Read I'Ve Got You Online

Authors: Louise Forster

I'Ve Got You (22 page)

‘Okay, I won't move a muscle.'

He chuckled. ‘We'll see.'

She felt his fingers at her cleavage pulling the first bow. Then he swept his hands over the swell of her breasts and, sliding the lace down, he brushed the back of his fingers over her nipples. Belle sucked in a breath, at the excruciating, yet exquisite feelings, which intensified with every drawn-out moment. Kabe was going to take his time and make her squirm. All Belle could do was pant and enjoy the ride.

Slowly, he pulled the bow at her waist. She watched him as he followed the movement of his hand stroking over her navel. His tongue toyed with her bellybutton ring while he continued to stroke her belly, her hips, then going down to skim just above her pubic bone. She felt his mouth touch her there, trailing kisses along the lace's edge.

Arching her back, Belle whimpered.

He hummed against the sheer fabric; his tongue slowly traced over the swell of her sex, and then he opened his mouth and gently sucked.

‘Oh-my-God!' Belle panted. ‘Please … stop teasing me. I need you—now!'

He obliged by tugging at the last bow, and the lace parted. He came up on his knees, and slipped the straps off her shoulders. Suddenly, the lingerie was down her legs and tossed aside.

‘Babe,' he breathed, his voice urgent against her mouth, eyes smouldering. Her body trembled with a wave of heat that tingled all the way to her fingertips and toes. ‘You are
most beautiful woman …' His hands slid under her hips and he raised her up to kiss her hot, wet, luscious place, tongue rolling, sliding over her clit.

‘God,' Belle moaned; arms out wide she gripped the sheets, bunching them in her fists. He gently sucked and licked. Crushing the pillow with her fingers Belle writhed, her orgasm building. Then he stopped. ‘No—no—no. Don't stop! You can't stop!' she pleaded.

‘Grip the pillow, Babe, I haven't finished with you yet.' He prowled higher, moving on to her ribs and her breasts. She writhed wanting every inch of her body touched by his mouth. And Kabe seemed more than happy to oblige.

She could reach him now and, grabbing handfuls of his hair, she pulled him up to face her. Panting, she ordered, ‘I want you—hard and fast—now.'

‘Babe,' he whispered, his voice thick, hungry, ‘I can do hard and fast.' His erection nudged at her entrance.

‘Kabe,' Belle warned and nipped his shoulder. She flung her legs around his back; heels braced against his butt, she pushed him down. His eyes captured hers and with a wicked grin he plunged in—all the way.

‘Jesus, Belle, you're so wet, so tight, I love the feel of you around me.'

He pulled out and let the tip slide over her clit until she thought she'd go insane. Reaching for a nipple, he licked and sucked, creating an intense sensation that flashed to her sex. He eased into her, pulling out and easing back in, each time going a little deeper.

Belle couldn't take it anymore and bucked her hips and said, ‘Stop teasing!'

She felt his grin against her cheek.

He went at it hard and fast, never leaving eye contact, which was the sexiest turn-on Belle had ever known. She was close and whispered his name with an urgency he couldn't ignore. ‘Kabe!' When the moment came, he thrust in deep and rolled his groin against her sex. And then it hit. Belle's arms gripped around his neck, her heels dug into his butt, her mind centred on the most amazing orgasm she'd ever had in her entire life—and it kept going. Her body jerked again and again as each pulse of her sex clutched at his hard cock.

‘Amazing.' Kabe waited until, slowly, her cries faded, only then did he move, faster, harder until he plunged in deep one last time and it was his turn to groan.

Belle felt him throb inside her. His head dropped to her neck and again she felt him smile, then chuckle against her skin, such was his pleasure.

She cupped his jaw and kissed him, using her tongue to tease his mouth enough to make him twitch anew inside her. She couldn't stop herself from giggling.

‘Belle.' He lifted himself up and looked down at where they joined, then carefully rolled onto his back taking her with him. ‘What's so funny?' Still connected, he settled her on top of his body.

She snuggled against him, her face resting on his chest, and quietly said, She snuggled against him, her face resting on his chest, and quietly said, ‘The way you react to me … I feel quite empowered. But don't worry, I won't let it go to my head.'

‘No, by all means, let it go for as long as you like.' He laughed. His hand went under her chin and he tilted her face up to meet his. ‘Hey,' he said, his voice warm, sweet—serious. ‘Move in with me.'

Belle lost her breath. She could see in his eyes that he really meant it, but still she had to ask, ‘Um … so soon, are you sure?'

‘Never been surer of anything more.' Kabe kissed her, long and loving.

* * *

After weeks of organising her move out of Brisbane, Belle was finally home by the Coral Sea. With Kabe's arm around her waist, she stood by the open gates as her removalists backed the truck up to the garage. She'd sold her Brisbane house, waved a tearful goodbye to Lexie at the airport and, after a garage sale, there really wasn't much left, except …

A car approached, pulled in through the gate and parked in a visitor's bay. The driver walked up to Belle; she held her hand out and he dropped a set of keys into her palm, then jogged back out to a waiting car.


‘Yes, Kabe?'

‘What's a 1972 Triumph Stag doing here?' His was voice thick, unsteady.

‘Um …' Not sure what Kabe's reaction would be, Belle's heart thumped so hard she shook.

‘Babe?' He turned to look at her, eyes glistening. ‘The numberplate is the same, but it can't be the same car. I had to sell it to raise money. Is it?'

‘Um … I would've told you eventually, you know, picked the perfect moment to gift wrap it … kind of.'

His grin spread into a smile that lit his face. ‘I'm …' His hand came up, palm out pointing to the car. ‘I … this car …' He turned to Belle. ‘Jesus!' He shoved his hands into his hair and they stayed there. His smile vanished, replaced with emotions that Belle could only read as ‘Holy shit' but there was also a touch of sadness. God, she hoped she hadn't done the wrong thing by bringing it here.

‘This is the same car, isn't it, Belle?'

‘Yes,' she whispered. ‘I had it resprayed the same colour red, and a couple of other things that needed doing so … Um, I hope your memories of this car are happy ones? We can always sell it—'

‘Babe,' Kabe cut in, and wrapped his arms around her. ‘I loved my first ever car. Sell it? Never! I gave you a lift to school in this car. You fixed it up and kept it all this time?' Dipping his head, he peered at Belle, then back at the car, then back to Belle. He pulled her closer and buried his face in her neck murmuring, ‘You know what this means?'

Unable to speak in case she said too much, she wrapped her arms around his neck and shook her head.

‘Your crush on me ran deep, Babe.' He gently held her face in his hands and, eyes penetrating hers with an intensity she'd never experienced, ever, he said, ‘I love you, Belle. Fuck, I love you. And I know you love me, the car confirms it. It's part of our history that you've kept alive.'

‘Oh, my …' Belle whispered, mouth trembling. ‘Yes, I do love you. I have as long as I can remember.'

His fingers slid into her hair and cradled the back of her head, then he gave her a slow, heartfelt, bone-melting kiss. Out on the street someone honked a horn and yelled out, ‘Gimme some o' that!'

* * *

Moaning sweetly, Belle smiled, feeling Kabe's body curled along her back, his erection pressing against her bottom. She loved his body's reactions to whatever she did … and it didn't take much. He pushed her hair away from her neck with his chin and nuzzled her nape.

She turned around to face him and mumbled, ‘Coffee, juice, pancakes, in that order.'

‘Are you saying if I get you breakfast, when I come back you'll be right here?' He lightly grazed his teeth and tongue over her shoulder.

She shivered with pleasure and pressed her lips against his skin. ‘I'll be waiting,' she said seductively.

He whipped out of bed, pulled on his shorts, commando style, and bare feet slapping on timber flooring, he called over his shoulder, ‘Don't go anywhere …' The door closed behind him.

Belle manoeuvred herself to Kabe's side of the bed and, surrounded by his scent, she smiled, wriggled, turned and twisted in his bedding and buried her face in his pillow, breathing deeply. ‘Hmmm,' she hummed, loving it.

She didn't know how long she'd dozed when her sleepy eyes peered at the bedside clock. ‘Nine-thirty!' She clambered out of bed, showered, dried herself, slapped on moisturiser, slipped into a bikini and, for modesty's sake, wrapped a sarong around her chest, then headed out the door.

She found Kabe, Dan and Marilyn seated around the outdoor table, under the dappled sunlight of the bougainvillea vine. They were talking in a quiet, but excited tone. She walked in as the conversation turned to her grandfather.

‘Two men, one from Landcare, the other from the Workstay program, are visiting with Mario right now,' Marilyn said. ‘He's making his cottage available to the ranger-come-caretaker, and there'll be a small campsite for six to eight people, perhaps later another site for backpackers to pitch their tents.'

‘Morning,' Belle said brightly.

The moment Kabe saw her, he shoved his chair back and strode towards her. He wrapped an arm around her waist and ushered her to the table.

‘Morning, sweetie.' Marilyn greeted her with a smile.

‘Mornin', Belle,' Dan said, grinning.

‘Tuck in,' Kabe said, uncovering pancakes and pouring her a fresh orange juice.

‘Thank you, I'm starving.' She lowered her voice and whispered in Kabe's ear, ‘I thought you were coming back with breakfast and … look after me.' She speared a strawberry with her fork, popped it into her mouth and bit down; the juices flooded her tongue and she moaned with pleasure. She didn't know where this sudden craving for strawberry came from.

‘I came back, you were fast asleep. I didn't have the heart to wake you.'

‘Aw, you're sweet.' Belle popped another strawberry into her mouth and felt three pairs of eyes on her. ‘What?' she asked looking at each one in turn. ‘What?' she asked again.

‘It will keep,' Marilyn said, trying to control her grin. ‘Okay … now, for the more prickly stuff—Greg Travers. Our solicitor, Barry Ainsworth,' she turned to Belle, ‘with the help of the police, has uncovered a connection between Mr Travers, Eagle Ray and Nancy Smithton at council planning. Poor Nancy's gambling problem has made life rather difficult for her. Greg threatened to expose Nancy's addiction to gambling if she didn't get hold of Kabe's plans for him, in other words, he blackmailed Nancy. He made her change the date with an official council stamp. As more witnesses come forward, it's just a matter of time before the whole mess unravels. Eagle Ray won't hurt that much. They'll blame everything on Greg. He's already lost his job and will face a hefty fine, community service, or both.'

‘That's not enough,' Kabe said, sounding angry.

‘Of course not, dear.' Her expression turning serious, Marilyn leant in closer. ‘But you know he went to emergency to get himself looked at after you both had a go at breaking his bones.'

‘We hardly …' Belle started. ‘Well, maybe a little,' she finished.

‘Greg would've filed a report at the police station, only Barry got in first and warned him there was an investigation into his business practices. During another investigation on a Vanuatu island resort, witnesses came forward to testify they saw him spiking a young woman's drink. After seeing a photo of Belle, they agreed she was the young woman in question. Having said that, unless there's more proof, I doubt it will go much further.'

‘Really?' Belle gasped. ‘But I asked the bar staff at the resort and they said I was happy.'

‘Belle, sweetie, that night at Eagle Ray's special dinner, the staff were run off their feet. A few guests said they'd noticed him add extra alcohol to your drinks, but thought that was the way you ordered them. We know it's what he did, but it's his word against theirs now.' Marilyn sipped her coffee. ‘But we'll get him any way we can. I told Nancy we'd be in touch in case there was a hearing and we needed her as a witness. She wasn't happy, poor thing has already lost her job. One can only hope she gets counselling. I've spoken to an Eagle Ray Resorts executive who denies having anything to do with what Greg has done. They also said, “Ms Fabrini was a valued employee.” Apparently, they don't have any interest in Butterfly Island. The managing director seemed genuine enough.' Marilyn spoke to everyone at the table when she added, ‘But you and I know that Greg wasn't working alone. No, Eagle Ray was in it up to their necks. Whether we'll ever get to the bottom of it, is anyone's guess. We might have a chance if it goes to court and Greg is made to spill all.'

‘Yeah, right,' Belle said sarcastically. ‘He's an expert liar.'

‘Ah … but we can bamboozle him with questions, he'll get so flustered he'll fall over his own lies, exposing the reprehensible toad that he is.' Marilyn patted Belle's hand reassuringly, then turned to her son and asked, ‘Sweetheart, how'd you go with the papers while I was away?'

‘I spoke to both editors, told them we were on a conference call with Barry Ainsworth and they accepted that. I gave them all the information we've gathered so far. I threatened that if they didn't print a front-page retraction, we would sue for defamation.'

‘What did they say?' Belle asked.

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