Infinite Love (49 page)

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Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Romantic Erotica

‘Her name is Lexi. She’s our surrogate mother, carrying twins and is under the care of Dr. Walker at Riverdale,’ advised Gabe as we quickly followed them inside. ‘She’s not just our surrogate, she’s our best friend, please help her.’

‘You’ll need to stay here while we take her through, we’ll be with you as soon as possible.’

‘I need to go with her,’ I begged, but they whisked her out of sight behind some double doors. As they shut I burst into tears and Gabe hauled me against his chest and I could feel his heart racing as fast as mine.

‘Doug? It’s Gabe … no, we’re at A&E, it’s Lexi and the twins … no idea. Can you come? Great … Can you also bring some jumpers and cash? We kind of left in a rush, I forgot my wallet and Mia’s freezing. Great, see you shortly.’

‘Gabe,’ I sobbed. I needed to be with her, she’d be so terrified. He led me to a soft armchair and sat me down, crouched at my feet and grasped my hands.

‘I need to move the car, baby. I’m blocking the path for the ambulances. I’m so sorry, I’ll be as fast as I can, I promise.’ He kissed my hands and quickly ran. I covered my eyes and tried to take deep calming breathes. It
going to be ok, we were in hospital, they were trained for this. Lexi and the babies were going to be ok. I practiced some of Dr. Jarvis’s techniques for dealing with stressors, and had to try to focus as a nurse asked me to complete a load of admission paperwork for Lexi. I curled back up and hugged myself and closed my eyes. Suddenly strong arms lifted me and Gabe held me to him as he sank back down into the chair with me on his lap. ‘Any news?’

‘No,’ I whispered as I clung to his t-shirt and shivered, more through fear than cold. He ran his hands up and down my arms as we waited, silently. Doug burst through the doors looking for us about twenty minutes later.

‘Shit you guys, I’m so sorry. What’s happening?’

‘We don’t know, no news,’ advised Gabe. ‘Baby, come on, stand up for me, Doug has a jumper for you to wear. You’re trembling and cold.’

I nodded and he helped me up and I lifted my arms as he tugged the navy V-neck over me and down. It hung off me, with the long sleeves covering my hands. I stood in a trance as he turned the cuffs back for me. I couldn’t believe this was happening. Not Lexi, not the twins. Doug gave me a hug as Gabe quickly pulled on a black jumper.

‘Coffee?’ asked Doug. I nodded and Gabe did too.

‘Mr. and Mrs. Austin?’ We both looked up as someone in scrubs stood at the double doors.

‘I’ll get coffee, go and find out what’s happening,’ advised Doug with a pat to Gabe’s back. Gabe took my hand and we walked over.

‘You’re the parents?’

‘Yes. How’s our friend? How are the babies?’ he asked.

‘Dr. Walker is working on them now, both the surrogate and babies were in foetal distress. We’re performing an emergency C-section now. I’m sorry to ask this, but we need to know where your priorities lie if we have to make a choice?’

‘You’re asking us to choose between my best friend and our babies?’ I gasped as I looked at him in horror. He gave me a sad smile and a nod. This was too much, I couldn’t bear it. I quickly turned to Gabe and buried my face in his chest. He put his arms around me and held me tightly.

‘If you have to make a choice, then … then you save Lexi,’ he replied with a wavering voice.









Full Circle

I sat on the edge of the bath and wiped away the tears from my eyes. I was drained and emotional and wondered how I was going to make it through my birthday and wedding anniversary lunch and evening meal. I dabbed my eyes and looked up as a naked Gabe strode into the bathroom looking for me.

‘Hey, why the tears?’ he frowned as he scooped me up and carried me back to bed.

‘I just feel really emotional today,’ I sighed as he kissed my forehead.

‘Understandable. But we’re seeing everyone later, our parents, Georgie and Justin
Doug and Lexi. You’ll soon feel better when you’re dressed up and we’re with them all.’

‘I know,’ I nodded. He carefully lowered me onto the bed and climbed in next to me.

‘You know what will make you feel better?’

‘What?’ I smiled. I already knew. He had that familiar twinkle in his eye, the one that had a hotline directly to my libido, the one that said he still wanted me, as much as I wanted him.

‘A bit of gentle loving from your husband of four years.’

‘Four years,’ I sighed with a shake of my head. ‘Where has four years gone? So much has happened.’

‘It has,’ he nodded with a half-smile. ‘So, Mrs. Austin, can I make love to my wife this morning?’

‘That’s a question you never have to ask, Mr. Austin,’ I smiled as I pulled his face down to mine and kissed his full soft lips. His handsome face never failed to take my breath away. I thought back to the first time I’d seen him, how my stomach had fluttered, how my breathing had gotten way out of control. Gabe as a twenty-four year old was even more devilishly good looking. His jaw line was stronger, his posture was straighter, his face more determined and his body …
his body was broad and toned to muscular perfection. If I’d thought he’d turned heads as a teenager, it was nothing to the admiring glances he got as Gabe Austin, the confident director in his three piece work suit. I went to pieces every time he strode into my office for our daily lunch, or when I saw him sitting at his desk, with his hands behind his head in that cocky domineering pose, as he talked on his earpiece while winking at me. My husband was a serious amount of man. One I was more than capable of handling though.

‘God, I do love you,’ he sighed as he cupped my face with one hand and swept his thumb back and forth along my cheekbone. ‘Every morning I open my eyes and you take my breath away, baby.’

‘I was just thinking the same about you,’ I smiled as I kissed him again. I went lightheaded, the possessive way his mouth took mine, demanding yet tender all rolled into one. The powerful plunges of his tongue into the recesses of my mouth, followed by lazy flickers that sent tingles up through my scalp. ‘Gabe,’ I sighed. ‘I need you.’

‘You’ve got me baby, for life,’ he grinned as he ran a hand from my hip, cut in at my waist and gently reached up and cupped one of my breasts. My nipples automatically peaked for him and I heard him make a contended groan as he lowered his head and started to suck. I grasped the back of his head and held him to me as I tugged on his soft silky strands and whimpered. A look at him, a few kisses and a suck of my nipple and I was gone, floating on a cloud of bliss, as a pool of longing gathered between my thighs.

‘Gabe,’ I whimpered as I writhed under him on the bed.

‘You are
beautiful,’ he sighed as he started kissed around my breast and down to my navel. ‘I love this body of mine, your soft skin and how quickly you respond to me.’

‘Hmmm,’ I sighed as he traced my tattoo with his tongue.

‘I’m going to eat you, my sweet little peach, eat you until you beg me to make love to you and then I’m going to take you to the stars and back.’

‘Please,’ I nodded and a smile broke across his face.

‘You still want me, after all this time?’ he asked as he settled between my willingly opened thighs and blew on my swollen flesh.

‘More and more, every day.’ I cried out as his tongue trailed through me and casually flicked my sensitive clit. I lifted my hips up to his mouth as I stared at the ceiling and smiled, enraptured by the man between my legs. He flicked, he licked, he sucked and he plundered until I broke into a thousand fragments under the skill of his mouth and felt myself flood as I climaxed. ‘Take me,’ I begged. His eyes looked up at mine, over my stomach, and he shook his head.

‘I’m not done yet, it’s a man’s obligation to make his wife happy on their wedding anniversary,’ he winked and gently thrust two fingers inside me and scissored them. I tensed then relaxed over and over as he teased me, skimming over my g-spot while he worked my clit again, always pulling away as I got to the point of climax, letting me calm down and then building me up again.

‘Gabe,’ I begged. ‘I’ll die from pleasure overload,’ I mewled. He took pity on me and the next time allowed me to come and I clamped my thighs around his ears as he sucked and prodded me to a mind blowing climax. I blinked away the tears of pleasure as he kissed my clit and sucked it again, my legs trembling, then kissed his way back up my body to take my mouth again. ‘You are
’ I sighed as I wrapped my arms around his neck.

‘You’ll be screaming that later tonight,’ he chuckled.

‘What are you up to?’ I asked as I hooked my legs around his waist and rubbed myself along his flexing shaft.

‘I’ll be up you,’ he winked. ‘And you know how we never got to have sex behind the light curtain in 26?’ He gave me a knowing look.

‘Tonight?’ I giggled, all excited.

‘Boxing night, when we’re alone,’ he confirmed. He silenced my giggles with his mouth, as he nudged his way into me, inch by inch, and let out a hiss between his teeth as he tugged on my lower lip.

‘Damn it, I swear you keep growing,’ I groaned as my muscles fought against his girth.

‘It’s you, Mia,’ he sighed. ‘I look at you and he just has a mind of his own.’

‘As long as it’s only when you look at me,’ I replied with raised eyebrows and a gasp as he buried himself to the hilt inside me and I quivered around him.

‘Only ever you, forever,’ he grinned and swivelled his hips making me cry out again and grip his taut shoulder blades.

‘You’d better have that gag for Boxing night,’ I warned, as I matched the rhythm of his hips with my own.

‘You’d better give me a private performance in the studio,’ he replied.

‘You want a bit of Candy the stripper do you?’ I giggled.

‘No, I’ll want all of Mia Austin, my hot, sexy, wife,’ he grinned as he thrust between each word, battering my insides with pleasurable sensations. ‘You’d better be close to coming, baby. I was going to drag this out, but I need you.’

‘I’m close,’ I panted with a nod as he gently worked inside me, all the while watching my face. ‘It’s early, we still have time for a round two.’

‘I’m getting old, Mia,’ he pouted. ‘I don’t know if I have the stamina left in me.’

‘Please,’ I giggled. ‘You have the stamina of a hundred men. You could go all day. Oooo
,’ I squealed as he moved faster.

‘Who are you thinking about?’


‘Who do you love?’

‘YOU,’ I cried as my body started to tense. I dug my nails into his skin and he hissed with pleasure and thrust harder. ‘Gabe … Gabe … GABE,’ I sobbed as I started to convulse under him, sparks of pleasure hitting various parts of my quaking body as he continued to make love to me, smiling down at me with a look a male satisfaction all over his face. I screamed as I hit my peak and his face contorted with pleasure, a loud groan escaped his lips and he collapsed onto me, kissing me as we both came down from our highs.

‘Wow, I will
get tired of doing that with you,’ he sighed as he kissed my neck.

‘Well, I’m tired already,’ I teased. ‘I need a nap after that.’

‘You can have five minutes, then I want you again, before it’s too late,’ he murmured in my ear. I giggled as we heard a loud cry through the baby monitor.

‘As if on cue. Sorry, Austin, it’s too late. They’re awake.’

‘God damn it, they’re early,’ he moaned checking his watch.

‘You need to train them better. Come on shift, I’ll go and get them up.’

‘No,’ he replied and kissed me. ‘You’re tired because you were up most of the night with them. You lie there, it’s my turn. I’ll bring them into you and go and get you breakfast in bed.’

‘Hmmm, I do love you,’ I smiled. ‘I’m so lucky.’

‘No, I’m the lucky one,’ he grinned with another kiss. He cursed as there was another cry, followed by another.

‘You wanted them,’ I laughed as he pulled out of me and quickly got up, yanking up a pair of discarded sweats on the floor.

‘And I’ve never been happier,’ he smiled sincerely and blew me a kiss as he disappeared. I turned on the monitor so he could hear me as well and stretched and smiled to myself as I lay on my side, my head on my hands. I’d never been happier either. It was hard to believe it was thirteen months since that awful day that Lexi had been rushed into hospital.
Thirteen months.
Unlucky for some, but for once in our lives, not unlucky for us. They’d delivered the twins by caesarean and Lexi had pulled through and made a marvellous recovery. Though slightly premature, they were both healthy and strong. Gabe had never looked happier than when he got to hold them both in his arms for the first time. We’d both cried for ages as we’d cuddled them and, of course, their grandparents were beside themselves. I smiled again as I turned up the volume on the monitor.

‘Good morning my little bundles of joy. Have you slept well?’ Gabe asked.

‘Dada … dada,’ came Greyson’s excited little voice. I heard a squeal of joy and recognised it as Tabitha’s.

‘Hello my beautiful girl, have you missed Daddy?’ I heard her giggling and felt my stomach flip. ‘I’m going to have to keep a very close eye on you as you get older. You’re going to be as stunning as your mother and I’m going to be chasing all the boys away with a stick,’ he said in a serious voice.

,’ moaned Greyson, making my heart melt. He was a real Mummy’s boy, much to Gabe’s chagrin, but there again all Tabitha wanted was her Daddy.

‘Mummy’s in bed and I’m taking you to see her, but first someone has filled their nappy. I do love these little gifts that you save for me in the morning, Greyson,’ he laughed and I heard him blow a raspberry on his tummy, which was followed by a squeal and gurgling giggles that made me laugh. I sat up and reached for the t-shirt at the end of the bed and pulled it on and raked through my matted hair, ready to have a cuddle.

‘Ok, two baby fresh Austin’s,’ announced Gabe as he walked through the door with one on each hip. I had to clutch my chest and wipe my eyes, overcome with emotion to see my wonderful children in their father’s strong arms.

‘Mama,’ screamed Greyson as his little face lit up. He held out his tiny podgy arms toward me and I giggled.

‘Good morning my darling boy.’ I smiled and reached up for him as Gabe bent over. I took Greyson and clutched him to my chest and peppered his chubby cheeks with kisses that made him giggle crazily and kick his little stocky legs. ‘You smell delicious, I want to eat you.’

‘Here, take Tabitha as well, I’ll go and prepare their cereal and bottles and make us some breakfast.’

‘Thank you,’ I smiled, as I held Greyson with one arm and reached up for Tabby with the other. She pulled a face and buried her head in Gabe’s neck making me laugh. ‘I think someone wants some Daddy time. Take her with you.’

‘You don’t mind?’

‘Of course not. You always did have a way with the ladies,’ I smiled. He winked at me and headed back to the door.

‘Bye, bye, Tabby,’ I called and waved, then broke into a big smile as her bright blue eyes peaked over Gabe’s shoulder and her little hand waved back. I turned back to Greyson who was snuggling on my chest and kissed his soft neck again and again. He smelled of baby power and
. I couldn’t believe how much I was in love with them both. I’d always hated babies and it had been a long hard process to get to the point where I would even consider marriage, let alone having a family, but I’d never been happier. Business was going really well, to the point that I wanted to open another club in London. Gabe worked really hard at AT&F, but he was an amazing husband and a fantastic father, just as he’d always promised. He always made sure he was home for dinner with the twins, to help bathe them and put them to bed, and then to have quality alone time with me. We also took it in turns with getting up in the night and getting them ready in the morning.

I spent mornings at work, while Beth, our nanny and housekeeper, looked after them. I always had lunch with Gabe. It was our one uninterrupted time together every day, and frequently ended up with hot sex on the desk, the sofa, in fact against any vertical or horizontal surface. I then worked from home in the afternoons, in my study, while I kept an eye on the twins in the playroom, freeing up Beth to do her daily chores like the cleaning and laundry. Mrs. Darby had decided to retire and only came to help out when Beth was on holiday. Whilst Beth also had cookery qualifications and was an excellent cook, I preferred to cook the evening meals in the week, and while she was off at the weekends, Gabe took over. We were in a perfect routine, organised to perfection by none other than Gabe, of course. I held Greyson out at arm’s length to study him and he squealed with delight and kicked his little legs.

‘And to think that Daddy says we’ll have to watch Tabitha as she gets older,’ I told him. ‘You, my beautiful boy, are even
handsome than your Daddy, with those huge blue eyes and that dirty blonde hair.’

‘I heard that,’ came Gabe’s voice over the monitor in the kitchen.

‘Well, he is,’ I protested. ‘We have the most beautiful children in the whole wide world.’

‘We do, but they did have some pretty good genes to help them out,’ he laughed. ‘French toast or pancakes?’

‘French toast please, with
of maple syrup,’ I replied, and pulled a face at Greyson who burst into a fit of the giggles.


I stood at the open front door with Greyson on my hip, while Gabe had Tabitha sitting on his arm as Robert and Sofia arrived.

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