Kansas Nights [Kansas Heat 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (13 page)

“One hundred and two what? Seconds you’re going to dedicate to fucking me into submission?” Kathy’s chuckles rankled Jack’s nerves as much as her taunting did. “Good luck with that, Mr. DEA Agent.”

Her words washed over him like an arctic wave, making Jack realize he’d done it again. He didn’t have time to waste playing games with Kathy Coben, no matter how much fun he found it to fantasize about her naked submission. The woman belonged in cuffs, but a set not attached to his bed. In fact, he shouldn’t be anywhere near Kathy. Jack should call Tagger and have him arrest Kathy, take her into interrogation, and browbeat the truth out of her.

He wasn’t going to do that. Jack might not understand why, but he knew with a gut-deep certainty that he wouldn’t unleash the full force of the law on Kathy. She belonged to him, and he would take care of her. Facing that reality didn’t make Jack any happier. In fact, it kind of pissed him off. He might even have used a little unnecessary force as he wrenched open the driver’s side door to his truck and shoved Kathy in.

She toppled over in a snarl of limbs and cusses, all of which he ignored as he followed her into the seat. He tried using his girth to simply shove her out of his way, but the gear shift got in her way. Jack didn’t care if Kathy was lopsided on the seat and trying to get herself righted. That didn’t excuse her for being in his way or kicking him.

Jack grunted at the pain of her heel digging into the side of his thigh and reached down to latch onto her ankle. In one quick jerk, he tumbled her across the seat. Kathy landed, rolled, and jerked right up into a proper sitting position. Then instantly she was on the other door handle, but Jack moved faster. With a click of the auto lock, he had the door secured.

Before she could undo that obstacle, he pressed the child safety lock, keeping her from being able to open her own door. Kathy still wasted her time trying, not even appearing to notice when Jack turned over the engine and popped the gearshift into gear. He spun the truck around so fast his door slammed shut and Kathy came sliding back across the seat.

Keeping his foot heavy on the gas pedal, Jack smiled when Kathy finally reached for her seat belt instead of the door handle. Snapping it into place with the kind of attitude only a woman could pull off, she remained pointedly silent. Jack figured he was supposed to take some kind of cue from her behavior, but he didn’t know what. He didn’t care either. The woman had cost him no little amount of aggravation in the past twenty-four hours.

If left unchecked, she’d probably have his entire case dismantled within the next twenty-four. He wouldn’t let that happen. Jack sealed that vow by slamming on the brakes at the very last second and bringing the truck to a shuddering halt at the very end of the drive. The sudden stop had the ass of the truck lifting slightly and Kathy throwing out a hand to keep herself from flying into the dash.

“My, aren’t we in a temper.” Kathy smirked as she straightened up. “I would think they’d train you Fed boys to control your emotions a little better.”

Jack growled over that taunting reminder of his mistake. It was a mistake that needed to be corrected. Sliding across the seat, Jack crowded Kathy against the back of her door while he tried to ignore the sweet scent of cherries mixed with the spicy musk of a hot, wet pussy waiting to be played with. Instead he did his best to remain intimidating as he loomed over the little woman, hoping to show he had the muscles to enforce his will.

“The sheriff told you to stay the hell out of this. Amanda told you to mind your own business. Do you really want me to say it, Miss Coben?”

“What I really want is for you to tell me where the twenty-five million dollars is, but I got used to disappointment last night.”

For a second the flash of white-hot fury blinded Jack. The volatile emotion mixed with the lust already boiling through his blood to bring Jack to the very edge of his self-control. A part of him really wanted to give in and let her rob him of all restraint. That would be one victory Jack would never allow Kathy to celebrate. Before he caved to temptation, Jack jerked himself back into his seat and popped the clutch. The truck leapt forward onto the highway with enough force to send Kathy flying into the dash a second time.

“You don’t want to push me on this, Kathy.” Jack risked raking her voluptuous frame with a lecherous look. “You won’t handle prison well.”

“That’s a bad bluff, Agent Harrington,” Kathy warned him. “We both know you won’t risk your case just to see me in cuffs. Just like we both know if you arrest me, I don’t have a lot of incentive to keep my mouth shut about things you don’t want to be spread around.”

“Are you threatening me?”

“Technically, I’m blackmailing you.” She didn’t sound the least bit concerned over her own confession. “And might I add I’m better at it than you.”

“And you’re forgetting who owes who seventy-two hours of service,” Jack snarled back, hating the feeling that she might be right. “You best remember…

Kathy cut him off without a word. Jack caught the motion of her arms lifting out of his peripheral vision and the whole truck swerved as he turned to watch Kathy pull her shirt right off. The fact that they were in his truck, speeding down the highway, didn’t stop his cock from beginning to pant. Already painfully hard, his dick began to weep, threatening a full-on release in his jeans if he didn’t get into Kathy’s cunt soon.

The last thing Jack needed to do right then was torment himself by taking another peek, but he couldn’t stop. He found his eyes going dry as they locked on the sight of her full, golden breasts heaving behind the tight confines of her bra. The truck ran right off the road, bungling and thumping to a stop as his foot managed to find the brakes with no help from his brain.

Oh, sweet mercy above, she’d changed into red lace. The satiny fabric held those beautiful tits high, pressing her generous globes together in the most delicious stretch of cleavage that begged to be fucked. They’d be a soft, cool sheath to bury the burning length of his cock into—one that ended in the moist heaven of those puckered lips.

No. No! NO!
Jack ripped his gaze away from Kathy and slammed on the gas, spinning the truck back onto the highway. The damn woman did this to him every fucking time. She was driving him absolutely nuts.

Jack snarled to himself as he forced his eyes to remain on the road and his hands on the steering wheel. He would not be manipulated. He was in control. No pint-size vixen from some hillbilly town was going to change that.

“What do you think you are doing?” The answer might be obvious, but the question was the only thing that came to Jack’s lust-starved mind right then.

“Well, it’s not like you haven’t seen it before.”

Kathy’s shirt dropped onto Jack’s lap followed almost instantly by a scrap of red lace. The sight of those empty cups made it hard to breathe much less follow the rest of her explanation.

“And you did just issue a challenge.”

From the motions Jack caught out of the side of his eyes he could tell Kathy had started pulling her skirt around to reach the zipper. There would be no saving him if she managed to get it off, but he really wanted to see what she looked like wearing nothing but a wisp of red panties. The desperation not to falter made him even harsher in his response.

“Yeah, I’ve seen it and I’m not interested in getting another look, so why don’t you stop embarrassing yourself and put your clothes back on?”

Chapter 9


Kathy’s hand stilled at that insult. It took her back because until that moment she was pretty damn sure the one thing Jack couldn’t do was resist her. Not that she’d been planning to give away the candy, but she’d have enjoyed taunting him with it. So okay, maybe she’d been hoping he’d go all macho again and leave her no option but to give in to his lusts. She had reason to dream given the boner Jack sported.

Kathy’s gaze dropped to admire the massive bulge forcing Jack to drive with his legs spread a little too wide. It hadn’t withered in the last minute. So why had he just upped his asshole credentials with a line certain to make sure she never let him in her bed? Maybe he liked the challenge, wanted to see how pissed he could get her and still make her bend over on his command. There might be some logic to that explanation, but it didn’t fit. Not completely.

“No,” Kathy whispered as the answer came to her. “This isn’t about a challenge. This is about power.”

“I don’t know—”

“It’s about control.”

“It’s about you being
indecently exposed
on a public highway. We’re not living in a movie, you know?” Jack spat. His harsh tone didn’t disguise the way his knuckles went white around the steering wheel.

“You never give it up.” That kind of saddened Kathy. “You’re the master, always in control, never giving in to your passions and never knowing the true pleasure of a release.”

“Damnit,” Jack growled as Kathy’s skirt plopped onto the floorboard. “Don’t do this.”

“Do what?” Kathy curled up onto the seat and crawled across until her breast pressed into Jack’s arm. He flinched at the contact. A slight motion that matched the hard shudder that raced over his stomach as Kathy slid a hand over his thigh to cover the bulge pulsing beneath his jeans. “Show you what you’ve been missing?”

“No,” Jack denied but didn’t make any kind of move to stop the fingers she had working on his buttons.

“Yes,” Kathy breathed right into his ear, enjoying the way he shivered and twitched in response. Planting heated, suckling kisses across his neck, she worked her way back up to the arched curve of his lobe. “You want me. The only problem is you want me on your command. You want to demand to see my tits, order me to feed you my pussy, and tell me when to come. You know what I want? To watch you come. I want to show you how it feels to be so free.”

“Never going to happen.” It took four breaths for him to get each word out, but it only took Kathy one.

“Why don’t we test that theory?”

With that kind of challenge issued, Kathy knew he wouldn’t dare to stop her as she freed the last button his jeans. Hard and hot, his cock sprung eagerly into her waiting palm. Much more eager and responsive than its owner, the thick dick swelled in an eager display of greedy wantonness as she pumped her hand down his length.

For as much as Kathy knew Jack enjoyed the firm strokes, he managed to deprive her of any solid victory. Battle tense beside her, his knuckles had gone white around the steering wheel and he glared out at the road like he wanted to get out and kick its ass. The only sign of weakness he gave was the hard snort of air he sucked in as her fingers toyed with the sensitive cockhead weeping for attention. It would get it, because Kathy wouldn’t be satisfied until Jack was begging.

Slipping back so she could duck her head under his arm, Kathy got her first taste of victory when she lapped up the pre-cum trickling out of his cock. Instantly Jack cursed and the truck swerved. That was all the reaction Kathy needed to slip her lips around the flared ridge of his dick and give his tender head a fierce suck.

Not wanting to give him the chance to build up a resistance to a slow, sensual seduction, Kathy didn’t waste any time before settling in to torment the arrogant DEA agent into pleading for more. Taking him all the way back to her throat, she swallowed, trying to suck as much of his dick as she could.

He was still too long for her to take him all. Keeping her hand fisted around the lower portion of his cock, she pumped him with each gliding stroke of her lips back up his satiny length. He was hot, the thick vein running down his cock pulsing faster and faster with each teasing swipe of her tongue followed by the hard press of her fingers.

All around her, she could feel Jack shaking. His breaths came in loud, labored pants that matched the escalating race of her mouth up and down his dick. The wild tempo consumed Kathy’s own passions. Soon all thoughts of games faded from her mind, replaced by the blind need to mount the delicious erection getting ready to explode in her mouth.

It would be hot to suck him off. Maybe the man would be gracious enough to return the favor, because right then her pussy dripped with the memory of Jack’s intimate kisses. Only it couldn’t wait and sent a desperate call for her free hand to come and pet herself into the same oblivion she was on the verge of sending Jack over. Her fingers barely brushed against the edge of her panties when a set of fingers bit into her wrist, jerking her hand back up.

“No,” Jack snapped. “You don’t see to your own needs. I see to them. And right now, I’m seeing to this.”

He buried his other hand in her hair, gripping her head and forcing her lips into an ever-increasing speed. Just like that he took control and rekindled the fight in Kathy’s gut. If he wanted this, then he could have it all to himself. Kathy let Jack have command of the moment, knowing it would trick him into lowering his defenses.

Sure enough, in less than a minute his breath was catching and all around her he was tightening with the final rush to release. Kathy felt the first brush of cum hit her mouth at the same second Jack’s muscles spasmed, weakening his hold enough for her to jerk free and send his spray flying straight up in a shower that covered most of his lap.

Smiling at her handiwork, Kathy settled back onto her side of the truck and waited for Jack to get a clue and realize he hadn’t won a damn thing.


* * * *


Jack melted into his seat, feeling nothing but relaxed and happy. This was why he loved sex. It was the best high ever and completely legal. Hell, if he could keep Kathy naked and tethered to his side, he would. Then he’d never have to go another day without a fix. With a rush this good, once a day wouldn’t even be enough.

That pleasant thought hardened into a frightening realization. This was different. This was better. Kathy was better than any damn thing he’d ever had, and what the hell did that mean? Jack tensed, trying to block any answer that sprung to mind. They were all bad, horrible ones that ended with him naked and tethered to her side.

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