Indulgence (Taking Chances #1) (13 page)

“Brix.”  I hesitated, unsure what to say.  

“You want to know why I applied for
?”  I opened my mouth to say
, but he didn’t give me the opportunity to respond.  “For the same reason I teach yoga.  I’ve never been very good with women.  I was what you’d call a nerdy boy growing up.”

“Well, you’re not a nerd now.”

Even in the dark, I could see the stain of his blush paint across his cheek.  “Thank you, but that’s not entirely true.”

“You hide it well, then.”

He shrugged.  “I don’t think so.  I become all tongue-tied around women.  The only woman I was ever good with was my grandmother, and when she died, I was left alone with nothing but her fortune to supplement me.  I thought bulking up would help boost my confidence, but it didn’t.  Guys like Jacoby don’t know how lucky they are.  They can talk to girls without sounding like an idiot.”

Lifting my head, I met his sweet gaze.  “You realize he’s gay, right?”

Brix chuckled.  Leaning back, he placed his palms down on the bed, not caring that his once raging, hard cock was practically flaccid.  “Yeah, but before he came out of the closet, he had you.  That says something for the guy.”

I placed my hand over his, giving it a good squeeze.  “You don’t give yourself enough credit, Brix.  I find you incredibly sexy.”

“But not sexy enough,” he whispered.

There was nothing I could say.  Even if I hadn’t figured out that Luke and Sebastian were one, I still felt something for Luke, and fucking Brix wouldn’t change those feelings.  In fact, my using Brix—because let’s face it, that’s what I was doing—would only hurt him in the long run.

His arms suddenly wrapped around me, pulling me into a tight embrace.  My limbs clasped at my sides, I gasped in shock.  “Go get him, Add.”  His warm breath fanned out over my hair.

“It’s too late.  I don’t even know where he is.”

Brix pulled back, holding me by my shoulders.  “Yes you do.  Just think about it.  You’ll find him.”

I threw my arms around his neck.  “Thank you for understanding.  I mean it when I say you’re an amazing guy.”

“You’re welcome, beautiful.  Now go.”

Cupping his face in my hands, I placed a tender kiss on Brix’s lips.  My stomach twinged at the thought I might be passing up on something real for a fantasy, but I would never know unless I sought Sebastian out.

I got up from the bed and rushed from the room.  There was only one place I could imagine Sebastian being, and nothing was going to stop me from getting there.


Chapter Twelve

There seemed to be a million and one steps between Sebastian and me as I made my way up the stairs to the fifth floor.  Luke had been quite clear that this was Sebastian’s private quarters.  His
fortress of solitude,
he’d called it.  Of course, at the time I didn’t realize I was in the presence of Clark Kent.

No one was around me.  It felt strange not to hear the prattling of others.  There were no candles lighting my way.  No haze of lust embracing me.  The smell of sex nearly diminished the farther I went up.  Much like Superman’s fortress, the space felt cold.  Chilled to the bone, I approached the landing with caution.  A tiny part of me expected some sort of booby-trap to be awaiting my arrival.

And I wasn’t disappointed.  No sooner did I amble off the final step was I approached by a foreboding guard.  He towered over me, making me crane my neck to get a good look at him.  Dark hair slicked back, creating a helmet on his head.  A thick scar vined across his jagged jaw.  His impertinent stare bore straight through me.  A snarl curled his lip.  

The sight alone of this man was frightening, but when he spoke I trembled.  “No one’s allowed up here.  You must leave immediately.”  He took a step toward me, his hand outreached.  

I backed away, teetering on the stair.  “I need to see Sebastian.”

to leave,” the guard reiterated, ignoring my request.

No giant bodyguard, no matter how foreboding, was going to deter me from what I came here for.  I deserved an explanation.  

,” I sneered, “that
Ms. George
is here to see him.”  The guard analyzed me, eyes narrowed as he considered my words.  “Look, buddy, I’m not leaving this spot ‘til you find Sebastian.  If he refuses to see me, that’s one thing, but until you go tell him I want to talk, you’re stuck with me.”

The man rubbed his hand along his jaw, a cocky smirk dawning across his face.  He unbuttoned his tuxedo jacket and reached for something from his belt.

Great!  That was all I needed.  This fucker surely wouldn’t taser a naked woman, would he?

I squinted my eyes, waiting for a weapon of some sort to appear, but instead I heard the crackle of a Walkie Talkie.  “Kryptonite to Man of Steel.  Come in, Man of Steel.”

My mouth dropped wide open.  Sebastian was a Superman freak.  And here I thought it was just an off-chance reference.

“What’s up, Gable?” Luke’s smooth voice came in over the radio.

Gable’s eyes raked over me.  I suddenly felt my nakedness and tried to cover up as best as I could.  “I have a woman here to see you.”

A long pause ensued before a response was received.  “Remind her that guests are not allowed up here and then escort her downstairs where she belongs.”

“Copy that.”  Gable smirked, returning the radio to his belt.  “Like I said, you need to leave.”

I stood my ground, unmoving.  “Bullshit.  Get back on that thing and tell him to get his ass out here right now.  I need to talk to him.”  Anger hummed under my skin.  I came here for a reason and I was going to get what I wanted.  It didn’t matter if Sebastian wanted anything to do with me.  He owed me after what he did, and no beefed up freakazoid bodyguard was going to stop me from getting what I deserved.

Gable stepped forward, placing his hand at my elbow.  “If you will please follow me.”

I ripped my arm away.  “Absolutely not!” I snapped.  “Sebastian Hawk might think of himself as a god, the Grand Master of all things fuckery, but he will not ignore me.  I have a right to speak with him after what he did tonight.”

“And what was that?”  Out of the dark came the voice that sent a rush of warm tingles up my spine.  My heart leapt.  In my stomach, butterflies rattled.  Every nerve in my body turned to a livewire, firing up in his presence.

Sebastian stepped into the dim light, revealing himself.  Gone was the mask and hat, yet still remained his trim black slacks and white Oxford shirt.  His bowtie draped languidly around his neck and his vest hung open.  With his hands in his pockets, he was relaxed as Luke but stoic as Sebastian.  Two men, residing in the same person, wreaking havoc on my mind and body.

“You know exactly what you did,” I smarted off.

He clicked his tongue, taking another step closer.  “Once again, Red, you’ll have to tell me.”

Gable disappeared into the darkness without a single word.  I pushed away from the stairs, taking another step toward Sebastian.

“You lied to me.”

The vein in Sebastian’s neck twitched.  “How so?”

I pointed toward his clothes.  “This.  You played me for a fool.  Hiding behind a mask and pretending to be someone else.”

“Aren’t you hiding behind a mask?” he shot back.

I reached behind my head and unclasped the mask on my face, letting it fall to the ground.  “Not by choice, Mr. Hawk.  And while I wore this mask per your rules, I never once pretended to be someone I’m not.”

Another step closer.  Our bodies drawn together like magnets.  Energy buzzed between us.  Being near him like this made everything about me feel alive—a feeling I both loved and hated.

“Nor did I.”

He seriously didn’t expect me to buy the shit he was selling.

“Addison, you’re a smart woman.  Think about it.”

I motioned for him to continue.  

“When I first approached you this evening as myself, you became flustered.  You backed down, unwilling to challenge me as I knew you wanted to.  It was then I realized the only way I was going to get to know the real you was to place myself on an equal playing field.  I wanted you to treat me as you would any other man you’d just met.  So, I dressed as one of my employees, but at no time was I ever fake.  Everything I said, everything I did, and everything I felt was

A chuckle rumbled in my throat.  He had a legitimate point, but it wasn’t enough to sooth my bruised ego.  “You’re right.  I did freeze when you approached me in the corridor.  You’re a celebrity.  What I did was natural.  But that didn’t mean you had to lie in order to get to know me.”

Sebastian closed the gap between us with his final step.  I tilted my head back, meeting his eyes.  All of the feelings I had for Luke amplified a million times over.   

“Maybe not.  Maybe you would’ve been able to see past the public image, but that doesn’t mean everyone else would.  Had I come out there in the depths of that party to speak with you, people would have bombarded me.  We wouldn’t have had any privacy.  Everything we experienced would’ve become a spectacle.  Is it wrong of me to want a little normalcy in my life?  To enjoy what is forced upon me with someone I find interesting and beautiful.”

He rushed his fingers through his hair, tugging at the roots.  He opened his mouth, but nothing more than air came out.  Instead, he reached out and pulled me into his arms.  He twirled me around, and pushed me against the wall, locking me between him and the cold, flat surface.  The dark storm clouds of Sebastian drifted away, leaving the intense yet sweet charm of Luke in their place.  Any anger that remained disintegrated between us.  Everything I wanted, everything I needed was right here in front of me.

I could feel his heart pounding against my chest.  Each breath he took was haggard and rough.  Hooded eyes melted me to the core.  His mouth drifted closer to mine.  The moment they met, I was lost.  Any coldness I’d felt was replaced with his warmth.  His firm lips commanded mine, and I obeyed, hungry to feel him.  He rested his elbows on the wall, cupping my face in his hands.  Slowly, his tongue traced my bottom lip.  I couldn’t resist the urge to taste him, and parted my lips.  He accepted my invitation without hesitation.  Tongues slid across each other, tasting, teasing, aching for more.  

Oh, how I craved this man.  His touch, his kiss, his body, his mind, and even his soul.  The attraction between us was too strong to ignore.  I lifted up on the tips of my toes, pressing my body into his.  My fingers tangled into his silky locks.  Sebastian groaned, gripping behind my knee and pulling it over his hip.  The evidence of his arousal firmly planted against my hot pussy.

“This is the torture you’ve caused me all night,” he proclaimed, grinding his hips against mine.  “You’re mind and body are deadly forces against my will power, Red.  It’s taken everything I had not to pull you into a room and show you just how much I want you.”

“What’s stopping you now?” I urged.

“Not a goddamn thing.”  

His lips crashed back into mine.  Without warning, he thrust his tongue into my accepting mouth, taking what he wanted.  I thought I’d been aroused before, but feeling him and his aggressive kiss was an atomic blast rippling inside me.

Sebastian picked me up, wrapping my legs around his hips.  He lifted me away from the wall and started down the hall, our kisses growing more urgent.  “Fuck, I want to feel you,” I rasped, raking my teeth along his jaw.

“You will.”

As he walked, I started to undress him.  First went the tie and vest, followed by his shirt.  The clasp of his belt rubbed against me as he walked.  The friction felt good, but I needed his skin.  I pushed my hips against his stomach and dragged my tongue along his collarbone.  Sebastian gripped my ass hard, squeezing it to the point I felt myself being exposed.  

As we entered the room, he kicked off his shoes.  Three long strides and my body hit the bed with a gentle bounce.  I reached out and unhooked his belt.  Sebastian watched as I ripped it from the loops and tossed it across the room.  I unbuttoned his pants and shoved them, along with his boxer briefs, to the floor.

That stupid woman at the bar had no clue what the fuck she was talking about when she referred to Sebastian’s glorious cock as a “thingy.”  If she only had the view I had.  

I licked my lips, hungry to have him fill every hole he could.  “Fuck me,” I breathed.

“I plan to.”  A cocky smirk curled his lip.  “Now, move up to the top of the bed,” he commanded.

Doing as I was told, I slipped up toward the headboard.  Sebastian crawled along with me, hovering over me.  As my head hit the pillows, he reached into a drawer beside the bed and pulled out a foil package.  He ripped the wrapper open with his teeth and removed the condom, sliding it over his long, full length.  “Rules are rules,” he teased.

I didn’t care.  All I wanted was to feel him fill me to the brim.  I grabbed him by the back of the neck, pulling him to me.  His mouth crashed into mine.  Our tongues swirled together, insatiable need pushing us for more.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and rubbed my need against his sheathed cock.  Sebastian complied willingly with my unspoken request.  The moment he pushed inside me was exhilarating.  He was anything but easy with his thrust, understanding exactly what my body needed from him.  All of my desires were fulfilled in that one instant.  

Over and over again, his hips slammed into mine, relentless in their quest to find the ultimate release.  Passion flowed between us as our mouths attacked each other, unable to get enough. I dug my toes into the flesh of his ass, guiding him where I needed him.  Marveled at the way his muscles flexed under his skin with each rapid movement, I allowed myself to fall into the abyss of ecstasy.

Our bodies combined together like two pieces of a puzzle.  I felt every inch of him inside of me, and relished that feeling.  My hands explored his magnificent body, memorizing the way he moved, how he felt, and even the sounds he made as I touched him in certain areas.

A light sheen of sweat developed along his back and coated my fingers as I moved them down his spine.  Sebastian grunted when my hands grabbed his ass hard, pulling him harder into my heated core.

His body shifted, as did the atmosphere around us.  In his eyes I sensed an urgency.  

“Tell me he didn’t fuck you like this.”  

Initially his request didn’t register.  All I knew was his hips pumped harder and faster with each breath we took.  My body buzzed with my near climax.  I was so close.  Just one little push would send me over the edge.  

“Tell me,” he growled, biting down on my shoulder.

I shook with the sweet release coursing through my veins, but Sebastian didn’t stop.  He pushed harder, deeper, hitting places I didn’t even know existed.  “I want to hear you say the yoga instructor didn’t make you feel like this.”

His words filtered through my orgasm-induced haze.  What I didn’t comprehend at first was Sebastian’s need for me to see beyond the image.  His desire was more than a fuck, but to be a man.  Wanted as a man.  To be in power.  Brix was a barrier that destroyed that for him.

I cupped his face in my hands, forcing him to look me in the eyes.  The clouds of Sebastian were back and I needed to free him.  I brushed my fingertips over his lips and whispered, “I didn’t fuck him.  I couldn’t.  I wanted you.  Only you.”

Sebastian melted into Luke once again, and within moments, he found his own release.  

His hips slowed and his body slumped into mine, covering me with his full weight.  I trailed my fingers up his spine, listening to the sweet sounds of his breathing.  All night I’d longed for this release, and now that I had it I wanted more.  In my depths, I felt his cock spasming.  It was a unique feeling.  One I wanted to feel repeatedly.  

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