King of Slaves (Jenna's Story) (The Slave Series Book 5) (24 page)

“Okay,” she muttered and took a deep breath. “I want you to pretend that you’re the one.”

He waited for her to explain but when she didn’t he asked. “One what?”

“You know. The one who loves me and wants me to marry him. I want to be claimed and made love to like it really matters. Like I’m special.”

Zurry stared at her; blinking a few times.
What the hell?

“Ohh, shoot, I knew you wouldn’t like it…” she said in a breathy sigh. “I would have never asked you if not for the fact that after tomorrow you never have to see me again. Just forget it.”

Zurry was trying to gather his thoughts. He had been down every dirty road of sexual fantasies he knew of and then she wanted this… to be claimed. What did that even mean?

“But claimed how? Do you want me to propose to you while we have sex or something?”

Alex shook her head. “I never tried role playing before, but I guess you just take me as you would take the woman you would want to marry.”

The woman I would want to marry?
Zurry thought back to his former fiancée, but he couldn’t remember ever fantasizing about her sexually. It had been a traditional planned marriage and not based on sexual attraction. He honestly had no clue how to do this.

“All right, so just normal sex then, but can I still do other stuff to you?”

“What stuff?”

“I don’t know… I guess I’m just not sure if you’re asking for something gentle and romantic with music and candlelight… I hate to disappoint, but it would be a first for me.”

“Music and candlelight would be nice,” Alex said but his expression must have made her unsure, because she followed up quickly. “But it’s not necessary.” 

Zurry rolled out of bed and put on some soft music. He didn’t have any candles and he wasn’t about to run through the palace searching for some. His mind was reeling with this assignment. He was in deep water here, as he had never claimed anyone.
Before today, that is… I sort of claimed Alex earlier when I took her hand in front of that American guy.

He remembered how he had felt possessive and protective of her. How he had turned into a caveman and felt a need to take her and call her his. It had seemed insane at the moment, but maybe he could use it as inspiration now that she asked for it.

How would I take her if she was mine to marry?

Alex was on her back when he came back to the bed and he leaned down to kiss her. “Do you like the music?” he asked.

“Yes, it’s nice.”

For the first time he was glad that he already came once; it would guarantee his control this time.

“You are so rough and beautiful,” Alex whispered and let her finger glide down along his scar. She trailed it further down and when her finger got close enough, he grabbed it with his mouth and sucked it.

Alex followed his movements with large curious eyes. “I’m not the beautiful one, Alex, you are,” he told her.

She smiled. “I wish you lived close to me,” she said dreamily.

“It doesn’t matter,” he whispered in a deep voice. “Tonight you are mine and only mine.”

She nodded and slid her hands through his short hair.

“I’m going to ask you some questions, Alex, and I want you to think hard about your answers.”

“Okay,” Alex breathed as he made his way down her body and expertly removed her underwear.

“Who is the guy you feel mostly attracted to?”

“You,” she sighed.

“Say my name, sweetness.”

“I’m mostly attracted to you, Zurry.”

He cupped her amazing breasts – they filled his hands perfectly and he was completely fascinated with the pale color of her nipples. He had only been with women with light brown skin and brown nipples. Alex was like something out of a book or a fairy tale – a mysterious creature of another world – and he couldn’t get enough of her pale pink pebbles.

“Who do you want to feel inside you?”

“You, Zurry.”

He licked her smooth skin and felt her body shiver.

“Who has the right to take you all night?”

“You do, Zurry.”

“That’s right, gorgeous.” He sunk lower down her body and bit her inner thigh gently. She gasped out loud when he scraped her delicate skin with his teeth and worked his way closer to her core. Alex was shaved, with only a sweet little triangle of reddish pubic hair above her clit. It was sexy as hell, and he spread her legs wider to get his fill of the beautiful sight. 

“Who can take you any damn way he pleases?” he asked with his mouth against the vee of her thighs.

“You can,” Alex said in a faraway voice.

This claiming business felt unnervingly natural to him. At least when it came to Alex.

He spread her folds and felt his cock pulse with the need to fill her. “You are so wet and delicious.”

“Then take me, Zurry,” she begged and he was tempted to do just that.
But not before I taste her.

Zurry closed his eyes in delight when he got his first taste of Alex… going down on a woman wasn’t his favorite thing, but he did it to make sure they were ready to accommodate his considerable size. As soon as he knew his partner was wet enough for the real action his tongue was long gone, but this… this sweet taste of Alex was addictive and unlike anything he had ever tasted before. He sucked on her clit and heard her moan loudly.

“Oh god, oh god… yes.”

“My name isn’t God… say my name, Alex.”

“Zurry… ahhh, it’s so good.”

He teased her and played with her clit a bit longer until she pulled at him and begged him to take her.

“Put on your condom and take me, please, Zurry.”

Zurry lifted his head and met her gaze. “Condom?”

“Yes, put it on.”

“I don’t have a condom.”

Alex lifted her head to stare at him. “Tell me that’s a joke.”

“All my partners are secured against pregnancy and we are all clean. I don’t have any condoms.”

“But…” Alex looked like a kid that had just been denied dessert. “I mean I’m protected against pregnancy, but…”

“Are you clean?”

“Of course. I had a checkup after my last relationship eight months ago… but you have so many partners and…”

He held a hand over her mouth. “Alex… I’m clean and I’m taking you. Trust me.”

Her eyes grew wide and then she nodded.

He couldn’t wait any longer, afraid she was going to change her mind. He signaled for her to turn around but she shook her head. “No, I want to look into your eyes, when you take me.”

Zurry always took his women from behind or in some other acrobatic position – never missionary style – but this was Alex’s fantasy and he would oblige.

Face to face, chest to chest he pressed into her and watched her make an “Oh” sound with her sweet mouth. “That’s right, feel me stretch your warm and snug pussy… my pussy, Alex.”

She didn’t answer but her eyes spoke volumes. His dirty talk excited her. “Do you feel me, claiming what is mine?”

“Yes,” she answered breathily.

“You belong to me, Alex… Got it?”


“I’m going to fuck you all night as many times as I want to and no other man will ever touch you again.
You are mine.”
The last three words Zurry growled, and then he bit her shoulder without breaking her skin.

“Oh, Zurry, yes, you feel so good inside me.”

“That’s right, babe, that’s because we were made to be lovers, made to fit together.”


“You are my woman, Alex. Only mine.”

“Yes, Zurry, only yours.”

“And who do I belong to, sweetness?”

“Meee,” she moaned and tensed in her body.

Zurry made long deep thrusts and knew Alex was close to exploding. He whispered close to her ears. “I want you to hold on to me and say my name when you come, Alex… I want you to tell me how good it feels.”

“Yes, oh yes… more…”

Zurry grabbed her wrists and pressed them down the mattress above her head. He wanted to make it sweet and romantic for Alex but he was dominant by nature and couldn’t help it. “Who is your man?” he asked while thrusting hard into her in a fast pace.

Alex screamed out her orgasm and shouted his name over and over again, all the while the muscles inside her tight cave clamped around his hard cock.

God, this feels good… too good… bee stings, poison ivy, kidney pie… I will not cum again… I want this to last longer.

Zurry had to pull out to prevent coming. He looked down at Alex. Her eyes were closed and her lips swollen from his many kisses. Her flaming hair surrounding her face and lovely neck like a halo.
She’s so beautiful.

“How do you feel?” he asked her in a hoarse voice.

She opened her eyes and a post-orgasmic smile spread on her face. “I feel amazing. Thank you, Zurry.”

“Oh, I’m not done with you, my little fairy. You can have a short break, but that’s all.”
Or rather, I need a small break to calm the fuck down or I’ll spill all over your belly right here and now.

Alex pulled him close to her, and he slid down to rest on his side to avoid crushing her. She was little compared to him and fit perfectly in his arms when he spooned her. 

“Thank you for fulfilling my fantasy,” she said in an almost inaudible voice, and an alarm bell rang in him.

“What’s wrong?” he asked.

“Nothing,” she said, but he knew with every fiber of his body that she was lying.

Swiftly Zurry turned Alex around to face him and saw the beginning of tears in her eyes.

“What did I do wrong? I thought you liked it.”

She placed a hand on his shoulder. “You didn’t do anything wrong… It was perfect.”

“Then why are you sad?”

“I’m not.”

“But you’re crying.” As evidence he caught the single tear falling down her cheek.

“I don’t know why I’m so emotional. I know it was just role-playing but it felt so amazing to me. I can’t explain it better than that.”

Zurry frowned. “I don’t like it when you cry.”

She sniffled and blinked away her tears. “I’m sorry.”

He kissed her and tasted the salty taste of her tears. Maybe he could distract her by having some intense sex with her.

“Now that I fulfilled one of your fantasies, will you let me take you as I want to?”

“As long as you don’t hurt me.”

“I’ll never hurt you, Alex. I promise.”


“I just need you to surrender to me like you did before and let me take you from behind.”

Alex got up on all fours and wiggled her butt… “Do your worst.”

Zurry sprang into action and got up behind her and quickly lowered himself into her. She was still wet from before and he slid right in, pressing himself all the way to her womb. He paused for a second, enjoying the overwhelming feeling of her tight core as it welcomed him with moistness and warmth. He looked down to enjoy the sight of him buried balls-deep inside this magnificent woman.

Alex looked back at him. “Be careful – you’re really big, Zurry.”

He nodded and started moving inside her. Her sweet moans drove him crazy…
What the hell is it about Alex that makes everything so much more potent? She makes every sexual encounter I’ve ever had seem trivial and dull. Her touch makes my skin tingle, her kisses give me freaking butterflies in my stomach, and being inside her feels like… well, it feels like coming home…
Zurry pushed the thought away. It was insane and he shouldn’t think like that. She would be gone soon, but right now he wasn’t going to hold anything back, he was going to make sure that his little fairy would never be able to forget him in her lifetime.

“You feel so fucking incredible,” he growled and leaned forward to play with her breasts while pushing in and out of her.

“So do you,” she exclaimed.

His hands were gripping her hips hard and he gave her a smack on her buttocks that made her moan out loud. “Good girl.” He smacked her again and continued pumping in and out of her. Alex met his thrusts, and her deep moans told him she was experiencing the same bliss as he was.  His body was all ready to climax but he wanted their time together to last.

Tightening his grip around her hips, Zurry picked up the pace and took her as hard as he could. Alex didn’t object; instead she screamed out her pleasure.

“God, it feels good.”

“Yes, it feels fucking amazing. Now use your fingers to touch your clit,” he ordered.

Alex did as she was told and her breathing became shallow and fast.

“I’m gonna come, Zurry,” she panted

“Yes, sweetness, come all over my cock, let me feel you.”

Alex’s body convulsed with a violent orgasm and just when she gave in and released everything, he pressed his thumb on her back door and entered. He knew the feeling of his finger in her forbidden hole was both alarming and kinky to her, but it would prolong her orgasm, and he wanted to be the first to penetrate that hole. Even if it would only ever be with a finger.

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