chapter 8


David’s boat was a wh
ite sailing boat with the name
Drummer Boy
painted black on the side. The sails were down, but it was still impressive enough for me to murmur appreciatively. It was about the size of our whole cabin back at the holiday park.

“You like?” he asked, as he placed a wicker basket full of food on board.

“It’s amazing. I’ve never been on a boat like this before.” I ran my hand over the silver railing to steady myself as I stepped on deck. The ground shifted and rocked under my feet.

“Well it’s only part sailboat, part motor boat.
Best of both worlds.” He held his hand for me as we walked to a seat at the end, behind the steering controls.

The seat cushions were the
colour of his eyes. Deep blue.

“Why is it called drummer boy? Christmas carol fan?” I raised an eyebrow as I grinned at him.

He looked serious. “I played around in a band in high school with a bunch of mates and I played the drum. Badly. It’s to remind me that you don’t always get everything you want.”

“I thought those names were meant to be inspirational or something?”

“You need that reminder. That not everything always works out how you think it will.”

I shivered as he started the engine, the hull vibrating and the motor purred as he set out from the jetty.

I had to admit that feeling the breeze and the salt spray on your face was exhilarating. It was just what I needed. My hair whipped behind me, my face smoothed from the speed. When we were out far enough to see the shore, but for no one to see us in return, he stopped the motor and put the sails up. It was quiet, the gentle lapping of the water against the side of the boat like a lovers caress. A gentle breeze cooled the sun’s stare on my skin.

“We won’t drift far, not enough wind today,” he said. “But I love the boat with
its sails out. Don’t you?”

It did look impressive.

“So you want to think first, or eat?”

“Think?” He must have taken my question as a definitive answer because he led me down to a lower deck, which was like a tiny studio apartment with a bed, kitchen and bathroom. On one
side wall was a small desk with a laptop on it.

He touched the side of my arm. “Call me when you need me, I’ll be above deck.”

I don’t know what I expected, but I was surprised that he left me alone. Where was the hot seduction on a yacht in the middle of the ocean? We seemed to have gone from potential love interests to mere friends. I wasn’t used to guys treating me like this.

I sat on his bed, rested my arms on my knees and cupped my chin in my hands.

Did he not feel the same rush of blood as I did when he touched me? Did his stomach not fill with tiny butterflies like mine did when he looked at me?

perhaps he was being nice? I didn’t want nice. Not right now.

I sighed and ran my hand over his bedspread, then laid down on it, staring up at the ceiling. I wanted him to kiss me, take my mind off everything.

But I was here to think about what to do to sort out my life. I sat back up. As hard as I could to concentrate on where I might live, or what I should do with my life, all I could think about was David above deck. His footsteps above my head and me lying on his bed, alone.



Chapter 9


“Everything okay?”
David appeared at the bottom of the stairs, holding onto the rail.

I stood up. “Yes, fine.” My voice squeaked higher than a mouse. He must have thought I was crazy.

He walked over to me until he stood so close we were nearly touching. I took a sharp gulp and it caught in my throat. For a moment, I couldn’t breathe.

He lifted my chin with his hand so my face was looking into his.
There was a deep longing in his eyes that must have matched my own.

“I haven’t had a woman on my boat for a long time,” he said as he pulled me close, wrapping his arms around my back so I pressed into his chest. His heart was pumping as fast as
mine. “You being here, it’s driving me crazy. I can’t concentrate.”

“Me either,” I managed to squeak out.

He breathed in my hair and groaned.

He was about to kiss me, I knew it.

Except he didn’t.

He let me go, letting his fingers untangle with mine and took a step away. “I should take you back now.”

A tiny bubble of disappointment settled in my stomach. I trembled. “Have I done something wrong?”

“Of course not.
But you, me, the ocean rocking under our feet, all I want to do is peel your clothes of, take you here and now. You don’t understand how much I want you. All I can think about is feeling you, touching you,” he paused and then whispered, “fucking you.”

I whimpered. I wanted that too
- didn’t he see that?

“But it’s not fair. I
can’t give you want you need. I’m not ready.”

“Ready for what?
Can’t you see that I’m here, on your boat? I want you too.”

He shook his head. “I can’t talk about it.”

“Fine.” I pushed past him, to the steps to the deck above. Coldness rippled through me, tempering the heat that was building in my tightly closed fists.

“Mia, wait.”

Still on the steps I turned. He sat down on the bed and buried his head in his hands. “It’s taking all of my strength not to grab you back.”

“Whatever. I
don’t care. Just take me home.”

“A year ago my fiancé died.
That’s the reason I don’t talk to women much anymore. But my friends told me it was time, and then I saw you, so gorgeous, so not like anyone I’ve ever met. You were only going to be here for a short time. I could have a holiday fling with you, use you to get my life back together. But I like you more than that. You’re strong, determined.”

“Oh, what about, beautiful, hot, sexy as hell?”

“Fuck, yeah.”

I walked back to the bed and sat next to him. I couldn’t believe what I was about to say, but he needed to hear it straight. “Have a holiday fling with me. I’m not ready for a relationship either. I don’t know what the hell I’m going to do with my life after this is over. The truth is I don’t want to even think about it now. It’s too much all at once to deal with.”

He looked at me, with hunger and desire in his eyes.

“Let’s forget about our problems. Just for a few days. Let’s have some fun,” I said.

didn’t waste any time. He pushed me back on the bed, kissing my neck, my chin, my mouth. His lips crushed against mine and tasted like the salt air. I was hungry for more.

His tongue assaulted me
, his hands explored my body. I had unleashed his pent up desire, and I liked every bit of it. “God, Mia, you’re so fucking hot.” He kissed my neck, nibbled my ear, sucked the nape of my shoulder. I lapped up his attention.

He straddled me, knees on either side of my body and sat up, leaning back and peeling his shirt away from his body. His chest and abs
were every bit as muscular as I remembered from yesterday. The tattoo on his arm wasn’t his only one, he had another just above the hip bone, drawing my eyes lower to where I could see he was already hard.

He leaned down and kissed my neck again sending tiny shivers through my body. His hands explored my skin, creeping under my clothes. I could feel myself becoming slick with sweat and desire as his fingers explored me.

Feverishly I tugged at my own clothes, wanting to rip free any fabric that separated us, and have his hands touch more of me, his mouth taste every inch.

Soon they were off, melted away, and I was naked under him. His eyes glazed over as he drank in my curves and he groaned a low guttural animal sound. Immediately his hands and mouth were back on me.

I whimpered as he grazed his thumb over my breasts, arched my back as I felt his breath hovering over me. All I wanted was for him to take my nipple in his mouth and swirl it around like a lollipop. Instead, he trailed his tongue around my side, across my stomach and up between my breasts as if he was devouring every inch of my flesh.

Using my feet, I hooked them over his shorts and pushed them down, taking his boxers with them, allowing his hard manhood to spring free. He kissed me hard on the mouth again, his tongue feverishly devouring me.

I grabbed for him, wanting to feel his arousal in my hands. Throbbing intensity from my core wanted him, wanted to forget everything else and have him take me away from my life and into ecstasy.

His hand slipped behind my neck as he whispered in my ear again. “You are so fucking hot,” he said.

He sat back up leaning to the side of the bed, to a drawer, pulling out a condom and unwrapping it before he rolled it on to his hardness.

I was ready for his assault, almost salivating for it, but instead he continued to tongue and nibble my flesh, taking his time, enjoying the journey.

He slid lower, licked the side of my thigh, just below where I was most wet, and then blew on it. The warm breath sent shivers through my legs, and I parted them further, wanting him to touch me, kiss me, hell, fuck me.

I pulled him back up to my face and kissed him deeply. I was breathless, desperate,
hungry for him.

Wrapping my legs around his
waist, I pulled him closer, right into me.

Oh god.

He began to thrust, slowly at first, gently. Each slide into me, my body pulsed with fire. Every rock, every thrust, every time he filled me, the troubles of my life disappeared. Everything was good again.
No, everything was amazing.

He increased his pace, going deeper, faster. He had complete control. I was his plaything.
His muse to make music with.

The intensity quickened, his hips rocking harder, his cock slamming far inside me. I became lost in the pleasure, oblivious to the fact that I was moaning, groaning, murmuring underneath him. My body shuddered with each stroke, alive with electricity.

My whole body was alight with fire, I was close to climax, but I didn’t want it to end. I wanted to experience this deliciousness forever.

My fingers tangled in his hair as I desperately tried to pull him closer still.

His mouth left mine and headed for my neck, sucking, biting, devouring me.

Heat throbbed from my core out, I
couldn’t hold back anymore.

I screamed out, yes, yes, oh god, yes, as the avalanche of exquisite orgasm bucked through me. He kissed me again, as he came himself, shuddering inside me as he rode the waves of my ecstasy.

My body was still pulsing with heat, wracked and spent, as he fell gently beside me.



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