Intuition (19 page)

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Authors: Kate Allenton

Tags: #Romance

The giant grabbed her off the ground and started to pull her back to the front of the cabin. They rounded the corner out of his sight, and Jake inched closer. He was squatted at the corner of the house as he plotted his next move. Emma came up swinging. Her right hook made contact with a bone-crushing hit to the nose. Roger backhanded her across the face without ever losing his hold and kept dragging her in the direction of the front door.

“Oh, asshole, you’re going to pay for that one,” Jake whispered into the wind.

Ben came running out the door after he realized he had lost their hostage and stopped short when he saw Roger had her. Jake inched even closer, not liking the odds. If they noticed him before he was ready, they would kill her. He was sure of it. Ben had his fingers wrapped around what looked to be Abby’s Beretta. He held it in a relaxed grip, aimed at the ground as Emma struggled to escape the giant holding her.

Jake gave the hand signal for the teams to get into position. All he had to do was get close enough to get her out of the way, and everyone else would take the bastards out.

Jake watched as Ben walked off the porch and backhanded her across her face. “You stupid slut! Did you think you would get away? We’re not through with you yet.”

“Why are you doing this?” Emma asked.

“Did you think you could just walk away from me because you decided we were through? You don’t get to decide; I do and don’t think I forgot the asshole from the hospital either. When I’m done with you, he’ll get what’s coming to him. Did you already fuck him, Emma?”

“I never cheated on you, you asshole. You cheated on me.” She spat, the blood from her busted lip mixing with her saliva.

“You aren’t going anywhere!” he yelled as he punched her in the gut. All of the air in her lungs escaped from the force of the blow. Pain radiated through her body as she fell to her knees on the grass and struggled to pull oxygen into her lungs.

“That’s right, Emma, get used to the view. You’re going to be on your knees begging me to kill you before I’m done with you.”

Movement at the side of the house caught Emma’s attention. Jake. He was here for her, just like Momma Mae had said. She drew in a deep breath after several moments on the ground. She needed to keep the attention on her to give him a shot. She needed to try and get away from these bastards. Jake looked ready to kill. His muscles were tense, and he had his gun drawn.

“You stupid prick, my sisters will come looking for me. You won’t get away with this.”

“Don’t be so sure about that. After Roger calls Claire for your ransom and we get our money, it’s going to be months before they find what’s left of your body.”

Emma formulated a plan in her head and hoped that Jake would catch on. She pushed herself off the ground. “This is all about fucking money? Oh come on, Ben, Claire isn’t going to fall for that shit, especially after I already told her that you cheated on me. How gullible do you think she is? And if I know Abby, I would say you probably have about fifteen minutes before she comes up here with her guns, shooting. You do know how smart she is, right? Besides, their money is tied up in accounts so they won’t be able to get it for you.”

She was pissing him off and stalling in case Jake needed more time. She was also getting into the position she would need to execute her plan. She stepped to the side to get ready.

“Your boyfriend will. You did know he was loaded, didn’t you?” he spat out. “How do you think he’s going to like your bruised and used dead body? I’m going to leave it especially for him to find. Hell, Emma, they don’t even know I’m involved. They’re still looking for him,” Ben said as he waved his gun toward Roger.

She looked at the bald guy standing a step behind her. She was judging the distance she had. “You’re the asshole who chased me and beat up Vivian.”

“Yep, that’s Roger, you stupid bitch. I would say he’s pretty pissed at you too. I might not get months to play with you before he kills you.”

“You screwed up, baldy. Vivian is my friend.”

Emma brought her knee up into his groin as hard as she could. As he doubled over in pain, she sent her palm up, smashing it into his face and breaking his nose. He cupped his nose and went down screaming. “Kill that bitch!”

Time seemed to pass in slow motion. She pulled the gun she saw in the waistband of his pants as he was bent over. She spun with the gun in her hand at the same moment Ben lifted the gun and pointed it at her. Jake rushed toward her as she and Ben aimed at each other and squeezed the triggers. No one needed to get hurt because of her.

Jake landed on top of her. The air burst from her lungs at the impact, then she struggled to breathe with Jake’s big body on top of her, smothering her. Gunfire erupted from the trees, the bullets flying in their direction.

Jake used his body to shield her from any stray shots. She needed to shield him. She couldn’t lose him. Without a doubt it would kill her.

She tried to turn her head towards her abductors to see if they were down, but Jake stopped her. He held her face with his palms. “I love you, Emma,” he whispered before he slumped to the side and his eyes closed.

“Jake!” she screamed. She saw blood on his shirt. She snatched off her sweater and ripped his shirt open to find the bullet hole. She applied pressure to his wound as she cradled his head. Tears streamed down her face.

“No, baby, not like this, not now.” She shook him. ”Wake up, Jake, I need you. Wake up.” She wasn’t going to survive the pain if she lost him. It felt as if someone had torn her heart clear out of her chest. This wasn’t happening, not again. Not someone else she loved.

“Someone call an ambulance!” she screamed. Fear overwhelmed her.

She felt arms pulling her away from his body, but she struggled to get back to him. Her fist connected with someone’s flesh. Her brother was holding her arms, turning her into his embrace so she couldn’t see Jake. “What the hell are you doing, Mike? He needs me, let me go.”

He turned her loose, and she returned to Jake, lifting his head. She could hear the sirens in the distance and knew that help was on the way. Tears dropped on his face as Emma placed a kiss on his lips. “I love you,” she whispered.

The clearing was now bombarded with cops and emergency personnel. Hands were on Emma once more, this time moving her gently while they checked Jake’s vitals before moving him to the ambulance. She climbed into the ambulance behind them, and the vehicle took off with the sirens blaring. She watched with hope as the EMTs worked their magic.




Jake woke up disoriented. He looked around the room and found Dr. Lister writing on a chart.

“Welcome back,” she said, putting the chart on the table.

“Dr. Lister?” Jake asked.

“That’s a good sign. You know who I am.”

“Where’s Emma?” he asked as he tried to push himself upright in the bed.

Emma rushed over and placed a hand on his shoulder, pressing him back down onto the bed. Tears stained her face, and she was still wearing the same clothes from the lake house. She sat on the bed next to him and leaned forward, placing a kiss on his lips. “You scared me.”

“I’m sorry, baby.” He kissed her back.

His throat was so dry the words came out raspy. Dr. Lister took the cup from the table and handed it to him. The cool liquid slid down his throat as he took small sips.

Jake’s memories came crashing back. Emma was safe.
She’s alive, and she’s safe
. Emma wiped the tears that escaped her eyes.

“Aw, angel, what’s wrong?” Jake grabbed her hand and squeezed.

“I thought you were dead. I thought I’d lost you. Don’t you ever do that to me again,” she said, scolding him.

The doctor made a silent retreat from the room, giving them privacy.

“I’m so sorry, Jake; it’s all my fault.” More tears slid down her face.

“For what, angel?”

“For getting mad at you and leaving. If I hadn’t left, you would have gone with me to meet Ben. It’s my fault you were shot trying to protect me.”

“Baby, I’m fine.” He lifted the covers to check out his limbs. “Well, at least I think I am.” He grinned. His chest was wrapped in bandages, but that seemed to be the extent of his injuries. “What happened to Ben and his thug? Please, don’t tell me they got away.”

“They’re dead.” More tears escaped her eyes. He knew she was trying to hold it together for him.

“I love you,” Emma whispered as she leaned over and pressed her lips to his once more.

“Are you sure, angel?” he asked, uncertain if she knew what that meant. He wondered if the guys had told her his plan.


“Thank god, Emma. I want you to hear me out before you say anything.”

Emma’s gaze searched his before she answered. Her eyebrows drew together, and fine lines creased her face. “Okay.”

Jake cleared his throat and took her hand in his. “Emma Grace Bennett, I love you with all my heart. I love everything about you, just the way you are, and I can’t see my life without you in it. You are the heart I thought I’d lost. You bring sunshine into my soul, and I promise to spend the rest of my life loving and cherishing you the way you deserve if you’ll let me. Emma, I would be honored if you’d agree to be my wife.”

Jake thought he saw a smile underneath the hand covering her mouth. There seemed to be a twinkle in her eyes that once again brimmed with tears. He watched as they ran down her face. He hadn’t wanted to make her cry again. She’d had enough of that for a lifetime. He hoped these were happy tears.

“Yes, yes, yes,” she said, and pressed another kiss to his lips. “I will,” she whispered, and deepened the kiss.

Momma Mae sure picked inopportune times to show herself. The apparition appeared out of thin air in the confines of Jake’s small hospital room. But it wasn’t Emma who noticed her first; it was Jake. Jake pulled back from the kiss.

“Emma, we seem to have a visitor.”

“Everything worked out just fine, baby girl. Just like I said.”

“I love you, Momma Mae. If I could hug you, I would. Thank you for telling Jake that I was in danger.” Emma’s annoyance toward the old ghost had vanished. Momma Mae had come through when she needed her most. She was just like family, and that was what mattered most. Emma wasn’t sure if ghosts could cry, but the old woman’s eyes seemed glazed with tears. “Are you sticking around or is your work here done?”

Emma had become fond of Momma Mae, even though she was a pain in the ass. She meant well, and that’s all that mattered. Momma Mae had once been the bane of her existence but had somehow become her savior. She hadn’t seen that one coming, but she was grateful nonetheless.

“My time here isn’t over, baby girl. My family still needs me. Besides, I’m gonna have my hands full with that little bundle of joy growing in your belly. She’s gonna need me too.”

Emma felt a warm glow flow through her body as her hand flew to her stomach, and her gaze quickly turned to Jake. For the first time in her life, Emma didn’t know what to say.

Jake’s smile broadened in approval as he reached for her hand and then looked at Momma Mae. “A girl, huh?”

She turned back to the woman that, at times, seemed like her mother. “Really?”

“Yes, baby girl, really.” Momma Mae moved closer to Jake’s hospital bed. “Jake, your sister is so proud of you for keeping your vow twenty years ago. She thinks you deserve a medal, and since I can’t give you one, I’m going to share another little secret with you.” Momma Mae leaned forward and whispered loud enough for Emma to hear, “She’s gonna have brothers and another sister too.”

Momma Mae vanished, leaving Emma stunned. Jake’s laughter filled the air, pulling her from her thoughts. “I love you, Emma.”





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Enjoy an excerpt from the next book in the Bennett Sisters Saga,


A Touch of Fate:


Abby and Ryan’s reunion


Available April 2012





Abby stood oblivious to the crowd behind her with her champagne in hand, staring toward the orange and red sun as it lowered beneath the horizon. She smiled.
This is what peace feels like
. Her heart felt full for the first time in years, happy for her sister and the union with the man she loved. The reception was ending, like the old chapters in her sister’s life. Emma’s happily ever after was just beginning with the promise of happier times yet to come. The clinking of glasses and conversations carried on behind her. Abby ignored it all, soaking in the serenity that the moment had to offer.

A gentle touch on her arm pulled her from her solitude. She inhaled a deep breath and admired the sunset once more before she plastered a smile on her face and turned to greet the awaiting wedding guest vying for her attention. 

Recognition hit her like a punch in the gut. Her smile fell just like the champagne flute from her hand, now lying in broken shards on the floor. She stepped back instinctively. A ghost from her past, the one man she had searched for over the last eighteen years, stood a foot away. The same man that had altered her life forever. She felt the blood drain from her face and her world start to spin as her gaze locked with his.

“Abby, you’re just as beautiful as I remember.” His smile reached his eyes that glistened under the twinkling lights.

“Ryan,” she whispered, unable to do more. The years barely showed; his handsome features remained unchanged. Eyes the color of sapphires stared back at her, and he wore the same smile that had stolen her heart so long ago. Her muscles tensed as she tried to push down the lump in her throat. The wall around her heart constricted and faltered for a brief moment. Her brain refused to process what he was doing here, hell, that he was actually here at all.

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