King Solomon's Journey (The Dominguez Adventures) (33 page)

            Antonio was a mild man, he had also been confronted with cobras, a tiger and a wombat, and he knew right now was the time to hang onto that calm; at least outwardly. Inside his nerves were screaming; someone had just threatened not only him, but Amanda and his family!

            "Sorry guy, but I do not know what you are talking about."

            "Playing dumb, will get you hurt Doc. We will give you one week, maybe less to come to a decision. No matter where you are we will also know if you have complied." The man in blue turned and walked to the black sedan sitting at the curb...Antonio watched them drive away and then he stepped back to Raven and reached in and picked up his cell phone.

            Before he dialed the number he looked towards the dress shop just in time to see Amanda walk out empty handed. He walked around to her. "What happened, none of the dresses match your list?"

            "Do not be silly, the store will ship the dress to a sister store in Miami, after the alterations are finished. We can have it delivered to the hotel once we arrive." She explained using that voice women use when explaining things to a child, or man.

            If it's a brand new dress, and you like it, why are you changing it?" Antonio asked as he opened her door.

            Amanda sighed. "Due to my height, all of my clothes must be altered, shortened."

            Once he was seated in Raven, Antonio leaned over and kissed her cheek. "As long as you are happy, I am sure the dress is wonderful."



            "You do not have to hide anything from me, and that includes going someplace in secret in order to eat foods you love. Just because I am concerned about your eating habits, does not mean I would deny them to you."

            What does a man say when he's been busted? He says what his father always said to his mother; "Which dress did you pick?"

            As Amanda gushed over the beauty and perfection of her selection, Antonio turned Raven down the familiar path to the University, planning his conversation with Ruger and José.



Chapter 36

“They were afraid they might make a mistake with it, inspired knowing that springs from being in love.”

— Rumi


            Antonio was rightfully proud of his position at the University. He quickly parked Raven in his personal niche, and then escorted Amanda to the private door to his work area. He explained the layout to Amanda as they walked down the pristine corridors; "Most of our team is housed here in this section, we have our own lab facilities, and storage areas. Rarely are we unable to handle anything that comes our way by expedition, research or assignments from other areas of the University."

            Amanda was impressed with the absolute organization of Antonio's personal suite of office and lab. Not a thing was out of place, and the furnishings were comfortable, and scaled to suit his height, much like his office at home.

            Once the walk-thru was complete, Antonio was ready to return to the business at hand.

            “Now, we can take care of other business. We need to walk over to Clark.”

            “Who is Clark?”

            “Not a who, but a what; the Clark Field Archive and Library. I want to check out the repository. If I remember correctly, there are a couple of old dissertations that can help us understand the Ancient undergrounds.”

            She smiled as they sauntered down the hallway.

            A voice called after them. “Dr. Dominguez.”

            Antonio turned to the sound of his Department Head, Dr. Kevin Collins.

            “Dr. Collins, I didn’t expect you here at this time.”

            “I’m sure you didn’t, Antonio.” His smile was oily, and just barely this side of a sneer.

            “Kevin, before you ream me, I would like to introduce you to Amanda Messenger.”

            Dr. Collins greeted Amanda warmly.

            “I am honored to meet you, Ms. Messenger.”

            “Please, call me Amanda, and I am very happy to meet you Dr. Collins.”

            “Call me Kevin.”

            Antonio began to think Amanda mesmerized everyone she met. Then again Kevin thought of himself as a ladies' man, and Amanda did not need to encourage him. He stepped between them, and drew Kevin's attention.

            “Antonio, you have to address the contributors for me over Thanksgiving break. I need something with teeth, Antonio.”

            “Kevin, if you give me the latitude I’ll give you Jaws.”

            “What is that?”

            "A metaphor Kevin, Jaws is a metaphor for something huge with teeth."

            "Well as long as it does not 'bite me', I suppose that will be okay." Antonio snorted as Kevin laughed at his own joke. Antonio heard Amanda cough behind him.

            “You’ll just have to trust me, Kevin.”

            “Antonio, you know I’m supposed to approve everything beforehand.”

            “Kevin, have I ever let this University down? Damn it, trust me.”

            “No, but as the Department Head, I am suppose to be kept in the loop on all ongoing projects. Very well, I will email you the particulars on the meeting. Antonio, I expect a heads up shortly thereafter.”

            Antonio nodded as he watched Kevin’s eyes immediately move to Amanda.

            “Amanda, what do you do?”

            Antonio grinned. “Wait, don’t answer that.”

            Amanda was shocked.

            “Kevin, let’s say I speak to the donors and you receive a record amount of donations to the Department, will you do Amanda and me a favor?”

            “What favor, Antonio?” Kevin asked suspiciously.

            “Amanda has some work which needs to make it to publication. I need you to help. Much of it will fall into other disciplines. Promise me that Kevin, and I will give this University Jaws and Free Willy.”

            Kevin glanced at the pair with a perplexed grin. “Amanda, what should I say to Antonio?”

            She was dumbfounded. Antonio acted alone, and had left her clueless. Despite the disadvantage, she smiled.

            “Kevin, I am not privy to any information at this point necessary to divulge any specifics. I do know there are a couple of possibilities, providing we keep it tight-lipped, and he refrains from doing anything rash. Antonio never lies and he loves UNM. That is the extent of my knowledge. You, Dr. Collins, will have to decide on your own.”

            Her bold words made Antonio want to take her back to his office, and lock the door.

            Kevin Collins smiled. “Antonio, this woman is quite the reference for you. Will I have the honor of working closely with Ms. Messenger on her research development?”

            “No, you will not be working closely with Amanda. She does not need help, she is far more capable of completing her research alone, than several of your purported experts that have been foisted on the University!"

            Taking Amanda by the hand he turned to walk away. "We’ll talk later, Kevin. Amanda and I are going to grab a few papers for our research, and get the hell out of here in a hurry. We have some pressing matters we must attend. Think about it Kevin, let me know.”

            “Hey, next time I see you Dr….” Antonio interrupted him.

            “No, I’m not turning in an abstract, Collins.”

            “You know I can't conduct a proposal meeting without one, Dominguez.”

            Leaving him flabbergasted, they proceeded to Clark Archive. Antonio handed a list of documents to the woman at the desk, and then escorted Amanda to a discreet area of the library.

             “What were you talking about with Kevin? What did you mean by Jaws and Free Willy?”

            “I’m going to make UNM the curator for Solomon’s Scrolls.”

            “Wow… Antonio, that’s a great idea.”



            After leaving the University, they headed straight back to Santa Fe. Amanda had seen the confrontation between Antonio and the man from Vegas, but she had not intervened, and allowed him to handle it. She had hoped he would mention it, but when he did not, she allowed him his secret.

            Once they reached the house, they had an early dinner, and claiming tiredness, Antonio escaped to his study to use the phone. Amanda entertained herself by completing a yoga routine, and then went to shower.

            Antonio returned downstairs, and after his long day thought the sofa looked fantastic, and enticed him to stretch out. The cool leather felt good. He would rest his eyes for a minute.

            Amanda walked into the great room with a book. She sat in the club chair with her bare feet propped up on the ottoman. It was the perfect spot to read.

            Antonio awoke in a startle, hearing the door slam shut. Amanda was gone. Stumbling as he tried to get to the door, two black luxury cars were exiting his driveway. He yelled.

            “What the hell? It hasn't been a week!”

            He reached in his pocket, no keys. Stammering as fast as he could with bare feet, he found the keys on the kitchen counter. Damn!

            He ran out, jumped in Raven, and threw her into reverse. She spun around in the driveway as he slammed her into first gear and stomped it.

            “Damn it!” He felt stupid, “Raven . . . Come on.”

            How far did they get? There were no exits for several miles.

            He screamed, “Amanda, I’m sorry!”

            The New Mexico road was straight and desolate. He laid Raven out. “Come on we’ve got to get her back.” He stomped her pedal harder with his barefoot. “Faster, damn it, faster.” He pounded the dashboard with his fist. They hit 125 mph.

            “Come on, Raven. Give me more.”

            He thought he was catching sight of the black cars. “I need more, Raven, more.” 135 mph. The cars were in plain sight now.

            He saw Amanda in the back window. He got closer, “Amanda, I’m going to get you.”

            “Son-of-a-bitch!” The man sitting next to Amanda was gagging her. Who is this? Who could know about the Scrolls at this point?

            “I'm sorry. Shit!” The man put a gun to her head.

            “No, Damn you, NO! Don’t take her!”

            The man smiled back at Antonio. “You son-of-a-bitch.” Why did he have her? Why didn’t they take me to get the Scrolls?

            He bellowed louder, “God you sent her to ME. You can’t take her back damn it!”

            Antonio moved in closer. The panic sent electronic pulses throughout his body. "She’s a mother. I can’t tell her boys I got their mother killed.”

            “Put the damn gun down!” Antonio had no idea what to do.

            “What kind of man am I? I didn’t even bring a weapon. How do I save her?”

            He reached for his cell phone. Calling the authorities was his only option. He could keep them in sight until reinforcements got there.

            The man with the gun started laughing back at Antonio. He grabbed a handful of Amanda’s hair, pulling it.

            “Get your DAMNED hands off her, you son-of-a-bitch!”

            Antonio fumbled for his phone. Why couldn’t he feel his damn phone? Oh, he didn’t have it, because he didn’t know shit about keeping a woman safe from danger.

            His rage boomed, echoing through Raven’s interior. “DAMN!”

            Why couldn’t he take care of her? He loved her. Why did everyone else know he wasn’t able to keep her safe? Joe would know what to do, if only he could call him.

            The man laughed at him again as he jerked Amanda by the hair.

            “Damn you,” he sobbed. “Take the Scrolls. Don’t take her. Damn it…  Hear me…  Take the Scrolls…Give her back! What do I need to do?”

            What was that? Turning his head he realized he could hear laughter inside the car! It was coming through the OnStar System..."DO? Professor, it's too late to do anything!" …They were taunting him using his own high-tech gadgets! What had that salesman said… when he picked up Raven from the dealership…something about never hearing OnStar respond with a voice authentication before, now despite its design, the OnStar was activated while he was moving! The son-of-a-bitches had tapped into his OnStar System!

            Something flashed by in his peripheral vision…The man threw something out the window, laughing even harder at Antonio.

            “You son-of-a-bitch.”

            Boom! Raven’s tire blew. Round and round, Antonio spun, sliding with Raven in a cloud of rubbery smoke. She kept spinning in circles as Antonio screamed.

            “I’m sorry. Amanda, I love you.” His voice trailed off, he’d lost her. He failed her. He failed Solomon. He failed God, José, and Pop, and the rest of the world.

            Hearing him moan, Amanda walked over to the sofa. Antonio was thrashing in a restless sleep. He was saying something that she didn’t understand. Unable to decipher his gibberish, she sat on the edge of the sofa next to him. Feeling his forehead, he was soaked, drenched with sweat.

            “Antonio, honey…Are you all right?”

            He bolted up, startling Amanda. He was frantic, “Amanda… you’re here…” His eyes looked as if they’d seen a ghost. “They didn’t take you?’

            “Antonio, you were asleep. I was sitting over there reading, you had a nightmare.” She tried to console him.

            He grabbed her so tight she was unable to breathe.

            After making sure he was really in the present, and Amanda was safe, he left her and called Joe. He asked Joe to meet him in garage.

            When Antonio reached Raven, He opened the driver's door, popped the hood and bent to see if he could find the OnStar System.

            "Antonio, I know you're not really standing there with your head under the hood of Raven. This has to be a dream." Joe said sarcastically.

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