INTO DANGER (Secret Assassins (S.A.S.S.) Book 1) (26 page)

“No, you weren’t there yesterday,” Steve growled back, his voice another notch lower.

Tess’s smoky laugh broke their verbal exchange. “Can’t we just get along?” she mimicked.

Marlena jerked around and glared at Tess. A biting retort rose to her lips, something stinging she knew would shut her friend up. All she had to do was refer to Alex, and she knew Tess would back off a little. But she couldn’t. Of all things, she understood the raw pain of walking away from someone one cared about too much. Pursing her lips, she turned back to face the front and hoped her silence would get the message across to Tess.

“Stop messing with my mind,” she muttered softly.

“My job,” Tess replied calmly. “But that’s enough for tonight, I suppose. I’ll drop both of you off at Marlena’s hotel and take this nice little car home with me. I’ll pick both of you up tomorrow morning at 0900 hours. We have a meeting with Admiral Madison.”

This was getting to be an overcrowded affair. “May I know why?” Marlena asked, then added sarcastically, “Since this is my contract.”

“I’m sure Stash will fill you in later,” drawled Tess, obviously forgetting about her previous comment that she wasn’t going to mess with Marlena’s mind any more for the night, “or maybe you prefer to be alone? If so, Stash and I can drop you off.”

Marlena tossed a stormy gaze at Steve. “He can do whatever he wants,” she answered stonily, not wanting to admit she wanted him with her. Who was she to tell him what to do, anyway? He was working with Tess. “Or maybe he’s waiting for his next orders.”

Steve stopped at a red light. “I’m taking us to the hotel. You and I are getting out. Then I’ll follow you to your room. We’ll close the door behind us. And then”—he looked her straight in the eye, and she saw, too late, that she’d ignored all the warning signs—“I’ll do what I want.”

Chapter Fifteen


mong his SEAL teammates, Steve was known to be the patient one, the man everyone wanted on point duty in a scope-out for danger ahead. When he walked point, he relied on his teammates to look out for danger around while he was looking down at the trail, making sure it was safe. His life was in their hands, and theirs were totally dependent on his sight and patience.

When they reached the hotel, he climbed out of the expensive car and at the last second, decided not to slam the door. Point man, indeed. He must have been too busy looking down at the trail after Marlena. If he had looked up just once, so to speak, he would have been aware of how far off the mark everyone else around him was. Nobody seemed to be following the trail he’d cleared for them.

He stood on the curb waiting for Marlena and Tess. See, this was the problem. He was too damn patient. Too reliant on his ability to clear paths. None of these folks had asked for a point man; they all were charging full steam ahead. Harden and Task Force Two. Marlena. Tess. The admiral. Even du Scheum was busy covering for his business deals.

He had a few things to say about the whole damn thing, but he was going to be patient one more time. He would wait for the right moment. Right now the frustration he had left simmering since finding Marlena gone was at boiling point. That kind of patience, he didn’t have. The woman wasn’t going to give him an inch. If he just stood there, she would drive on by pretending she didn’t see him. That didn’t sit too well with him at all.

“That laptop,” he said to both women, who had gotten out of the car. Tess was walking to the driver’s side. “There’s still some people after it. Marlena had some threatening phone calls at the other place.”

“Don’t worry about them,” Marlena said.

“I say, let’s,” Steve countered, watching the stubborn tilt of those lips. “Why not find out who they are? Get rid of them once and for all.”

“I give up!” Marlena stalked away with the laptop, heading off toward the hotel entrance. She tossed Tess a glare as she passed by, adding, “You started this. You explain it to him. I don’t like having someone tell me how to get my job done.”

Steve was about to go after her, seething for that overdue confrontation, when Tess’s hand on his arm stopped his progress. He turned to her impatiently. “I have to go,” he said shortly.

“You can keep for another five minutes,” Tess told him calmly.

He reluctantly watched Marlena walk farther away. “What is it?”

“Marlena isn’t used to working with someone.”

“Too bad.”

“She is given an assignment, reports back to either me or someone else, gets enough information to proceed, and gets her job done.”

Steve shrugged. “I’m not arguing with her over her job.”

“It’s a matter of style, hmm?” Tess ran a finger down the front of the leather jacket. “She doesn’t communicate like a team member. You’ve functioned within one, know how to disperse certain information to help the team achieve the task. Marlena is...not good with that.”

“Why are you telling me this, T?” Steve asked, frustrated and impatient.

“Darling, I don’t tell anything without a reason,” Tess replied, and moved away. “When she asked you not to worry about the people after the laptop, you took umbrage. Why?”

“Because they’re a danger to her. What’s wrong with being worried about that?” It hurt that Marlena had pushed him away when he was trying to show he cared about her.

Tess shook her head, then turned to open the car door. “Both blind as bats and obstinate as mules,” she muttered, as she got in. The streetlight gave her gray eyes a strange glitter as she peered up at Steve. Tilting her head slightly, she added, “It’s a matter of semantics, darling. M meant it another way. She asked you not to worry about them because they’re part of her mission. Just keep in mind she has worked alone for a long time, Steve, okay? She doesn’t like to share her thoughts too much.”

“Part of...I see. She wanted to be found.” Steve frowned and leaned down, his hand on the roof of the car. “She knows who they are?”

“Don’t look at me for answers. I’ve none where you two are concerned. Just don’t walk away unless you are very sure.”

Tess’s expression was grave, although her voice still held an amused note. Steve studied her for a moment. Tess, who he knew by now could talk circles around anyone, was directly telling him something from the heart. She might coat on that mockery and laughter thick and fast, but he felt the sincerity in her advice.

He nodded. “I won’t,” he told her quietly. “Thanks.”

She flicked her hand, dismissing him. “The first five minutes are free. It’s $3.99 a minute from now on, darling.”

Steve grinned and took a step back. She fired up the car. “She probably locked me out.”

“She won’t. She’ll give you another five minutes before she comes after you.”

Oh, that sounded good. “You think?”

“Here’s the elevator key to the top floor. You can’t just press the button at this place. You’ve got the room keycard?”


He bent down again to take the key from her, and to his surprise, with her hand still in his, Tess leaned out and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.

“See you two tomorrow.” She gave him a sultry smile and a wink and backed the car out.

Steve acknowledged her wave and turned toward the hotel, which sat atop a small hill. He barely paid attention to the grandeur of the hotel lobby as he made his way to the elevators. While waiting, he took note of the exit points and the few people he could see, but his mind was on Marlena upstairs. She wanted a fight? Well, he would give her one, but this time he was on equal ground.

He got on the elevator and inserted the key before punching the floor number. The red light turned green and the elevator door closed. He wasn’t going to play lackey anymore, humoring her orders and wishes. There wasn’t any need. She knew who he was and vice versa, and he didn’t see why she felt threatened by that.

He stepped out into the huge foyer. He looked for directions to find her suite. Unlike the usual plastic plaques, the numbers and arrows were etched on metal and held up by some Greek statue pointing he way. Steve’s lips quirked. Obviously the rich needed bigger road signs than normal folks.

He reached the suite, carefully considering his options. Should he ring the bell? Or should he just use the keycard and walk in? Why would that make a difference?

The door swung open and a pair of intense blue eyes met his like a laser beam. Marlena’s arm reached out and grabbed the collar of his leather jacket and pulled hard. Steve didn’t resist, following her into the suite. The heavy door closed quietly behind him.

She pushed him down into some chair by the entrance—he didn’t have time to look around yet—and jumped on top of him, squishing the air out of his lungs. Not that he was breathing. Her breath was hot against his face. Her hands were busy, moving all over him. Her lips locked on his and her tongue pushed in, fierce and sweet.

What were his last thoughts? Something about options. Steve felt her hand grope his pants, and his whole lower body jerked up when her hand invaded, targeting his suddenly wide-awake cock. He felt it eagerly rising for its treat, like a well-trained pet. Her hand was too damn efficient, sliding up the whole length of him and squeezing. Manhandling him, in fact.

He grabbed her face with both hands and forced her back. Her hair tumbled all over the place and her expression was defiant as she continued to fondle him, her thighs forcing his legs to part further so she could delve deeper into his pants.

Staring into her angry eyes, he demanded, with the little concentration he had left, “What do you think you’re doing?” He hadn’t expected this kind of attack.

“I’m marking my territory,” Marlena said, and ripped the T-shirt under his jacket. “Take these damn things off.”


arlena had doubled back and seen that kiss. Fury at the thought of Stash and T together had slammed down like a tidal wave. She’d never thought much about the expression “seeing red” till she saw them so intimately close. But she did now.

It took all her control to turn away and go up to her suite. It would not do to be caught spying on them like a jealous wife. She wasn’t jealous! She wasn’t going to get jealous.

Easier said than done. In the elevator, the red monster had turned green, and it gnawed at her as she stomped into her room. Pacing only added fuel to the furnace inside her.

Did he enjoy that kiss? What was he doing now? Where was he, anyway? Did he think he could just move on to the next woman, right under her nose? Did he think that working with T meant that he could just breeze by her?

Five minutes. Where the hell was he?

When she jerked open the door, she caught sight of T’s red lipstick on his mouth. It was just a small smear, but she zeroed in on it like a bull to a waving flag. Marked him, did she? Let her mark him, did he?

Marlena didn’t stop to think about what she was doing. All she felt was the need to run her hands all over him, to let him know exactly who turned him on and not let him forget it. If it took more than once to teach him that lesson, well, so be it. She had all night.

“Take the damn things off!” she repeated, and shredded another piece of what was left of the front of his T-shirt.

Steve’s reply was equally ferocious. With one hand he ripped her lacy black blouse from collar to sleeve, exposing flesh and bra. “All’s fair,” he growled.

Marlena lunged forward and bit him on the chest, marking him. He grunted and half pushed, half lifted her off him as he tried to get off the chair. She bit harder, mad as hell that he was fighting her.

She was going to take a chunk out of him! Steve grabbed her by the neck, and using his free arm, finally stood up. Obviously, the woman wasn’t in the mood to talk. That was fine by him. If she wanted war, he was willing to oblige. His hand still on her neck, he turned her around and quickly wrapped his arms under hers, but she was a second faster, having anticipated his locking motion. He only managed to grab part of her short jacket and she shrugged out fluidly, like wet soap in his hand. He threw her jacket over his shoulder as he went after her.

She dropped down sideways, tripping him over her. He used his hands to break his fall, and she took the opportunity to land on his back. Steve grunted as she kneed him where it hurt. He felt her hand pull aside his leather jacket. He had stuck Dankin’s knife back there earlier.

Shit. He lay perfectly still as the sharp blade swished through the air above him, cutting with proficient ruthlessness. He heard the scrape of leather against metal. Well, it had been a nice leather jacket. She kneed him harder as she cut through belt and pants. He was going to have a bad bruise there. Then her hand was on his naked back, pushing aside whatever was left of his clothes. The moment she stopped brandishing that knife he reared up, toppling her backward, and turning quickly he grabbed her ankle.

Marlena kicked out at him. And left a boot behind when she pulled back. Still on his knees, he tossed it over his shoulder. She rolled several times to avoid his quick counter moves, losing her other boot as he tried to grab that leg. He finally lunged forward and gripped her around the waist, using his weight to pin her.

Marlena knew she was at a disadvantage as long as she remained on the defensive. Instinct and training made her twist at the same time, and his weight caught behind her thighs, his hands still holding on to her waist. She faked a jab at him with the knife, knowing he would try to block it. Sure enough, he tried to grab her hand, and she immediately dropped the knife and used both her hands to help her twist and scoot forward. Right out of her pants.

Steve growled at the empty pair of pants in his hands and under his body. He pushed them out of the way. His glare was met with an equally determined one as she looked back at him while she scooted on all fours to a safer distance. He wiped the sweat dripping off his chin. That was it. No more Mr. Nice Guy. He stood up. And his shredded pants fell down in a dismal pool around his ankles. He kicked them off impatiently, along with his boots. A low rumble escaped his lips as he stalked his prey.

Slowly standing up, Marlena registered with a vague awareness she was wrestling in her underwear. Her opponent was more beast than man at the moment, tattered clothing hanging on his magnificently sculpted body, barely hiding his briefs. The muscles on his bare legs were coiled with tension, bringing every line of sinew into relief. His hair stuck out where she’d pulled at it, parts of it plastered against his forehead. She met his eyes.

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