Kade: Santanas Cuervo MC (28 page)

Read Kade: Santanas Cuervo MC Online

Authors: Kathryn Thomas


“Yes! Yes! Harder!” she gasped, reaching for her release, his grunt of passion stoking her and setting her on edge.


He started to pound into her, her gasp of pleasure tearing at his control. He pushed against his climax, trying to force it away, but it pressed in against him. “I’m going to come,” he growled, his passions taking him.


, you’re going so
she cried softly. Kade had never taken her so deeply before and his deep fast thrusts were electrifying, but she wanted to feel his touch. She pulled her legs off his shoulders, but they were still bound by his arms. She pulled at him, panting as her orgasm rose within her. “Hold me!” she gasped as she pushed against his arms with her legs.


He released one leg, then the other, her legs curling over his back as she pulled him down. Panting with effort, he wrapped her up as he thrust into her hard and fast.


“I’m going to come!” he gasped, struggling to hold his orgasm until she was ready.


“Not yet,” she gasped, her climax almost in reach.


His control slipped the moment she gasped softly and her back arched, her climax triggering his own. They clung to each other as they peaked in ecstasy, Kade pushing in hard and deep, holding himself there as his orgasm burned through him and her fingers bit hard into his back.


They sighed as they relaxed out of their rapture, their lips find each other as if it were the most natural thing in the world, kissing leisurely, basking in the embers of their passion.


It was still early, not even eight o’clock, but they sighed, content as he rolled off her and snuggled into her back in a comfortable spoon. He pulled her in and held her tight, sighing again. He was concerned they missed something and the police would track them down for the murder of Elina and Sebastián, but he kept his concerns to himself. She had nothing to do with either death, and if he had to go to jail, he’d at least know she was safe.


“I love you,” she whispered, feeling drowsy. They’d missed dinner, but she didn’t care. She was warm, content, and relaxed, her needs fully met as she slowly caressed the arms surrounding her.


“I love you—more,” he replied.


She smiled, satisfied all was right with the world. She thought for a moment about what Kade did, but pushed the thoughts aside and pulled his arms tighter around her. He’d done what he had to, what he’d always done. He did what was necessary in order to keep her safe, and she felt no remorse for Sebastián or Elina. They had tried to have her killed, and they had paid the price. No matter what the law said, she knew Kade wasn’t a murder; he was her guardian and protector, her knight and hero. She sighed as sleep began to take her. Her knight protector—she rather liked the sound of that.




“Good morning,” Kade murmured as Winter opened her eyes and smiled at him.


“Good morning,” she mumbled before stretching languorously, groaning long and loud. She finished her stretch by wrapping her arms around him and pulling him in for a long kiss.


“Do you suppose?” she began.


“Shh…Don’t ask things like that. You know nothing of it. If anyone asks, we followed Sebastián to Elina’s house because we suspected he was cheating on your Aunt Gail. We caught them, you sent pictures, we told him to stay just like Gail said, and then you left. Got it?”


She nodded. “Got it. Do you think the police will know it was us?”


“It wasn’t
it was
You had nothing to do with it. Remember that. You weren’t even there, but you need to delete those texts. Gail, too.”


“What do I tell her?”


“Tell her nothing. I’ll handle it.”


She grimaced. “If anything happens, we’ll get you the best lawyers money can buy. You did it to protect me. Any jury will see that.”


He kissed her again. “Let’s just make sure it doesn’t come to that, and the best way to prevent that is to act like it never happened. Come on, we have to get you to work and I have to report to the Head of Operations and report that my job is done.”




“Ms. Kelly will see you know,” Melissa said with a smile, a real smile this time, leading him to the door, opening it, then closing it behind him.


Gail rose from behind her desk. Every time he’d seen her before she was impeccably neat, put together, and smiling. This morning she looked slightly tousled, like she’d had a rough night and hadn’t slept well.


“Good morning, Kade,” she said, her voice devoid of emotion.


“I’m sorry you had to learn about it that way,” he said softly.


Her lips thinned. “He didn’t even come home last night, the prick.”


He nodded. There was no easy way to say this, so he took a breath and spilled it. “Sebastián and that woman were the source. She was the niece of Rafael Suárez, head of the Escorpións Cartel. They planned—”


She may look like she hadn’t slept last night, and maybe she hadn’t, but she was still sharp. “Was?” she asked.


He ignored the question. “They were trying to have Winter killed so Hayden would turn Kelly Oil over to you. Once that happened, he was going to have you killed. Then—”


“What?” she cried. “Are you serious? Did he tell you that?”


“She did. You told him how much the software was worth?”


She shrugged. “Maybe. Why?”


“What did you tell him?”


She shrugged again. “I don’t know an exact figure, but it’s worth billions, probably worth more than the rest of Kelly Oil combined. ExxonMobil, or another big oil company, doesn’t need our rigs or thumpers, or anything else like that, but that software could save them trillions of dollars over the years.”


“So someone would buy up the entire company just to get the software?”




“That was their plan, to eliminate Winter then wait for Hayden to die. They were betting that Hayden’s shares would go to you. Then he’d have you killed and he’d sell the company. Elina, the woman, was his partner. He could get the software. She had the resources to make it happen.”


“That fuck! I’ll kill him for this!”


“Gail, I want you to listen to me very closely,” he said, staring at her until she nodded. “I know you’re mad and feeling betrayed, but I don’t want you to ever say ‘I’ll kill him’ or anything like that again. Do you understand what I’m telling you?”


She stared at him. “What are you saying?”


“I’m not saying anything. Winter is safe, okay? Nobody is going to bother her again and you don’t have to worry about Sebastián hurting you anymore.”


“What did you do?” she breathed.


“Don’t ask me that.” He held her eyes until she nodded, her eyes wide. “What did you do with the pictures Winter texted you?”


“I deleted them. I was so mad!”


“That’s good. All you know is we caught Sebastián in a compromised situation and he never came home, just as you ordered, and that’s all you need to know.”


Gail licked her lips. “He’s still with Elina?”




“And he won’t be coming home?”




“And Winter is safe? The attempts on her life are over?”




She leaned back in her chair, her face becoming hard. “Good. If I never see that bastard again it will be too soon. I’m calling my lawyer later and have him recommend a good divorce attorney. I’m going to see to it he gets nothing!”


Kade smiled. “I don’t think you have to worry about that.”


She nodded. “I think I understand. If you ever need help, know Kelly Oil is behind you.”


He smiled. “Let’s hope I never do.”


“Let’s hope,” she agreed.


He stood and extended his hand, Gail rising with him and giving it a firm shake before she pulled him in and gave him a hug. “Take care of her,” she whispered.


He smiled as her arms went around him. “I will,” he replied, returning the hug.


She stepped back and looked at him. Though she smiled, her eyes were sad. “I know you will. Thank you. Thank you for all you’ve done to keep her safe. Hayden and I will never forget and we’ll be forever in your debt.”


“Thank you for hiring me. Without that I would have never had a chance to meet her.”


She swallowed hard. “Yes, well, we’ll get your final check to you, and make good on your other expenses. Now, if you’ll excuse me,” she said as she turned before he saw her tears.


“I’m sorry,” he said, seeing her eyes fill with tears before she turned, knowing she’d understand.


She nodded but said nothing and he stepped out of her office and quietly closed the door behind him.


“Melissa, right?”


“That’s right, Mr. Goddard. What can I do for you today?”


He smiled, her attitude completely different than the first time he met her. “Can you have someone show me how to get to Winter’s department?”


She rose from behind her desk. “I would be delighted to escort you.”




“How’s Aunt Gail?” Winter asked after Melissa delivered Kade.




“Did you tell her?”


“No, but she understood.”


She pursed her lips in sympathy for her Aunt’s loss. “He was probably using her from the beginning.”


“Probably,” he agreed. “She likely realizes that now, but that doesn’t make it any easier for her.”


“I wish there was something I could do for her.”


“There is: be there for her. Show her that her loss wasn’t for nothing.”


She smiled and nodded. “Will you be staying in Houston?”


“Do you want me to?”


She smiled as she turned back to samples. “Very much.”


He grinned. “I think I can stick around for a couple of days. I also want to be here, just in case.”


She nodded. “The waiting is the worst part.”




They were moving about the kitchen, preparing dinner with the local news murmuring in the background. There had been no mention on the noon news, but they knew it was only a matter of time.
“In other local news, a man and woman were found drowned in a Sugar Land home earlier today…”
the news anchor intoned.


They paused what they were doing and hurried to the family room to watch. As the camera slowly panned over Elina’s back yard the newscaster explained how the yardman had found the couple floating in the pool and the police were ruling the drowning an accident.


The next morning, they picked up a
and found the story buried in the local news section with little added to the television report.


They breathed a sigh of relief, but picked up a
Houston Press
on Friday for additional news. The weekly tabloid’s story was more sensationalize with more details, the reporter stating the police believed the couple had drowned as the result of engaging in rough sex while underwater during an illicit affair. They even learned a new term, Aquaphilia.


“Do you think that’s it?” Winter asked as she finished reading the article.


“I hope so.”




“I have to go,” Kade said four days later.


“Do you have to?” Winter asked.


“I can’t stay here forever. I have my business and the club.”


She pouted, knowing this day was coming. “You’ll come back and see me?”


He smiled. “Every chance I get. The road goes both ways, you know.”


“I know. I’ll be down there often for a while. I’ll drive down on Friday, pick up the core samples, and bring them back on Monday.”


“Where are you going to stay between Friday and Monday?”


She smiled. “Know any good motels?”


He pulled her into a soft kiss. “I think I can do better than that.”


She breathed out softly as the kiss dissolved. “I was hoping you’d say that.”




They were making it work, Winter driving to the Rio Bonita Friday morning, spending the weekend, then driving back Monday afternoon. Kade had ridden up and spent a week, twice, out of the last eight, and though they talked almost every night, it was hard and they could feel the strain in their relationship.


Kade and Winter were in the clubhouse Saturday afternoon, talking and laughing as they waited for the rest of the club to arrive. She’d been accepted into the club immediately as Kade’s old lady, but their respect for her had gone up when Kade had told them over beers how the threat to Winter had been eliminated. Even Toni had warmed to her and Winter was becoming fast friends with these women.


The club was going to try the Laredo lunch trip again, now that everyone was healed up. The scholarship papers were, once again, tucked securely into Kade’s inside pocket, and she was looking forward to delivering the news. The ride to Laredo was blessedly uneventful and she blushed after they arrived as the brothers and sisters ribbed her about how boring the ride had been.


The club laughed and talked, enjoying each other’s company. As they waited on the food, Winter stood. Kade didn’t know it, but she’d been practicing these two toasts for days.


“To the Santanás Cuervo,” she said holding her beer aloft when the table had become quiet. “To fighting, stealing and killing. Fighting for what you believe in.” She paused and looked at Kade. “Stealing a girl’s heart,” she added with a soft smile before turning to smile at the rest of the table. “And killing a bottle with your friends.”


The table was quiet a moment before Kade held his mug up higher, the other thirty members doing the same, then pulled it down and took a pull.

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