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Authors: Eve Langlais

Intentional Abduction (4 page)

Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais ship. While the Zonians preferred their home world to the vastness of space, their vessels and computers were extremely high tech and ahead of many civilizations, although, she could grudgingly admit that her prey’s craft came in a close second.

The entire time she took care of the mundane tasks to ensure their safety and continued seclusion during their space odyssey, she couldn’t help her sweaty-palmed excitement and the way she jumped every time the computer spoke. When the announcement finally came that her prey woke, it was with fumbling fingers that she prepared herself for the mating, denuding her body and brushing out her long hair.

As she walked toward his sleeping chamber, a shiver ran through her, a touch of trepidation she hadn’t felt since the battle where she’d shed first blood.

I conquered that, though, and now, I wil conquer him.

Taking a deep breath, she strode in.


Jaro regained consciousness and shook his head in confusion. He blinked, and then blinked again at what he saw, none of which made sense. The last thing he recalled, he’d woken as his ship was hit by some kind of electromagnetic pulse and he’d lost all control of his craft, well, the computer at least, which guided the ship’s functions.


Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais He remembered trying to get to the bridge so he could manually turn on the backup system, but he’d stumbled over his own boots in the damned dark. Then after that ignoble fall, nothing.

Apparently, though, he’d survived whatever calamity befell his ship even if his situation appeared odd considering he found himself spread eagle on a soft surface. Judging by the familiar ceiling and walls around him, he’d ended up back in his bed, however, the silky material he lay on definitely didn’t belong to him. The reddish glow emanating from his fabric-covered lights added a surreal feel to his once familiar space.

Pulling at his arms and legs, he scowled as he discovered them restrained. Craning his head, he also noticed that he appeared to have lost his clothing.

Then again, so had the female who entered his field of vision. Pale of skin, like the barbarian female his brother had mated with, the petite beauty possessed a pair of full breasts—a hefty handful, if he was any judge—with pink tips pierced with golden rings. Her hair, a fiery red curtain, fell past her waist and matched that of her pubes. Green eyes flecked with gold regarded him with cool interest, familiar eyes that he couldn’t quite place. Not that he cared; he’d still plow the obviously willing female. And enjoy it too.


Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais
What an elaborate scheme just to get in my bed. Given her
looks, I’l admit I’m flattered. And horny.

Despite his situation, Jaro couldn’t help the surge of lust, which made his cock rise. She didn’t miss it either and she trailed her gaze over his body, her look heating his blood and expanding his prick even further.

Her nipples tightened and her lips pursed as she approached him. Oh, the things he could do to that delectable mouth, grabbing her by those fiery locks as he thrust into it came to mind. She ran a finger edged with a sharp nail down his chest. Jaro’s body trembled, consumed with a desire to claim this female, to thrust into her trim body and devour her luscious breasts until she came, clawing at his back. His raging arousal surprised him.
Did she drug me with
some type of aphrodisiac?

A firm grip wrapped around his shaft and he sucked in a breath, unable to stop himself from arching his hips up.

Okay, so he’d deal with her subterfuge after she’d brought him to release.

Slowly, she stroked him, her face tilted as she watched her own hand, so pale around his cock, moving up and down.

The smell of her arousal filled the air, a decadent aroma that drove Jaro wild with lust—and need.

“Untie me,” he said hoarsely, eager to give her what she so plainly desired.


Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais The motion on his cock halted, and her eyes stopped their perusal of his body. Her gaze flicked up to meet his, and caught him. “I don’t think so, purple warrior. I have need of your body, and this position suits me just fine.” Jaro frowned at the ominous tone to her words. “I don’t understand.”

She clambered onto the bed and straddled his waist, her moist core hovering over the tip of his prick. “You will soon. Don’t worry. I won’t hurt you—much.” Jaro couldn’t help it. He laughed, a reaction that drew her brows together in obvious pique.

“What is so amusing?” she demanded, her tone that of an imperial queen.

However, royalty screamed just as loud any other female when pleasured, so it did nothing to curb his humor.

“You, thinking you’re going to hurt me.”

“I could if I wanted to,” she stated, bracing her hands on her hips, making her rounded globes thrust out enticingly.

“How? Are you going to slap me with your breasts?

Does your pussy have teeth?”

“No and no. This is not going the way I planned.” Her irritation, plain on her face, didn’t detract at all from her loveliness. On the contrary, it made him harder.


Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais

“Untie me then and let a male take control as is proper. If you wanted to bed me, you just had to say so. No need to go through all this trouble.” Her eyes flashed with ire. “I am the one in charge here. And this is not about seduction, but need.” The word “need” struck him and created an odd warmth in his chest. He shook the feeling. “You need me, then take me. But I warn you, my little fiery princess, once you let me go, you’d better be prepared for the punishment.” Oh, he could already imagine the delectable view of her bent over his lap as his hand alternately slapped and stroked her buttocks. His prick, which had softened during their conversation, hardened at the image.

Cocking her head, she gave him a cool smile. “What makes you think I’ll ever let you go? I’d say you are in no position to make threats or demands.”

“If this is some strange ploy to get me to bind myself to you, then forget it. I will never marry myself to any female.”

Her laughter, low and husky, slid over his skin, and he couldn’t help the shiver of arousal that tingled through his body. “Who says I want to keep you permanently? I just need your seed. Once I have that, then perhaps I shall release you.

Or sell you.” She shrugged. “I don’t really care what happens to you once I’m done. You are simply a means to the end.” 40

Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais She wanted his what? Her words penetrated, and a cold rage settled over him. “I don’t think so.”

“Excuse me, did you think you had a choice?” Her brow arched along with one side of her lips in a taunting smile.

“You want to use my cock to satisfy some twisted fantasy? Fine. Do it and be done with it. But do not think you can have my seed. I will father no bastards.” Actually, he currently couldn’t. He’d long ago opted for the implant that rendered his seed unviable. Not that he’d tell the audacious minx. Let her think she could. It would just make his revenge later on that much sweeter. Jaro didn’t doubt his ability to escape. After all, in his line of work, capture happened on a fairly regular basis. It never failed to baffle him that those who did manage to get past his guard failed to immediately kill him. Idiots. He assumed the many bounties on his head impaired their judgment. They never made that second mistake twice, probably because Jaro never showed mercy.

“I have chosen you as the one to beget my daughter and care not what you want,” she said, sitting down hard and squashing his soft cock. A grim smile of satisfaction crossed his face.

She ground against him, her face the picture of consternation. “Make it hard again,” she growled, lifting her flashing green eyes to meet his.


Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais

“No.” Pleasure was one thing, but her plan too closely resembled rape, and he’d have no part of it.
I am the
one who pil ages!

“But I am naked,” she exclaimed, holding out her arms to display her assets.

He bit the inside of his cheek, using the sharp pain to keep his cock from stirring, and from laughing at her chagrin.

It only partially worked. She truly was much too beautiful to behold.

Rolling off him, she stood by his bed and glared in the direction of his groin. She grabbed his semi-hard member. “Stubborn warrior. I shall just have to touch you again, and make your tool hard.” Jerkily at first, she stroked him, soon falling into a steady rhythm that he fought.

But damn her, no matter how he tried to ignore her actions, his prick, with a mind of its own, woke. It didn’t help the way she watched her pale hand on the darker skin of his dick, her rapt fascination almost as arousing as her simple touch. He couldn’t stop his rising cock any more than he could have prevented the rebellion on Ryllayon Five. The view of her hand sliding up and down his shaft mesmerized him, as did the clear hunger on her face.

Instead of holding back as he usually would until he’d buried himself into a wet and welcoming sheathe, he let himself go, his hips bucking and his cock engorging almost 42

Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais painfully. He shot his essence into her face, the thick cream coating her and entering her mouth when she gasped in surprise.

I have to admit, she looks good wearing my seed.
As her open mouth of shock turned into a shriek, he started to laugh.

“What did you do?” she yelled, wiping gobs of his cream off her face.

“You wanted my seed, you got it,” he quipped.


Unfortunately for him, he couldn’t move when she flung her sticky hands at him, splattering him with his own bodily fluids. His laughter was cut short as he cringed from the clammy goo that clung to his upper chest and the bottom of his chin.

“Wipe it off!” he bellowed.

A feral grin lit her face. “Why? Weren’t you the one saying you didn’t want to give me your seed? Well there you go, I’ve returned it.”

And with those saucy words, she whirled and stalked out of his room, the jiggle of her perfect buttocks almost distracting him from his anger.

Oh, this is war, my fiery princess.
He could already picture his victory where he got her on her knees, staring up at him as she swallowed his next load. Every last frukxing drop.


Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais
Chapter Five

Aylia muttered aloud as she stalked to the cleansing chamber to rid herself of the drying gunk on her face and hands.

“Stupid, stubborn warrior. He thinks to thwart me, does he?” She slammed her hand on the control panel to start the particle shower and let its tingling rays remove the goo from her body, but while it cleansed her skin, it did nothing to diminish the desire raging in her body. Or at least, she assumed the reactions in her body were arousal.

What started as a fire in her lower belly when she’d observed him after capture turned into full-blown flames when she’d touched him. Even now, after what he’d done, she wanted to return to his side to stroke him again, to place her moist center on his cock and see what would happen.

However, the jerk had outmaneuvered her, wasting his essence on her face instead of her womb. Worse, studies done on his kind showed they needed some recuperation time between bouts. She’d give it to him, and the next time she visited, she wouldn’t bother to talk, even if she liked the rumble of his voice.
Mayhap I’l gag him.
For some reason, though, instead of picturing his mouth full of cloth, she 44

Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais envisioned her breast instead. The image did nothing to cool her ardor.

Shower done, she stepped forth, and wrapped herself in a linen towel. Curious as to his reaction to her departure—

and imbued of a strange need to see him—she ordered the computer to show her his room. A good thing, too, because he’d already undone her series of intricate knots holding his hand down on one side and now worked on the other.

With a curse, she sprinted back to his quarters, losing the towel on the way, and entered just as he pulled the binding free. His legs, however, remained caught, so he couldn’t leap off the bed like his thunderous expression told her he wanted to. Sitting up on the mattress, he crossed his arms over his chest, a wicked expression on his face making his eyes glow, and his lips curved into a taunting smile.

“Back so soon? Come here, my eager little princess.

I’ll give you what you need.”

Judging by his tone, he thought she needed to stop breathing. “I think not. I see I’ll need to make my knots tighter next time.”

“There won’t be a next time, and if I were you, I’d run now. Leave, and maybe, just maybe, I won’t feel a need to punish you.”


Intentional Abduction – Eve Langlais Aylia laughed. “Big words for a male who cannot get out of his bed. I am not going anywhere. I am not done with you yet, my purple warrior.”

“Jaro. My name is Jaro. Remember it because you’re going to scream it when I put you over my knee for the first of your many punishments.”

Aylia leaned forward, just out of reach, and let a slow smile stretch her lips. “I never name my prey.”

“You are a cocky female,” he said, almost admiringly.

“What a shame, I’m going to have to kill you.”

“I’d like to see you try,” she whispered huskily, sidling closer, pretending to not notice she’d entered his sphere of grasp.

Before he could make his move, her hand shot out and hit the pressure point at his neck.

He managed to open his eyes wide in surprise before slumping. A sigh of relief left her. She’d not been entirely sure it would work. But for how long? She pushed him back and he hit the mattress with a thump. Quickly, she retied his ropes then scurried to a corner to grab the metal manacles she’d also brought from her ship. She’d hoped she wouldn’t have to use them as they clanked rather noisily, but given the ease with which he’d undone her knots, she needed something sturdier to keep him from getting free.

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