Read Jaid's Two Sexy Santas Online

Authors: Berengaria Brown

Jaid's Two Sexy Santas

“Jaid’s Two Sexy Santas” by Berengaria Brown

Jaid hates the annual family Christmas party, a huge event with people she doesn’t recognize or like. She's hot and horny and looking for action on the holidays.

But this year things look brighter. Her second cousin, Greg, and his partner, Steve, invite her to spend time with them. Two sexy Santas for Jaid? Oh Santa baby!


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Copyright © 2013 by Berengaria Brown

E-book ISBN: BRNGRB0000008

This book was previously published by Scarlet Harlot Publishing.

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Berengaria Brown

"Jaid's Two Sexy Santas" by Berengaria Brown

Chapter One

Jaid loathed, hated and despised the annual family Christmas party. Normal people got together at Thanksgiving. But not her family. Oh no. They made a huge production over Christmas Eve.

The family assembled from the four corners of the earth in time for a huge formal dinner at 9

p.m. After which gifts -- only one per person thank god!-- were distributed, and promptly at midnight, toasts were drunk.

By 2 a.m. most of the family was either drunk, or asleep, or both, but they all reassembled midmorning for yet another huge meal, before disappearing, presumably to visit the other side of their various family trees.

At age thirty, Jaid had decided that this, her thirtieth family Christmas, would be her last. Since everyone bought along their boyfriends, step-kids, fathers-in-law, and god-only-knows-who-else, every year she recognized fewer and fewer people. And those who recognized her, mostly elderly aunts, always asked her why she wasn't married with two point five kids. Since she'd just quit her third job in three years, saying she was building a career wouldn't work. And telling a bunch of frail old ladies she'd developed a taste for kinky sex involving multiple partners, was not a good solution either. But it was true. There was just something about having two pairs of hands on her skin, two cocks in her body at once, that gave her the very best orgasms. Yeah sure, a Significant Other might be nice, someone to take out the trash and change flat tires, but right now orgasms were way more important to her.

Jaid sighed, squared her shoulders, pulled her festively red sweater down over her hips, hoping to hide the few extra pounds that determinedly clung to them, then ran up the short flight of stairs to the huge function room the family had hired for the fourth or fifth year in succession.

Yep. People everywhere, all talking at the top of their voices, and no one who looked at all familiar. Quickly she moved toward one of the side walls, and gradually made her way deeper into the melee.

She saw Great-Aunt Iris sitting in a wheelchair, waving her cane at a middle-aged man. Jaid ducked behind a group of teenagers grateful the old lady hadn't seen her. Taking a sharp turn to the left, Jaid circled the teens, and headed in a new direction. Oops, bad decision. Cousin Frank was over there. The man was at least sixty, and still tried to chat up every female in the room.

Any woman who agreed to dance with him was sure to be groped.

Back-tracking, Jaid made her way toward the drinks table. Perhaps a glass of wine was a better solution than looking for someone she could actually talk to. And oooh yum! Look who was over there. Her delicious Cousin Greg with his partner Steve.

Jaid stood looking at them forgetting about her plans to get a drink. Greg was three years older than her and she'd had the hots for him since they were teenagers. She was pretty sure fucking your second cousin once removed was legal, but he'd never shown any sexual interest in her. Of course, when he'd come to the family party last year with Steve, she'd realized why. God, it was unfair. Why were the sexiest hunks always gay?

Jaid ran a finger along her lips, checking she wasn't drooling. Cousin Greg was a fraction over six feet tall, with thick, collar-length blond hair that had her aching to run her fingers through it.

She just bet it was as soft and silky as it looked. His eyes were a delicious deep blue. Any time she looked into them her panties creamed, and she almost drowned with desire to get up close and personal with him. She wanted to lick her way across his muscular chest, feel him wrap those strong arms around her, and drive his cock up hard and high inside her.

Steve's slightly rough image was the perfect foil for Greg's fair good looks. Steve had black hair and eyes so dark they might be black too. He was wearing a tight black t-shirt that showed off the heavy muscles in his tanned arms. He made her think about doing dirty, naughty things with a bad, bad, biker boy. His features were not quite symmetrical but in a very sexy way, enhancing the bad-boy aura, and she was almost certain it was the edge of a tattoo she could see just at the sleeve of his t-shirt.

Greg and Steve in her bed would be the perfect Christmas gift. Hell, even up against a wall would do!

Jaid hesitated. Should she go over and talk to them? Maybe even hint she was available for a little horizontal dancing?

No. They were gay, so it was insulting to suggest such a thing to them.

What a damn shame,
she sighed sadly.

Just then Greg looked over at her and waved. Smiling happily, she continued to the drinks table.

"Hey there, kissing cousin," he said grinning.

"So are you going to kiss me," she replied cheekily.

"Absolutely." Greg swept her into his arms and dropped the softest, sweetest, non-sexiest kiss imaginable on her forehead. "Do you remember Steve?" he asked.

"Yes I do. We met last year. Hi, Steve."

"Do I get to kiss you too?"

"Hell, yes."

Expecting another G-rated kiss, Jaid was thrilled when Steve's tongue gently touched hers. Her panties dampened and her belly clenched.
Oh wow!

"What do you want to drink?" asked Greg, pointing to the array of bottles on the table.

"Something not already opened. I don't trust half the people here."

"I always knew you were smart," replied Greg, grabbing three unopened bottles of beer, and three unopened cans of soda. He handed the beer to Steve, then rested his empty hand lightly on the small of her back, guiding her through the milling mass of people to the far end of the room, where there were long benches against the wall for people to sit on.

With expert skills he steered her past a circle of giggling teenagers, avoided half a dozen children running screaming across the room, and refused to catch the eye of an elderly man Jaid didn't recognize.

"I thought you said your Great-Uncle Bertie was dead?" said Steve softly.

"Must have been just wishful thinking by Uncle David. The man has to be ninety if he's a day,"

whispered Greg.

"He seems pretty alert for ninety," Jaid said.

"Yeah. I expect he'll live to a hundred just to spite Uncle David. They've never liked each other."

Greg and Steve pulled one of the benches out from the corner of the room and onto an angle so they had a small amount of privacy, then settled Jaid in between them. "Soda or beer?"

She took a can of sofa, popped the top and drank thirstily. "I needed that."

"Last year you'd just started a new job. How's it going?" asked Steve.

"Wow! You've got a good memory. Actually, the job got very boring and the boss was an asshole, so I left a week ago. On January fourth I start as office manager at a doctor's office."

"Well that gives you a good little vacation," said Greg.

"And oh how I need it. I'm so tired of playing nice."

"Bad girls have more fun," said Steve with a wicked gleam in his eyes.

God, the man was sexy. She'd like to crawl into his lap and give him a very personal lap-dance.

Her panties were soaking wet and her cunt longed to feel his cock filling it. But she wanted Greg just as much. That was the problem with having experienced a few ménages. The extreme feeling of fullness couldn't be imitated with a pair of dildoes. She needed two men with fat cocks. And Greg and Steve would be absolutely perfect. How she wished they were straight!

Sighing mentally, Jaid leaned back against the wall and prepared to enjoy these few moments talking with them. It would likely be the most exciting part of her Christmas.


Steve let the conversation flow over him as he rested his gaze on Jaid. She was one fucking hot woman. Luscious, round breasts under her red, Santa sweater. Big, hazel eyes in a pixie face that was always smiling. Her eyes were almost brown, but with hints of gold and green, and even gray-blue in them, constantly changing. He liked that. It was quirky and kinky, but very much Jaid. Her hair was a glossy brown, shoulder-length. He could picture himself winding it around his hand as he dragged her head back when fucking her from behind. He liked a woman with sexy hair.

And he would be fucking her. He and Greg had talked about Jaid for days after last year's Holiday party. Apart from the incredible baked potatoes, Jaid had been the only memorable thing at that party.

Last year, he and Greg had managed a quickie on the fire stairs, but they'd almost been caught by Greg's relatives twice, so this time they'd booked a room in a motel just one block away from the function center. Their apartment was too far away for them to go home between the present-giving and the mid-morning meal, but it was way too boring to sit around doing nothing for a couple hours once most of the family was drunk or asleep. A quickie had seemed the perfect solution last year, but they weren't really into public sex, hence the motel room this year.

Steve brought his thoughts back to Jaid. Greg's cousin Tim, who was also one of Jaid's cousins, had insisted she was into kinky sex and ménages. One of Tim's work colleagues had shared her with his best friend, and reported that she was willing to try anything.

Greg had been interested, because he knew she'd been attracted to him for years while Greg was working through his own sexuality.

Greg had struggled to accept his homosexuality, then struggled again to come to terms with being bisexual. It was only in the last year or so Greg'd found peace with his sexuality, and he and Steve had formed a lasting bond.

Steve, on the other hand, had happily fucked both men and women all thorough college. For him the revelation had been that he wanted to settle with just one man, Greg. He'd never thought of himself as monogamous, but with Greg, he had everything he could ever want in a man. It's just that sometimes he still craved for a woman as well.

Now that Greg had finally accepted he, too, was bisexual, they shared a woman from time to time. And tonight they planned for that woman to be Jaid.

He could hardly wait. His dick had stood up and taken notice of her the moment she'd entered the room. It was very ready to do its part in the evening's program. He and Greg had planned the evening. First, talk to her, make sure she seemed happy to spend time with them. Then, sit with her at the meal. It would last for hours but they'd be able to watch her interact with other family members and check she was relaxed, as well as continue to talk to her themselves. After the present-giving, once people started getting tired, whisk her away to their motel room and fuck her brains out. They had lube, condoms, wine, nipple and clit clamps, and girly bubble stuff to put in the Jacuzzi tub in the bathroom. Steve grinned to himself. Yes. They'd thought of everything, and so far the plan was running as smooth as silk.

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