Jonah Noble - Anticipation is everything (14 page)

“Did you fuck her, Jonah?”

It was Leticia. She had come soundlessly into the bathroom. I could see the vague outline of her shape like a dark smudge against the translucent glass of the door that separated us. I narrowed my eyes. There was something in her voice – something tight and strangled that was not anger or accusation.

“Where have you been?” I asked.

“I want to know if you fucked Cameron tonight?” Leticia insisted, ignoring my question. She moved, maybe coming closer. The shape of her took on blurred definition.


There was a long moment of silence. Steam filled the bathroom and the hiss of the scalding water muffled sound.

“Was she tight for you?” Leticia’s voice lowered so that I could barely discern the words. “Was her pussy tight and wet for your cock?”


“And did she moan for you?” Leticia’s voice became breathless. “Did she beg you to fuck her harder?”

“She moaned,” I said, understanding at last. “I bent her over the end of the bed and put a vibrator in her mouth. But she was whimpering,” I went on. “Every time I thrust into her she trembled and sobbed.”

More silence. I sensed Leticia move once more until I was sure she was standing just beyond the other side of the shower door.

“And then what did you do?” she asked softly. “After you had fucked her until she could take no more… what did you do then?”

“I put her on her back on the bed,” I said. My own voice had become as husky as Leticia’s. I could feel myself hardening as the void between us seemed to sizzle with erotic tension. “And then I knelt over her and made her worship my cock with her tongue.”

“And was she good for you?” Leticia gasped the words. “Did she lick and suck you like the sexy submissive you wanted her to be?”

“She was sensational,” I said. “Obedient, willing, submissive, enthusiastic…”

There was another brief moment of silence. I turned away from the shower and let the hot water burst over my shoulders and down my back.

“Tell me more…” Leticia sighed.

“No,” I said, as I made the decision. “No more talk.” I flung open the shower door and my hand snapped out. Leticia was right in front of me. I seized her wrist and dragged her into the shower. She squealed with fright and surprise, but it was already too late. I pushed her up against the shower wall and pinned her shoulders to the tiles.

Within seconds her clothes were soaked as if she had been caught in a summer storm. She opened her mouth to protest but I covered her lips with a smoldering kiss and tore at her blouse. The fabric ripped. Leticia gasped in horror and wrenched her mouth from mine.

“This blouse cost two-hundred dollars!” she protested.

“I don’t give a fuck,” I snarled. “I have a thousand dollar hunger for you.”

I peeled the shreds of her blouse from her shoulders and unsnapped the clasp of her bra. I hunted her breasts with my mouth and Leticia threw back her head and cried out in a moment of raw passion. My hands were everywhere at once, my mouth ravenous. I felt Leticia’s fingers wrap around the iron-bar of my shaft and begin to stroke me.

“Oh, God!” she cried out. I bit her shoulder and felt the fingernails of her free hand claw at my back. She was crushed against the cold tiles of the shower stall and I was standing with my legs braced wide before her. I tugged up the hem of her skirt and bunched the sodden fabric around her waist.

Leticia was panting, her chest heaving for air. She stared at me with wide eyes of wonder and desire and I let my own gaze drift hungrily down her body to the dark patch of her panties.

“Fuck me,” Leticia groaned.

“I’m going to,” I told her.


* * *


Much later, when we were in bed, Leticia lay curled against me with her head on my chest, listening to the sound of my breathing and the beat of my heart. She was drowsy, her body now soft. I was lying on my back, with my arm curled around her shoulder. Leticia nuzzled a little closer and sighed a soft sound of satisfaction.

“Where did you go today?” I asked without rancor. “I was worried about you.”

Leticia moved her head. I could feel the soft caress of her breath against my skin. “I drove to the city,” she said in a whisper. “I spent the whole day there.”

“Doing what?”

“Wandering,” she said as though she knew the answer was insufficient. “Thinking mainly… about what you said… about seizing life’s opportunities when they present themselves.”

I said nothing for a long time. I could hear the faint tinkle of light rain on the roof. “And did you come to any conclusions?”

Leticia took a deep breath and propped herself up on one elbow so we were looking into each other’s eyes. She shook her head in the way that people do when they wish they had a better answer.

“No,” she admitted. “I’m sorry, Jonah, but I’m still undecided. I walked for hours, drove for hours. I wandered the streets and tried to rationalize everything.” She shrugged then, and looked suddenly very drawn and tired. “I just don’t know if I can take this thing with Cameron to the next level.”

I sensed there was more Leticia wanted to say. There was a sudden thoughtful frown on her brow, but the seconds ticked past in absolute silence. Finally she sighed and there was a tremor of uncertainty in the sound of her breath.

“Jonah… I need to know something – something important,” she began at last. Her eyes darted away and then came back reluctantly.

“What’s worrying you?”

“Us,” Leticia said. “You and me.” She shifted her body against me again and I noticed that now she seemed filled with a new tension. I watched her eyes. “I’m worried what will happen if I decide not to join you and Cameron. I’m worried that my refusal is going to affect our relationship – affect the way you see me.”

I sat upright, propped my back against the headboard and pulled Leticia to me so that she came soft and seeking comfort into the embrace of my arms.

“I love you,” I said simply. “I love you for who you are. That will never change. This is not about how I feel about you. The only consequence here is how you are going to feel about yourself, Leticia.”


* * *


I checked the time as I stood impatiently at the kitchen door. It was a few minutes past 7pm. By now Cameron would be naked on her knees and waiting uncertainly. I called out to Leticia one last time, my voice echoing around the walls of the big house, and a moment later I heard her footsteps coming tentatively across the living room. She stood at last in the kitchen doorway, her face racked with tension. She leaned against the wall as though she needed it for support. She was dressed in old jeans and a loose-fitting sweater. Her eyes were dark and fathomless.

She stared at me and her expression was a silent plea for understanding.

“I’m not coming with you,” she said softly.

I felt my body become rigid. I nodded my head stiffly.

“Very well,” I said.

There was no tone to my voice, no inflection to betray my disappointment, but I felt myself begin to shut down. I turned and went out into the star-filled night without once looking back.

I let myself in through the front door of the bungalow and stood silently for a moment. I could hear Cameron in the bedroom, and see her shadow leap and bounce across the hallway wall. Near where I stood, Cameron’s suitcases were packed and waiting inside the front door – a poignant reminder that this would be her last night here – her last night of submissive training and sex.

I went down the narrow hallway and stood at the bedroom door. Cameron had heard me arrive. She was getting settled on her knees, her eyes downcast, her back perfectly straight. She had her hands clasped behind her in the basic pose of a submissive. Her body seemed to glow with the tinted golden color from the bedside lamp.

I peeled off my jacket, unknotted my tie. I came into the bedroom and stood close behind her. I sensed Cameron’s body shudder with a delicious thrill of anticipation.

I had the silk tie still in my hands. I knotted it around her eyes as a blindfold and then went across the room and lowered myself into the chair.

“Pleasure yourself,” I said. Despite all my efforts I could hear the hollow ring in my words. I berated myself. Leticia’s decision had disappointed me, but it had been her decision alone to make. Cameron’s experience should not be affected. I was better than that – a better Master. It was important for me to shrug off my personal feelings: Cameron’s experience should be untainted by my emotions.

Cameron reached between her parted thighs and her fingers began to flick across the nub of her clit. She strummed herself as if her body were a beautiful musical instrument. I saw the passion begin to play across her features, the subtle change in her breathing as she touched herself with such intimate gestures that to watch her was almost beautifully mesmerizing.

The look on a woman’s face in the throes of passion is like a roadmap to her very soul. I could see the color in Cameron’s cheeks, the enigmatic curve of her lips. I could hear the rise and fall of her husky breathing and the tiny furrows of her concentration. It was all there – and I read every emotion as though it were a chart that detailed the inexorable journey towards her release.

At last Cameron’s mouth fell open in a soft moan and her body began to undulate. She gasped aloud and arched her spine, threw her head back as if she could stare at the ceiling.

I waited patiently until the final tremors of her orgasm subsided. Her breathing was ragged, her body now slumped and spent from the power of her release. The flush of color on her cheeks slowly diffused, drifting down her body and spreading across her chest and breasts.

And then the most remarkable thing happened.

The most erotic, sensual moment I had ever experienced.

Leticia stepped into the room, wearing thigh-high black boots and a matching black pair of panties and bra. She stood in the doorway, and I gaped at her, my expression incredulous. The boots were shiny, with a crisscross of laces that went all the way to the knees. The panties and bra were so brief as to be almost unnecessary. It was lingerie I had never seen her wear before. She came to the side of the bed, and stood for a moment beside where Cameron was kneeling blindfolded. I could see appalling strain on Leticia’s face, as though she were screwing up every ounce of her courage. She sat down on the edge of the mattress and spread her legs wide. She was looking at me – her gaze wild and frenetic. Then she reached for Cameron and pulled the submissive woman’s face gently between her parted legs.

“Lick me,” Leticia insisted. She hooked one finger inside the lace of her panties and pulled the fabric aside. I watched mesmerized for a moment. Cameron leaned slowly forward… and then Leticia’s eyes fluttered and seemed to roll up into the back of her head. She let out a low throaty moan and slumped back on her elbows. Cameron was licking her pussy and the shock and delicious delight of the experience was written plain and large across Leticia’s face.

I rose from the chair like a man in the midst of a perfect dream. I went to the edge of the bed. Leticia was gnawing on her lip as though to stifle a deep groan of satisfaction.

“You said you weren’t coming,” I said softly.

Leticia shook her head. “I said I wasn’t coming
with you
.” She winked at me and then licked her lips lasciviously. “Now give me something to do with my mouth.”

I bent over the bed and kissed Leticia deeply. I could taste the courage of whisky on her lips. Her breathing became more urgent. I tore my eyes open, feasting on the sight of Cameron on her knees, nestled between Leticia’s spread legs. My hands cupped Leticia’s breasts as the kiss became more fierce, more passionate. I felt the jutting urgent press of her nipple and I rolled it teasingly between my fingers.

When we broke the kiss at last, Leticia’s abdomen was concaving and tensing with every new flicker of Cameron’s willing tongue. I saw Leticia’s hands bunch into fists. She was clawing at the bed sheets, the tension in her rising as Cameron’s mouth and tongue found the sensitive treasures of Leticia’s body and tormented them.

I undressed quickly. I was impossibly hard. Leticia reached for me with one of her hands and her touch was familiar and skilled.

I knelt on the bed beside her, and Leticia craned her neck to take the swollen tip of me between her soft lips. I cradled her head to take the pressure from her neck. She engulfed me hungrily and then I felt the swirling flicker of her tongue. It was not what I expected, the rhythm something new and unfamiliar. I sensed she was mirroring the play of Cameron’s tongue across her pussy – treating me to the same wicked sensations that she was feeling from our submissive. I closed my eyes and surrendered myself to the pleasure until my need became too urgent to be satisfied completely in this way. I wanted more. I wanted Cameron and I wanted Leticia.

I sensed it was time to take control.

I eased myself off the bed and went behind where Cameron was kneeling. Her perfect ass was high in the air, her knees parted so that I could see the sullen pouting lips of her wet pussy as she continued to service Leticia with her tongue. I brushed the swell of my cock against Cameron’s pussy for a long moment, and then slid myself slowly and deeply inside her.

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