Read Jade and the Surprise Party Online

Authors: Darcey Bussell

Jade and the Surprise Party (3 page)

“The White Cat’s birthday! That explains why he looks so happy!”

The date popped into Jade’s head. “Oh, but it’s the twenty-ninth of February!” She felt a little pang of sadness for her
friend. “Poor old cat only gets a birthday once every four years – whenever it’s a leap year.”

“Exactly,” said Lila. “And because it
a leap year this year, we decided we should celebrate it properly. We’re going to give him a lovely big party!”

“Cool!” said Jade.

said Lila, looking behind her to check he hadn’t returned, “it’s a surprise. He has no idea!”

Jade smiled. So that was what was going on! “He told me that people keep whispering in little groups and then breaking up as soon as he appears,” she said.

Lila’s eyes twinkled. “I do hope he doesn’t suspect anything because it’s going to be wonderful. Practically the whole of Enchantia will be there. And there’ll be live music and every kind of dancing, as well as delicious things to eat and drink. At the moment he just thinks he’s meeting a few close friends for tea at five o’clock at Little Red Riding Hood’s cottage, but when he gets there he’ll find a carriage that will whisk him away to the Marshmallow Palace in the Land of Sweets.”

Jade felt excitement building up inside her at the thought of such a brilliant plan.

“I’m so glad the shoes brought you here to Enchantia,” went on Lila, “because it’s practically impossible to get everything prepared for a five o’clock start, without the White Cat finding out. I was wondering whether you could help us.”

“Of course!” said Jade. “What can I do?”

“Well, could you distract the White Cat somehow?” Lila frowned in concentration, then broke into a smile. “I know! Ask him to show you his favourite old haunts. That’ll take him well out of the way!”

Jade nodded. “No problem!”

“Try not to get back until just before five!” added the Lilac Fairy, her face suddenly taking on an anxious look.

“Don’t worry, I’ll keep him busy!” said Jade, brightly. But she noticed that Lila
still seemed very anxious. “Is… anything the matter?”

Lila sighed. “It’s silly, but I just keep worrying that something might go wrong.”

“Like what?” asked Jade, puzzled.

“Like King Rat or one of the other wicked characters of Enchantia trying to ruin the party.”

Jade shivered. She’d met King Rat before and knew just how horrid he could be. “He hates dancing, doesn’t he?” she said quietly.

Lila nodded, looking upset. So Jade tried to cheer her up. “Look, I’m sure
everything will be just fine. And the White Cat is going to be over the moon.” Then suddenly she remembered something. “You know, I saw a tiny little flash earlier on. And the White Cat says he’s seen loads, but no one else seems to know anything about them!”

Lila laughed her light, tinkly laugh. “They’re camera flashes. We’ve hired a photographer called Bettina. I only met her a few days ago, but she’s kindly offered to build up a collection of photos so we can show a photo collage to music on a big screen at the White Cat’s party.” Lila waved to someone behind Jade.

“Ah, here she is now!”

As the lady came closer Lila said, “Bettina, this is Jade. She’s going to help distract the White Cat, whilst the preparations for his party are going on.”

Bettina nodded at Jade. “Pleased to meet you.” She turned to Lila. “And where is the White Cat right now?”

“Rescuing a gingerbread child stuck up a tree!” answered Lila. “At least…”

She was going to explain how this was a bit of a trick, but Bettina was already hurrying off, mumbling about a photo opportunity.

Jade smiled to herself. What a fun visit to Enchantia this was turning out to be. She’d thought at first she’d have to help solve a problem, but all she had to do was explore the place with her friend. Bliss!

“Oh, my shimmering whiskers! It’s a while since I’ve been this way.” The White Cat was leaping and bounding along the little path that led to Buttercup Valley.

Jade was hurrying behind trying her
best to keep up with him.

“You’re going to love the valley, Jade!” he said, jumping effortlessly on to a boulder at the side and dancing on its smooth surface. “I can’t wait to show you the exact spot where I was born!”

Jade secretly felt relieved that her friend had stopped for a moment. It gave her chance to catch up. In his excitement he’d been rushing along so quickly.

He jumped down a moment later, and after a couple of
pas de chats
, he set off again. Jade broke into a jog, so as not to get left behind, and almost crashed into the White Cat. He’d stopped abruptly in
front of a large sign that blocked the whole lane.

“What’s this?” he said, scratching his head. “Road closed! I don’t believe it!”

“Oh dear, does this mean we can’t get through to Buttercup Valley?”

The White Cat sighed. “No, it just means we’ll have to take a longer route.” He shook his head and spoke in a puzzled voice. “It’s most odd that this road should be closed, though!”

Together they walked along in silence for a few moments. Jade guessed that her friend was still puzzling over the road being closed, but she was smiling to herself inside. It was obvious why the sign was there. It was all part of the Lilac Fairy’s plan to keep the White Cat out of the way for the longest possible time.

“Oh, my glittering eyes!” he said a moment later. “I’d quite forgotten that we have to be back for five o’clock!” He stopped and looked a bit embarrassed. “I haven’t said anything, but it’s actually my birthday today…”

“Wow!” Jade pretended to be surprised. “Happy Birthday, White Cat!” Then she tipped her head on one side. “I
there was something different about you today!”

“Really?” Her friend smiled then spoke quickly. “Well, Red Riding Hood is
holding a small tea party for me at five o’clock. If we’re still going to see Buttercup Valley we’ll need to hurry. It’ll take much longer going this way.”

And off they went again. In no time at all, Jade felt herself lagging behind as the White Cat padded along quickly. “One good thing — you’ll get to see Swan Lake on this route!” he called over his shoulder.

A bounce came into Jade’s step at those words. This was truly amazing. She couldn’t believe she’d actually see the real Swan Lake from the ballet. But the bounce didn’t help her catch up with the White Cat. He was already way ahead,
even though he’d been putting in a few high jumps and twirls as he leaped along.

Jade’s legs were starting to feel shaky and she was getting puffed out. “Will I… meet the swans?” she managed to ask.

The White Cat didn’t hear her at first, he was so far ahead, and Jade had to force her legs to go even faster as she repeated her question.

“Absolutely!” came the cheerful reply. Then a serious note came into his voice. “I hope we don’t meet the Wicked Fairy, though. She lives close to the lake.”

“The Wicked Fairy?” A gasp of alarm came out between Jade’s puffs and she stopped so she could catch her breath.

The White Cat must have heard the gasp because he turned round. “Oh, my glimmering eyes!” he said rushing back to her. “You look exhausted. It’s my fault! I’m so sorry. I keep forgetting you’re only human!”

Jade thought that was quite funny, but she didn’t have the strength to laugh. “We
won’t… actually meet the Wicked Fairy, will we?” she asked a little shakily.

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