Read Key West Online

Authors: Lacey Alexander

Tags: #Romance, #Adult, #Contemporary

Key West (34 page)

“More,” she prodded gently.

After a few seconds of renewed hesitation, it was Scott this time who slid his dick against Chris’s enormous erection. Chris’s hips raised slightly, meeting and returning the motion, and both of them released moans that made her whole body quake with hot lust.

“Keep on,” she whispered. “Don’t stop.”

As the two lovely cocks began to slide slowly, steadily, against one another, Carrie almost thought she could come just watching. She’d never known watching two men together could thrill her so, but this now qualified as the most erotic sight she’d ever witnessed. Each passing minute with Chris and Scott took her deeper and deeper into a mind-numbing sensual ecstasy she couldn’t have imagined only half an hour ago.

As the guys continued sawing their cocks against each other, she reached down to touch her pussy beneath the water’s surface, rubbing her first two fingers in circles over her clit. Undulating softly against her hand, she discovered one of the whirlpool jets just in front of her, so she leaned in, letting the powerful water rush against her needy cunt.

“You’re both so hot,” she whispered, breathing down on the two hot shafts that did her bidding. “I’m so turned on—your cocks are beautiful together. Mmm, I need to come so bad.”

Without ceasing the sliding motion against Scott, Chris reached down to palm one of her breasts, squeezing lightly. “Why don’t you let us lick your hot little pussy and get you off?” His voice was labored, breath ragged.

Rising carefully to her feet on the hot tub seat, she peered down on the two sexy rods that looked so good together. “Just promise me you’ll keep rubbing them together for me.”

To her surprise, both guys nodded and murmured their agreement immediately. Mmm, yes, she’d been right—their uncertainty was now a thing of the past.

Stepping up onto the concrete between them, she faced Chris, turning her ass to Scott. She spread her legs and positioned her feet wide enough for easy balance. A split second after Chris sank his tongue hungrily into her slit, Scott’s tongue sliced into her from the back, setting off a double wave of pleasure.

Gazing down at Chris, who peered up into her eyes, she began to roll her hips, forced to let out a series of long, light moans, given the joy that assailed her from both sides. As Chris’s tongue laved her clit, Scott’s explored the lower part of her pussy, thrusting toward her opening with each pass. “God, yes,” she heard herself murmur unplanned. Her pleasure grew even more when a glance down confirmed that Chris was still thrusting forward, rubbing his hot shaft against Scott’s.

When Scott’s hands rose to her ass, parting her, and his tongue raked over her asshole, she knew orgasm would come in mere seconds. Reaching up, she crushed her soft breasts in her hands, feeling her nipples jut into her palms, and she drove herself back and forth against the two hot tongues that worked her nether region. The pleasure was overwhelming, constant, without even a beat in between—clit, ass, clit, ass, clit, ass.

“Yes,” she murmured when the orgasm hit, thrusting herself harder and harder against the two male mouths. She pinched her nipples, released moans that grew from somewhere deep inside her, and let her pussy continue to soak up the hot licks and tongue jabs as the pleasure exploded like a starburst through her body. “Oh yes,

When it ended, she felt so weak she thought she might collapse, so she quickly stepped back into the hot tub, kneeling back into her spot on the seat. True to their word, the guys still slid their cocks against each other, a sight which seemed to make her cunt expand all over again. In fact, they rubbed much harder against one another now, filling her with erotic bliss. “Oh God, you guys are so good,” she purred.

“How was that orgasm, baby?” Scott asked.

“Mmm, incredible,” she breathed, still trying to recover. She dropped her gaze back to their big rods. “And
are incredible, too. I’m hot again already.”

The two cocks sawed urgently against one another now; the guys breathed hard, both staring down at their big tools, just as she did.

God, she couldn’t take it any longer without being a part of it again.

She grabbed onto the base of their erections and rubbed them against each other, even rougher, harder. Their heaving breaths turned to low, agonized moans of pleasure.

Her mouth was hungry for them once more, so she bent over, sucking the tip of one cock, then the other, so fast and wild that she lost track of which shaft she was pleasuring. She only knew there were two big, perfect cocks there just for her enjoyment, and enjoy them she did.

She listened ecstatically to their rasps and groans as she massaged and rubbed and sucked, until finally Chris said, “I think I’m gonna…”

“Fuck—me, too,” Scott moaned.

Carrie pulled back just as both guys shot off, white fluid arcing up to land on her breasts and each other’s stomachs and cocks. Both guys cursed and groaned as their shafts emptied, and Carrie couldn’t help reaching out to massage the semen into the guys, rubbing it into their muscled stomachs and abdomens, using her fist to make their whole lengths wet with it.

Lastly, she pulled the two spent cocks to her breasts and used them to rub their mixed juices into the soft flesh of her chest. Her breath left in high, heavy sighs as she gazed down at the two perfect shafts wetly caressing her mounds, and she heard theirs still coming hard and hot, as well.

Finally, she looked up at them. “Thank you both. That was the single most erotic experience of my life.”

Neither answered, going quiet, but Scott lifted her chin with one bent finger, leaning down to give her a soft kiss. Chris climbed down into the hot tub with her, taking her face in his hands to deliver a much longer, deeper kiss, complete with his tongue, where she tasted remnants of her own moisture.

As Scott eased back into the tub on Carrie’s other side, she finally saw the first hint of a smile. He leaned past her and said jokingly to Chris, “This never happened, dude.”

Chris let out a laugh. “You
it. I’d deny it in a heartbeat.”

* * * * *

Chris leaned back in the hot tub, recovering from the sex. Or
that was they’d just shared with Scott. Scott had taken off in hot pursuit of the brunette he’d spotted earlier, and Chris wasn’t sorry to see him go at the moment, given how uncomfortable he felt about what he’d just done.

Was it like that for Carrie, with Shay? He didn’t think so—these days there just wasn’t the same stigma around girl/girl partying as there was for guys. He wished he could deny how good it had felt to rub his cock against Scott’s, but he couldn’t. It had felt too damn good, especially with Carrie watching, demanding, turning the most aggressive he’d seen her yet. Her pleasure had fueled his actions. Only Carrie could have seduced him into doing that.

At the moment, she snuggled against him, naked, in the churning waves. When he’d suggested they hang out at the
Joie de Vivre
, he’d never imagined he’d leave the place feeling different, changed by the experience. It was as if she’d taken a last invisible sort of virginity away from him when he’d least expected it. And even as he continued to feel sheepish and uncertain about the experience, his cock was half-hard again remembering it, recalling how utterly excited it had made her.

“Ready to take off?” he asked, opening his eyes to peer down into her lovely green ones.

She nodded softly. “Yeah, sure.” She reached for her bikini bottoms.

By the time they’d toweled off and started heading for the exit gate, she asked, “Are you mad at me?”

At first the question surprised him, but then he realized he
been awfully quiet, still ruminating over the encounter with his best friend, trying to let himself absorb it and put it in that place you put events you were ready to stop thinking about. “No,” he said, then offered a light laugh and repeated something she’d once said to him. “Just a little weirded out, I guess.”

She appeared as cheerful as he’d ever seen her. “I don’t see how this is any different than me fooling around with Shay.”

“I guess it’s not. But you know how we guys like double standards, and that’s one we
like. We like to think girls should get into that, but that we don’t.”


He chuckled again. “Yeah, a

“Are you okay with it?” she asked as they reached the street.

He gazed down at her, still astounded that she’d actually talked him into fooling around with another guy for her. Of course, maybe “fooling around” was too strong a phrase for what they’d done—but they’d certainly done
. “Yeah, I think. Or I will be.”

She gave him a playful, pouty look. “I’m sorry if you didn’t like it.”

He let out a breath, giving an uncomfortable half-smile. Time for the truth. “I didn’t say I didn’t like it.”

“Ah,” she said, leaning her head back, then—wisely—she changed the subject. “What’s up for tonight?”

He sighed, feeling as disappointed as he knew she would be. “I have to work. I have a sunset snorkeling cruise leaving at six, then I have Lizard duty ‘til close.”

She shrugged. “That sort of sucks.”

“I know. Sorry, angel. But I called up Jake this morning and asked him to take my
Party Barge
shift tomorrow night, which means I have the whole day and night free.” Neither of them said it, but he knew they were both very aware that tomorrow was her last day on the island. He intended to make the most of it.

“Actually,” she said, tilting her head so that her emerald eyes sparkled in the sun, “that puts it in a new light for me.”

in a new light for you?”

“Well…would it be silly of me to say I’m actually relieved it’s not a
Party Barge
cruise you’re going on tonight? I mean, I know it doesn’t really matter, but I guess while I’m here, while we’re spending so much time together, I’m just glad…”

“You don’t have to explain, angel,” he said when her voice trailed off. “I get it.”

“Do you think I’m stupid?”

“I think you’re sweet as hell.”

They exchanged a smile that turned him inside out, making everything inside him feel twisted and strange, and he sad, “Could I ask you a favor?”

She offered a merry, trilling laugh. “Given that you kept up your end of the deal, I think a favor’s the least I can give you.”

He rolled his eyes teasingly. “About that deal, I think I was tricked.”

“Believe it or not, I didn’t have any devious plan in mind when I suggested the deal—things just happened to turn the deal to my advantage much more quickly than I could have guessed.”

He only gave her a playful smirk, still not quite believing she hadn’t carefully orchestrated the whole thing.

“So what’s the favor?”

He tilted his head softly and hoped he looked more cute than pathetic. “Well, the fact is, you’ve totally worn me out this week and I’m exhausted. I know it’s only, like, three in the afternoon, but is there any way I could talk you into taking a nap with me at my place before I head to work?”

She smiled up at him as they crossed Duval Street, heading back toward his place. “I think I could manage that.”


I like falling asleep with you.

And waking up with you.

He liked those things an insane amount, in fact, which is why he chose to keep them inside. As much as he didn’t want to think about it, in forty-eight hours she would be gone—headed back to her other life. No need to turn things any more emotional than they already were—it would just hurt them both worse in the end.

* * * * *

“What a funky little place,” Carrie said as she perused the breakfast menu at Blue Heaven, one of Chris’s favorite out-of-the-way Key West eateries, on Saturday morning.

He’d known she’d enjoy it—it was a one-of-a-kind place where the tables set under trees draped with sails to provide shade, chickens ran beneath your feet while you ate, and a huge rope swing gave kids something fun to do. “Glad you like it, angel.”

“So you recommend the pancakes, huh?”

Having promised they were good, he nodded. “Filling, but that’s okay, because I intend to wear you out today, so eat up.”

She raised her eyebrows playfully over the menu. “Is that so?”

He laughed. “I didn’t even mean sex, believe it or not, although I’m sure we’ll work in some of that, too.” He was taking her to the beach, which, on Key West, wasn’t the hottest attraction if you weren’t a local. Even though the island had several beaches to choose from, people came for the nightlife and the snorkeling. And despite the fact that he’d been all for a threesome with Scott yesterday afternoon, on this, their last day together, he wanted it to be him and her, alone.

God, she looked beautiful sitting next to him, her bikini top hugging her gorgeous breasts, her smile lighting him up inside.

An hour later, when they were both stuffed with pancakes, they hopped on his motorcycle and headed to the island’s southeastern shore, his angel’s black sarong flapping in the wind around her thighs. It felt so good to have her wrapped around him from behind—
good, he thought. He’d put off thinking about her departure tomorrow, but it was getting hard to avoid it. He’d only had her for a week, but he feared life without her was suddenly going to seem damn empty.

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