Jagger (Blood Brothers) (3 page)


Chapter Three

Jagger hadn’t meant to make his presence known to her in the café. He only wanted to be near her as it seemed the closer he was to her, his symptoms seemed to wane. He’d used a cloaking spell so that she wouldn’t be able to detect him, but she’d been at her table in the coffee shop looking so incredibly adorable with her hair piled on top of her head in a poofy ponytail. Her skin reminded him of brown velvet, welcoming and begging to be touched. In his opinion, everything about her was perfection from the gentle curves of her body, her large soulful eyes, and her pouty lips.

When her friend joined her at the table, he tried his best to remain unseen but hearing the sound of her laugher killed his resolve. He could understand her wariness of his presence considering she had not expected to see him, but he was now determined to tell her how he felt. He wasn’t sure how well she’d accept it but he had to try.

Camryn’s apartment wasn’t far from the coffee shop. The inside was small but clean and well kept. Framed pictures were strategically placed throughout the room. Jagger picked up a large picture of Camryn with her mother and a young man he assumed was her brother. “Good looking family. I look forward to meeting your brother.”

Camryn crossed her arms over her chest. “You said you had to tell me something, so I’d rather you just did it and be on your way.”

“I wanted to talk about us.”

She narrowed her eyes. “I thought I’d made it clear there will never be any
. For my mother’s sake, I have to be nice to her in-laws, but you’re making it very difficult. I shouldn’t have let you in here.”

His winced at the vehemence in her denial. “It doesn’t have to be difficult. Why don’t you at least get to know me? My mother would tell you I’m a great guy.” He grinned with his attempt at humor.

Camryn felt her lip twitch. She quickly turned her back to him. She refused to allow him to get under her skin. Nor would she let the scent of his cologne go to her head. She clasped her arms around her body to get her reaction to him under control. She wasn’t sure what was going on with her. It had to be a spell of some sort.

“Yeah, well, if she likes you so much, then maybe you should be spending time with her instead of me.”

“My mother is aware of my feelings for you and she’s very supportive of me being here.”

“In that case, she’s just as nuts as you are if you think that there’s a possibility of us being together.”

“How would you know for certain if you don’t give me a chance? Look Camryn, I know this is sudden and that’s understandable. When we met, I didn’t expect to be so taken with you. But you’ve consumed my every thought since I’ve met you.”

She shrugged. “Sounds personal.”

“Camryn look at me.”

She shook her head, refusing to face him. If she did, she wasn’t sure if he would hypnotize her again with his intense amber stare.

Jagger, however, didn’t seem to understand the word no. He gently grasped her shoulders and twisted Cameron around until they faced each other. She kept her head bowed so that no eye contact was made.

“What are you so afraid of?”

“You can ask that with us both knowing what you are?”

He sighed realizing he’d have to ease her in to the idea of being his mate, so he gave her the safe answer. “What I am is a man who wants to get to know you better. I’m a man who’d like you to give me a chance.”

“What you are is something one would see in a horror movie. Your mother is a witch and your father is a friggin’ vampire, and I have no clue what the hell you are!”

“I’m actually what’s called a hybrid which means both my parents are immortals but not of the same classification.”

“Whatever you are doesn’t matter. My mother might be quite happy to be with a blood sucker but I’m not.”

This was going to be much more difficult than he thought, but he got the nagging suspicion that it wasn’t the fact that he was a vampire-warlock but something much deeper. The frustrating part was not knowing how to get past the wall she’d erected between the two of them. Admittedly, he’d never had to work so hard for attention from the opposite sex so this was new territory for him.

Jagger grasped her chin between his fingers and tilted her head until their eyes met. Her mouth formed a perfect “o”. He paused for a second to admire her beauty and barely kept himself from kissing her. There was an electric charge between them and he was almost certain she felt it too. “Camryn, what aren’t you telling me? Why won’t you give me a chance?”

She shook her head to loosen his grip and took a step back. “First off, it’s creepy how you’ve been watching me and that you showed up out of the blue. Who does that except people who want to chop you up in little pieces and eat you for dinner?”

A smile curved his lips. “Eating you has crossed my mind.”

“Eww, you’re so gross.”

He closed the gap between them until their bodies almost touched. “I think you’d quite enjoy it. Why else are you so wary of me? You were this way even when we first met. Why?”

She took another step back. “Look, I’m sure you’re a nice guy but you’re coming on way too strong. Besides, I’m not in the market for a boyfriend or any type of romantic attachment so please respect my wishes and leave me alone. We can be cordial at family gatherings but beyond that I want nothing else from you. And, if you can’t respect those boundaries then we can’t even be that.”

Camryn maneuvered around him and headed for the door. She opened it and gestured to the outside. “Now that I’ve made myself quite clear, I think it’s time for you to go.”

“No.” He couldn’t leave just yet, not without fighting harder.

She narrowed her eyes. “Are you refusing to leave?”

“Hey Cam, is there a problem?” A young woman carrying grocery bags, whom Jagger assumed was a neighbor, stopped in front of the open door.

Camryn looked to Jagger and back to her neighbor. “Uh, no, my guest was just leaving. Right?”

“Actually, we were in the middle of the conversation,” Jagger countered.

The neighbor seemed slightly uncomfortable over the contradiction and frowned with apparent concern. “I could call the police,” she whispered low enough with the apparent intention of only Camryn hearing her. However, the woman obviously wasn’t aware of Jagger’s sharp hearing.

Annoyed by the interruption, Jagger muttered a distraction spell and directed it at Camryn’s neighbor.

The other woman backed away from Camryn as if she’d been scalded. “Uh, I can see you have company. I really need to go put these groceries away. Let’s catch up later.”

Camryn’s stared open-mouthed at the place her neighbor had vacated but then comprehension dawned on her face. She rounded on Jagger with narrowed eyes. “What the hell did you just do?”

Jagger shrugged. “A simple distraction spell. All she’ll remember is walking straight from her car to her apartment.”

Fire flared within the dark depths of Camryn’s eyes as she slammed the door and marched over to him. She shoved her finger into his chest. “You can’t just go around putting spells on people. What the hell is wrong with you? See? This is exactly why I would never consider being with you.”

“What you’re doing is using my powers as a convenient excuse to push me away.”

“You said if I told you to leave you would. Were you lying?”

“No. What I said was ‘if you tell me to leave and
mean it
, then I’ll leave you alone’. And I don’t think you do. Do you know how I know?”

“How?” she practically growled, not bothering to hide the hostility in her tone.

“Because you’re trembling right now and I bet it’s because you’re wondering what it’d be like if I were to do this.” Before she could respond, he pulled her within the circle of his arms and held her tightly against him.

“If you don’t let me go right now, I’m going to scream.”

He cocked an eyebrow. “I’d love to hear you scream.” Jagger covered her lips with his. Camryn placed her hands against his chest and whether she attempted to push him away or not, barely registered. He was focused on tasting the sweetness of her mouth. Jagger gripped her ponytail and gave it a slight tug. “Open your mouth for me, Camryn. Let me taste you.”

She remained stiff in his arms but he was undeterred. He slid his tongue along the crease of her lips and nipped gently at her tender flesh. With a sigh, Camryn finally parted her plush lips, granting him the access he most desired. Her taste was like nothing and everything he imagined all at once. She was sweet like honey, and spicy like cinnamon.

The hands that had laid flat against his chest were now tangled in his hair and Camryn returned his kiss, matching his enthusiasm. Their tongues circled and dueled with each other, sampling all they had to offer. The press of her soft breasts against his body was more than he could take.

Without breaking the contact of their mouths, Jagger gripped her bottom and lifted her off the floor, fitting her against his body so that his erection rested at the junction of her thighs. Without instruction, Camryn wrapped her legs around his waist, grinding against him. She was driving him crazy. He could smell her arousal and it increased his hunger to sample her pussy.

Not missing a beat he strode across her apartment and opened the first door he came to which turned out to be a bathroom. Camryn tore her mouth away from his and whispered breathlessly, “The door to your right.”

Jagger captured her lips again as he carried her into the room and dropped her onto the center of the bed. He was on top of her in an instant, but this time around, he wanted to taste more than her mouth. He rained kisses over her face and along the side of her neck, enjoying the feel of her velvet soft skin beneath his lips.

“Jagger,” she moaned. The sound of his name on Camryn’s tongue was music to his ears. It made his already hard dick even more painfully so. She wiggled beneath him as if she couldn’t get enough of his kisses and caresses.

Jagger slid his hand along the length of her, admiring the soft curves of her body. He pushed up her snug t-shirt to reveal two perfect, chocolate mounds encased in a lacey red bra. The sight was more than he could handle. “
Ty takaya krasivaya
. Your body is as beautiful as I imagined it would be.”

She stared at him with lust clouded eyes. “You’re not so bad yourself.” Camryn ran her hand down his chest.

Jagger grasped her wrists and placed them by her side. “Grip the covers if you need to, but keep your hands here,” he commanded softly.

“Why can’t I touch you, too?”

He grinned. “If you continue to touch me like that, I may not be responsible for my next actions.”

Once he was sure Camryn would follow his instructions, he reached into her bra and pulled out one plump globe from its cup and then the other. Her nipples were dark like black cherries and looked every bit as delectable. Lowering his head, Jagger took one pert tip into his mouth. As he sucked, licked, and nibbled, he rolled her other nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

When Camryn slid her fingers down his back, he pinched her nipple until she gasped out loud. “Hands, at your side, my beauty or you will make me lose myself.”

“Feels so good,” she groaned, lifting her pelvis up to meet his. The movement was nearly enough to make him lose his grip on the situation. He wanted to fuck her until all she could think about was him but he still maintained enough of his sanity to know he could only go so far with her. At least today.

He switched his attention to her other nipple, loving it with his mouth while he rolled the other one. Jagger couldn’t get enough of her soft whimpers and moans. She sounded like a little kitten but he had no doubt she could be a tigress, if unleashed. Soon, sucking on her breasts wasn’t enough for him either.

He wanted her pussy. He craved it.

Jagger positioned himself between her thighs and unbuttoned her jeans. Camryn stiffened. Sensing her unease, he locked his gaze with hers. “Camryn, trust that I won’t do anything that you don’t want. I need to know what you taste like here.” He pressed the heel of his palm against her heated core. Even through the thick material of her jeans he could feel how hot she was between her thighs. “You’re so hot between your legs. I bet you’re wet.” As he spoke, Jagger eased her jeans down her rounded hips.

With one big tug, he yanked them off and discarded them to the side. He then dipped his finger in Camryn’s lacy red panties that matched her bra, sliding it against her slick entrance. “Yes. You’re very wet. I believe I can help you with this problem.” Gripping her panties in his hand, he ripped them off completely.

“Hey! This is my favorite bra and panty set,” she protested half-heartedly.

“I will buy you a hundred more just like them. Besides, these are mine now. He placed the torn panties in his back pocket. Jagger turned his attention to her weeping core and licked his lips in anticipation. She smelled divine but he knew she’d taste even better. Jagger slipped off the bed and positioned himself on his knees. He pulled Camryn down the length of the bed until her cunt was in his face.

She was almost completely shaved except for a neat strip down the center of her vulva. Her plump pearl jutted past her damp folds, practically begging to be sucked. “Such a pretty pussy.” He flicked her clit with his finger. “I think it’s trying to say hello to me.”

Camryn raised her hips in response, wordlessly commanding him to do what they both wanted most. Needing no further encouragement, Jagger gently parted her dewy folds and sucked her clit into his mouth. Her pussy was intoxicating. He nibbled on the little nubbin making her moan. Camryn threaded her fingers through his hair and gripped tightly, holding his head against her.

“Oh, God Jagger. What are you doing to me?” she cried out.

Jagger slipped his finger into her channel. She was so impossibly tight, he wondered how she’d feel around his dick, squeezing and gripping it until he emptied his seed deep inside of her. The very thought of being one with Camryn, drove him insane with need. Releasing her clit with a loud wet smack, he raised her hips and brought her legs over his shoulders. Jagger buried his face in her pussy, sliding his tongue deep inside of her sheath. As his tongue slid in and out of her, she gripped his hair even harder until he thought she’d yank it out. Jagger didn’t mind, however. It turned him on that she enjoyed his tasting her as much as he enjoyed doing it.

He was relentless as he fucked her with his mouth. Camyrn trembled signaling she was near her orgasm but Jagger was far from finished with her. He swiped her pussy from her clit to the puckered bud of her anus. He wanted to know every inch of her. He pressed his tongue against the tight ring of her ass circling it and reveling in the tangy flavor of her.

“Jagger, I can’t take it. I’m going to…oh. My. God!”

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