JAX: MC Biker Romance (New Adult Contemporary Bad Boy Romance) (25 page)

“Luke” I moaned, as all the memories of graduation night came flooding back to me. Without averting his gaze, his head moved down my body, his whiskers grazing the soft skin of my belly. My hands seized the sheets, as his mouth met the silky material of my panties. “Please” I begged, this was torment. Hooking two fingers under the flimsy material, Luke slid my panties down my leg. He smiled at me before once again dipping between my legs with his tongue. I felt the first stirrings build underneath me, as my hips bucked against him. Gently tugging at Luke’s hair, I guided him back toward me, my lips meeting his. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I reached down to find his cock hard beneath my hand.

Luke’s eyes widened, as I guided him into me, but I was not the wide eyed and innocent girl that he had once known. I could see the pleasure in his eyes, as he entered me. I was more than ready for him. My back arched, as he slid in and out, each thrust tipping me closer to the edge. Sliding his hand between my legs, Luke teased my clit, gentle at first before increasing the pressure. As the waves of orgasm came around me, I called out his name feeling my pussy spasm around his cock, holding him tight against me.

I watched her, as she lies beneath me, her eyes lidded as her orgasm washed over her. As her pussy tightened around my cock, I felt the first stirrings of my own orgasm start. She had taken me by surprise; she was no longer the timid virgin, but a strong woman who knew what she wanted. Skye fitted me perfectly, my cock filling every inch of her. She looked up at me, a smile playing on her lips. Pushing gently on my shoulders, she rolled me over, so that she was now straddling me. Skye towered above me, riding my cock hard and fast, taking pleasure in it. My hands moved over her body, feeling the softness of her belly and the tenderness of her breasts.

“Skye,” I moaned, as I felt myself come, Skye holding me tight as my hips bucked against hers. I lay back on the bed, every part of me spent. Lowering herself down, she kissed me softly. Running my fingers through her hair, I cupped her face and found myself staring into her eyes. We lay like that for a few moments, connected as one, Skye’s head on my chest. This, this was different and it scared me.


Chapter 10


“There’s nowhere else I want to be Luke, than here with you” I whispered into the night, as I felt Luke’s breathing even out. I knew this couldn’t last. Luke would leave in a few days to resume his life in Colorado and Emmy and I would go back to our existence, leaving me to once again watch him walk out of my life.

Opening my eyes, I could see that morning had well and truly come. Stretching, I could feel nothing but empty space where Luke had once been lying.
I thought, as I quickly rose from the bed shrugging my robe back on. I followed Emmy’s musical laughter down the hall and into the lounge. They hadn’t heard me approach, and my heart thudded in my chest when I saw Luke sitting on the floor with Emmy, gently brushing the hair of one of her dolls. Emmy chatted away to Luke, unperturbed to see a strange man in the house. She had just simply accepted him there. Luke looked nothing like the playboy NFL player the papers portrayed him to be, and for the first time, I doubted my decision to lie to Luke.

“Good morning you two,” I said brightly, announcing my presence in the room. It broke my heart to interrupt them, but no good could come of this.

“Mommy!” Emmy exclaimed excitedly before running over to me on her chubby legs. I bent down and scooped her up, as she snuggled into my hair.

“Good morning,” Luke murmured, watching me and Emmy intently. The pit of my stomach knotted. Did he suspect the truth? “She’s a great kid,” he remarked, as he unfurled his long legs and rose from the floor, placing the doll gently on the table. I gently put Emmy back down on the floor.

“Go meet mommy in the kitchen. Let’s make breakfast.”

“Pancakes!” Emmy squealed excitedly before dashing into the kitchen. I watched her leave before turning my attention back to Luke.

“I have to go,” Luke said, leaning down and kissing me softly on the lips, “but I will see you tonight at the rehearsal dinner.” I nodded in reply, telling myself I still had a few hours to come up with a reason why I couldn’t go. Luke squeezed my hand gently before kissing me once again and shutting the door firmly behind him.

“Mommy!” Emmy called out from the kitchen impatiently. The door closed with a quiet click, and I turned my attention back to Emmy, softly crossing the lounge and into the kitchen, watching my golden-haired daughter busy herself with gathering the ingredients for pancakes. There was no denying the resemblance; she was every inch Luke’s.


Chapter 11


“This one is yours Mr. Wallace,” the man behind the counter said, as he handed me the cloth bag that contained my new tuxedo. Max stood in front of the mirror, admiring himself as he tried yet another tux.

“What do you think?” he asked, turning back toward me.

“It’s nice.” I agreed. It was a simple black tuxedo, the same as the other fifty he had tried on.

“Big help you are,” he teased before turning back to admire himself in the mirror. I liked Max well enough, but he was incredibly superficial. Looks and money were more important to him than anything.

“You seem distracted,” Max said, as he paid for the tuxes.

“Just thinking about the next draft is all.” I could feel the first prickle of irritation at the back of my neck, the last place I wanted to be right now was here with Max.

“Ah, you’re a shoe-in, don’t worry about that,” he said, slapping me firmly on the back, but it wasn’t the next draft that was playing on my mind.

“What would you know?” I snapped, pulling away from him. Max’s eyebrow rose.

“Hey buddy, sorry if I overstepped…”

“Let’s go home,” I said, wrenching the door open. Max didn’t try again, my own foul mood spoiling the moment. All I could think about was Skye and the amazing connection that we seemed to share. But then, there was Emmy. Skye told me she wasn’t mine, but there was something about her, the same blonde hair, and the same eyes. Was Skye lying to me? Was Emmy really mine? Had Skye given up on her music because of Emmy, and was I to blame?

“Hi,” I said, as Luke met me at the door. Slipping out of the house, I quietly closed the door before joining him at the curb. I felt about as nervous as a schoolgirl on her first date. I couldn’t come up with a reason to get out of tonight, and to be honest with myself, I hadn’t tried all that hard. It had taken me forever to get ready, my wardrobe too old and dated for an event such as tonight. I had finally settled on a floral print dress that showed off my curves and had pinned my hair in retro-loose curls.

“Hi, you look great.” There was something in his tone that wasn’t altogether welcoming.

“Are you okay?” I asked as we walked toward the SUV. Luke opened the door but didn’t say anything. The silence continued as we drove. Luke switched on the radio to talkback sports which were full of news of the up and coming draft.

“Are you nervous?” I asked, trying to break the stony silence. Luke looked at me.

“Nope,” he said before turning his attention back to the road. I glanced over at him, his jaw was set firmly, and he radiated fury. I felt sick, my heart hammered away in my chest and my mouth was dry. He knew, he knew about Emmy. Pulling the SUV into the parking lot, he slipped wordlessly from the car and came around, helping me to the ground. I sighed. This was going to be a long night.

“Luke, you’re getting drunk,” I whispered to him, as he snatched yet another scotch from the waiter making the rounds. His foul mood had continued, and guests were starting to give him a wide berth the more he drank.

“What’s it to you,” he snapped at me.

“Luke, I’m going to get a cab and go home.” I pulled away from him and headed through the double doors. The night was cool and it felt refreshing on my skin. Guilt ate away at me, as I crossed the lot in search of a cab, furiously wiping away the tears that spilled down my cheeks. I turned to the sound of footsteps running up behind me, as I walked past Luke’s SUV.

“Skye, wait,” Luke said, as he joined me, gently holding onto my arms, “I couldn’t let you go without telling you how beautiful you are.” For the first time tonight, his face showed kindness instead of fury. “I’m sorry for being a jerk Skye. Please don’t cry.” Luke’s fingers wiped away the tears that cascaded down my cheeks, tilting my head up to look at him. “I wanted you then, and I want you now.” I stood on my tiptoes wrapping my arms around Luke’s neck, pulling him down to me.

“I’ve only ever wanted you,” I admitted, breaking away from our kiss. Luke’s eyes lit up, his lips crashing onto mine, as he turned and pinned me against the car.

“You look fucking amazing in that dress,” he growled, his hand sliding up under my dress and across my silk panties. I shuddered under his touch, wetness starting to grow between my legs. My hands fumbled at his belt, as I pulled him close to me. His lips broke apart from mine, moving down my cheek to the hollow of my neck, his warm breath sending shivers down my side.

“Tell me it’s not true. Tell me Emmy isn’t mine,” he murmured. I felt myself still, the words cutting through me like a knife. Luke pushed himself away from me, holding himself up with one arm against the roof of the SUV.

“Skye,” his eyes searched mine, he was pleading with me to tell him it wasn’t true.

“I…” I started, but I couldn’t meet his gaze. He knew at that moment that it was true. Emmy was his. Pushing himself off the car, he walked away before turning back toward me angrily.

“Is she mine?” he demanded, his voice low. I couldn’t find words, but I nodded slowly. I could see the hurt and anger in his eyes “Is that why you broke it off?”

“Yes,” I admitted simply.

“Why didn’t you tell me! Did you think I was like all the other men who would turn my back on you and our daughter?”

“No, actually I thought the opposite. I knew you would stay, you would try and make it work, and Luke, you are a star and there is nothing I would do to stand in your way.”

“You don’t get to make that choice on your own!” He screamed at me, his lips drawn back in a snarl.

“I’m sorry.” I spluttered through the tears that filled my eyes and spilled down my cheeks.

“You don’t get to cry over this. You kept me from my daughter,” He accused.

“I wanted you to have everything you ever wanted.” Luke stilled, before stalking back over to me.

“Did you ever think that all I ever wanted might be standing in front of me, and waiting for you back at your apartment? You don’t get to make those decisions for me, ever.” Luke once again turned and walked off into the night.

“Where are you going?” I called out after him.

“Getting you a cab. You should be at home looking after our daughter,” he said angrily, as he hailed a passing taxi. Wordlessly, he bundled me into the taxi, avoiding my gaze and ignoring my protests. As the taxi pulled away from the curb, I watched him standing beside his SUV. He looked so sad and alone, and I prayed this would not be the last time I saw Luke.

I sat on the sofa watching yet another re-run of Frozen, as Emmy lay curled on my knee fast asleep. I stroked her hair mindlessly, thinking of the events of the night before when the apartment buzzer broke through my daydreams. Gently, moving Emmy off my lap, I pressed the intercom.


“It’s me,” called a voice that I would recognize anywhere.

“Luke, Emmy’s here and I really can’t go round two with you today.”

“I’m not going to cause a problem, Skye, I just want to talk” I hesitated for a minute before pressing the buzzer. Opening the door to the apartment, I met Luke as he walked up the stairs.

“Please, Emmy’s asleep,” I warned as he stepped into the apartment.

“I told you I’m not going to cause trouble.” There was no trace of anger in his voice now. “I thought about it all last night. I didn’t sleep a god damned wink. We can’t change the past, but we can change the future.” He caught sight of Emmy sleeping, curled up on the couch, and I could see the emotion and love in his eyes.

“What do you want Luke?” I asked, my eyes searching his for an answer.

“I want you, Skye. I want Emmy, I want all of this and I want to hear you sing again.” At the sound of his voice, Emmy stirred, and Luke went over to her.

“Hello, my sleepy princess. Time to get up. Your aunty is getting married today, and we have a party to go too,” He said, as Emmy gazed up at him sleepily.

“Party!” Emmy laughed excitedly and dashed off to her bedroom to get ready.

“You’ve done a great job,” Luke said, as he crossed the room and kissed me gently on the lips, “but this is a family wedding, and were going as a family.”



The End


Bonus - Rex



Rex Allen licked the end of his pencil and held it to his notepad. He never was good at writing letters, especially not ones of the heart. Thinking hard for a minute, he scrawled out the first few words, and then gave up, throwing his pencil to the ground with the notepad following it with a clatter.

He lay back on his bed and crossed his arms. Looking down and examining his tattoos, he wished he was on the outside. He was desperate to be back with his buddies and on the back of his bike once again.

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