Kimber (7 page)

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Authors: Sarah Denier

you’re goin’ then, tonight?” Luke asks.


be where ever you are.”

try to hold my girlish giggle in as I smile from ear to ear. I feel silly being
this happy, consumed by a feeling I had almost forgotten. The last couple of
months have been so dark and painful. I refuse to feel guilty for having a form
of happiness in my life. I deserve it. My mother would want happiness for me.

So I’ll see you in a little while.”

you could see me sooner. I told Tommy I’d get there early, help set up and move
some stuff. If you want I can swing by and get you.”

I agree and upon hanging up Luke asks that I be ready by six. Checking the time
on my cell phone, I see it is already four fifty eight.

I spring from the couch and take the stairs two at a time.

pull a casual lavender sundress from my closet. It’s strapless, fitted at the
top and flares out at the waist with a large embroidered white Hawaiian flower
on the bottom right hand side of the skirt. I jump in and out of the shower in
record time. I don’t do much to my hair but lightly rub moose through it to accentuate
my natural waves. I rub some lotion on and spray myself down with my favorite
Channel perfume.

the doorbell rings, I run to my closet, grab my white wedge sandals and leap
down stairs. I swing the front door open to see Luke standing before me looking
irresistible in his dark denim jeans and a white polo. His light brown hair
styled but messy at the same time. His blue eyes beam and the huge smile
planted on his face causes me to blush instantly. He reaches out to take my
hand and spins me around.


with his reaction to my attire I let him pull me into his arms. For the first
time in our new relationship, I take the initiative and touch his lips to mine.
He moans deeply from his throat as I wrap my arms around his neck. Instantly I
feel goose bumps run over me.

do you say we ditch the party and go somewhere quiet with a moonlit setting?”

tempting but I don’t want to deal with the wrath of Amber once she realizes we
aren’t there.”

sighs knowing I’m right. Since most of Amber’s wrath would be directed at him
for persuading me not to attend the party and bailing on my best friend.

Tommy would be pissed if I bailed. You ready to head out then?” I nod, grab my
purse, and lock up.


 I take on the task of
setting up bowls for chips, pretzels and different dips while Tommy and Luke
move couches and tables out of the living room for more space. Two men who I
have never met come into the kitchen carrying large white coolers. They look
like motorcycle friends of Tommy’s with their baggie clothes and tattoos.

The short blond haired one says as he walks towards me, his hand extended. “I’m
Kyle.” I shake his hand.


Jay.” Kyle points behind him to the tall brown haired man with tattoos covering
his arms like sleeves.

looks up from the cooler where he is pouring ice over bottles of beer. “What’s
up?” I smile in response and go back to filling bowls.

do you know Tommy?” Kyle asks trying to make conversation.

good friends with his ex, Tiffany.”

so then you know Luke, Joel, and—”

see you met my girl, Kimber.” Luke says coming into the kitchen.

You did good man. She’s a knock out.” Kyle smiles and winks at me.

places his arm around me and suddenly I feel like I am trapped in an episode of
the nature channel.
Two male lions wander into neutral territory
(Territory being the kitchen)
The dominate lion quickly claims the
inhabitants of the territory
. (The inhabitants being me) There is an
awkward silence before Tommy comes into view.

man, did you get the beer?”

here.” Jay says pointing down to the cooler.

Kimber, you have any friends coming tonight as hot as you?”

one you don’t already know, Kyle.” Tommy answers for me.

then, another boy comes through the door removing a motorcycle helmet from his
head. His hair is dark brown like mine but short. Dark lashes frame his emerald
eyes. His lips are narrow. He isn’t tall like Luke or Tommy, maybe five eleven.
Everything about him seems average but there is something about him I can’t
place. Immediately Luke leaves my side to great him.

either early or this party’s lame!”

way! Mike D., it’s been too long man.” Luke says as they hug each other like
guys do.

kidding. What’s been going on, where’s Leo?”

soon as Mike speaks the name alarms go off inside my head. I know this name has
some kind of importance to me that I cannot place. I stand in the kitchen
motionless and alert waiting for Luke’s response.

he hasn’t been around in a while.” Luke gives the answer like it’s a known

guy. Guess business must be good.” Mike says looking around.

smirks and nods. “So what brings you all the way out from Arizona?”

another mention of this guy named Leo, the importance fades. When all of Mike’s
hellos are finished, he makes his way to the kitchen for a beer.

you need a bottle opener?” I ask holding one out to him.

I got it.” He says as he twists the cap off.

notice now that he is not covered in tattoos like some of Tommy’s other friends
and he doesn’t look to be much older than me.

Kimber by the way.” I say with a smile.

looks at me confused and tilts his head slightly to the left. “Kimber? I think
we’ve met before.”

furrow my brow. I’m not always good with names, especially such a common one
like Mike but faces I’m good at remembering. “No, I don’t think so.”

something about you feels familiar?”

laugh. It feels great to release tension, most of which I didn’t know I had.
Out of all the single guys in the world and all the crappy, insulting, drinks
thrown in your face, pick up lines, you’d think there should be a committee
amongst men vetoing the use of these one-liners. Show me a man who got lucky
with , “Hey there sweet thang”, and I’ll happily eat my words.

yeah, that’s an ego buster.” Mike says walking away.

guests start to arrive, most of them guys and a few with their girlfriends. Just
more people I do not know much less share anything in common with. When Amber
and Tiffany finally show followed by Robin and Joel I’m relieved. I eagerly hug
each of them as they walk through the door.

took you guys so long? I hardly know anyone here.”

said to come at seven. When did you get here?” Amber asks.

hour ago. I came early with Luke to help set up.”

where is the lucky guy or should I say your new beau!” Tiffany wiggles her
eyebrows for the extra emphasis. Guess Amber didn’t waist anytime spreading the

roll my eyes. It feels somewhat weird putting the words
together. Maybe it’s because it has only been a few hours. Still the word makes
my heart skip around with hopeful possibilities.

that I think about Luke, I don’t know where he went. “I don’t know. I haven’t
seen him for about ten minutes or so.”

let’s go mingle and find him.” Tiffany says taking my hand as she leads me
through a large group of people.

and Amber follow right behind. We say hello and smile as we walk past other
guests. Tiffany stops in the kitchen and happily takes on the job of bartender.
Amber, Robin and I however settle on sodas. The last thing I need to add to one
hell of a day is liquor. With drinks in hand, we head back to where a group has
gathered around a fire pit. While November days bring warm sunshine the dark
nights bring the cold. Sitting around the fire is comforting and warm.

lets go of my hand when she spots Tommy and makes her way over to him. I wonder
if their back on? Probably not, I mean that’s what makes their relationship so
problematic, they can’t be with or without each other.

spot Luke next to Tommy and head in his direction. When I reach Luke, he pats
his leg gesturing for me to sit on his lap. I do. He wraps his arms around my
waist snuggling me close to him

Luke. You may be my friend and all but if you hurt my girl you know I’ll have
to hurt you, right?” Tiffany says as she smacks Luke’s arm. Luke just laughs it

how does it feel?” Amber asks from across the fire pit directing her question
to Luke and gaining the interest of others who I don’t know.

does what feel?” He asks being coy.

finally have what you’ve waited so long for,
.” I wait for Luke to
answer. I’m not sure what they are talking about. Clearly, I have been left
out. “I’ve known for a while how old boy Luke here felt and I’ve been hounding
him to tell you ever since.” Amber answers having seen my confusion.

doesn’t get better.” Luke replies, his gaze fixed on me. I smile widely feeling
the same as he does.

to me and you finding the men of our dreams!” Robin says holding up her cup to
Amber in a toast gesture. The girls and I laugh while the boys resume their
conversation comparing motorcycle tricks, scares and other testosterone mumbo

Mike D. changes the conversation to old memories of when he lived in Florida
and the trouble the boys used to get into. The girls and I had not known Mike
back then so we start talking about old high school classmates.

I hear my name being said I’m brought back to the boys’ conversation. I turn my
head to see Mike D. staring oddly at me.

way! So this is Kimber, huh?” Mike asks.

didn’t recognize her?” Luke asks peaking my interest.

took a guess, thought she might have a sister.”

Luke says while running his thumb across the top of my knee.

I ask looking back and forth between the two.

when you got tossed in the pool at your thirteenth birthday party?” I nod.
“Mike is the one who tossed you.”

gasp quietly and scowl at him. “You! You ruined my favorite dress.”

I couldn’t help myself. I remember how good you made that dress look. And look
at you now. You turned out better than I expected.”

I would have grown to become a four eyed, zit faced, drooling, barf bag.

off, gross! I was thirteen. And what exactly did you expect me to turn out as?”
I ask still scowling.

peaked early and you were a hot thirteen. And it was a complement. You were pretty
then but now I see what all the fuss is about.” Mike says with a deviant smile.

But you still owe me a pink dress.”

shakes his head and laughs under his breath. “Yeah, I’ll get right on that.” He
laughs. “So you two an item?”

and I look at each other. I feel my cheeks’ becoming red. I would have been
completely embarrassed but thankfully, the cover of night and the flames from
the fire do not reveal the emotion on my face. I say nothing and wait for Luke
to answer.

Luke nods.

Tiffany, Amber and now Mike’s comment I find myself needing a little space from
the group. I don’t care to hear what will be said or implied next. When it’s
just Luke and I, it’s not bad. When everyone else is brought in on it, I feel
like I’m part of a sideshow. 

gonna’ run to the bathroom. Be right back.”

I can walk away, Luke takes me by the hand, gently pulling me towards him. He
looks in my eyes, places his other hand behind my neck and starts to guide my
mouth towards his. I lock up. I know everyone is watching. Holding their breath
even. These people who are used to Luke and I as friends now wait to see what
it will be like when we kiss. Like judges deciding whether or not our chemistry
is enough for us to last.

my hesitation, Luke drops his hold on me. I might not be able to hear the
questions in his mind but I can read them on his face.

than normal, I walk away. I make a b-line for the bathroom but of course, there
is a line. I turn around and walk down the hall to Tommy’s room where I know
there is another bathroom. I don’t stop to think if he’d want anyone in his
private domain. I open the bathroom door, close it behind me and lock myself
in. I put the toilet lid down and sit. I let my head fall to my hands and
collect my thoughts.

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