Read In the Roar Online

Authors: Milly Taiden

In the Roar (3 page)





Liv glanced at Karel as his body twisted and changed from a hulking gorgeous man to a giant yellow and black spotted cat. A jaguar. Her breath thundered in her chest, no longer scared over Gerard and his roaming hands. The clothing Karel had been wearing floated around him in tatters, landing on the ground by the animal’s legs.

The jaguar roared, the sound piercing the quiet. This area of town tended to be deserted in the middle of the night. There were only a few buildings in the area: businesses empty of inhabitants after five p.m. Her apartment complex was the only residential construction for a few blocks.

She glanced around, worried about Karel getting into trouble trying to save her.

“You should get out of here, Gerard,” she ordered, her gaze back at the giant jaguar prowling toward them.

“Are you fucking crazy?” He glanced over his shoulder, the roar catching his attention. “Is that a lion?”

Catching him off guard, she shoved him away. He fell back, landing on his ass.

“Dumbass, it isn’t a lion. Lions are gold and have a mane,” she explained. Really, when she saw Monica next, she’d give her a piece of her mind over the stupid idea to sign up to website dating agencies. “That,” she gulped at the size of the animal and the way his eyes glittered liquid gold, “is a jaguar.”

She’d watched enough Animal Planet and National Geographic shows to know the difference. She loved all big cats. There was a distinct terror associated with shifters, along with their animals. At the moment, she felt wonder. This was a shifter. A man and an animal. He was beautiful in his animal form, strong, big, and alpha. His canines shined and massive paws scraped the sidewalk with each step.

“I’m calling the cops,” he shouted when he finally realized the beast was coming straight for him. His hands shook as he crammed them into his pockets, taking a lot longer than expected to pull out the phone.

A scream lodged in her throat when the jaguar leapt in the air, landing next to her date, a giant roar sounding from him.

Gerard dropped the phone. His arms crossed over his face in a weak attempt to protect himself. “No!”

A woman and a man exited the bar via a side door. The woman glanced at the massive jaguar, Gerard, and Liv and shook her head.

“Call Gerri,” she ordered the man. At Gerard, she yelled, “Don’t move. If you run, he will hurt you.” She glanced at Liv. “You his girl?”

“What?” No, she wasn’t his girl. She barely knew the man.

“Listen, tell the kitty to back away. Say it firmly. He’ll listen to you.”

How could she know that? Liv bit her lip and cleared her throat. “Karel?” The jaguar turned his head to pin her with golden eyes.

The woman shouted, “That’s good. Tell him to come to you.”

“Are you insane?” she hissed, her muscles locking into place, unwilling to let her move.

“He won’t hurt you. He shifted to protect you. We saw the exterior cameras in the bar’s office.”

She licked her dry lips and nodded. “Come here,” she said softly.

“No. With authority,” the woman ordered.

The jaguar snapped his head around and growled at the woman. She gave Liv a “see” look.

“Karel!” Liv managed to keep her voice from trembling. “Come here and stand by me.”

The jaguar glanced at her. He lowered his head and took a single step toward her.

“This is all your fault!” Gerard screeched at Liv.

Karel’s jaguar snarled.

“Shut up, you idiot,” said the female bar owner. “Are you not seeing we’re trying to keep you alive?”

“What in the world is going on?” Gerri asked, showing up to the scene, her voice exhausted, coming to stand beside Liv. She had a bath towel folded over her arm.

“We were on a date,” Gerard started.

“Shut up!” Liv yelled.

The jaguar turned back to Gerard, his head lowering to move closer to her pathetic date.

“Karel!” Gerri said with authority. “I told you about this.”

“Gerri,” Liv said, “he came to my rescue.” She pointed at Gerard on the ground. “This jerk has a hard time understanding the word no.”

Gerri’s eyes glowed gold. She raised her brows and a feral look came over her face. “Did he hurt you? Because if he did, I won’t help him.”

She shook her head. “No. He was just being a spineless dick.”

Gerri stared deep into her eyes, searching. “Are you sure?”

She bit her lip. Oh, how she wanted to kick Gerard in the balls now that he was down. “Yes. He caught me off guard.”

Gerri turned to the bar owner and the man who’d returned outside. “Handle him.”

Liv sucked in a breath, her stomach flipping with cartwheels. “Karel, come. He won’t touch me again.”

The jaguar appeared to debate for a moment, his head swinging between her and Gerard. Finally, he turned fully and closed the distance between them to stop in front of her.

The bar owner and her assistant grabbed Gerard, lifting him with ease and taking him around the corner toward the darkened back entrance of the bar. “Come on, asshole. Don’t think we didn’t see what you did to her drink inside the bar. We have friends who want to talk to you.”

Gerri stared between the jaguar and Liv. She rubbed a hand on the side of her temple. “Get a move on, Karel. I expect this hardheadedness from Alyx. Shift back and let’s get you upstairs before someone else sees a big ass jaguar hanging around outside a bar.” She rolled her eyes. “Like that’s a natural occurrence.”

Liv’s eyes widened in shock, her entire body tensing with anticipation. Karel switched from giant cat to big, muscled man. Oh, shit. He was a very naked man, too. She trailed her gaze from his powerful legs to his muscular thighs.

“Oh, my…” she gasped, curling her hands at her sides. She so wanted to reach out and touch him. That body of his was not average by any means and her fingers itched to get a single slide over his tight flesh.

“Here,” Gerri stopped her from getting a good look at his cock by tossing the towel at him. “Let’s get you upstairs before anyone else gets a peek at your package and wants to bid for it.”

Me! Me! Me!

Bad, Liv. She glanced at Gerri who winked at her, and her cheeks flushed with heat. The old woman caught her staring holes into the towel.

His arms flexed as he wrapped the towel to cover his backside along with the front.

“Come on, Liv,” Gerri motioned. “Let’s take you home.”

Karel didn’t say much. The intense way he stared at her was unlike any look men had given her. Excited energy coiled in her belly. She shouldn’t want to talk to him so soon after the horrible debacle with Gerard, but she did.

* * *





Karel took angry breaths, deeply and slowly. He had to calm the beast inside or he’d end up shoving Gerri out of the way and taking Liv then and there. He could imagine Gerri’s outburst if he did that.

“Have a good night.” Gerri smiled once Liv was inside her apartment.

“Thank you so much,” she said, her gaze caressing his chest. “I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you came to my rescue.”

Karel gave a sharp nod.

Gerri tugged on his arm and they headed to his floor. “So…”

“That man tried to drug her,” he snapped. “I wanted to kill him. He shouldn’t be allowed to live, trying to take advantage of women.”

“What?” Gerri growled beside him, her blue eyes flashed bright gold instantly. “Drug her? Are you sure?”

“I’m sure! Now I understand why the humans you’ve brought to Aurora are in such disbelief that a male can want to protect them when men here want to abuse them,” he said, voice filled with disgust.

Gerri nodded. “It is hard for women here. Especially bigger women. Not only do they have to deal with society’s negative views of their bodies, but they have jerks like that one who think they can treat them however they want.”

Karel paced the confines of the elevator until the door dinged and they walked down the hall to his living space. Gerri had gone above and beyond getting him a place he could stay while finding a female. He’d found his mate. Liv. Now he needed to get her home before his mother died.

“Listen to me,” Gerri started once they reached his door. “I know what you’re thinking, but you can’t just ask her to go to another planet with you.” She gave him a direct look. “She’ll think you’re certifiably nuts.”

“I need to take her with me now. Before my mother dies. She’s the one.”

“Of course she’s the one.” She sighed, pushing strands of hair behind her ear. “I’ve known since I met her. But you have to take her on a few dates before you ask her.”

He clenched his jaw and entered his temporary living accommodations. It was nothing like his home in Aurora. The walls didn’t adjust to his mood and the building was made of flimsy cement and paper called sheetrock.

“Have a good night, Karel.” Gerri kissed his cheek and pushed him inside. “Give her time to get to know you.”

“I’ll consider your words.”

Her brows dipped in a glare. “It’s in your best interest. I’ll set up a date for you two.” She sighed. “Now get some rest. You must be exhausted.”

He closed the door once she left, his jaguar wanting to be let out to prowl. Back in Aurora, he could shift and let his animal roam. Let out the frustrations with a good run. Although the area backed up to a large forest, he didn’t feel comfortable going out.

He showered. It did nothing to stop the anger that held his blood captive. He gave up, threw on some pants and took the stairs a few floors down. His animal roared inside; the scent of his woman invaded his senses. The closer he got to her apartment, the more he picked up her desire wafting under her door.

Muscles tight, he stopped and breathed. His eyes shut and he leaned his head forward, pressing his forehead to her door. She was wet. A soft moan made his head jerk. His cock grew stiff with need. He didn’t scent any males in there. Another muffled cry and he was banging on her door, ready to kill whomever was pleasuring her.

“Shit,” she hissed, her voice sounded far away. She had to be in her bedroom. “I guess we’ll try again in a few,” she whispered. “I’ll be right back.”

What the fuck?

“Coming,” she yelled, her voice annoyed.

It took a few moments for her to open the door. The sight before him took his breath away. She wore a red silk robe tied at the waist. The material hugged her curves, showing off the tips of her hardened nipples. The scent of her arousal combined with the fresh lavender on her skin sent his desire skyrocketing.

“Liv,” he said, his voice thick and rough with his animal. “Are you okay?”

She nodded, a small smile parting her lips. “Hi. I didn’t realize it was you.” She bit her lips and checked out his naked chest. Her pupils dilated and a fresh scent of her need filled the air. “Do you want to come in?”

Fuck, yes! He wanted to know who she’d been talking to, but more than that, he wanted a taste of her. A single slide of his tongue on her pussy, a slow lap of her sleekness, and he’d be able to leave her alone. For the night.

He marched into her apartment, taking in everything and holding back from what he really wanted to do--fuck her against the door. After all, she was his.





Liv pressed her legs together, hoping against hope he couldn’t see the moisture running down her thighs. She glanced longingly at her bedroom door. Her blue vibrator waited on her bed, ready to finish what they’d started. Now the vibrator seemed a poor replacement to satisfy the aching need that grew with every thought of Karel. It’s what got her to pull out the damn thing to begin with.

“I apologize for my outfit,” she said, grasping the neckline of her robe. “I wasn’t expecting company.”

He frowned, his warm gaze sliding down her body and stopping at her chest. Her nipples hardened under his gaze, as if he had a direct link to their ability to feel excited.

“Don’t apologize,” he said in that rough voice that sent shudders to her clit. “You look beautiful.”

She glanced toward her open bedroom door and realized if Karel walked down the hall for any reason, like to use the restroom, he’d see her sex toy lying out. She’d die if he knew what she was doing prior to his visit. “Hang on a sec. I just need to do something real quick.”

She hurried down the hall into her bedroom, her blood buzzing with excitement. He was there. In her apartment. Oh crap. And she’d been about to get herself off with one of her BOBs, thinking of him.

Glancing at the marvel of plastic on her bed, she rushed to pick it up. “I guess you and I will have to get together later and see what you can do for me.” She laughed and turned to put it away. She froze in place when she realized he’d followed her.

“Is that what you were doing when I got here?” He took a step into her room. The place felt tiny with him in it. A glint of wild hunger grew in his eyes. She should be outraged, but she wasn’t. The way he looked at her, like he couldn’t wait to devour her, made the hairs on her arms stand.

“I…yes,” she said, hiding the vibe behind her back. “You, um, should have waited in the living room.”

He took another step closer. “I’m sorry. I didn’t hear you say to wait out there.”

She hadn’t said those specific words, but wasn’t that common knowledge when someone said
hang on

“Show me the toy, Liv.”

Her body ached with a need so great, she could barely move. She shook her head and sat on the bed. “We…you…this…”

English? She forgot how to speak.

“This,” he said, coming closer still. “What about this?”

“I am,” she cleared her throat, holding the vibe in a death grip, “I am so grateful for your help earlier, but I don’t do,” she brought her hands forward, waving between them, “this.”

His gaze locked on the vibe. Heat centered on her cheeks with a feverish touch. He moved fast, getting to his knees and grabbing her hands before she hid them behind her. “Stop. You don’t need to do anything. I know you want me,” he said calmly. There wasn’t a hint of boasting or cockiness in his words. “I’m glad you don’t do this with others, but I’m not like anyone you’ve ever met.”

She licked her lips. The words would have sounded ridiculous coming from any other man. Who didn’t think they were different, right? But when a feral expression shifted his face, she knew he was truthful. “Karel, we don’t know each other.”

“Everything is learned with time,” he said. “It is what you feel that you can’t question. Your heart speaks, and you need to listen. Your body is telling you something.”

She knew what her body was saying. Get laid. Get laid now! But she wasn’t a casual sex type of chick. There hadn’t been enough guys wanting to be with her that she’d gotten over her need to be in a relationship for sex. “My body says a lot of things,” she replied. “I don’t necessarily do what it wants. That’s how people end up in trouble.”

A slow grin split his lips that turned him from
hot damn, he’s sexy
mega gonna be playing with the damn vibrator all night hot
. “You’re right. But what if your desire is reciprocated.”

Oh. Oh, my.

“Tell me something,” he curled his hand around hers holding the toy. “What were you thinking when you used this earlier?”

The heat on her face scorched and she was glad she had caramel skin or he’d see a blush down to her toes. His intense, possessive gaze demanded she answer him. “You.”

That single word lifted a heavy weight from her chest; a burden she hadn’t realized locked her heart away. He took the vibe out of her hand, a curious look on his face as he examined the toy.

It was a regular blue rabbit with rotating head and metal beads. It sported a smaller bunny that curved out to stimulate the clit. He pressed a button and the cock part of the vibe rotated. A low buzzing sounded with the movements. He hit another button and the tiny bunny wiggled to life, the ears shaking with the force of the vibration.

Her pussy clenched hard. She loved that he was touching her toy. God. That thing had been in her right before he’d shown up. She didn’t dare tell him. Her jaw dropped when he turned the toy off and lifted it to his face. He rubbed the side of the vibe under his nose and inhaled.

His gaze pinned her. A low growl rumbled from him. “This smells like you.”

Lord have mercy. “It, um, it does?”

He blinked his golden eyes and swiped his tongue up the silicone. “It tastes like I know you will. Sweet as honey.”

Holy shit, he was freakier than she realized. “You,” she choked. “Are you insane?”

He licked the bunny ears, pulling them out slowly. “Crazy for a taste of you. Does that make me insane?”

“Freaky as fuck, yes. Insane? No.”

His sinful grin grew, and he came closer, pushing her knees apart and hooking a hand around the back of her neck. “Good, because we’re about to get really, really freaky.”

She should say no. Send him home. Instead, she leaned forward, looking for the coming kiss. Her pussy dripped moisture. She was so damn slick. Heat turned her puffy, aching folds shiny with need.

Her robe tie slipped open, falling to either side of her legs, giving him full view of her shaved pussy. She didn’t have sex upon first meeting, but she also never wanted a man this badly. Screw it. What her body wanted, it would get. Satisfying her needs for once wasn’t the end of the world.

She brushed her lips over his. Electric tingles shocked her to the core. That was a first. He took her mouth, slowly at first, but quickly adding more pressure. He boldly stroked his tongue over hers, curling, massaging, and swallowing every gasp she gave. The kiss grew demanding. Possessive. He tasted her with a deep plunge that tempted and set aflame every cell in her body.

His hands slid up her large thighs, pushing them farther apart, and removing the open robe to leave her naked on the bed. She lost control at that point, wrapping her hands around his neck, meshing their faces. He devoured her mouth with his kisses, drugging and making her forget everything but the here and now.

She’d never felt this starved. His hands caressed her body, covering every inch of her slowly, as if committing her shape to memory. He moved his mouth to her jaw, licking and biting and whispering dirty things. Placing her hands to either side of her on the bed, she gripped the comforter, curving her back and pushing her chest out while shoving her hips forward and widening her legs until she was on the tips of her toes.

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