Inked (Tattoos and Leather) (12 page)

Read Inked (Tattoos and Leather) Online

Authors: Jaymie Holland

Tags: #erotic romance

She clenched her eyes tight and thought about dropping the strip of leather.

Sean took the crop to her ass again and again. She wanted to flinch away from each swat but she managed to remain still and silent, even as her eyes moistened with tears. Nick continued to move his fingers in and out of her core.

“Your ass is such a beautiful pink now,” Nick murmured as she thought of dropping the leather strip.

The burn faded into pleasure as Nick finger-fucked her and Sean swatted her with the riding crop. She felt an orgasm start in her belly, building and building until her vision blurred. She bit down harder on the ball gag and fought off the orgasm.

When Sean no longer struck her with the crop, and Nick removed his finger from her core, she sagged in relief and frustration. The need to climax was even more intense than it had been when they’d first taken control of her.

Had that only been yesterday?

Sean tossed aside the riding crop so that it landed on the floor in front of her. Nick scooped her up and carried her to stand beside the bed and unfastened the wrist cuffs. He pushed her down on her back, then shifted her so that her head was partially off the mattress and she was looking up at him. Her belly flip-flopped as she watched Nick strip out of his clothing.

She looked up at his powerful tattooed physique and his long thick cock and wondered what he was going to do next.

He reached behind her head, unfastened the ball gag, and set it beside her on the mattress. He cupped the side of her face, took his erection in his hand, and placed the head of his cock to her mouth and pushed it inside. He began moving his hips as she sucked him with her head hanging over the mattress.

Sean moved between her thighs on the bed, pressing her legs apart with the width of his shoulders. She tensed. The moment be buried his face against her pussy, she nearly came up off the bed.

Nick slid his cock in and out of her mouth as Sean licked her folds and sucked on her clit. She gripped the strip of leather as she fought back the need to come.

“Be a good girl and don’t climax, and we’ll give you what you really want.” Nick’s jaw was tight as he looked down at her.

What she really wanted was Nick and Sean to fuck her at the same time. She tried to focus solely on sucking Nick’s cock, hoping that would keep the oncoming orgasm at bay.

She didn’t know if she was going to make it. She squirmed, trying to make Sean stop going down on her. Every swipe of his tongue brought her closer to the precipice.

Nick pulled his cock out of her mouth and Sean moved away from her pussy. Her body was tense with the need to come. She was grateful they’d stopped, but also frustrated that they hadn’t let her climax.

Sean adjusted himself so that he was lying on his back on the bed. He slowly rolled a condom over his cock, his eyes focused on hers as he eased the latex down the length of his erection.

Nick shifted her to a sitting position right before he picked her up and set her on Sean so that she straddled him. Sean’s look was intense as he grabbed her by the waist.

Her heart pounded and her belly tightened. Sean thrust his cock inside her core. She gasped as he filled her, stretched her.

From her side vision she saw Nick roll a condom on before moving behind her with a tube of lubricant in his hand. She couldn’t believe it was about to happen, what she’d always dreamed about. She wanted it so badly that her body trembled from the need.

Nick slipped his lube-covered finger into her ass, causing her to gasp from the feel of it. He drew his finger out and then spread more lube on her and probably over his cock.

She held her breath, waiting for that moment of double penetration.

Nick waited. Her breathing grew harder as her heart rate picked up in intensity.

“What do you want, Megan?” Nick said as he leaned close to her ear. “Say it out loud.”

Her chest felt so constricted that she could barely get the words out. “I want you and Sean to fuck me at the same time. I want you to fuck me hard until we all come.”

“That’s our naughty girl.” Nick pressed his cock against her anus and started to slide inside her. She cried out at the burn of the entry as he stretched her. The pain gradually faded as he filled her all of the way.

Her lips parted and blood rushed in her ears. She met Sean’s gaze and he stared at her with an intensity in his eyes that caused thrills in her belly. He began thrusting in and out of her pussy as Nick began moving in and out of her ass.

The feel of both men inside her at the same time was unbelievable. It was everything she’d ever dreamed about, ever fantasized about, and much more. So much more.

As they fucked her, they pressed her body between them as if they were claiming her, letting her know that not only did her body belong to them, but her very essence…her heart…her soul…her everything.

Her breath came in harsh pants and she felt their perspiration-slicked bodies as they moved.

The climax she’d been holding back rushed forward and she had to bite her tongue to keep her orgasm from exploding inside her.

“Please let me come…” She hadn’t meant to beg, but she couldn’t help herself. “I don’t think…I don’t think I can last much longer.”

“Do not come yet,” Nick ordered her. “Understand?”

“Yes…” she struggled to speak, “…sir.”

The power of the oncoming orgasm was almost more than she could bear. She thought of last night’s orgasm and how she had blacked out from the intensity of it. She knew that it would be nothing compared to the orgasm she was going to have from these two men fucking her at the same time.

They drove harder and harder. Tears wet her eyes from the effort of holding back her release. It was almost too much to fight any longer.

“Come now, Megan,” Nick demanded. “

Megan’s orgasm exploded throughout her body. She screamed like she never had before. It tore loose from her and she wasn’t sure she could stop. Her body throbbed, each sensation drawn out by the two cocks still fucking her.

“I—I…” She almost couldn’t get any words out. “I can’t take anymore.”

“You can,” Sean said. “And you will.”

Her mind whirled. Impossibly, she felt another orgasm building inside her as her core squeezed one cock and her anus clenched the other.

She came again, her body jerking and vibrating. Sean gave a shout and she felt his cock throb inside her pussy. A moment later, Nick came with a growl. Both men continued moving in and out, drawing out their orgasms and driving her crazy until they finally stopped.

“Ah, Megan,” Sean said as he stroked hair from her face.

Nick kissed her nape. “Honey, you are amazing.”

Sean and Nick rolled and adjusted themselves so that Megan was between the two men. She was glad they kept their cocks inside her for a little bit longer. She liked the feel of them inside her and filling her like no one man could ever fill her.

As powerful as her orgasms had been, she was surprised she hadn’t blacked out again. But as it was, she was thoroughly exhausted and sated.

She felt like she was finally where she belonged.

Within moments she drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 18

Megan smiled as she slipped into an elegant strapless black dress that reached mid-thigh. Nick and Sean were going to love her in this outfit. They would be picking her up in fifteen minutes to take her somewhere special, according to them. They were punctual in everything they did.

The past six months had passed in a blur. Nick, Megan, and Sean had been almost inseparable when they weren’t working. Megan still went out with the girls and Nick and Sean enjoyed the company of their male friends on occasion at Spirits. The rest of the time they did everything together.

Megan brushed her hair that now reached her freckled shoulders. She swore that the two men in her life had kissed every last one of the freckles and she smiled. She had fallen deeply in love with both men and couldn’t imagine life without them.

How does that work?
she wondered once again. Then she decided she didn’t care. As long as she could be with both of them, she was happy.

Her grandmother had been the only one to ever truly love her until Nick and Sean.

Her work phone rang and she pulled it out of her purse. It was Mitchell Sawyers, her boss, but he would just have to wait until Monday. To him everything was an emergency. He considered her his gal Friday and she’d had to establish boundaries with him, which unfortunately he still tried to cross at times. She let the call go to voicemail and tucked the phone back inside her purse.

All those months ago, when she’d started dating Nick and Sean, she had insisted on getting a job on her own terms, utilizing her skills. She never let the two men pay her way. She’d found a decent job at Mitchell’s medical supplies company as his assistant, and made enough to pay her rent and other bills. She still lived with Drew and still walked to work and took public transportation when she wasn’t with her twins.

Her grandmother would have been proud.

Sean and Nick had wanted to take care of her, but they’d eventually come around to her way of thinking—she needed to be on equal footing with them. She might not make anything close to what they made—okay, her yearly salary was the equivalent of their pocket change—but she preferred paying her own way. She did let them pay when they went out to dinner, a Broadway play, or the ballet, among other activities.

“Where are you going tonight?” Drew put on a dangly chandelier earring as she stepped into the doorway of Megan’s room.

“Sean said it would be a surprise.” Megan glanced at the clock on her bureau. “He and Nick should be here at any moment.”

As she leaned against the doorframe, Drew gave an envious smile. “You are so damned lucky, Megan. What I wouldn’t give for a pair of hot men taking care of my every desire.”

Drew was one of the few people who knew about Megan’s relationship with the twins. Everyone else thought that Megan was dating one of the twins, which inevitably was Sean. Sometimes Drew would accompany Nick to various functions just for appearances’ sake. Sean and Nick liked Drew, which was a plus.

Megan grinned at her friend. “You never know. You just might find your perfect men one of these days.”

“A girl can dream.” Drew shook her hair back. “And it is a lovely dream.”

Someone knocked on the front door, the sound carrying through the apartment.

“I’ll get it.” Drew whirled and headed for the door.

Megan had already clasped Nick and Sean’s gift around her wrist. It was a diamond-studded white gold rope bracelet. She picked up a white gold and diamond necklace that looked like diamonds sparkling on a silver web, also a gift from her twin hunks. It was one of the most beautiful things she’d ever seen.

“It’s Jensen,” Drew called out. “The Rolls is here.”

“Tell him I’ll be down in five minutes,” Megan replied. It took her precisely five minutes to put on red lipstick; slide into red four-inch heels that really popped in contrast to the black dress; give Drew a quick hug goodbye; and make it down to the car.

Sean leaned against the car, his arms casually folded across his chest as he gave her a look that told her he more than liked what he saw. Jensen held the door open and Megan slid onto the seat next to Nick, and Sean climbed in to sit on Megan’s opposite side.

Nick gave her a deep kiss and drew away, his heated gaze taking her in. “You get more beautiful every day.” The way he said it made it easy to believe that he meant every word.

She smiled at him and turned to face Sean. He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her with a hunger matched only by his brother. He brushed his knuckles along her cheekbone as he drew away, his eyes holding hers. “You are precious, sweetheart.”

Megan never remembered feeling so loved in all her life. Her grandmother had been the only other person in her life who had truly loved and cared for her. Her grandmother would probably have been scandalized by Megan’s relationship. At the same time, however, she knew that her grandmother had always wanted Megan to be happy.

And she certainly was.

Nick and Sean had never said the words, but she knew in her heart that they cared for her deeply.

The two men flanked her as they took her into the first restaurant they’d ever taken her to. The lighting was dim, the ambiance perfect for couples—or trios in their case. They were seated in the same private corner.

As they sat at the table, each man put his palm one of her knees—Nick on the left, and Sean on the right. As one they slid her dress up her thighs and when she looked from one to the other she saw the matching heat in their gazes.

They removed their hands to pick up their menus, and Megan looked at her own. It was hard to concentrate on anything with two incredibly hot men to either side of her. Two men she loved with all her heart.

Dinner was exceptional and the sexual tension between them was high. She couldn’t wait to return to their penthouse and the bed they shared with her when she stayed the night. Sean and Nick each had their own rooms, but when she was there the three of them slept together with Megan sandwiched between them. It was a feeling like none other in the world.

When the dishes were cleared away, the server brought a bottle of champagne, poured each of them a glass, and set the remainder of the bottle in a silver ice bucket. As the server left, she sensed something was somehow different.

It unnerved her a little and she felt somewhat off balance. Nick lifted her left hand from her lap and both Sean and Nick held it. Sean reached into his dinner jacket and from an inside pocket he brought out a small jeweler's box in black velvet.

Her heart felt like it had jumped into her throat and it throbbed there.

“Megan.” Sean looked serious. “I love you with all my heart.”

Nick squeezed her hand, drawing her attention to him. “I love you with everything I have,” he said.

“I’m in love with both of you.” She met Nick’s gaze then turned to look into Sean’s eyes. “You both mean everything to me.”

Sean opened the velvet box. Smaller diamonds surrounded a huge, three-carat stone. It was elegant and beautiful, and it about made her heart stop. She held her other hand over her mouth, unable to believe what she was seeing.

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