JoshuasMistake (10 page)

Read JoshuasMistake Online

Authors: A.S. Fenichel

Wanda chuckled. “Go break that up before you start popping
light bulbs in Will’s fine house.”

“She’s a big girl. I have no claims on her.”

“Who do you think you’re talking to, Josh? We go way back. I’ve
never seen you show any interest in a woman beyond the essentials. It’s obvious
this woman is different or you wouldn’t have risked your neck for her in the
first place.”

“Yeah, well, I don’t have the kind of rights to her you’re

She shook her head. “Seems pretty basic to me. Story as old
as time. Just go.”

He wanted to tell Wanda she was wrong, but instead he took
the opportunity to move to where Jess and Tessa were engaged in a seemingly
intimate conversation.

“I thought you’d gone back to Ohio after Germany.” Jess hid
the better part of a Cajun accent behind a light Southern drawl.

“Just for a week then I got another assignment.”

Joshua asked, “You two know each other?”

Tessa slid her hand over and threaded her fingers through
Joshua’s. “Jess and I have worked together quite a few times.”

Joshua loved that she was not afraid to let people know they
were together. He was even more relieved to know she was willing to let him
know. Did she sense his insecurity? He thought he had his mind pretty well
blocked. Maybe it was obvious in other ways.

“I didn’t even know you were in trouble.” Jess glanced down
at their clasped hands, but his expression didn’t change. He continued to
appear concerned.

“My mission was classified and I assumed what happened after
was as well.” She shrugged.

“Man, Tessa, I’m sorry. I wish I’d have known. I’d have
tried to help you.”

“Thanks. Luckily they sent Joshua and he was willing to take
steps to get me away.” She made the statement very casually as if she was
talking about something besides her life being in jeopardy.

Joshua gave her hand a slight squeeze.

Jess turned to Joshua. “Do you think you can take Banta?”

Good question. “I don’t know. I could when we worked
together. I’m pretty sure I could have last year when we met up in Boston. It
will depend on how many auras he’s collected in the last two months.”

Jess gave him a nod and looked down at the floor for a
minute. “I’ll see you two in the morning. I’m going to try to find those agents
Wanda couldn’t. I have a feeling we’ll need all the help we can get.”

“You’re probably right,” Joshua said.

Chapter Seven


It was not the first strip club Tessa had ever been to. She
was in law enforcement and that career choice had taken her to some pretty
unsavory places. Though she had to admit there was a big difference in this
club. Most of the time these places where filled with men sitting in the dark
watching a dimly lit stage.

That was not the case with The Silk Stocking. The main room
was a large brightly lit bar and dance floor with music blaring from speakers.
The high bar tables were occupied by as many couples as single men. Young women
wearing costumes walked around flirting with patrons. There was a cop, a nurse
and a dominatrix, complete with cat-o’-nine-tails. Even with the strippers present
in the bar it was a friendly environment. There was a long hallway leading to a
more traditional strip club.

There was no food served at The Silk Stocking. The
chalkboards on either side of the long bar had a different kind of menu. Each
one gave the cost of different lap dances. The list included one girl for
fifteen minutes, two girls for fifteen minutes, one girl for thirty minutes,
lap dances for couples with one or two girls and variations of each.

Tessa had never really considered having a woman give her a
lap dance, but the idea of Joshua watching made her panties damp.

He was leaning against the bar and had his hand wrapped
around her waist. “What are you thinking about?”

“Lap dances.”

His eyebrows shot up. “Hmm… Maybe if we survive the next few

She laughed. She didn’t really know why, but the idea they
might die in Key West didn’t really concern her. It was part of being an agent.
She had always expected to die in the line of duty. This didn’t feel that much
different. Thinking about her team and the way they had been killed brought her
back to reality. This
different. Whoever Troth Banta was she didn’t
want him stealing her psi energy. Not that she would need it if she was dead,
but she didn’t want that asshole to have it.

“I don’t think he’s here. He may have gone upstairs.”

“To the swingers club?” She couldn’t help that the idea
excited her. She didn’t have to look down to know her nipples were standing out
through the thin material of her dress.

A wicked smile pulled at Joshua’s lips. His eyes lowered to
her chest. “Did I tell you how hot you look in that dress?”

“About ten times since we left Will’s.”

The silk halter dress in candy-apple red clung to every
curve. The neckline dipped to just above her belly button, exposing a good deal
of flesh between her breasts. The skirt was a lot shorter than she was used to
and most of her long legs were revealed. She might have protested the scanty
dress, but the look on Joshua’s face when she walked out of the bedroom kept
her quiet on the subject.

“Good. You are stunning. Let’s go check in the other bar and
see if he’s watching the show before we go upstairs.”

Before they had a chance to move a stripper in a police
uniform approached them. The entire outfit consisted of a skirt that barely
covered her full, round ass and a short-sleeved jacket that was unbuttoned down
to the waist, revealing a lacy pink bra and extremely large tits. She moved in
very close to Joshua. “How about a dance, tall, dark and dangerous?”

He smiled down at the pretty brunette. “I wish we had time,
sweetheart. Another time.”

Without missing a beat she turned and stepped in front of
Tessa. Her ass rubbed against Tessa’s thighs, pushing the woman’s skirt up
until there was nothing between the two women except a tiny triangle of thong.

“Maybe one for the lady. She’s beautiful. Doesn’t she
deserve to have a good time?”

Tessa had to stifle a moan. The stripper’s body exquisitely
teased her pussy and she wanted to touch her. The warm, floral scent of her
long hair filled Tessa’s senses.

Joshua made no move to separate the women. He watched
intently and Tessa’s gaze didn’t leave his. His watching was more of a turn-on
than the woman.

“What’s your name, sweetheart?”


He stepped in front of Joy so the stripper was sandwiched
between them. The lust in his eyes nearly made Tessa touch herself in public
just to get some relief.

“Joy, I’m sorry to say we just don’t have the time tonight.
When we do we’ll come back and find you. That much I can promise.”

If she was upset or disappointed she didn’t show it. Joy
smiled and turned to kiss Tessa’s cheek. “I’ll look forward to it.”

“Me too.” Tessa’s voice was low and rough.

Joy sauntered away from them and disappeared onto the
crowded dance floor.

Joshua stepped forward, trapping Tessa against the bar with
his big body. “You look so fucking hot, I want to fuck you right here.”

She swallowed. He probably knew she wanted the same thing,
but they had other things to do. “We better find your friend.”

He closed his eyes for a moment, took her hand and they
walked into the dimly lit room where small tables surrounded a stage. Three
girls danced and slowly removed articles of clothing in time with the music.

Joshua was scanning the room for Trip and didn’t pay any
attention to the show. Since Tessa had no idea what Trip looked like she scanned
for trouble before settling her gaze on the three women on the stage.

She had to admit those girls could dance. Two brunettes and
a blonde moved in a slow, sensuous pattern of hips and arms. They danced
together and you couldn’t help thinking about them having sex. One brunette
moved to the long brass pole in the center of the stage, wrapped a hand and leg
around it as if she were embracing a lover and then with a push spun around one
time. She climbed higher with her ass to the crowd. A string of pearls traveled
up the crack of her muscular yet round butt.

Tessa wondered how those pearls felt and found her pussy wet
just from the thought.

When the dancer was several feet in the air, she freed her
hands and holding on with her legs, spun herself around in a slow descent. When
her hands touched the floor she did a back walkover to dismount the pole. The
crowd applauded. She pulled the strings on her silver string-bikini top and let
it fall to the floor. The applause grew louder at the sight of her stunning
tits and large, hard nipples.

Joshua’s mouth touched her ear. “You look very excited
watching this.”

She gasped at the contact and her body hummed with need. “Are
you excited?”

“I’m so hard watching you get turned on by those girls it’s
going to be difficult to take the stairs to the roof.”

She couldn’t help her grin and she was sure she looked
stupid. The idea it was her and not the strippers that turned him on made her
feel a little giddy. She didn’t think she’d felt this way since she was in
junior high and had her first crush. They had a job so she pulled herself
together. “I guess that means Trip is not here.”

He shook his head and led the way to the door that brought
them to an outdoor set of stairs. In spite of his claimed discomfort they made
their way up to the roof where they found another bar.

A nice breeze from the ocean kept the roof cool in spite of
the scene before her.

There were no strippers on the roof, only couples drinking
and mingling. In the corner was a tented area. Tessa peaked in to find a man
body-painting an elaborate bra onto a completely naked woman. The woman’s curly
red hair cascaded down her shoulders. Her eyes were closed, but she squirmed slightly
with each stroke of the artist’s airbrush.

Around the walled rooftop were deep couches with large white
cushions. A hot tub on one side was filled with several couples, all naked and
flirting. Several people were dancing including two women who had removed their
tops and had their tits pressed together and their legs intertwined.

Joshua gave her hand a tug and she followed him to the far
side of the bar where an African American man in khaki trousers and a white
cotton shirt sat talking to a woman with graying blonde hair and no top on. He
acknowledged Joshua with a nod and excused himself from the company of the

Trip’s salt-and-pepper hair was cut short and his chocolate skin
had weathered from too much sun. His eyes sparkled when he looked at Tessa and
she smiled in spite of herself.

He gave Joshua his hand. “How are you?”

“In trouble,” Joshua said.

Trip frowned. “Introduce me to your friend.”

“Tessa Clark, Trip Maynard, one of my oldest friends.”

She shook his hand and said hello. There was something easy
in this man’s demeanor that was incongruous with a Psi Agent.

“Let’s find someplace we can talk.” He led them down another
set of stairs to a lower rooftop on the other side of the building. It was
gated and there was a small grouping of chairs. The moon’s glow shimmered off
the water, adding to the ambiance.

At one end was a four-poster bed with what looked to be at
least two couples entwined and gyrating. Tessa couldn’t tell where one body
ended and another began. The sounds of mutual gratification drifted from the
bed and were lost in the noise of Duval Street and the music of the club.

Other than the people on the bed they were nearly alone on
the roof. A waiter came over as soon as they sat down and asked if they would
care for a drink. Both she and Joshua declined, but Trip ask for his usual and
a minute later the waiter returned with a Corona with lime.

“What’s going on? Wanda told me you were in town, but she
didn’t say what was happening.”

Joshua gave Trip the abridged version of the story. He left
out the part about Banta. She didn’t like that he was holding back the
information. She sent him a directed mental image letting him know her

His sharp look let her know he’d gotten the message. He
looked back at Trip, who sat watching them both carefully.

“There’s one other thing, Trip,” Joshua said. His eyes
shifted toward her for a moment.

“What aren’t you telling me?”

“There’s a very strong possibility this is all being
orchestrated by Troth Banta.”

“Shit.” Trip bit out the word sharply. “That is not good,

“I know. And I’m pretty sure he’s learned how to gather and
even draw power necro-electrically.”

“Jesus. He’s gathering?” His eyes dimmed and he looked off
into the dark skies above the Atlantic Ocean.

“I know it’s a lot to ask, but I need your help.”

Trip rubbed his hand over his hair and turned back. “Josh,
what you need is an army.”

“Wanda has already put a small one together.”

Trip smiled and his entire face lit up. “I’ll go see her
tonight. You’d better hope Banta has pissed off enough people that a few more
will be willing to come to your aid in a hurry. I think your odds are pretty

“If I haven’t pissed off just as many.” Joshua was smiling

Trip’s laugh was full and came from deep in his gut. Tessa
looked around at the people on the bed. They were still in the throes of
passion and hadn’t heard the outburst.

The beer in Trip’s hand floated from his fingers to the
coffee table. The motion was smooth. He was a practiced and accomplished
telekinetic. “Let me put out a few discreet calls and see where we end up.
There are quite a few people on the island already who have some talent plus
Will and his armory will come in handy.”

Joshua nodded. “Will’s will be the best place to make a
stand and not endanger the tourist population.”

“I agree.”

They shook hands and Trip said, “I’ll see you in the

Tessa could feel Joshua relax.

“I appreciate it.”

Trip was about to leave the roof when he turned back, dug in
his pocket and handed Joshua a cell phone. “This is clean and you can toss it.
I have more. Call Kane. You’re going to need him.”

Joshua took the phone and gave a nod. “Thanks.”

Trip sauntered away, his gait fluid and composed. He didn’t
look as if he was moving quickly, but a moment later he was gone.

“Now what?” Tessa asked.

A loud, impassioned cry emanated from the bed. He looked
over. “Let’s get out of here. I need to make a phone call and then I want you
to myself.”


Someone else on the bed came even more loudly than the
first. Tessa’s pussy was wet and ready for whatever Joshua had in mind.

He must have known how titillated she was. When he pulled
her up from the low chair he brought his hands around, gripped her ass and pulled
her tight against his hard cock.

The desperate sigh that escaped her lips had been building
since they’d gotten to The Silk Stocking. She would have let him fuck her right
there on the roof if he’d asked. Everything she felt was out of character for
her normally serious, stoic disposition. Of course, everything that had
happened to her since the desert attack had thrown her world into utter chaos.
Meeting Joshua Lakeland and having him be interested in her was the icing on
the cake of things that would have never happened.

He dipped his head, kissed her neck and up to her sensitive
lobe. “Come on.”

They climbed up to the main rooftop club and then down to
the street. Once they were off the main strip and walking toward the pickup
truck Joshua took the phone out of his pocket. He held her hand and dialed with
the other.

“Hey,” Joshua said.

Tessa could only hear a mumbled reply from inside the phone.

“I’m going to need some help.”

There was a short pause.

“No, just you. You should put them someplace safe for a

Another pause.

“Do me a favor? You know who I’m with? Check on a couple
living in Ohio. Make sure they’re safe.”

The mumbling inside the phone went on for a few minutes. Tessa’s
heart pounded and her stomach tightened. He was sending his brother to check on
her parents. She couldn’t even believe he’d remembered she had family let alone
that he would want to make sure they were safe. She wanted to cry and laugh at
the same time.

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