Read Inked on Paper Online

Authors: Nicole Edwards

Inked on Paper (37 page)


KORA WASN’T SURE WHAT had gotten into her when she’d made Donovan that offer, but it’d seemed like the thing to do at the time. And when Donovan made his counteroffer, Kora knew she couldn’t resist. Hell, she didn’t even want to. What better way to put Sam in his place than to sneak off with the man he considered to be untouchable? His own brother.

The irony definitely was not lost on her.

Not to mention, this guy revved her engine unlike any man she’d ever met. Admittedly, it had been a while. Eight months? Not since Sam. Since before she’d found out the fucker was screwing her sister. At that point, she hadn’t wanted to touch a man, or be touched by one, either.

The thought still made her queasy.

But the alcohol was helping, dulling her senses and giving her a false sense of valor. Liquid courage and all that. Normally, she wouldn’t be quite this forward. Hell, if Donovan actually knew that she’d only been with one man in her entire life, which was unfortunately Sam—
and wasn’t that fucking sad
—he’d probably hightail it out of the baby shower without looking back.

He wasn’t going to find out, though. Not from her. And since all these people had already labeled her a cheating, conniving whore—that’s just what she’d heard from her own family—Kora didn’t really give a fuck.

“Three minutes,” Kora told Donovan now, watching to see if he would refuse her.

He didn’t.

Setting her empty glass on a table, she made her way out of the banquet room, down the narrow hall that led to the restrooms. Once inside, she took a moment to scrutinize herself in the mirror.

Yep, she looked a little intoxicated. Her gray eyes were wide and glassy, her blonde hair a little on the stringy side, although she’d spent half an hour straightening it that morning. Her skin was a little pale, her bottom lip a little puffy, probably because she’d been biting it. She did that when she was nervous.

The door opened, and Kora sucked in a breath, expecting to come face-to-face with the sexy man who was supposed to rock her world. Unfortunately, Donovan wasn’t the one to step inside. No, this was … Trina.

Trying not to look angry, Kora met her sister’s blue gaze.

“Oh, hey,” Trina said, acting as though she was surprised to see her.

“Hey,” Kora mumbled beneath her breath, turning her attention back to the mirror.

“I’m glad you could make it,” Trina told her.

“Mom told me I had to be here,” she said honestly. If she hadn’t, Kora knew for a fact that she wouldn’t have come. Trina glared at Kora’s reflection, and Kora turned to face her head on. “What?”

“You know, it wouldn’t kill you to be happy for me and Sam.”

“Happy?” Kora snorted. “You’re pregnant with my boyfriend’s baby.”

“Ex. He’s not
anymore, Kora.” Trina’s voice grew shrill. “He’s mine.”

“Oh, how could I forget?” Kora was desperately trying to keep her voice down, but it wasn’t easy. This was the same conversation they’d had for months, ever since Trina and Sam had confronted her, letting her know that they would be spending the rest of their lives together.

Trina hadn’t looked at all ashamed of what she’d done. Not then and certainly not now.

“I’m happy for you,” Kora lied. “He’s all yours, and he’s exactly what you deserve.”

Trina’s mouth dropped open and Kora could see the wheels spinning. She was trying to come up with something to say, some way to put Kora in her place, but fortunately, the door opened again.

fortunately, it wasn’t Donovan this time, either. No, it was a woman. Smiling sweetly, Kora watched as the lady disappeared into one of the stalls. She turned back to the mirror and ignored her sister. A minute passed while the woman took care of business, then returned to wash her hands, all while Kora pretended to fuss with her hair.

Only when the woman left did Kora release the breath she’d been holding.

“I really wish you could just let it go, Kora,” Trina said when they were alone. “Sam and I are happy, and in a few weeks, we’re bringing a child into this world. Together.”

Kora was searching for words when the door opened again. This time, her visitor was the ridiculously handsome man who’d made her panties wet with a few simple words, and his appearance caused her tummy to do a weird flip.

Trina spun around, her eyes widening when she looked at Donovan, but Donovan didn’t say a word. He offered a smile, one that didn’t look apologetic in any way.

Donovan Brashwood, looking sinfully delicious in the expensive dark suit that did little to hide his perfectly sculpted upper body, stood there, holding the door open with his broad shoulder, and Kora’s heart skipped a beat. She half expected him to come inside, send Trina on her way, then push her up against the wall and claim her in a way she’d never been claimed before. Except that didn’t happen.

Seconds seemed like minutes as the three of them stood there, no one speaking until finally Donovan cocked an eyebrow and cleared his throat.

“If you’ll excuse us. Kora and I have some unfinished business to attend to,” Donovan said to Trina as he reached for Kora’s hand while he still held the door open. Kora didn’t look at Trina when Donovan pulled her out into the hall, nor did she look back when he immediately opened another door. Her mind was spinning as she followed him inside the small, dark room, only briefly wondering what had happened to their bathroom plans.

But then, when Donovan put his mouth on hers, she forgot all about the bathroom.

And everything else, for that matter.

WHEN DONOVAN HAD FOLLOWED Kora out of the banquet room, he’d waited a moment at the end of the hallway to see if anyone had noticed. Not that he really gave a shit what those snooty-ass people at the shower thought, but he’d wanted to ensure someone wouldn’t follow them. After all, what he’d said to Kora had been true. He got the distinct feeling that once he was inside her, he wouldn’t be able to stop until they were both delirious.

Then, as he’d suspected would happen, Trina had followed Kora, and a few minutes later, another woman had come down the hall. That was when he’d realized the place was too busy for the bathroom to be clear for long. So, he’d done a little recon, finding an unlocked door to a storage closet directly across from the women’s restroom.

Once the coast had been clear, he’d retrieved her, and here they were.

Except Donovan hadn’t expected this.

His mouth on hers … yeah, that had been the plan, but he hadn’t expected her to be quite so pliant against him. So willing. Eager. Her lips were soft, warm. He tasted the sweetness of 7Up as his tongue collided with hers. And the sexy moans that escaped her… Fuck. This was going to be harder than he’d thought it would be.

Wanting to see her, Donovan reached up, searching the air above his head for the string he’d seen dangling from the single light bulb. When he found it, he yanked, and the light flickered on, bathing them in a dingy yellow glow. It was enough. Enough that he could see every nuance of her expression as he touched her.

Cupping her face, Donovan slid his fingers into her silky hair, firmly holding her in place as he molded his body to hers, pushing her against the wall, her breasts crushed against his chest.

She was soft and warm, her mouth supple beneath his.


This was definitely unexpected.

Kora’s hand flattened over his, pulling it from where he’d been cupping her face. She drew his arm down and forced his hand between their bodies.

“Touch me,” she moaned softly. “Please, touch me.”

Sliding his hand up her thigh, Donovan willed his heart to slow. He was a fucking patient man, always had been; he was groomed for moments like this, needing the stone-cold façade in order to keep his opponents on edge. Well, not exactly like this. But he knew how to maintain his cool, how to slow his heart rate so that he could think clearly.

Except at that moment, all the coaching and schooling he’d endured was fucking useless because he was overwhelmed by this woman. Her scent, her taste, the smoothness of her skin against his palm.

“Kora,” he mumbled, pulling his mouth from hers and kissing her jaw, her neck. “You sure about this?”

“So sure,” she said, her fingers sliding into his hair, pulling him to her. “Need this.”

He did, too. So fucking much it hurt.

Here was a woman he’d met less than an hour ago, and he felt as though he’d known her forever, felt as though every touch was at least a year, yet it would never be enough. What it was about her, he didn’t know, wasn’t even sure he wanted to know, but he was sucked into her orbit, captivated beyond measure.

Sliding his finger beneath the elastic band of her panties, Donovan lifted his head to watch her.

“You’re wet for me,” he whispered against her cheek. “So wet.” He dipped his finger inside her, the warm clasp of her cunt gripping him.

“Don’t tease,” she muttered. “Want to feel you.”

“Condom,” he told her. “In my wallet. Inside pocket of my jacket.”

He continued to tease her slowly, flattening his palm against her clit while he curled one finger, then two, inside her while she reached for his wallet.

“Open it,” he instructed when she held out the small foil packet.

Donovan continued to watch her as she tore open the foil with her teeth, her breaths raspy, interspersed with sharp inhales and sexy moans. He didn’t let up, continuing to finger her while he waited patiently.

“Put it on me.” He didn’t want to stop touching her, but he knew he would have to or this could take forever, and at this point, his cock was rock hard, throbbing incessantly, desperate and aching.

He’d had hookups before, but never this sudden. And possibly not this fantastic.

It took her a minute to free him from his slacks, then roll the condom down his length. He hissed in a breath when she stroked him firmly, making his eyes cross.

Although he suspected this was supposed to be a one-time encounter, Donovan wasn’t sure once would be enough.

In fact, he knew it wouldn’t.


KORA WASN’T SURE HOW they’d gotten to this point so quickly, but she didn’t really give a shit, either. The only thing she cared about was feeling Donovan, the rough scrape of his jaw against her cheek, the warmth of his fingers on her flesh, the exquisite glide of his mouth over hers.

She needed more. So much more.

In the span of a few minutes, he’d already made her body burn hotter than anything she’d ever felt before. She was to the point that the ache between her thighs throbbed painfully, leaving her longing to feel him inside her, filling her. She needed him. And she needed him now.

After rolling the condom over his thick, heavy cock, Kora sucked in a breath, desperate and yearning. When he slid the engorged head through her slick folds, she whimpered. He was big, bigger than she’d expected. Definitely bigger than Sam had been, which both thrilled and terrified her in equal measure.

“You sure about this?” he asked again.

Seriously, how many times was he going to make her tell him this was exactly what she wanted? She’d never been so sure of anything in her life.

Rather than answer him, she reached between them, wrapping her fingers around his erection and guiding him where she needed him, hissing when the blunt head pressed against her entrance.

“Donovan,” she whispered. “Please.”

Thankfully, Donovan took it from there, his big hand sliding beneath her thigh, lifting her leg against his hip as he forced her hand away and gripped himself, aligning their bodies perfectly. He’d been teasing her ruthlessly since they’d stepped into that closet, and now, the only thing she wanted was to be filled by him.

“Hold on to me, Kora,” Donovan instructed, his gravelly voice loud in the small space.

Would someone hear them? Did they already know that they’d disappeared? Were they looking?

His hips pushed forward, his cock slipping inside.

“Oh, God, yes,” she hissed.

At that moment, she didn’t care if everyone at the fucking baby shower was standing outside that door. Hell, she didn’t care if they watched. Not when Donovan was slowly penetrating her, driving all thoughts from her mind.

Kora slid her arms around his neck, holding him tight as he brought their bodies together, pushing inside, filling her…
God, it felt so good
… stretching her …
oh, yes, more
... making her moan.

“Kora,” he growled against her ear, a rough, needy sound that matched what she was feeling. “Fuck, baby.”

She wasn’t sure why he was using terms of endearment, this was a one-time thing and she was more than willing to let him send her into hyperspace, but she could do without the needless chatter.

“Fuck me,” she insisted, tightening her hold around his neck, taking him deeper as his fingers dug into her thigh. “Hard.”

Donovan muttered something—something that sounded a lot like
God help me
—but then, he thrust his hips forward, slamming into her, filling her completely.

Kora sucked in a breath, blinded by the overwhelming pressure, the sudden bite of pain that quickly dissipated, morphing into incredible pleasure. It was too much and not enough—all coalescing into a turbulent storm that she was eager to drown in.

“Don’t let go, Kora,” he demanded, and Kora realized her arms had slipped from around his neck. “Hold on tight.”

Needing him to give her more than he was, Kora dug her fingers into his shoulders, pressed her back against the wall, and rolled her hips, changing the angle, allowing him to slide deep, then withdraw. In, out. Slow, gentle.

Shit. He was driving her out of her mind. She wanted him to fuck her, to make her come. This … whatever he was doing was too intense.

“Faster,” she encouraged, trying to ride him, thrusting her hips forward to meet his.

“Not gonna happen,” he said. “Not yet.”

Kora pulled back, staring into those emerald depths. For the first time, she noticed the passion burning in his gaze. It matched his words from earlier, and she knew he wasn’t going to make this fast and dirty.

Well, dirty, maybe, because he chose that moment to start mumbling words in her ear, one hand cupping the back of her head, the other beneath her thigh as he rocked his hips forward, back.

“So fucking tight, Kora. Your pussy feels so fucking good.”

His words caused her inner muscles to clench.

“That’s it, baby. Milk my cock. Take all of me, Kora.”

Her body tingled in places she hadn’t known could tingle.

Donovan lifted her leg higher, changing the angle once again. This time, he pulled back, putting a small amount of space between their upper bodies, allowing them both to look down to where they were joined.

His cock slid out, her juices glistening along his latex-covered length in the dim yellow light. His hips rocked forward and he was inside her again, sucking more air from her lungs. God, he was so big, so thick … it was overwhelming. In the best possible way.

And suddenly, she never wanted it to end.

DONOVAN WAS SWEATING. PARTIALLY due to the lack of air flow in the small storage room, but mostly from the effort it required to hold back. He’d known the moment he was sheathed inside Kora’s sweet body that he’d been right.

Once … probably wasn’t going to be enough.


Donovan groaned. Fuck, she was tight. Her walls gripped him. And now, as he watched his dick slide into her warm body, feeling her clasping him, milking him, pulling him deeper… It took a fuck-load of determination not to come like this was his first goddamn time.

He groaned when her muscles tightened around him. He wasn’t going to be able to go slow for much longer. He wanted to slam into her, to nail her to the wall, to make her beg him to send her over. As it was, those moans were sexy as hell, but if they weren’t careful, someone was going to hear them.

Not that he gave a shit right then, but he figured Kora might. The only thing he cared about was the warm grip her pussy had on him, the tightness of her cunt, the sexy moans she didn’t hold back.

Kora was just what he wanted her to be. A woman lost in the intensity, giving herself over to the pleasure, riding the waves on her way to going over the edge. And he wanted to take her there, to ratchet up her need, to drive her higher until the only thing she could think about was how good he could make her feel.

“Need more, Donovan.”

He knew when to give in and now was that time. It was inevitable. It felt too good and the last thing he needed was to come before she did. Widening his stance and lifting Kora’s leg higher, he opened her wider as he glided his dick into her silky warmth once more. Without fail, his hips began a rhythm of their own, faster, harder, deeper.

Donovan fucked her, his mind numb from the pleasure, his body soaring as Kora’s nails bit into his shoulders, her breathy moans filling his ears.

“Oh, God.” Kora gasped. “Donovan, oh, fuck. I’m … gonna…”

“That’s it, baby,” he said, pounding into her, harder, deeper. “Come for me, Kora. Come all over my cock.”

When her face contorted, Donovan slammed his mouth over hers, stealing her cry as her body convulsed, her pussy clamping down on him hard, drawing his release from him. He managed to stifle his own roar as he kissed her, a furious mating of tongues and teeth that didn’t hold a candle to the ecstasy that her body had wrought from him.

And before his heart rate had resumed a normal pace, before his lungs were replenished with oxygen, Donovan knew…

Once definitely wasn’t enough.

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