Judged By You (Judge Me Series) (15 page)

I placed my other hand on his and rubbed his knuckles.

“I know you’ll always be there Thank you Derek. I’m happy for you…… truly, was just a shock.” I turned as I said those words and looked out the window. The trees were flashing by as we drove along. Derek let my hand go, and I felt lost. I was so confused about so many things in my life right now. Why was my life so complicated? I can’t remember a time when it wasn’t. I felt my pocket vibrate. I reached in, and when I pulled it out an unknown number was displayed.


“Miss James… Rob Thomas

o Rob, how are you today?” I said politely

“Good….. Listen I tried to call you last night….. I
’m leaving to go overseas for twelve months……so I won’t be able to be there for you and your brother.”

At that moment, my life was fucked. He had been our families’ lawyer since forever. He knew my family so well. And he knew my brothers case inside and out.

“Oh.” I tried to hide my anger. Cause quite frankly I was angry. How could he?

“Look… I’ve passed your files onto a highly trusted friend. He’s just as good as I am Savannah. You just have to trust him…… please, don’t be mad
.” Rob said.

“I’m sorry Rob. I just…. You know us all so well…. And Stephen needs you
.” I had one hell of a headache. Between lack of sleep and everyone's confessions, it was too much.

“Please Savannah, have faith He is
exceptionally good. Carter Graham is his name… now that I’ve passed on your information, you will need to meet with him as soon as possible, so you get to know him …….. And trust him Savannah……. Please.” He begged.

“Okay…. I will try. Thank you Rob….. Enjoy your time away
.” I looked at the massive structure of the prison as we pulled in to the car park.

care Miss James.” He said formally, than hung up.

I put my head
back against the head rest and closed my eyes. Just breathe….. Breathe…… don’t cry…… hold back….. I repeated to myself.

“Hey, who was that
?” Derek asked, taking my hand in his.

“Rob, he’s going away
, and we have a new lawyer to take his place.” I said not opening my eyes to look at Derek’s expression.

“Fuck…… what if they don’t know the history and
all that Savannah…..” Derek trailed off.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. He looked as broken as I felt, hearing the news. “Let’s go”. I opened the door and jumped out leaving Derek
ponder for a moment. Derek got out after a few minutes, and we walked into the facility. It always smelt of disinfectant, well I thought it did anyway. I signed in, and started the process of being a family member visiting an inmate; the pat downs were the worst.

Derek and I walked over to the table and sat waiting to see Stephen. I looked over and saw the same women I saw last week, crying. She held her sons hand and wept. I turned my attention to the front and saw Stephen approaching. Derek stood and hugged him, I followed. Stephen smelt like sweat and dirt.

“Been gardening again.” I asked with a smile.

“Fucking over it
.” He said with a nod.

Stephen seemed relaxed this week. Der
ek and he spoke about “old friends” and who was in what trouble these days, and of course Stephen asked Derek about my Dodge.

“Are you sure it’s not scratched
.” Stephen asked.

, your sister isn’t that terrible of a driver. Remember she beat your arse a few times,” Derek said with a smile. “Sav let the tar have it the other day too…..” Derek said looking at me.

We all started laughing.
Carefree. The only thing was Stephen was in here, and he wasn’t coming home with us today. I wanted to ask what was up with him other night but fought against it, he was in such a good mood.

“Hey Sav, Rob came to visit me last night, said something about leaving for a while
.” Stephen said without concern.

I looked at Derek, who looked at me with a concerned look.

“Yeah, he rang me this morning. I’m hoping to meet up with the new lawyer this week. I will let you know how it goes.” I said watching his face. He looked like nothing was wrong.

.” Stephen replied.

“You’re not concerned?” Derek asked Stephen

“Why should I be, nothing to worry about right?” Stephen said with confidence.

“So who’s this man your seeing Sav?” Stephen changed the subject.

I thought about not answering, I don’t want to spend my short amount of time with Stephen talking about my relationship status!

“He’s got his head straight Steph
.” Derek cut in.

“Good, I want to meet him….. Do you think he will
come visit sometime?” Stephen said with a straight face. What the hell is going on here……..

“Umm…. Stephen…I’m not sure……” I started to explain, but Stephen burst out laughing, obviously he was joking.

“You’re an ass.” I said in a serious tone. How dare he do that to me?

I looked at my watch and noted it was time to go. We all said our good byes and I assured Stephen I would see him same time next week. Derek told Stephen he would also visit next week. I watched Stephen walk away with the guards and felt that sinking feeling. It was the hardest part, watching him walk one direction and us walking the other. Derek grabs my arm and we walked out of the facility and head home.

Derek dropped me straight home as he had things to take care of. I don’t even want to know what that was code for. Nicole came into the kitchen wearing a tank top and her famous mini shorts. She looked so at ease and happy for a change.

“Well, what’s gotten into you?” I just had to ask.

“I’ve had a workout this morning, so I’m feeling good.” She said with a massive grin.

“That’s good……wish I had the energy
to workout.” I said taking 2 cups out of the cupboard and putting them under the machine.

There was a brief knock at the door
, and Nicole wandered over to answer it. Automatically I presumed it would be Stan. Within a few minutes, Nicole came in holding a whopping basket of red, white and pink roses.

“Wow you’re so lucky
.” I said with a smile. They smelt divine.

“Hey, they’re not for me
.” Nicole said handing me a card.

Dear Savannah

Thank you for last night

Thinking of you



“Looks like you impressed last night.” Nicole said with a smirk.

“I must have
.” I said with an all teeth smile. They were beautiful. I grabbed my phone out of my purse and quickly typed a message.

Thanks for the beautiful flowers. Xo Sav

I hit send and put my phone I’m my pocket.

“Want to hit the swing
?” Nicole asked, carrying two cups of coffee.

.” I walked to the door and held it open so Nicole could walk through. We sat on the porch swing, and both of us let out a breath. Knowing that we did it at the same time made us both started giggling.

“Did you talk to Stan
?” I asked whist sipping my coffee. Hmm this is good……

“I did, and he knows He wanted to go to Vegas because of his parents and what they would say, but then I realised that if I did it….. I may never forgive myself. Not to mention my mother. Seriously can you imagine what that crazy woman would say and what she would do to Stan
?” Nicole said matter-of-factly.

“But he is going to support you right

“He said he would
. He wanted me to move in with him Sav……but I don’t want this baby to change my feelings. We are permanent, but I just need time you know.” Nicole said with a look on her face like she was trying to convince herself of her own words.

“That’s great news, and you know you can stay as long as you want
here.” I said waving my hands towards the house.

“I know…. Thank you
.” She gripped my hand and kissed it. God she can be sweet, when she wants to be.

o how was your night with Damon?” Nicole said turning her head to the side to give me that why-haven’t-you-told-me look.

“It was good…… dinner was fantastic he can cook you know
.” I said with a smile remembering the taste. But not looking at Nicole’s face.

,” she said nudging me with her elbow.

“And….. We…… you know
.” I could feel my cheeks heat. shit, I’m blushing again!

look at you… no wonder you’re so tired. I hope you used protection.” Nicole said with a now serious face.

I couldn’t help but laugh. Trust Nicole to come out with such things. I felt my pocket vibrate and fished my phone out. I saw a message from Damon.

You’re very welcome. Dinner tonight? D

Wow, he wants to have dinner again? I must have had a
puzzled look on my face because Nicole grabbed my phone out of my hands.

“Wow, you must have impressed
.” She said cheerfully.

“Get out of it Nicole
.” I said trying to grab the phone out of her hand. Once I grabbed the phone I typed back.

Sure, let me know the details ;

He replied
right away.

I will pick you up at 5. D

Hmmm, “that’s an early dinner.” I said out loud. Nicole was leaning into me reading the message. She just shrugged and smiled.

Nicole and I sat and spoke a
bout her plans for the next seven and a half months. She said she would see how things went, and work it out from there. Nicole didn’t know if she was going to move in with Stan before the baby was born, or wait until after. She still hasn’t told her parents, but she was planning a trip to visit them real soon. I told her in a little more detail about my night, Nicole told me the guilt I was feeling this morning was a common female intuition.

“I just want to know what we are you know….wether we are going to have an exclusive relationship or whatever
.” I trailed off. I’ve had very few one night stands, and most time I was extremely drunk and had no idea what I was doing.

“The only way to know is to ask. Don’t be
afraid Savannah; you want to know the answers just ask.”  Nicole said before standing up and walking back inside.

I s
tood and followed. It was two thirty, and I decided to take a rest for an hour or so. Nicole said she was going to her friend’s house for a bit, so I set my alarm and lay down on the couch. I closed my eyes and had thoughts of my parents and Stephen. God I missed them.




My eyelids were so heavy, I just couldn’t open them. I felt hands on me, under my knees and across my shoulders, then I was moving.

,” I moaned. I don’t want to wake up yet.

“Ssshhh, I’ve got you
.” A gruff voice spoke.

I could hear footsteps and a door open then I was on a bed. I reached my hand out and felt lips on the back of my hand. Then they were gone. I reluctantly opened one eye and saw a shadow, then felt my boots come off my feet, followed by my jeans. I tried harder to open my eyes. They slowly opened
, and I began to focus on the shadow.

“Ssshhh…. Go to sleep Savannah
.” The voice was familiar.

I sat up slowly and rubbed my eyes. Damon was walking out the door.

“Hey.” I called. He turned and come back into the room slowly.

“Hey, close your eyes beautiful…..I will see you after you’ve slept
.” He said coming to sit beside me. He reached up and tucked a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

“What time is it
?” I grumbled. Still trying to figure out what is going on.

“It’s six thirty
. I was held up, and I called but you didn’t answer….. So I came over, and you were asleep.” He said leaning down to kiss the corner of my mouth.

“I’m so sorry…. I…. I set my alarm to get up
, but it didn’t go off…… and I didn’t hear the phone, I was so tired….. I’m…. I’m so sorry.” I said grabbing his face in my hands than leaning in to kiss him. Our lips briefly met, before he pulled away.

“That’s okay… I have to go now….. Get some rest and we will talk later
.” He once again kissed me briefly then stood up to leave.

I swung my feet off the edge of the bed and followed Damon down stairs.

“I don’t want you to go.” I said, once downstairs. I wanted his company, among other things.

“Savannah, you’re tired… and something has
come up….. I’m sorry.” Damon said. He placed his hands on my shoulders and stepped closer. I tilted my head back to read his face. I had a feeling something wasn’t right.

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