Read In the Nick of Time Online

Authors: Tiana Laveen

Tags: #Fiction

In the Nick of Time (63 page)

She stored the information in her ‘he’s a keeper alright’ files.

The dream on two legs stood before her, his beautiful lips slightly parted and his gorgeous thighs, too. A smattering of fine dark hair trailed down his chest past his taut stomach into well-trimmed pubic hair that crowned a cock he should surely be proud of.

There’s that curve…

Her pussy gripped itself right then and there as she eyeballed the thing, anticipating him pushing all of it inside of her. Not waiting for an invitation, she slid onto his bed like a panther on the prowl and forewent the sheets. No, she wanted to be seen, all of her. Every inch, all her imperfections and all her pure loveliness, too. She loved the way he eyed her, like some wolf sitting in Grandma’s bed. His heavily lashed peepers hooded as he joined her, causing the bed to dip and groan from his weight. He lay on his side, his long body sculpted and flawless, worthy to be placed in an old European museum. With his thumb, he circled her jaw as he looked deeply at her, captivating her with the way those stormy eyes stole her soul with a mere glance. He represented the Devil’s delight and God’s gift all rolled into one.

The man of her dreams slowly broke their trance and lowered her further onto the bed, grabbing the pillow that rested behind her back and casting it to the ground. Kissing her, he caressed her hips with a roving hand that played as his accomplice in the sexual torture, the appetizer that she never ordered but cherished all the same. Her thighs grew sticky from the continuous pouring from her lower lips, a slight, slow throb growing stronger in urgent longing.

“Ahhh,” she sighed as he deepened his kiss and hooked his arm behind her neck, draped her frame with his musky scented form. “Shit, Nick.” She trembled in his grip, her wondrous emotions marrying lust and creating a lovely mess within her. “I missed you so much!” She gripped the back of his head and forced him to deepen the kiss, making him sigh and moan as she lost herself beneath him, aggressively claiming her man from the top of his head to the bottom of his size eleven feet.

“You couldn’t have missed me more than I missed you… There’s no competition.” He smirked, whispering the words in between kisses. Then, he left her all alone to trail down her body, tracing it with his fingers, caressing and drawing designs upon her body as he drifted lower and lower until he’d secured a perfect position between her thighs. “Damn, you’re already so fucking wet…” He spread her lower lips apart and did not lose one additional second to plunge his face between her legs.

“Ahhhh!” She arched ever so slightly from the bed, his tongue taut and going hard against her clit while he softly rubbed her pussy, keeping it spread open for his delight. “Ahhh, yes…right there… right there.” The softness of his hair caressed her inner thighs, her essence no doubt coating him as her spring continued to pour forth. A wetness formed under her ass so quickly, she filled with astonishment and appreciation of the way the man loved her, worked her over, and her heart sang his praises. “Ahhhh, yes! Keep on…that’s it!”

“That’s it, baby?!” His muffled voice rang through as he lapped and sucked at her flower, his mouth moving faster and faster, pushing and bringing her sensitive pussy into his mouth with gentle tugs between his lips. “I love your taste, missed these pussy lips, soft and gushy… I wanna swallow your flavor.”

“Ahhh!” He held on to her a bit tighter as she arched once again, and then again, lost control of herself.

“I love you! I love
about you!” he blurted.

“Mmmmm! I love you too, baby!”

“I love your wet, juicy pussy in my mouth.” He gulped her essence with stark hunger. “…And I love the way you push my head in between your legs!”

“Ahhhh!” Her toes curled, hips frantically rotated above stiffening legs, and the orgasm that refused to release her from its grip climbed throughout her core and stole her from all sensibilities and sanity. “Oh….ahhh, shit!…Oh God…” Her breathing erratic, she came down the high, her chest glistening with a fresh layer of sweat. She looked herself over, as if viewing her body for the first time. A satisfied smile crept into her face. Then, before she could fully catch her breath, the man climbed back up her body, kissing her along the way as if she were some precious possession that he owned free and clear… and he indeed did…

He hovered above her, love in his eyes as he leaned close to her ear and ran his hand delicately over her curls. “You have such a beautiful mouth… I can’t wait to see that pretty little thing wrapped around my dick.”

“You read my mind. Get on your knees…”

When he kneeled before her, she lay on her stomach, facing his gorgeous, thick and long cock. Reaching with both hands, she stroked the thing, smiling a bit as it jumped at her touch.

“Mmmm,” he moaned as he placed his hand on her shoulder, looking down at her in a lazy sort of way. “Don’t tease me…suck it, baby.”

She winked at the man, squelching an eye roll at the fucker for bossing her around. She’d take it with her to her grave…but she dug that shit! And then, his wish was her command.

“Uhhhh!” She took it to the throat, sucking it hard and stroking it with determination. “Uhhhh, yes…yes!” His hands roved through her curls in sloppy swirls; he gripped them ever so gently as he pushed his cock further into her mouth. The bend in the middle of the thing caused her to tilt her head slightly to the left, taking more of him in. She relished his reaction as he wrapped both hands around her head now, pushed her into his groin as he fucked her mouth a bit faster and harder.

“Uhhhh! Look at me, baby! Look up here!” Her eyes landed squarely on his own. “I want you to look at me as you suck my dick. I want to see it, all of it!” She did as he asked. Streams of her cream raced down her inner thighs while his nasty, commanding words sent her libido into a frenzied tailspin. The more he barked out orders, the more he gripped and pulled at her strands, and the more his face twisted in ecstasy, the more she lost control, became addicted to his utterances and cock all at the same time. “Uhhh!”

She gripped the damn thing with both hands, focusing solely on him and his pleasure. As if a magic button had been pushed, her pussy began to pulsate and she…



…And slipped his dick from her mouth, letting it rest on her lower lip as she quivered from the sudden climax. As she melted within, her skin sensitive to the touch, she felt his soft, sensual, slow caress along her forehead. Eyes closed, she deeply inhaled and exhaled, yet the vibrations within her continued. He loomed over her and though she could not make out his form, exhaustion and euphoria merged, consuming her. His scent surrounded her as he landed a soft, sweet kiss upon her cheek. Taking his palm and ushering her down, he pinned her just so beneath him. His knee grazed her own, shifting a bit as he knocked her thighs further apart.

“I’m going to put my hard dick in your pussy… We missed you so fuckin’ much…Uhhhh…”

“Ahhhh…” When he plunged deep and hard within her, he awakened her cells, nerves, and temple with an explosive entrance. She wrapped herself around him as if her life depended on it, held on to his body hard and tight as he thrust deeply within her.

“Uhhhh! You missed my cock in your sweet, little pussy, didn’t you?!” He grunted, the warm breath from his words flowing against her shoulder.


“Say it! Say you missed my cock in your pussy!”

“I missed your cock in my pussy, baby!”

“Mmmmm! My sexy baby…” He swooped low, taking her lips into his warm, wet mouth and sucking ever so gently, then with a bit more pressure. His long legs worked frantically between her own, his hips compressing with each plunge as he pounded inside of her. She heard her voice out in the air, floating about, but couldn’t make out the words. His thumb caressed her mouth, then slipped in between her teeth. She sucked and drew on the thing as he stared into her eyes, lunging harder and harder within her.

Fuck! He’s so deep…so fucking deep!

She kept rocking against his nature, forcing him to drive impossibly further inside of her. The sheets of his bed whirled around them as if a tornado had hit.

“The only thing that kept me sane some days was knowing I had you waitin’ for me!” he blurted, his voice choking on an intense moan. He gripped the side of her neck and pressed his eyes closed so hard, his complexion deepened. “Uhhhhh!” Another plunge and then another, and soon his balmy liquid offering flowed within her, paired with the hot hardness of his body growing heavier against her flesh as he lost control of his balance, and fell completely upon her chest. She held him close as he shuddered, coming hard and rough, his muscles compressing while deep, raspy moans seeped from his mouth. “Uhhhh…”

After a few moments, she gently ran her hand over his hair. She looked down at the man lying on her chest, his eyes were closed and his breathing shallow as his dick still rested within her. His arms loosely hugged her, while his legs had intertwined around her own, possessing her, daring her to move. His heavy weight against her gave her an amazing sense of comfort… for he felt like power, protection, and everything in between.

Before she knew it, she’d fallen asleep and was rocked awake when he whispered her name, once, twice, and then again…

“Taryn…Taryn baby… Taryn, wake up, honey…”

Her eyes fluttered and then her lips parted in a satisfied smile.

“Hi…” was all she could muster at a moment’s notice.

“I just wanted to tell you that I love you…and you mean a hell of a lot to me. Can’t wait until you’re all moved in.” He smiled down at her, kissed the top of her head, and she felt like swooning.

“I love you too, Nick.” She grinned, lifted herself up a little to kiss the bridge of his nose, then lay back down. “Speaking of moving in, let me take care of it, okay? I’ve got a friend that can help me.”

At this, his thick, slightly unruly dark brow rose a centimeter or two.

“You don’t want my help?”

“You’re already helping enough. Just let me take care of it, okay?”

He was quiet for a second or two, then nodded, allowing her the space needed without further argument.


So then she steered him back down onto her chest, wanting to feel that weight, that love, that power over her once again. They said nothing further, simply drifted into independent dreams that, she was convinced, met somewhere in the middle, linking their fates. Some place or another, the man’s desires became her own, and vice versa. He was her friend, a support system, a lover, and her man. He was a kind word of encouragement, a protector from discouragement, and a no-judgment zone.

He was her perfect beast, and she, his imperfect beauty…

He sat wide
legged on his immense black leather living room couch listening to the Talking Heads’ Greatest Hits on repeat. The alluring scent of cigarette smoke wafted through his partially cracked window, making his nose twist with familiarity. Slowly turning towards his coffee table, he took a slow gander at his cell phone, as if a mere glance would make sense of it all…

His boss had dialed him up, congratulated him on his recovery, and jumped right into the thick of it all. They wanted him back, and they wanted him back sooner rather than later. For the first time in his career, he was scared that he may not live up to the captain’s high expectations, that he’d somehow let the guy down. The weight of his worries made him slump in his seat, unable to predict his next thought, and the one following that. He looked to the left and to the right of the place, taking note of all of the neatly labeled boxes piled sky high. Taryn and one of her girlfriends were taking care of her transition, and she appeared to be in rather high spirits that morning, for she’d received a call about an engagement she so desperately needed. He was proud of his angel, wanted her to be happy, and believed she’d excel at anything she put her crafty mind to. He talked to her once more, and then again, about her plans and aspirations.

As usual, she was vague, as if not certain where she was going—as if her deliberations were still swirling aimlessly in the air. Bullshit. The woman planned everything well in advance. Even breakfast had a damn itinerary. He knew she was not being on the up and up, keeping secrets, and though it unnerved him—they’d vowed honesty after all—he got the sense that, in some way, she didn’t want to look like a fool before him… just in case it
didn’t work out. Nevertheless, he was determined to get to the bottom of it, to get the 411 from the woman, although his immediate priority was simply to get her under the same damn roof.

Just then, his townhouse’s front door swung open, revealing a gorgeous woman donning a chocolate brown baseball cap, a cropped gold sweater, and brown yoga pants, pulled high upon her narrow waist.

“Just a few more to go,” she huffed as she grabbed a water bottle from the refrigerator, out of breath and glistening with freshly drawn sweat. He nodded in her direction, forced a grin, but the attempt must’ve sucked for she reached him in seconds, concern etched upon her face.

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