Journey of Souls (22 page)

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Authors: Michael Newton

S: (long pause) I think many factors are considered in the allocations of that which makes us who we are. What I do know is, once given, ego becomes a covenant between oneself and the givers.

Dr. N: What does that mean?

S: To do the best I can with who I am.

Dr. N: So, the purpose of this world is the distribution of soul identity by advanced beings?

S: Yes, the new soul is pure energy with no real Self yet. The World Without Ego provides you with a signature.

Dr. N: Then why do you call it the World Without Ego?

S: Because the newly created souls arrive with no ego. The idea of Self has not come into the new soul’s consciousness. It is here where the soul is offered meaning to its existence.

Dr. N: And does the creation of souls with personhood go on continually?

S: As far as I know, yes.

Dr. N: I want you to answer this next question carefully for me. When you acquired your particular identity as a soul, did that automatically mean you were slated for Earth incarnations in human form?

S: Not specifically, no. Planets don’t last forever.

Dr. N: I wondered if certain types of souls have an affinity for specific forms of physical life in the universe?

S: (pause) I won’t argue against that.

Dr. N: In your beginnings, Nenthum, were you given the opportunity to choose other planetary hosts besides humans on Earth?

S: Ah … as a new soul … the guides assist in those selections. I was drawn to human beings.

Dr. N: Were you given other choices?

S: (long pause) Yes … but it’s not very clear at the moment. They usually start you on an easy world or two, without much to do. Then I was offered service on this severe planet.

Dr. N: Earth is considered severe?

S: Yes. On some worlds you must overcome physical discomforts-even suffering. Others lean toward mental contests. Earth has both.

We get kudos for doing well on the hard worlds. (smiling) We are called the adventurous ones by those who don’t travel much.

Dr. N: What really appeals to you about Earth?

S: The kinship humans have for each other while they struggle against one another … competing and collaborating at the same time.

Dr. N: Isn’t that a contradiction?

S: (laughs) That’s what appeals to me-mediating quarrels of a fallible race which has so much pride and need of self-respect. The human brain is rather unique, you know.

Dr. N: How?

S: Humans are egocentric but vulnerable. They can make their character mean and yet have a great capacity for kindness. There is weak and courageous behavior on Earth. It’s always a push-me pull-you tug-of-war going on with human values. This diversity suits my soul.

Dr. N: What are some of the other things about human hosts which might appeal to the souls who are sent to Earth?

S: Hmm… those of us developing on Earth have … a sanction to help humans know of the infinite beyond their life and to assist them in expressing true benevolence through their passion. Having a passion to fight for life-that’s what is so worthwhile about humanity.

Dr. N: Humans also have a great capacity for malevolence.

S: That’s part of the passion. But it’s evolving too, and when humans experience trouble, they can be at their best and are … quite noble.

Dr. N: Perhaps it is the soul which fosters the positive characteristics you suggested?

S: We try to enhance what is already there.

Dr. N: Does any soul ever go back to the World Without Ego after they have once been there and acquired identity?

S: (uncomfortable) Yes … but I don’t want to get into that

Dr. N: Well, then we won’t, but I have been told some souls do return if their conduct during physical assignments is consistently irregular. I have the impression they are considered defective and are returned to the factory for a kind of spiritual prefrontal lobotomy?

S: (subject shakes his head with annoyance) I am offended by that description. Where did you get such a notion? Those souls who have developed severe obstacles to improvement are mended by the restoration of positive energy.

Dr. N: Is this procedure just for Earth souls?

S: No, young souls from everywhere may require restoration as a last resort.

Dr. N: Are these restored spirits then allowed to return to their respective groups and eventually go back to incarnating on physical worlds?

S: (sighs deeply) Yes.

Dr. N: How would you compare the World Without Ego to the World of All Knowing?

S: They are opposites. This world is not for young souls.

Dr. N: Have you been to the World of All Knowing?

S: No, I’m not ready. I am only aware of it as a place we strive for.

Dr. N: What do you know about this spiritual area?

S: (long pause) It is a place of contemplation … the ultimate mental world of planning and design. I can tell you little about this sphere except it is the final destination of all thought. The senses of all living things are coordinated here.

Dr. N: Then the World of All Knowing is abstract in the highest form?

S: Yes, it’s about blending content with form-the rational with ideals. It is a dimension where the realization of all our hopes and dreams is possible.

Dr. N: Well, if you can’t go there yet, how come you know about it?

S: We get … glimpses … as an incentive to encourage us to make that final effort to finish our work and join the masters.

The foundation of the spirit world is a place of knowing and has been alluded to under different names by clients. I am given only bare references to this universal absolute, because even my advanced subjects have no direct experience there. All souls are anxious to reach and be absorbed by this nucleus, especially as they draw closer and are enticed by what little they can see. I’m afraid the World of All Knowing can only be fully understood by a non-reincarnating soul above Level V.

Dr. N: If the World Without Ego and the World of All Knowing are at opposite ends of a soul’s experience, then where does the World of Altered Time fall?

S: This sphere is available to all souls because it represents their own physical world. In my case, it is Earth.

Dr. N: Oh, this must be the physical dimension you told me about?

S: No, the sphere of Earth is only simulated for my use.

Dr. N: Then all souls in the spirit world wouldn’t study the same simulated world?

S: No, each of us studies our own geographical planet, where we incarnate. They are physically real … temporarily.

Dr. N: And you don’t physically live on this simulated world which appears as Earth-you only use it?

S: Yes, that’s right-for training purposes.

Dr. N: Why do you call this third sphere the World of Altered Time?

S: Because we can change time sequences to study specific events.

Dr. N: What is the basic purpose of doing this?

S: To improve my decisions for life. This study makes me more discriminating and prepares me for the World of All Knowing.

Note: Subjects frequently use the term “world” to describe non-physical spatial work areas. These regions can be tiny or indescribably large in relation to the soul and may involve different dimensions. I believe there are separate realities for different learning experiences outside the restrictions of time. The coexistence of past, present, and future time in spiritual settings suggested by this case will be explored further in the next two chapters with Cases 23 and 25.

Dr. N: We haven’t talked about the World of Creation and Non-creation. This must be the three-dimensional physical world you spoke of earlier.

S: Yes, and we enjoy using it as well.

Dr. N: Is this world intended for the use of all souls?

S: No, it is not. I’m just starting to apply myself there. I am considered a newcomer.

Dr. N: Well, before we get into that, I want to ask if this physical world is the same as Earth.

S: No, it is a little different. It’s larger and somewhat colder. There is less water-fewer oceans, but similar.

Dr. N: Is this planet further from its sun than Earth is from our sun?

S: Yes.

Dr. N: If I could call this physical world Earth II, since it seems to be geographically similar to the Earth we know, would it be near Earth I in the sky?

S: No.

Dr. N: Where is Earth II in relation to Earth I?

S: (pause) I can’t tell you.

Dr. N: Is Earth II in our Milky Way galaxy?

S: (long pause) No, I think it’s further away.

Dr. N: Could I see the galaxy Earth II is located in with a telescope from my backyard?

S: I… would think so.

Dr. N: Would you say the galaxy containing this physical world is shaped like a spiral as our galaxy, or is it elliptical? How would it look in a telescope from a long way off?

S: … as a great extended … chain … (with a troubled expression) I can’t tell you more.

Note: As an amateur stargazer who uses a large reflector telescope designed for deep sky objects, I am always inquisitive when a session takes an

astronomical turn. Client responses to these kinds of questions usually fall short of my expectations. I am never sure if this is due to blocking by guides or the subject’s lack of a physical frame of reference between Earth and the rest of our universe.

Dr. N: (I throw out a leading question) I suppose you go to Earth II to reincarnate with some sort of intelligent being?

S: (loudly) No! That’s just what we don’t want to do there.

Dr. N: When do you go to Earth II?

S: Between my lives on this Earth.

Dr. N: Why do you go to Earth II?

S: We go there to create and just enjoy ourselves as free spirits.

Dr. N: And you don’t bother the inhabitants of Earth II?

S: (enthusiastically) There are no people … it’s so peaceful … we roam among the forests, the deserts, and over oceans with no responsibilities.

Dr. N: What is the highest form of life on Earth II?

S: (evasive) Oh … small animals … without much intelligence.

Dr. N: Do animals have souls?

S: Yes, all living things do-but they have very simple fragments of mind energy.

Dr. N: Has your soul, and that of your friends, evolved from using lower forms of physical life on Earth I after your creation?

S: We don’t know for sure, but none of us thinks so.

Dr. N: Why not?

S: Because intelligent energy is arranged by … a precedence of life. Plants, insects, reptiles-each is in a family of souls.

Dr. N: And all categories of living things are separated from each other?

S: No. The maker’s energy joins the units of every living thing in existence.

Dr. N: Are you involved with this element of creation?

S: (startled) Oh, no!

Dr. N: Well, who is selected to visit Earth II?

S: Those of us who are connected with Earth come here. This is a vacation spot compared to Earth.

Dr. N: Why?

S: There is no fighting, bickering, or striving for supremacy. There is a pristine atmosphere and all life is … quiet. This place gives us an incentive to return to Earth and make it more peaceful, too.

Dr. N: Well, I do see how this Garden of Eden would allow you to rest and be carefree, but you also said you come here to create.

S: Yes, we do.

Dr. N: It is no accident then that souls from Earth come to a world that is so similar geographically?

S: That’s right.

Dr. N: Do other souls, who are not earthbound, go to physical worlds which resemble those planets where they incarnate?

S: Yes … younger worlds with simpler organisms … to learn to create without any intelligent life around.

Dr. N: Go on.

S: We can experiment with creation and see it developing here. It’s as if you were in a lab where you can form physical things from your energy.

Dr. N: Do these physical things resemble what you might see on Earth I?

S: Yes, only on Earth. That’s why I am here.

Dr. N: Start with your arrival on Earth II and explain to me what your soul does first.

S: (balks at my question and then finally says) I’m … not very good.

Note: Since this subject is experiencing resistance, I take a few minutes for reconditioning and end with the following: “On the count of three you will feel more relaxed about telling me what you and Idis consider appropriate for my knowledge. One, two, three!” I repeat my question.

S: I look to see what I am supposed to make on the ground in front of me. Then I mold the object in my mind and try and create the same thing with small doses of energy. The teachers assist us with … control. I’m supposed to see my mistakes and make corrections.

Dr. N: Who are the teachers?

S: Idis and Mulcafgil (subject’s highly advanced guide) … and there are other instructors around … I don’t know them very well.

Dr. N: Try to be as clear as possible. What exactly are you doing?

S: We… form things…

Dr. N: Living things?

S: I’m not ready for that yet. I experiment with the basic elements-you know, hydrogen and oxygen-to create planetary substance … rocks, air, water … keeping everything very small.

Dr. N: Do you actually create the basic elements of our universe?

S: No, I just use the elements available.

Dr. N: In what way?

S: I take the basic elements and charge them with impulses from my energy … and they can change.

Dr. N: Change into what?

S: (simply) I’m good with rocks …

Dr. N: How do you form rocks with your energy?

S: Oh … by learning to heat and cool … dust … to make it hard.

Dr. N: Do you make the minerals in the dust?

S: They do that for you … the teachers give us that stuff … gas vapors for water making … and so on …

Dr. N: I want to understand this clearly. Your work consists of learning to create by causing heat, pressure, and cooling from your energy flow?

S: That’s about right-by alternating our currents of energy radiation.

Dr. N: So, you don’t actually produce the substance of rock and water in some chemical way?

S: No, like I told you, my job is to transform things by … mixing what I am given. I play with the frequency and dosages of my energy-it’s tricky, but not too complicated …

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