In To Blue: Book One Of The Blue Series (14 page)

Chapter Twenty-Two


As I leave Dr. Warren’s office, I get a text from Grant. 
Just checking on you.  I haven’t heard from you.   You didn’t eat breakfast.  I was hoping you were hungry. 
I text back
I text him the address of a restaurant nearby.
He responds. 
I’m on my way. 

As I make my way to the restaurant, I’m excited to see Grant.  I grab a table.  The waiter walks over and hands me two menus.  “Can I get you something to drink?”  “I’ll take a vodka cranberry and a glass of water.”  “Make that two” Grant laughs as he sits down. 

“Hi there!”  Grant is in a really good mood.  “Hello.”  “Did you get your errands taken care of?”  “Yes”  “Good.  Do you have plans after lunch?  “Not really.”  “Would you want to spend the afternoon with me?”  Grant asks. 

I find myself less hesitant to tell him no. I can’t seem to keep my guard up around him anymore.  “Yes.” I smile.  We look over the menus and the waiter returns with our drinks.  “Why are you so chipper?  Did you buy a strip mall for pennies on a dollar?”  I ask.  “No but I did buy some property. I’ll tell you about it later.”  We look over the menus and place our order.  I order the club sandwich and Grant orders the brisket. 

“So are you going to tell me about your real estate deal?”  I’m trying to keep the conversation light.  I’m scared Grant will want to talk about things I don’t want to discuss.  I know he and Buddy want me to tell them everything that happened with Coy.  “Not yet.  I’ll tell you all about it once the ink dries.”  “Fair enough.” 

It isn’t long before the waiter brings us our food.  As I glance up to thank the waiter.  I see Reese Walker glaring at me while having a drink at the bar.   Anxiety crashes over me.  I stare at my plate.  My appetite has completely vanished.  I look at Grant.  He is eating his lunch and scanning over his phone.  I sit there and just push my sandwich around on my plate.  Reese never takes his eyes off me. 

I jump ten feet when my phone rings.  Scrambling to grab my phone, I answer it in a rush.  “Hello.”  “Avery its Sam.  I called in a few favors and I have the information you asked for.”  “And?”  “Avery, I would rather not discuss it over the phone.  Can you come back by the office in about forty-five minutes?  “Yes. I’ll see you then.”  My anxiety has intensified to the point that I feel sick. 

“What’s wrong Avery?”  “Nothing.   Grant, I’m going to have to take a rain check on this afternoon.  Something has come up.”  “What is it?”  He asks.  If I was honest I would tell Grant that I’m trying to get more information on Coy’s plea deal.  I chose yet again to lie.  “There are some contracts I need to look over for some horses I may buy.”  “Ok.”  I can tell he’s disappointed.  “Is that why you are so nervous Avery?
No! it’s becuaseReese Walker won’t stop staring at me
  “Yes. I’m a little anxious.”  I smile.  Grant finishes his meal and the waiter brings the check.  I attempt to take it from the waiter but Grant snatches it out his hand.  He pulls out some cash and hands it back to the waiter.   

“Avery, you barely touched your food.  “I’m sorry.  I wasn’t as hungry as I thought.”  “You need to eat to keep your strength up.”  I nod.  We leave our table.  Relief washes over me when I notice Reese is gone. 

We walk outside and Grant’s driver is waiting on him.  “Are you parked nearby?”  Grant asks.  “Yes.  I’m parked just down the block.”  “Would you like for me to walk with you?”  “No.  I can manage.  Thank you for lunch Grant.”  I say as I turn and walk away.  “Avery!” I turn back around as Grant walks up to me.  “May I come out and see you tonight?”  “Sure” I turn and walk to my truck.

As I’m almost to my truck I see someone leaning against it.
  It is Reese.  “What do you want Reese?”  I can immediately tell his tone will be much different than it was the last time I saw him.  “Just checking to see if you want to lock horns.  You were pretty mad the last time I saw you.  I seem to recall you threatening me.”  “You have a good memory Reese.  You are correct.  I believe I used the words “bury your ass on the track” and that is what I intend to do.” 

“I saw Coy the other day.  He told me to tell you he misses you and can’t wait be with you again.”  Reese smirks.  My anxiety builds again. Reese knows what happened.   I reach over to slap him but he grabs me and slams me against my truck.  “You listen here bitch.  Your ranch is going to be mine and you will be with my son.”  I’m frightened.  He just stares at me.  “You need to say goodbye to that billionaire boyfriend.  I have plans for him.”  He releases me and walks off. 

I climb in my truck and immediately break down.  The hate I have for myself returns and I feel myself falling apart again.  As the tears fall, I bury my head in my hands.  I just want this all to stop. I can’t stand myself right now.  Everything that has happened to me because of Coy keeps running through my mind.  The flashbacks keep coming.  Coy told me in the barn that he was the only one for me.  

I finally get myself together and I drive over to Sam’s office.  “Avery are you sure you want to do this?  You’re not going to like what I have to say.”  Sam says cautiously.  “Look, I need to know what happened.  Sam just tell me!”  I snap. 

“Avery, I’ve looked over the case and I’m confused.” “Why is that?  I ask.  “Well prior to the plea deal Coy was up on charges of kidnapping, rape, and first degree assault.  After the plea deal he was only charged with second degree assault.” 

Where is she going with this
  “I don’t understand your confusion Sam.”  “Avery, the D.A is a stickler on rape charges.  He wife was raped before they met of course and he takes a no tolerance approach to rape charges.  “The plea deal was bought.  You know that.”  “Yes Avery but he would never drop a rape charge.”  Anxiety builds within me. I am afraid she is on to something.  I try to throw her off.   “I wasn’t raped.”  “Avery are you sure about that?”
Oh no!   Sam knows something.
“Yes.  The doctor told me my rape kit came back normal.”  I reply. 

“Avery something doesn’t add up.”  You had 3 different drugs in your system a horse tranquilizer, ecstasy, and GHB.”  “What!  “The doctor didn’t tell me that!  She only mentioned the horse tranquilizer.  What is GHB?” I ask.  “It’s the date rape drug.”  She says calmly. 

I am having a hard time keeping my composure.  I know at any moment I could fall apart.  I bring up the rape kit to her again.  I’m doing everything I can to deny her suspicions.   “That also bothers me.  The kit was completely clean.  You had bruising and contusions on your thighs and your lower abdomen.  Even if he didn’t rape you he still injured you.  His DNA would have been found on your skin.

Avery, I’m sorry to say this but I think Coy raped you and it got away with it.  If the D.A had evidence to prove rape, Coy Walker wouldn’t have gotten a plea deal.  He would be looking at a potential 20 year sentence for his crimes.” 

I am in pure panic mode. “Sam, I don’t think he raped me.  Why would Dr. Moore cover it up?”  I ask.  “Because Avery,Dr. Sandra Moore is dating Reese Walker.”  I gasped.
  This is not happening. That’s why I recognized her. I probably have seen them out together. 

“Avery, when I reviewed the case file and saw that things didn’t add up, I did some research.  I found a picture of her with Reese at a social even from a few months ago.”  I’m devastated. I feel like someone has just punched me in the stomach. 

Avery we need to talk to the D.A about this.”  “No!  There is nothing to discuss.”  I’m start to completely lose it as the tears begin to fall.  “He didn’t rape me!  It was consensual.”  She is floored by what I just said.  “Coy told me I would submit to him.  I couldn’t take it anymore.  The beatings were too much.  The only way to stop them was to submit.  I let him take me.” 

I can’t believe what I am saying.  Sam walks over and sits down in the chair next to me.  “No Avery.  It wasn’t consensual.  It was rape.  Coy needs to pay for his crimes.”  “He will.  I will see to that.”  I seethe.  “Avery we need to deal with this.”  “No! We can’t prove anything.  The case is closed.” 

“I want you to focus on our plan.”  I’m close to falling apart.  I want to run and hide.  I hate myself so much. “Avery you need to deal with this.  Let me get you in touch with a therapist.”  She doesn’t need to go there.  That is enough to piss me off. “I said drop it.  I want you focused on the task at hand.  I want you to destroy that file and we are to never discuss it again.  I mean it Sam.”   “Ok Avery.  I promise not to discuss it again.”  I stand to walk out.  “One more thing Sam, start looking into to Sandra Moore.  I am going to ruin her too.”  She nods.

The drive back to Lexington is awful.  I can’t think straight and I can’t stop crying.  I feel like such a horrible person.  On top of that I’m confused about Grant. My feelings for him are hanging on by a thread.  I don’t know if I can let him back in.  I was awful to him and I don’t deserve his kindness.  I don’t know how he would feel toward me if he knew I submitted to Coy.     

I arrive back at the ranch but I can’t bring myself to go into the house.  I head straight for my stables and saddle up Blue.   I ride Blue around stopping at the lake to let Blue rest and get a drink.  I climb back on Blue and head toward the barn where Coy held me prisoner.  I realize now why I’m drawn to that place.  I need to punish myself for what I’ve done.  I don’t care what Sam said.  I let Coy take me and I will never forgive myself for it.

I walk inside and kneel on my hand and knees in the corner of the storage room.  I begin reliving the events of what happened.  Remembering the pain I felt at the hands of Coy, only makes me hate myself even more.  Memories of the words he said to me and the feel of his touch disgust me.  I can’t believe I gave myself to him.  Replaying my screams in my head, begging for him to stop, causes me more grief.  I can still hear the sound of the condom wrapper being torn.  The silence that filled the air as he took me.  Consumed by those memories, I feel numb and weak.  Darkness creeps in and I blackout. 

I awake screaming. “Avery its ok.  It is just a dream.”  I open my eyes and Grant is kneeling in beside me holding me.  “Don’t be afraid.  You’re safe.  Let’s get you back to the house.  He helps me on to Blue and we start riding toward my house. 

We stop at the lake and let the horses get a drink. I sit down under the oak tree and Grant sits beside me.  “Avery, I wish you would talk to me.  If you would open up to me, I can help you get through this.”  I immediately change the subject.  “Grant, what are you doing here?”  “I tried to call you Avery but you didn’t answer.  I called Buddy he said he saw you out riding.  I came out to the ranch hoping we could ride together but you never came back.  I knew you had to be out here. 

I need to ask you something and I don’t want you to get upset.  I’m just trying to help you Avery.”  “Ok.”  When we were in New York and we were in my playroom it made you very uncomfortable.”  I instantly get nervous I know where he is going with this.  “When I… hurt you.  You wanted out of the room so bad you couldn’t stand it.  I don’t understand how you were scared of my playroom but you seem drawn to that barn.  I know whatever happened was awful.  I would think you would want to be as far away from that place as possible.”  I start crying.  “No. Avery don’t cry.  I just want to help you.”  Grant wraps his arms around me.  “I’m sorry.  I’m pushing aren’t I?”  I nod.  He looks defeated.  I know he means well but I can’t go there. 

We finally make it back to the house and its dinner time.  Grant stays for dinner and everyone sits around laughing having a good time except me.  I can’t stop thinking about what Sam discovered and my run in with Reese Walker.  Grant leans over and whispers.  “Smile.”  I immediately smile but the smile quickly fades.  Marie starts clearing the table and I get up to help her.  The guys are all sitting around telling drunken tales of their party days and chasing women.

Chapter Twenty-Three


After I finish helping Marie, I walk out on the front porch and sit down on one of the wooden benches.  Grant follows me and sits down beside me.  “I would love to know what you are thinking.”  “I wish I could reverse time.” I whisper.  Grant rubs his forehead and whispers “I do to.”  He slowly slides closer to me and he puts his arm around me.  “I hate seeing you in so much pain.  I would take your pain if I could.”  He words actually bring me comfort. 

“I am sorry for everything I have done to you Grant.  I said horrible things and I want you to know I didn’t mean any of it.”  “Avery I know.  It’s ok.  Don’t beat yourself up about it.  I’m here aren’t I?  It will take a lot more than words to get rid of me.” 

I put my head down as tears start to fall.  “Hey look at me.”  I lift my head and turn it to face him.  He wipes the tears from my eyes and caresses my cheek.  “You are so beautiful.”  He slowly leans in and kisses me.  The kiss seem to last forever.  He wraps his arms around me and I was lost in him.  Nothing else mattered.  I felt safe in Grant’s arms again. 

He slowly breaks the kiss.  “I better go since I have an hour ride to the hotel.”  “Stay.”  His face lights up.  “You want me to stay here tonight?”  “Yes, I don’t want to be alone.”  He leans in and kisses me.  He whispers.  “Me either.” We decide to go for a walk around the property occasionally stopping to glance up at the stars.  We have light conversation throughout the walk.  Grant is doing everything he can to keep my thoughts positive.

   We arrive back at the house later in the evening.  We make our way up to my bedroom.  Grant looks nervous.  “You sure you want me to sleep in here.”  “Yes.”  I grab a t-shirt and a pair of shorts to change into.  “Would you like a pair of shorts?”  I ask.  “No.  I sleep in my boxers unless that makes you uncomfortable?”  “No.  It’s fine.”  I walk in the bathroom, shut the door and change. 

I feel I’m taking a huge step.  I’m going to sleep in the same bed with Grant.  It’s just sleep. I can’t go any further than that.  I walk back in the room and Grant is already in my bed.  I climb in bed and turn off the lights.  I lie with my back to him and he rolls over and puts his arm around me.  I feel comforted in his arms.  I gently stroke his arm until I fall asleep. 

I wake up screaming, Grant has his arms around me trying to calm me down.  I start to relax and I realize it is morning.  The sun is shining through my curtains.  Once I’m calm Grant gets up and walks around the room.  He looks upset. 

“Was I having a nightmare?”  I ask.  He stops and looks at me.  “No!”  I know now he is very angry but I haven’t got the slightest clue why.  “You were having a flashback.”  He snaps.  “What did I say Grant?”  “Avery, I need to know what happened with Coy!” “What did I say in my sleep Grant?”  “No Avery! You are not going to turn the words around and make it seem like nothing happened. You need to tell me!”  “No! There is nothing to tell.”  I hiss. 

I get up and grab a pair of jeans and a shirt.  I walk in the bathroom and slam the door.  When I come out Grant is gone.  As I make my way downstairs, I see Grant out back talking to Buddy.  “Avery, can I get you some coffee?”  Marie asks?”  “Sure.” 

I sit in silence and drink my coffee.  Grant walks back in and over to me.  He leans down and kisses the top of my head.  “I need to get back to the hotel.  I have some work to do.”  A few moments later Grant is gone.  In our brief exchange he was so distant.  He is angry at me because I won’t talk to him about Coy.  

I turn my focus to my horses.  All three of them are excited as I enter the stables.  I pet and talk to all of them.  I’m about to saddle Blue up when my phone rings.  It’s Sam. “Avery, I have the corporation documents back from the state.  Would you want to stop by sometime today and sign them?”  “Absolutely.  I’m on my way.” 

I sign the corporation documents.  Sam provides me with a copy so I can give them to Richard in order to open the business account.  I’m about to leave Sam’s office when she stops me.  “Avery, I have something I need to tell you about Reese.”  “Ok.”  “Rumor has it, Reese is trying to rally support to get Coy out of jail as soon as possible.
Damn it!
I wasn’t expecting that.  “Sam, how long can he be kept in jail?  “My best guess would be six to eight months.  “I will take care of it.”  “Avery what are you going to do?  “I have friends in high places too. I will call in a favor.” 

“Another thing Avery, Reese is trying to buy up as much land as possible.  He is up to something.”  “Sam, do you know any of the locations of the land he is trying to buy?”  “Yes Avery.  My source tells me he is after commercial land.  Specifically large parcels of land in and around Louisville.”  Reese is trying to stop Grant from starting his real estate venture.  “Find out which ones Reese is eyeing and get back to me.

Sam, I also need to make an offer on that piece of land that Grant Harrison was going to buy from Reese.  I want to offer twenty percent less than the asking price.  I think Reese will bite.”  “Avery you never cease to amaze me.  What are you up too?”  Sam asks.  “I’m eliminating an asset.  I know it frees up some cash but I am interested in seeing what Reese will do with it.  Plus he’ll feel like he is getting back at Grant.” 

“Grant wanted the property.  I am going to make sure he gets it.”  “Avery, are the two of you back together?  I don’t know what exactly is going on between us but we are trying to figure things out.”  “Avery be careful.  He could complicate your plan.”  Sam says with concern.  “I know.  That is why he won’t know about it.  I’m off to the bank.  I will talk to you later.” 

I walk out of Sam’s office and I make my way to the bank.  Richard gets the account opened and the money moved.  Vendetta, LLC is ready to do some business.  I walk out of the bank feeling strong.  I can do this.
Payback is a bitch named Avery Foster
  I laugh.  I really felt good. 

I make a call to Senator Dobson.  I explain to him my concerns about Coy Walker getting an early release from prison.  He assured me he was already aware of it and that the earliest Coy could be released is in one year. 

After I finished my call with Bob.  I decide to check out a few boutiques in the area.  I purchase a few outfits and a couple of dresses.  I haven’t talked to Julie in a couple of days.  We meet up for lunch at the café by her salon.  

“How are you?  “Today is a good day Julie.  I went shopping!”  “Who are you and what have you done with Avery?”  She smiles. 

Her smile quickly fades and she looks worried.  “Julie what is wrong?”  “It’s Chance.  He has been so stressed out.  Reese Walker is trying to strong arm Chance on some feed contracts.  I know it is awful that we still do business with him but your ranch and his ranch are our two biggest clients.  If we lose our contracts with Reese it would hurt the business something terrible. He’s threatening to take all of his business to Lewis Feed and Grain.” 

“Wait Julie. I thought Mr. Lewis was getting out of the business?”  “He’s supposed to because he was losing business to Chance.  If he gets Reese as a customer, I’m sure he won’t shut the business down.  Reese will wind up helping him get more customers just to get back at Chance.”  This is something I will not allow.  I need to get Mr. Lewis out of the equation and fast. 

“Julie don’t worry about it.  Let me do some checking around.  You know how us horse ranchers like to talk.  Let me see what I can find out.”  “Oh Avery, thank you so much.” 

I hug her goodbye as we leave the café.  I walk to my truck and I see Reese Walker standing there waiting on me.  I know now he is following me.  I approach him.  I’m angry at him for what Julie told me.  “I see who Coy gets his stalking abilities from.”  I hiss.  He laughs “He sure does miss you.”
I really hate this fucke
.  I just ignore him.  “He asked that I give you this.”  Reese hands me an envelope.  “He thinks about you all of the time Avery.”  I’m beyond pissed.  I throw the envelope back at him.  “Coy has a lot of time on his hand to think while he rots away in his jail cell.  Maybe one day the two of you can share a cell and be roomies.”  I smirk. 

“Do you have any idea who you are messing with Avery?”  “I know exactly who I’m messing with Reese.   The real question is do you have any idea who you are messing with?” 

“The sooner my son gets out of jail the better.  I think some punishment is in order.”   I feel as if I have just been kicked in the stomach.  I maintain my focus.  “Reese I think you need to be focused on your business instead of stalking me for your son’s sick pleasure.  Has anyone made him their bitch yet?”  Without any warning he back hands me across the face and I lean into the truck.  He grabs me and shoves the envelope in my hand.  “I promised my son I wouldn’t hurt you.  What he don’t know won’t hurt him.”  He walks off.

The anger I feel inside subsides.  It is replaced with emotional pain.  Coy is using Reese to get to me.  I call Sam and tell her about what Julie told me.  “Get a real estate agent to contact Mr. Lewis feel him out.  If he wants to sell make him an offer.  It needs to be an offer he will accept.  Let me know what he says.”  “Will do Avery.”

I make it back home feeling defeated.  I put my new clothes away and I decide to take Blue out on a ride.  I feel horrible as we ride across the ranch.  I feel the need to punish myself again especially after everything that has happened today.  While I am riding, Dr. Warren calls letting me know all of my test were clear.  I’m relieved as I hang up with her. 

The feeling of relief leaves me as I get closer to the barn.   I hear all kinds of commotion coming from the back of the property.  I finally get close enough to see the barn and anger boils in my veins.  Buddy, Grant, and some of the ranch hands are tearing the barn down. 

Blue and I haul ass toward them.  I immediately jump off Blue.  I charge toward Buddy and Grant.  “Stop!  What in the hell are you doing?  We haven’t made any decision about this property.”  I yell.  “It a reminder of what happened Avery.  Buddy and I thought if we tear it down it might help you heal.”  Grant says calmly.  “No! You have no right.  Stop this right now!”  “Avery this place is destroying you.  We can’t stand to see you in pain anymore.  Buddy yells.  “No!” I shove Buddy to keep him from tearing away anymore boards.  I run to the other guys screaming at them to stop.  “You can’t do this to me.  Stop this!  I need this place.” 

They don’t stop.  They keep on carrying out Buddy’s orders.  Grant comes up from behind and grabs me.  I try to fight him off but he holds me tight.  “Avery stop!  You don’t need this place.  It is filled with horrible memories.  We are doing this to help you get through what happened.”  “No!  Stop! I need it!  You can’t take this from me.” I scream.  Grant’s body tenses I can tell he is angry.  “No!  You don’t need this Avery!  This is the last thing you need!  It is breaking you.”  He snaps.   

His words completely tear me apart and I become hysterical.  I speak not realizing what I am saying.  “It is my punishment!  I have to punish myself for what I did!”  Grant turns me around to face him.  “Avery what are you talking about?  Grant asks.  “He broke me!  I submitted to him!  I gave myself to him.”  Buddy and Grant look at me as if they don’t recognize me.  I shove Grant away.  I run to Blue and take off as fast as I can. 

I get Blue settled back in his stall.  I quickly run into the house and up to my room.  I’m hoping Buddy doesn’t threaten to break the door down.  I can’t face anyone right now.  I lay down on the bed and I cry myself to sleep. 

I awake it’s a little after eight in the evening.  I decide I want to get out of the house.  I take a shower and get myself all dolled up.   I throw on one of my new dresses.  I choose the gray fitted sleeveless dress.  It is a little short but I honestly could care less.  I slide on some black strappy heels and I make my way downstairs. 

As I make it to the end of staircase, Buddy stops me.  “What are you doing Avery?”  I’m so angry with him.  “I’m going out!”  I hiss.  “Avery, we need to talk about this.  Grant is worried sick about you.”  “I don’t have anything to say to either of you.  I’m an adult and I’m going to do what I damn well please!”  “Avery you can’t run from what has happened.”  “I have had enough of this shit from the two of you.”  I shove Buddy out of my way and walk out the door.

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