Jerry's Passion: Insurgents Motorcycle Club (Insurgents MC Romance Book 6) (27 page)

She shook her head. “We’re not doing anything. I didn’t come here to talk about him, okay?”

“Fair enough.” He opened the menu. “Tell me what you recommend.”

They laughed and talked for a couple hours, and Kylie forgot Jerry was seated just one table behind her. It wasn’t until Throttle yelled out, “Bye, Kylie,” that she remembered they were there.

She twisted around at the waist and waved at Throttle. Jerry tilted his chin to her, but she paid no attention to him. “See you, Throttle.” She turned back to Ricky and the dessert they were sharing.

When they arrived at her house, they were both pretty beat. “I had a real nice time,” Ricky said as they walked up the sidewalk under the moonlight. The heat of the day had been replaced by a cool breeze, and goose bumps carpeted Kylie’s bare arms. Taking out her key, she quietly opened the door.

“I need to talk with you.” Jerry’s deep voice startled them both. She spun around and saw him step out of the shadows from the green bushes, now looking almost black against the night’s sky.

“Go on,” she whispered to Ricky, who walked into the house. She closed the door and ambled down the brick sidewalk to the shadows where Jerry stood. Her heartbeat thumped against her bones, and she was sure he could hear each strike.

“Why’d you ignore me at the restaurant?”

She rubbed her chilled arms and shook her head. “You are too much. I gotta get back in.”

He reached out and gripped her hand, her flesh tingling from the shock of his touch. “How’ve you been?” His breath fanned out over her face, warming her.


“That’s good. How long’s Ricky staying?”

She gave a half-shrug. “Not sure. We’re having a good time, so maybe another week.” She knew perfectly well Ricky was leaving the following morning. Even though he wanted to stay, he had to return to work.

“Don’t do anything stupid with him.”

Her nervous, longing demeanor turned into liquid fire as she jerked her hand out of his. “How dare you tell me what to do. You told me we were finished, and now you’re creeping around my bushes spying on me? How fuckin’ pathetic!”

Jerry gripped her arm and shook her. “Watch your goddamned mouth. I’m not spying on you. I just wanted to talk to you. I don’t like the way you’re talking to me. You’re fuckin’ out of line, woman.”

She shoved him back. “I’m not your woman, and I can speak to you any damned way I want. You gave up any claim you may have had on me, so you back the fuck off. And stop telling me what I can and can’t do with another man.” Her chest rose up and down as she breathed heavily.

He glared at her. “You got a mouth on you. I can tell you’re Banger’s daughter.”

“And don’t you fucking forget it.” Kylie tossed her head back, sprinted up the walkway, then went inside the house and shut the door. Her body shook from both anger and arousal. Feeling Jerry’s closeness and his hand on hers made the spot between her legs throb. She missed him so much and wanted him to fill her up, take her over the edge, and consume her. She hated that her body and mind weren’t on the same page; the hurt he bestowed on her told her he was a grade-A jerk, but her body craved him like an addict.

“Everything okay?” Ricky’s hushed voice echoed in the foyer.

Slowly, she exhaled. “Yeah.”

“Do you have something with him?”

Hanging her head, heavy with thoughts of Jerry, she said in a low voice, “No. I don’t.” Silence shrouded them then Kylie sighed. “I’m so tired. I’ll see you in the morning.”

As she lay in her bed, watching the ribbons of moonlight seeping through her slatted blinds, she lifted her hand and smelled Jerry’s scent, still on her skin. She’d never have him again. What had happened? She’d been on an all-time high one minute then crushed down the next. She’d let him into her life, and only someone on the inside could have shattered her heart as he’d done with just a few words. Wiping her wet cheeks, she hugged the pillow close to her, wishing it were Jerry.

Chapter Twenty-Six

ylie waited outside
Axe’s apartment for a long time until he came out, heading toward his Harley. He whirled around when he heard her call his name. “Hey, Kylie.” His eyebrows rose. “Whatcha doing here?”

“I know my dad has you following me. I spotted you at the mall. I’ll say you’re good because I didn’t notice you until the day before.”

Axe stared at her, stone-faced.

“Since you’ve been on my ass, you must know Jerry and I had a thing for a bit. And that’s why I’m here. I don’t want you telling my dad that I spent many nights at Jerry’s apartment.”

“Kylie, you know I can’t do that.”

“Hear me out. It was in the past. Jerry and I aren’t seeing each other anymore, so what’ll be gained from telling my dad about it? I’m asking you as a friend not to do it. There’s no reason to upset my dad.”

Axe blew out a long breath. “Fuck. I can’t lie if he asks me.”

“I’m not asking you to lie. I’m asking you to omit that part of your report. Please?”

He groaned and rubbed his hand on his chest. “Fuck. Okay, I won’t say anything, but if he asks me about you and Jerry, I gotta tell him the truth. Fuck, Kylie, he’s my president. You know how that goes. You’ve been around this your whole life. You’re asking too much from me.”

“I know, and that’s why I’m not asking you to lie. Just don’t bring it up first.”

He nodded slowly. “Okay, but if he asks me, I’m telling him what I’ve seen. You better be prepared for that.”

“I can deal with that. Thanks. I owe you big time.” Kylie shifted her weight from side to side.

“So, you and Jerry are really done? I’m surprised. I thought you two were really into each other. Fuck, he’s been talking about you for years.”

“Well, I guess we got it out of our system. Fantasies are usually better than the real thing. I gotta go. Thanks again.” She sauntered away and slid into her car. Axe started his Harley and took off. Kylie felt calmer knowing her dad may never find out, but a sudden onslaught of loneliness captured her. Ricky had left that morning, and the last thing she wanted to do at that moment was go home. She took out her phone and called Margo, and the two friends made arrangements to meet up in an hour.

As she sat in The French Bistro waiting for Margo, she opened her e-mails, her pulse racing when she saw one from the non-profit wildlife rescue. She opened it and adrenaline shot through her when she read they were interested in setting up an interview with her. They’d asked her to pick some of the available dates they’d listed, so she hurriedly typed back her response, choosing an interview date for the upcoming Friday. When she clicked “send,” she crossed her fingers.

About fifteen minutes later, Margo came in and Kylie told her about the interview. She and Margo had been friends since she could walk. They’d lived in the same neighborhood and had shared all the joys and pains of growing up. They’d attended all the same schools, and when Kylie had left for college, the two girls had cried until Banger told them if they didn’t stop, either Kylie would stay home or Margo would go to college. Her father’s gruff voice and bewilderment at dealing with the two teenagers had made them laugh, and soon their tears of lament had turned to ones of merriment.

Margo never had an interest in studying beyond high school, so she took a job at the local shipping and packaging company. She seemed happy with working and partying.

“You doing okay?”

“Not really, but I’m forcing myself to get over him. I think it’s harder because I’ve been crushing on him for quite a while. I was always insecure about screwing him. He’s definitely used to way more experienced women than me.”

“That shouldn’t matter if he cares for you.” Margo stirred a packet of artificial sugar in her iced tea.

“Right, but the point here is that he doesn’t care for me. He told me that in so many words. I was just a good time for him, and now he’s bored. Fuck, I even bought a book on how to please a man so I could learn some new things and get better at it.”

“You did? Can I read it?”

Kylie giggled. “Sure. I was going to try some of the stuff on him, but then the fucking asshole broke up with me.”

“I don’t think he really wanted to. He probably thinks he’s doing you a favor, and then you’ve got your dad who would scare the hell out of the devil.” She laughed.

“Maybe, but he’s still an asshole, and my head aches from thinking of him too much. Let’s talk about you coming up to see me during Labor Day weekend. We’ll have so much fun.”

The two women laughed and talked while the black-haired man watched at a distance, his eyes lingering on Kylie’s mouth, aching to kiss it.

*     *     *

Banger closed the
garage door and entered the house, hoping Belle hadn’t seen him. He’d been thinking about her most of the day as he sat in his office at the clubhouse, and when he started writing her name instead of his on some documents he was working on, he decided to call it a day and head home. Kylie was hanging with Margo, Emily was at work at the hair salon, and Ethan was at baseball camp, so he’d have some much-needed alone time with his wife. Excitement coursed through him, and it still amazed him how affected he was by Belle. She was the constant sparkle in his life.

When he came into the kitchen, she was cleaning string beans by the sink, the loud beats of Creedence Clearwater Revival filling the room. He padded softly over to her and wrapped his arms around her large belly. At seven months, Belle was huge. She’d complained to Banger about how big she looked, but he loved every inch of her; to him, she was the most beautiful woman in the world. He couldn’t stop rubbing her stomach, loving how it felt whenever their baby kicked.

Belle jumped and squealed when he held her close. “You scared the crap outta me. Why are you home so early? You feeling all right?” Concern clouded her eyes.

He pulled her closer to him and nuzzled her neck, kissing the spot he knew made her weak in the knees. “Been thinking ‘bout you all day. I wanted to spend some time with you without all the kids around.” She pushed back and wiggled against his ass, his dick firming immediately. “You keep that up, woman, and we’re gonna end up in the bedroom.”

“I’d like that, but since the kids aren’t here, we don’t have to hide in our bedroom.” She turned around and palmed his hardness, pushing him toward the table. After she pulled the chair out, she settled herself down. “Now, let’s see if I can fix what you got going on in your jeans.” She slowly unzipped his pants as he sucked his breath, his hands buried in her thick curls.

Keeping eye contact with her, Banger watched as Belle placed his dick into her mouth, sucking the underside of his head just the way he loved it. He was so damn horny that he almost blew in her mouth, but he gently pulled her back. “I want inside you, woman.”

Belle stood up, turned around, and placed her hands on the table. Since she’d entered her third trimester, sex standing up or doggy style were her preferences since it relieved her back and pelvic pain. Banger reached around and fingered her wet clit before he pushed his hardness into her. Her soft moans turned him on and he slid into her heat. Careful not to thrust too hard or deep, he rocked back and forth, loving the way her fleshy ass bumped against him. As he stroked her bundle of nerves, he felt her silky walls tighten around his cock, and he knew she was close. He let himself go, and when she came, yelling and squealing, he followed with feral grunts. They stood like that for a few minutes before he bent over and kissed her, then pulled down her dress and helped her sit on one of the chairs.

“Damn, woman. You fuckin’ know how to please your man.” He winked at her as he shoved his dick in his jeans.

She smiled. “Be good and get me a bottled water. I’m parched. You made me scream too much.”

He handed her the water and sat on the chair next to her. “You have a good day today?”

“It was just okay until you got home.” She drank a large gulp of water then looked at him, a hint of concern glazing her face.

“You feel okay?” He instinctively placed his hand on her belly.

She nodded.

“Something you wanna tell me? You got that look on your face.”

Belle pulled herself up, opened the desk drawer in the nook they’d made for it in the kitchen, and took out a book. Without saying a word, she handed it to Banger. He looked at the hardback, titled
Drive Him Wild: Knowing How to Pleasure Your Man.
With a quizzical gaze, he said, “You want me to read this? You want me to pick out the things I want you to do?”

Belle took a deep breath. “It’s not mine. I found it under Kylie’s mattress when I put clean sheets on her bed earlier today.” She pressed her lips together and stared at him.

For a while, Banger just held the book, staring at it but not really comprehending what Belle was trying to tell him. Then a deep heat flushed through his body, his muscles tensing, his teeth grinding. “What the fuck? This trash is Kylie’s?”

Belle nodded, even though it was a rhetorical question. Banger blew out of his chair and threw the book across the room. His face was red as he pounded his fists against the table, the steady thump of its legs against the stone tiles filling the space between him and Belle. Whipping out his phone, he dialed Axe. “I fuckin’ want to see you at the clubhouse in ten minutes.”

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