Kings of Awakening Vampires and Purebloods (47 page)

_ What are you waiting for? Hurry up and go help them! _ said a loud voice in his head.

Aleister felt the pain and placed his hands on his head, “Dawson, is this your wish? Is this what you desire!?”

“Master!” said Vincent as he was concerned. 

Dmitri watched and wondered what was happening.
I’ve never seen him like this before, is this some sort of weakness?

Aleister fell to his knees, his head felt as if he was stabbed by a knife in his skull. He rolled on the ground in pain and screaming for this “Dawson” to stop. His head stopped hurting him unexpectedly. He started breathing heavily as he was getting
up. He looked at Dmitri and Vincent. They knew that look in his eyes; it’s… that killer-lust of his taking over once again.

“Continue without me.” said Aleister.

Vincent and Dmitri looked at one another, wondering what had just happened. “Master, are you alright?” asked Vincent.

Aleister teleported before Dmitri could get an answer.

“What was all that about? Did you see how he held his head, it’s as if he was being controlled by someone,” said Dmitri in bewilderment.

“I think he’s going back to help,” said Vincent.

Dmitri knew Aleister wasn’t going back to help, he had seen that look on his face.
That’s where you’re wrong Vincent, he’s not going back to help. He’s going back to kill! Can’t you feel his killer-lust calling out to him? This is the curse of the Excitaret Quad. I’ve seen that look on his face before; this is the face of the killer-lust taking over his mind
Aleister is on a blood lust killing spree again
, Dmitri himself was afraid of Aleister’s lust.





the roof of the diner, Aleister could see everything he wanted to. The ashes of the burning woods danced around him like butterflies. With the smell of burnt woods, Aleister had to hold his breath.  Most of the houses around him were on fire. The town’s people were gathered in the center by the bandits. The small children were screaming for help, as they see the swords pressed against their parent’s throats. Aleister saw Abigail, that stupid girl.

started to imagine being burned alive. His skin would sting and melt away as the pain continued with no end. His eyes would burn from the smoke that filled the air and their lungs would ache from lack of fresh air.

Aleister closed his eyes and counted two hundred bandits up against fifty town’s people, nothing he can’t handle.
He looked down to see Alvin holding Abigail’s father. Next to Alvin was his brother, he had left to find him and his men. His brother’s reputation was worse than his own. Johnny was once a known assassin, and was now a leader of the most notorious bandits group.

“Gather the people around, make sure no one escapes!” ordered Johnny.

“Leave us alone, he’s not here.” The people could only hope they would leave.

“Where is he? Where are you hiding
that bastard Nile?!” They wanted to know where Aleister was. Abigail and the people had told them he left, but it was assumed that they were lying.

Aleister now took a deep breath as he watched these men begging for their death. He walked closer to the edge of the roof and sat down with his arm propped up on his knee. The bandits didn’t notice Aleister looking down at them mockingly with a smile. No one had noticed him; they were too busy “looking” for him. Aleister was now tired of watching and wanted to feed his killer-lust. He could feel it, the very thought gave him Goosebumps. He said loudly with a grin on his face, “Now now, are you looking for me!”

They all looked up in surprise to see the demon of the night. The people were surprised, wondering why Aleister had come back. They had given him a chance to escape but instead he came back.

“Brother, there he is!”
Said Alvin.

Johnny looked at Aleister angrily.
So this is the guy who made a fool out of my brother huh?  He doesn’t even look that tough.
“Ha! This is the guy who did this to you. I’ll make you pay with your life!”

. Aleister jumped down from the roof and instantly five of Johnny’s men attacked him. Aleister held his two fingers and flares shot out of them, fast. WHOOSH, WHOOSH, WHOOSH! All five were dead in an instant. His flares were so fast that they had no chance to dodge its speed. The flare burned a hole in their stomach and melted their insides. No vampire could be fast enough to dodge this kind of speed.

A White Crimson flame
, thought Abigail. No one besides Dragan and L has ever live to face Aleister’s flame and live to tell about it. Only a handful of people knew of his ability.

              Ignoring some of his men that just died, Johnny said, “Careful boys, he’s a Pureblood. So what that means is be very mindful.” 
It doesn’t matter if he is a Pureblood; we have over a hundred men ready to take his head. Unless he’s the great Aleister, then there’s no way he could kill us all
. Johnny ordered his men to capture Aleister alive; he wanted to take his time killing him.

Two of Johnny’s men ran towards Aleister with big swords and swung them at him. Aleister was debating if he should use his short sword. The first one attacked
him swinging his sword. Aleister leaned back grabbing the guy’s wrist.  His grip was so strong that the guy could feel his bone crushing.  The man yelled in pain and Aleister grabbed the sword with his right hand and took it from him. Aleister yanked him towards him and killed him with his own sword. The other one was blocked by Aleister, from the sword he took from his partner, and Whoosh he killed him with his flame. Twenty of them now went for Aleister’s head; he jumped back to the roof and told them to come and get it. The bandits jumped up to the roof not knowing this was a trap. Exactly what did they expect was going to happen? Aleister was up high and they were down low, he had fire ability. While some of the men jumped towards Aleister on the roof, Aleister raised his right hand towards them, before they could reach the top. WHOOSH!  Multiple huge fire balls shot out of his hand fast giving no means of escaping as they all fell down on the ground like flies getting caught in the rain.

Aleister started to laugh, “Come at me, and I’ll make this interesting and not use my ability against you.”

“You are going to need it after we’re done with you. Just because you’re a Pureblood doesn’t mean you can’t be killed. We have the numbers and soon you’ll run out of energy to fuel your ability,” said Johnny. He looked at his brother and said, “Alvin, stay here with the prisoners, anyone who tries to escape kill them. Let’s go boys, it’s time to kill this bastard!” Some of his men screamed in joy, ready to finish him. He jumped to the roof followed by them.

When Johnny’s sword clashed with Aleister’s sword, he was hoping Aleister would be startled. Aleister simply smiled and said, “What’s the matter, you thought I didn’t know you were a Pureblood just like your brother.”

“Damn you,” Johnny was hoping to catch Aleister by surprise. “Well I guess you got me huh? I was hoping you would let your guard down thinking I was a vampire like my men.”

One of Johnny’s men started to laugh and said. “Johnny used to be an assassin for the queen a long time ago. He was known as Johnny the killer. Throughout his lifetime he had killed over two hundred men. The minute that you crossed us was the minute that you sealed your fate.”

“Over two hundred men, you say. Is that it? Because I lost count of how many I killed.” Aleister was holding his ground while Johnny tried to push him back.
So he does possess ability unlike his brother, from his strength I can tell

Johnny smiled, “It’s time to show you something interesting.” Johnny started to grow bigger
and taller, growing muscles in his arms, chest, and legs. Johnny’s hands had become so big that this little sword no longer fit his hand. He dropped the sword and struck at Aleister.

Aleister moved back quickly as Johnny swung and punched a hole in the roof.
What a massive strength, if I hadn’t moved out of the way he might have actually hurt me a little

“So what do you think? Like these stretchy clothes,” laughed Johnny. His voice had changed to a more brawny and malicious voice, “Hey boys hand me my real sword.” Johnny had a special sword that was so big that five men had to carry it to him. It was wrapped up in cloth.
He lifted the sword like it was light as a fork. He watched Aleister just standing there observing him. His sword was massive looking. “So many men have lost their lives to this sword, and now it’s time to add you to the list.”

Aleister wasted no time throwing away the sword he took from Johnny’s men. Against this gigantic sword of Johnny’s, he was going to need something more substantial. He grabbed his short sword from behind his back and countered Johnny who came swinging at him fast. His sword was so big that it made Aleister’s sword looked like a miniature one. As their swords collided and sparks flew, the forceful power of their swords clashing against each other split and ruptured the wind gusts. The massive force the wind was releasing was so severe that Johnny’s men had to give them more distance for their fight.  They could actually hear the wind moaning in pain as their swords split it in two.

Alvin had seen his brother transform before. His ability had made him a legend, and sometimes Alvin wished he had that ability like his brother. The people however had never seen anything like this. They were surprised to see how powerful the two were. When their swords collided the wind that it created extinguished some of the fire around them.

Aleister blocked Johnny’s next attack
. Johnny was so strong that he actually matched Aleister in strength.  The Reawakening was calling him but he had chosen to ignore it. With Johnny’s next attack Aleister’s sword was sent flying by his force. Aleister was surprised and was caught daydreaming again. He was so startled by his sword being sent flying away that Johnny used that opportunity to slice him. Johnny’s sword had created a long cut that ran from Aleister’s right side of his chest down to the left side of his stomach. Blood sprung out and Aleister moved back, but he was so weak from losing so much blood that Johnny grabbed him by his neck and pierced his giant sword into Aleister’s stomach.

Johnny watched Aleister lying on the ground covered in his blood. Today his sword was going to be cleaned nicely. Aleister’s eyes were closed and he wasn’t breathing at all.

“Now you see what happens when you cross Johnny.” His body now started to go back to normal as he walked away from Aleister. He ordered his men to kill all the people and take anything valuable.

When Aleister opened his eyes he knew he had to use the Reawakening fast. His instant regeneration will take care of his wound for him. He had let himself get cut by Johnny’s sword.
Damn this all, my body has gotten so weak without my full power.
He started to think about who had broken the seal
. Who could have had such knowledge and strength to break our seal? That fool Henry seems pretty powerful. Even the Numeral Society might be strong enough
. At last he stopped pondering and the Reawakening started to take its effect, his nails grew longer and sharper, so had his fangs. His eyes started glowing and now Aleister could feel the burst of energy. His wound instantly regenerated.

One of Johnny’s men was astonished to see Aleister was gone when he looked back. Before he could have the chance to tell the others he found himself being bitten by Aleister, he needed blood.  Johnny and the others looked back to see the great Aleister had risen back from the dead.

“Impossible, I killed you!”

“Death was only an illusion that I created for you to see.” A powerful blaze formed around Aleister’s body, it sprung out and was now covering the roof and the diner in its circle of flames. Whoosh, Whoosh, Whoosh! Aleister had created a circle of flame to trap them inside of his fire, after that, all he had to do was raise his hands and Whoosh. Aleister was laughing as he released his flare. His killer-lust wanted more, much more. Two came at him with their swords, but Aleister simply blocked them with his hands and their swords melted away. His hands had become as hot as the flames itself. He pierced his nails inside of their chests and both were dead instantly.  Aleister’s dye in his hair faded from the flare and went back to white and he removed the glass in his eye.

Johnny changed quickly back to his big self when he saw how powerful Nile had become. There was no doubt in his mind that this man had one of the Excitaret Quad powers.
No, it can’t be him. White hair, blue and red eye, is that… Aleister, the Aleister?
Johnny looked around him to find all his men were dead, and with this fire around him escaping was not an option.
No, I’m not afraid of him
, He smiled, “I’ve heard of you Aleister. How powerful and petrifying you are. But you see, today I will be the man to put an end to you.” Johnny charged at Aleister, he swung his right fist towards Aleister’s head. Aleister blocked with his right hand easily; with his left he connected a punch to Johnny’s stomach. If Johnny wasn’t using his ability he would surely have died by now. Johnny fell to the roof holding his stomach in pain.
No way, I never imagined for him to be this strong.
How am I going to fight this guy whose strength is superior to mine?

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