Key West (27 page)

Read Key West Online

Authors: Lacey Alexander

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Contemporary

Inside him, beads of pleasure gathered, fusing tighter and tighter in his cock, his balls, spreading up through his stomach into his chest. “Soon, baby,” he murmured as he began falling into the oblivion that struck just before coming.
Velvet lips. His shaft deep, deep in her mouth, her throat. Her soft, warm throat. Swallow me.

“Oh God, here I come, angel. Here I come for you!”

She never eased her sucking motions as he shot into the hot depths of her mouth, and it seemed to double his pleasure, making him cry out as he came. He watched—
—her sucking the fluid out of him, sucking him dry as burst after burst filled her.
God, she was amazing.

As the pulsations faded, she slowly released him from her warm mouth, remnants of his fluid at the corners of her lips. Darting her tongue out as she met his gaze, she licked them away and swallowed, looking as if she’d experienced this a thousand times before. He loved knowing she hadn’t. She hadn’t actually told him she’d never done that for Jon, but he knew without asking, instinctively—he knew everything between them was new.

“How was it?” he asked.

She bit her lip, looking thoughtful. “Sweet. And…a little bit overwhelming, but in a good way.” She smiled and added, “How was it for you?”

He let out a satiated sigh. “Beyond incredible. Thank you, angel.”

She kissed the tip of his cock in reply, then glanced down playfully. “I think the fish liked it, too.”

* * * * *

They slept in the next morning, showered together—washing off each other’s body paint—and ordered room service. While waiting for it to arrive, Carrie slipped into the bathroom to put on her bikini and Chris put on his shorts and stepped out on the balcony to greet another perfect, sunny Key West day.

As he braced his arms on the railing and looked out over the vast blue waters, he thought back to the moment he’d first awakened, finding his naked, daisy-laden angel in his arms. Once upon a time—pretty recently, in fact—he’d thought this ocean and this island were all he needed to be happy. Everything else was icing—the women, the sex, the endless parties—but the sun and water, and the laid-back attitudes of the Conch Republic were what made him happy at his core.

Now he began to wonder—against his will—if something else was required. If waking up without her was going to make him feel empty inside.

Just then, the door opened and she came out, scraps of leopard print stretching over her stunning curves. He noticed she’d worn her bralette underneath, so that tiny spangles and baubles dangled beneath her breasts.

“You look good enough to eat,” he told her.

“Mmm, I like the sound of

He offered a light laugh as he slid his arms around her waist, pulling her close enough that her chest and stomach grazed his. His cock began to perk to life in his shorts. “You were amazing last night, angel.”

She lifted a small, warm kiss to his lips. “Like I said, you inspire me.”

At that moment, he heard another door open to his right and looked up to see an attractive couple exiting onto the balcony that sat perpendicular to Carrie’s. The hot blonde draped her shapely body with a silky blue chemise that fell halfway down her thighs and showed off the points of her nipples through the shiny fabric. The outer curves of her breasts were revealed by the slinky nightgown, as well. The dark-haired, well-built guy wore snug black shorts that showed off his muscular arms, chest, and legs.

“Oh, hey, guys,” Carrie said, looking over.

“Good morning,” the guy said. “Or is it afternoon? I’ve lost track.”

Carrie laughed. “Don’t worry. It’s morning for us, too—no matter what time it might really be.” Then she introduced them. “Chris, this is Cole and Amy, the couple I told you about.” Ah, the newlyweds who got off on being watched. His cock stiffened even more at the thought.

After they exchanged short hellos, Amy said, “You must be Carrie’s hot guy with the boat.”

Chris chuckled. “That would be me.”

Amy raised her eyebrows at Carrie, and spoke as if the two men weren’t even there. “So, you’re still having a fun vacation, I see.”

Carrie laughed, shifting her gaze briefly to Chris before looking back to Amy again. “I never could have predicted my honeymoon would be this exciting.”

The foursome laughed and Cole said, “So you’ve got your own snorkeling boat, huh? Sounds like the life.”

Chris nodded. “You got that right.”

“I’m sure it’s still a lot of work, though, isn’t it?” Amy asked.

He shrugged. “Sure. But it’s a hell of a lot easier to get pumped about doing work
than it was back in Cleveland. Too much snow up there for my taste.”

Both of them nodded, and Cole said, “I hear ya. We’re from Chicago, so we know about snow.”

“What must it be like,” Amy mused, her round breasts shifting lightly beneath the thin blue fabric, “to wake up here every day and have this be your life.” She let out a sigh. “I’m going to hate going home.”

“You could always do what I did,” Chris said, “and stay.”

“What? You were down here on vacation and just…”

“Didn’t go back,” he confirmed. “I mean, I did eventually, to get my life there tied up and my things moved, but I fell in love with the island and decided to live here.”

“That’s pretty courageous,” Amy offered.

He shrugged again. “Or stupid—according to my family.” He laughed.

“Sounds like things have worked out, though,” Cole said.

Chris nodded. “Yep. The boat’s all mine and as long as tourists keep wanting to see tropical fish, life will be good.”

Amy sighed again. “I’m envious. All that sun and water…”

“It gets into your soul, that’s for sure. Speaking of which, have you guys had a chance to get out on the ocean since you arrived?”

The two exchanged looks, Amy wearing a sheepish smile.

Carrie finally filled him in, wearing a small grin. “I’m not the only person standing here who’s won a wet t-shirt contest on the
Party Barge
this week.”

Chris grinned. He had no trouble believing Amy’s breasts would do justice to a soaking wet swath of cotton. “Congratulations,” he said across the space between them.

Amy rolled her eyes slightly. “I couldn’t believe how wild I got.”

“Neither could I,” Cole replied with a laugh. “But I loved every minute of it.”

“The rum punch,” Carrie and Amy both said simultaneously, drawing another round of laughter from them all.

“We’re taking the boat out today—just Carrie and a friend and I—if you guys want to come.” Carrie liked them, they seemed nice enough, and he already knew they were into getting wild—the way Chris saw it, they sounded like the perfect companions for their little outing.

When the two exchanged looks, Chris could see the sensuality in their eyes even from across the balcony.

“Sure,” Cole said, “sounds great.”

Chapter Eleven


Carrie stood on the
Conch Fury
helping Chris mix rum and grocery store cartons of fruit punch in a large three-gallon container. “Let me guess,” she said as it suddenly hit her. “
is the infamous rum punch.”

He looked up with a grin. “I told you I mixed it myself.”

She couldn’t help laughing. “And here I was imagining a concoction with all sorts of ingredients. Especially when I found out you were a bartender, too.”

“The fact is—and I think you’ll agree—this stuff is good
a lot of ingredients. So why make it more complicated than it is?” He twisted the lid on the container and poured some over a cup of ice, handing it to her.

She took a sip and couldn’t argue. Despite the copious amount of rum involved, it went down as easy as she remembered. Glancing up, she bit her lip. “I’d better watch it. You know what happened the last time I drank this stuff.”

He chuckled. “Can’t keep blaming it on the rum punch, angel. You’ve gotten pretty darn adventurous without it, too.”

She leaned in close to him, her body reverberating with pleasure when he enclosed her in a warm embrace. She peered up into his blue, blue eyes. “I hope you like how wild you’ve made me, Chris. Because maybe I can’t blame the rum punch, but
the one constant in the mix, the necessary ingredient to make me lose my inhibitions.”

He lowered a warm kiss to her waiting lips. “I’ve
loved wild women, babe, but you…something about
cutting loose makes me so hot, so crazy, I can barely control it.”

His words sent darts of arousal all through her and she felt her nipples pop like tiny pinpricks through her bikini, against Chris’s skin. Her pussy tingled with wondering exactly what would happen today to get him hot and crazy. Having Amy and Cole join them would definitely add something new and interesting to the party, and not quite knowing what to expect made her cunt pulsate harder.

“Hey guys, sorry to interrupt, but we’re here.”

She looked up to find Amy stepping onto the boat, followed by Cole. Amy wore the same black bikini and cover-up Carrie had seen her in the other day, and Cole wore the same red trunks. As they stashed their stuff, Amy shed her mesh cover-up to reveal the same slender shape Carrie had noticed before. A small gold chain draped her hips, just above her bikini bottoms.

“Glad you guys could come,” Carrie said, turning from Chris’s embrace. She and Chris hadn’t even talked about the invitation afterward—it went without saying that they were both expecting some fresh excitement from having Amy and Cole on board the
Conch Fury
, which Carrie was beginning to think of as their own mini-
Party Barge

“We’re looking forward to it,” Amy said, stepping nearer while Cole asked Chris what he could do to help out.

Closer to her now than she’d been earlier on the balcony, Amy noticed the baubles hanging beneath Carrie’s breasts. “Wow, what’s this?” She reached up to run her fingertips through them, the touch softly meeting Carrie’s skin.

“It’s breast jewelry,” she explained, pointing out that the chains actually spanned her breasts, laying parallel to the strings and triangles of her leopard-print top.

“Pretty,” Amy said, running a finger and thumb down one of the delicate chains that descended from Carrie’s neck onto her chest. “I love the way it sparkles.” Then she tilted her head and looked Carrie in the eye. “So, am I reading this wrong, or does this mean you plan on having your top off later?”

Carrie’s pussy swelled at Amy’s bluntness, even though she should certainly be getting used to straight-talking people by now. “Yeah, probably.”

Amy lowered her chin and offered a bashful smile. “We weren’t sure…but we were hoping that maybe…you know…you guys planned on
kind of partying.”

“Well,” Carrie said, “let’s just say that the last time we came out on the boat, one thing led to another until everybody was naked.”

Amy raised her eyebrows, looking equally aroused. “Although,” she said, lifting her hand to her chest, “I should probably tell you that Cole and I…we’re…not into fooling around with other people. We’re just into each other…in a big way.”

Carrie couldn’t help giggling. “No worries—I sort of figured that.”

Just then, two small palms closed over Carrie’s hips. “Hey there, sweets.”

She looked up at Shay with a soft smile, not sure at first if she wanted Amy to know she’d been fooling around with another woman, lest it somehow turn their friendship awkward. “Hey,” she said to Shay.

But when she caught Chris’s glance across the boat, her pussy prickled and she decided—why worry? They were in Key West, after all, and surely Amy and Cole had seen girls getting together on the
Party Barge
. She’d come so far since she’d arrived here, it would seem a shame to go backwards—and besides, as she’d noted yesterday, it was getting easier and easier to just let herself go, let herself do what felt good. The hard part, she realized, might be going back to
old, conservative
life—when she left Key West in a few days.

Having made her decision, she slid her arm around Shay’s slender waist, the move pressing Shay’s right boob lightly into Carrie’s left. Today, Shay wore a multi-colored bikini of neon yellow and orange waves. “Amy, this is Shay, a good friend of Chris’s, and…well, my friend, too, now,” she added with a smile.

Shay’s arm snaked around her hip, as well. “Definitely, girlfriend.”

“Amy and her husband, Cole, are in the hotel room next to mine, and we invited them to join us today.”

Carrie already knew Shay well enough to see she was checking Amy out and enjoying the view, before she shifted her gaze to Cole, now helping Chris move some ropes. “Lucky girl,” Shay said to Amy in her usual boisterous tone.

Amy giggled. “You don’t know the half of it. Wait ‘til you see his cock.”

For the first time since Carrie had met her, Shay actually appeared taken aback as she flashed Carrie an incredulous look. Recalling that, indeed, Cole’s shaft rivaled Chris’s in size, Carrie filled her in. “Amy and Cole are into the same kind of fun we are—only they don’t…uh, share.”

Shay flicked her gaze to Amy. “Can’t say I blame you—he’s a total Grade ‘A’ hottie. But I’ll definitely look forward to seeing what he’s got between his legs. Think there’s any chance he’s as big as Chris?” she said with raised eyebrows to Carrie.

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