Read Just That Easy Online

Authors: Elizabeth Moore

Just That Easy (24 page)

Not coming anywhere near to the sensitive spots begging for
his touch, he ran a trail of soft kisses up the inside of her thigh, from as
low as he could reach to the crease between her thigh and that sweet little
spot just on the outer lips of her achingly empty pussy.

She wanted to scream, she wanted to tell him to fuck her
now, like she had so many times before when he’d been absolutely losing it with
his need for her. To feel that rigid cock stroking in and out of her long and
slow, fast and hard, either would drive her over the edge. Except he wasn’t
crashing into her with that blinding need. He was barely touching her. He was
looking at her. That was all she could feel.

“What are you feeling, Teryn?”

“That I need you so fucking bad, god, Grant, please.”

“You’re pushing the rules, girl.”

“I can’t help it. Fine, turn me over, whip me again, bite
me, do anything!”

“Is that all you want from me, Teryn, to fuck you? Just be
here in your bed driving you crazy every night?” The commanding tone was gone,
this was a simple question, by a man who wanted an answer.

Her breath froze in her throat. He’d waited until he’d taken
her an even farther step, pushing her more with the tenderness, the sweetness
of him just loving her than the pain-spiked pleasure could have possibly taken
her. He’d loved her, and she’d let him.

Was that all she wanted? Right now, yes. Did she want what
he was implying? Yes. More than anything. If possible, every aching part of her
body that was rigid, wet, or straining for his touch ratcheted up a notch.

“No. That’s not all I want.”

“What isn’t, Teryn? You have to say it.”

“I don’t just want you to fuck me every night, Grant.”

“What do you want?”

What she really wanted was to not think about this, not now.
Just as she’d known when she’d dropped the robe to her ankles that she’d be
giving something up, she knew that this was what he needed, and she had to give

“I want to be able to love you. I want to believe this is
more than just sex.” That much, was true. And she hated saying it.

The feel of the bed sinking as he moved over her, his
fingers pushing the lace aside, and in one heavy lunge he was buried in her,
the force of his thrust lifting her ass off the bed. His low moan was almost
like a release in itself, a keening sound of pleasure at finally gaining
something he’d longed for. He wrapped his hands around her hips, pulling her up
into him. The sensation of him holding her, impaled on his rigid cock, her
shoulders slamming hard into the bed beneath her with each hard stroke, and not
being able to see one damn bit of it was a whole new deep pit of incredible to
fall into.

She clutched at the sheets, grabbing for anything to hang on
to, the swirling madness in her head threatening her consciousness, even more
so when his wet mouth descended on her still-bared nipple, pulling it between
his teeth. The feel of the hot sting of his teeth was intoxicating. The level
of her desire for pain-spiked pleasure had risen a thousand degrees above what
she expected to want to feel. The pain of his teeth rasping her sensitive skin,
the pain of the welts he had marked her with, the pain of his pulling those
words from her. All of it gilded with the pleasure of him loving her, steadily,
slowly, completely controlling himself the whole time. For her.

His long, strong strokes into her reminded her of the hard,
biting way he’d talked to her, the edge in his voice when he’d described
burying himself deep in her ass. The one moment when his control had nearly
shattered, she sensed it. She knew he wanted it. Like floodgates that opened
and couldn’t be closed again until the raging water subsided, her desire to
give him more rushed from her.

“I want you to do what you said you were going to do to me.”
The glaring truth of what she wanted spilled out over her lips, easily. The
blindfold afforded her the double-edged sword of missing the reaction on his
face as she said it. Avoiding her own awkwardness at speaking the words, but
also not being able to see the flash of heat in those blue eyes. He stopped in
mid stroke. “What did you say?”

“You heard me. I already said it, Grant. Please don’t make
me play the game to get you to do it. You know you want it.”

“Do you want it?” She could feel him staring at her
intently, even through the blindfold.



“I just do. Why, don’t you want to?”

“You do know, tell me. Why do you want me to fuck you there?
I’m not the one who matters here.”

Strange, less than an hour ago he’d said what she wanted
made no difference.

“Because no one else ever has. Because no one else could
have shown me what this was like, what it feels like. Because I know you…how
you feel… I mean, I know you won’t hurt me. I-I need to give you this. Give
myself this.”

And it does matter whether you want to, it felt like you

“I do, more than you can imagine. No, I wouldn’t hurt you,
but I’m not going to lie, it’s going to hurt. No way it can’t, as tiny and
tight as that little ass of yours is. I’m not sure this is a good idea. I need
to think for a minute.”

“Have you done it before?”

“I have. But…” He sucked in a long, slow, hissing breath.
“Not like this. Not with someone I… I didn’t care what she felt. I care what
you want. I care if I hurt you.”

The implications were there and it settled over them both.

“I’m taking off the blindfold.”

He didn’t respond and she peeled it away. She looked at him,
still buried deep inside her, leaning over her, his face intense.


He looked down at her, his eyes burning, deep, vivid blue.

“Do it. Trust me.”

The shock of those words coming from her mouth were still
ringing in his head. It was one thing to have the fantasy of being buried to
the hairline in her sweet, wicked little ass, but actually shoving his cock in
that tiny-looking spot was another thing entirely. The look on her face when
she’d said it, even when her eyes were still covered by the blindfold, doing
that little lip-licking that she did unconsciously, made it all the more
tempting. He was hiding the truth of it behind those thoughts. She gave herself
to him. She said it, cringed that she’d had to do it, but then turned around
and gave more than she’d needed to, more than he’d asked. For him.

He’d just passed the point of being able to control himself
anymore—this was the longest he’d gone without going completely berserk and
just ramming himself into her over and over again. The control he’d had to dig
out of somewhere deep inside him to pull it off had pushed his willpower to the
limit. And now here she is asking him to fuck her in that sweet ass. The ass
he’d just been drooling over as he drove her wild with licking it, so perfect,
so tight, so untouched. She was giving it to him. Only him.

He’d been about to just let go and pound her sweet pussy
into oblivion, make it submit as he’d just made her do. He wanted to feel her
come on him again and again. The power of that simple act, her giving herself
over to him completely was so unexpected it had called a game-over in his head
the second she said he could do anything he wanted to her. She trusted him. He
fucking wanted her so bad he couldn’t breathe. All of her.

How the hell did she always end up one step ahead of him?

He’d pushed her to complete submission, finally he felt in
control. He’d taken her to the edge of pain-tinged pleasure, and she’d stayed
right where he put her, obeying every word he said. She’d loved it, he could
tell. Even after he had figured out she was uncomfortable being locked down
like that and used her fear against her, the fighter in her came out, and she
pushed back. A tactic he knew well. Working through the fear, she’d latched
onto the decadent feel of the reward he was offering her for beating her own
terror. She’d never been so fierce. He’d never loved her so goddamn much.

Then, like always, somehow, snap! Like the crack of that
little leather strap he’d smacked her ass with, she mentally flipped him onto
his back as if he were a featherweight. Fuck me in the ass Grant. I want it, I
. Bam! Take that, big guy. And dammit, he knew he was going to.
The first time she wanted anyone to take her there, and it was him.

“You sure you’re ready for this?”

“Ready as I’ll ever be.”

“I’m going to go really slow. You need to relax, feel the
muscles loosen up, let me help you ease them a little, okay? It’s going to burn
a little at first, but not much and it won’t last long, I promise. I’m going to
start with my finger, then two. Once that is easy then we’ll, well, you’ll
figure it out.”

“I know I will Grant, I like—no, I
, every single
thing you do to me. Better still, I know how much you are going to like it.”

The tremor that rippled through his cock was like the
aftershock of an earthquake. It jumped inside her and she even gasped.

Hurry up, dumbass, or this is going to end before it ever

He didn’t move from his warm spot deep inside her wet pussy,
he wasn’t going to abandon it until she was good and ready for him to move to
the next destination. He reached for the tube of KY. Good thing he’d thought to
have it on hand. Just in case. He reached down and coated her tight little hole
with it, ran his fingers over the rim and pressed a little into her. He felt
her push onto him harder. He knew she was used to one already, so once the
muscles gave way to accept his finger, he pushed in the second. A brief tense,
then she opened for him, obviously working to keep herself relaxed, to move
past this part and get to the good stuff. Still, he had his doubts that he was
going to manage to cram himself in there. No time like the present to find out.

He gave her a few little strokes with his two fingers, her
hips were pulling hard at him already, she was ready to move on. So was he.
Sliding out of that warm, wet space, he coated himself heavily with the KY, and
pulled her leg up, shifting her to let her know to turn onto her belly. He was
pretty sure he was tensing up more than she as he moved forward and slid the
blood-engorged tip of his cock gently through that first ring of tight muscle.
That felt so damn good, squeezing him, pulling at him.

“Does it hurt?”

“A little, but not much.”

He pushed a little more, it was torture watching his cock
slide so slowly, barely moving into her. He felt her tense a little, release.
He mentally smacked himself, forgetting what the hell he was doing.

“Move back onto me more as you feel like you can take it.”

“Mmmhmm.” Her voice was a little hum and she immediately
wiggled her ass a little, nudging him deeper.

He knew damn well what she needed, and felt like an idiot
for forgetting. He slid his fingers under that lace. The hard, thrumming knot
of her clit met his fingers as if it were ready to burst out of her skin, it
felt so hot. As soon as his fingers made contact, she bolted toward him almost
two inches, gasping with the force of her own thrust, the pain it probably
spiked through her, and the extra work he was doing against her clit to balance
it out.

“Do you like it? Want to keep going?”

“Yes, oh hell yes.” She pushed more.

His cock was seriously thinking about having a mind of its
own, his capacity for words shrank with every second. He couldn’t allow himself
just let loose, and ram into her tender little ass, it would tear her apart. He
dug deep, fighting the images her domination caused in his head. No matter how
sensitive she said she thought he was, he was a man, and the savage urges of
his baser nature didn’t always give way to sensibility.

Pull back, or she’s really going to know you’re some kind
of cruel bastard who only gives a shit about yourself.

Moving his thumb to push against her clit, and rubbing in
even faster circles, he moved his fingers back, sliding two of them into that
warm, hot pussy his cock had just occupied. He could feel the rigid thickness
of his cock jamming into her backside through the wall of muscle there. He was
only halfway in and if felt as if she were filled to the hilt. He was supposed
to be helping her along, but it seemed all he was doing was helping himself. He
moved his thumb faster, feeling the muscle in her sweet pussy wall clench his

“There you go, baby, let go, relax. It’s going to build a little
slower this time, just go with me.”

Her answer was to give another push, this one harder than
the one before, pushing him nearly completely in.

“Fuck! Your sweet ass is so tight. Am I hurting you?”

“No. No, just push it all in. I want to feel all of it.” She
squirmed beneath him, making those little humming sounds again.

He gave one final little shove, and the tight ring of her
ass squeezed down around the base of his cock, sending a full-on thunderstorm
of sensations flooding through him. Her creamy white skin splayed out in front
of him, still in her sexy panties and bra. Her hips grinding back into him, as
he played with her sweet little pussy and ass. That sweet, tight, hot ass,
sucking at his cock as if it were the Fourth of July and the fireworks had just
started going off.

“Does it hurt?”

“No. It feels… Mmm…uh…it feels good. Move. Go ahead, I want
to feel it.”

He didn’t need any more urging than that, the slippery
wetness of her own juices along with a little help from the lube, and he slid
easily backward. A few inches out, back in. Again.


Halfway this time, straightening up a little, pulling his
fingers out of her, but keeping up the rhythmic pressure on her clit. Slide
out, and back in, hard this time. It was so goddamn good, he wanted to just
ream her with it, fill her to screaming.

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