Katherine the Queen: The Remarkable Life of Katherine Parr (62 page)

and widowhood,
ref 1
ref 2

ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Parr, Sir Thomas,
ref 1

Parr, William (brother),
ref 1

Parr, Thomas (father),
ref 1
ref 2

ref 1

death and will,
ref 1

early years and education,
ref 1

ref 1

and Henry VIII,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

ref 1
ref 2

Parr, Thomas (son of Sir Thomas),
ref 1
ref 2

Parr, Sir William (grandfather),
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Parr, William (brother),
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

abandonment of KP’s ambitions after king’s death,
ref 1

and Anne Askew,
ref 1

ref 1

at court,
ref 1
ref 2

created Earl of Essex by king,
ref 1
ref 2

and Elizabeth’s reign,
ref 1

failure of marriage,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

falling out with Somerset,
ref 1

favours from the king in anticipation of marriage to KP,
ref 1

joins Duke of Richmond’s household,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

loses earldom to Cromwell,
ref 1
ref 2

as marquess of Northampton,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

ref 1

relationship with KP,
ref 1

remarriage to Elisabeth Brooke,
ref 1

and war with France,
ref 1

Parr of Horton, Sir William (uncle),
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8
ref 9
ref 10
ref 11
ref 12

Parry, Thomas,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6

Pembroke, Earl, of,
ref 1

Percy family,
ref 1

Petre, Sir William,
ref 1
ref 2

Philip of Bavaria, Duke,
ref 1

Pilgrimage of Grace (1536),
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

arms against king dilemma,
ref 1

and Aske
Aske, Robert and Bigod,
ref 1

capture of Pontefract Castle by rebels,
ref 1

common aspects of,
ref 1

execution of rebel leaders,
ref 1

Henry VIII’s response to,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6

and Latimer,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8
ref 9

meeting between Norfolk and rebels on Doncaster Bridge,
ref 1

negotiations with rebels and agreement to disband,
ref 1

and ‘Oath of the Honourable Men’,
ref 1

origins and stirrings of rebellion,
ref 1

Pontefract meeting and articles drawn up,
ref 1
ref 2

royal pardon given to rebels,
ref 1

spread of rebellion,
ref 1

ref 1
ref 2

ref 1

Pole, Reginald,
ref 1

Pontefract articles,
ref 1
ref 2

Pontefract Castle,
ref 1
ref 2

Prayers Stirring the Mind unto Heavenly Meditations
ref 1
ref 2

Privy Chamber,
ref 1
ref 2

Privy Council,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

ref 1

Psalms or Prayers
ref 1

Rawlinson, Walter,
ref 1

ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Reformation Parliament,
ref 1

reformers, campaign against,
ref 1

regency council (1544),
ref 1
ref 2

Rich, Sir Richard,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Richard II, King,
ref 1

Richard III, King,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6

Richardson, Peter,
ref 1

Richmond, Duchess of (Mary Howard),
ref 1
ref 2

Richmond, Duke of,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Rochester, Bishop of see Fisher, John

Roper, Margaret,
ref 1

Rough Wooings,
ref 1

Royal Supremacy,
ref 1

Russell, Lord John,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Rutland, Countess of,
ref 1

Rutland, Earl of,
ref 1

Rutland, Lord,
ref 1

Rye House (Hertfordshire),
ref 1

Sadler, Sir Ralph,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Salisbury, Countess of,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Salisbury, Earl of,
ref 1

ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5

Scrope, Henry,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Scrope, John,
ref 1

Scrope, Lord,
ref 1

Scrots, William,
ref 1
ref 2

Sedbar, Adam,
ref 1

Seymour, Anne
Somerset, Duchess of

Seymour, Edward
Somerset, Duke of

Seymour, Henry,
ref 1

Seymour, Jane,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7
ref 8

Seymour, Sir John,
ref 1

Seymour, Mary (KP’s daughter),
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

Seymour, Thomas,
ref 1

arrest of and downfall,
ref 1
ref 2

ref 1

and birth of daughter,
ref 1

ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

contemplation of marriage to Elizabeth,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

disgruntlement at brother’s success and resentment at junior role,
ref 1
ref 2

early courtship and relationship with KP,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

ref 1

gives daughter into care of Duchess of Suffolk,
ref 1

and Henry’s will,
ref 1

knighthood and offices,
ref 1

and KP’s death,
ref 1

KP’s deathbed denunciation of,
ref 1
ref 2

and KP’s marriage to the king,
ref 1

marriage to and relationship with KP,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

ref 1

proposed marriage to Mary Howard,
ref 1
ref 2

Seymour, Thomas.

quest for greater power,
ref 1
ref 2

relationship with brother,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

relationship with Elizabeth,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

renewal of courtship with KP after Henry’s death and love-letters written between,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

scheme to marry Jane Grey to Edward VI,
ref 1
ref 2

separation of Protector and Governor offices ambition and seeking of role in Edward’s upbringing,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4
ref 5
ref 6
ref 7

and Sudeley Castle,
ref 1
ref 2

ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

vilification of after death,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

wardship of Jane Grey,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3

and wife’s pregnancy,
ref 1

Sharington, Sir William,
ref 1
ref 2
ref 3
ref 4

Shaxton, Nicholas,
ref 1

Shelton, Anne,
ref 1

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