Read Kiss and Tell Online

Authors: Sandy Lynn

Tags: #Erotic Stories, #Paranormal, #General, #Romance, #Fantasy, #Erotica, #Fiction, #Love Stories

Kiss and Tell (24 page)


A sharp voice cut through the fog of lust and need.


“Bix and Carin, please join me on the dais.” Alaana Serati stood there, calling to them. “And no necking on the dance floor for you two. We will do this according to tradition.” Then she smiled at Bix’s grimace at having his love play interrupted.


“Damn, her timing sucks,” Carin growled into his chest.




Trying to escape her past, Melissa runs straight into Duncan's arms.




Night’s Promise


© 2006 Sandy Lynn




For the last twelve years, Melissa has successfully evaded her bastard stepfather, but now her luck has run out. Forced to take help from a bouncer at her favorite club, she must now face her demons. But when Duncan says and does all the right things, she wonders if he’s too good to be true.




Duncan offers to help Melissa out of kindness. As a former assassin he knows how difficult life can be with skeletons in the closet. When his act of friendship turns into much more, he knows he isn’t good enough for such an angel. Will he let her go, or will she be the only person to find a way to bring him to his knees?




Enjoy this excerpt from
Night’s Promise


Duncan pulled Melissa into another hug. He wanted to tell her how sorry he was that she had been forced to go through that growing up, but words were meaningless. Her story went a long way to explain the close relationship between the brother and sister. It completely explained why the man was so over-protective of her and why, no matter what happened, Melissa stood beside her brother, unconditionally.


“How does that blonde figure into this?” Duncan asked.


“She’s working for my stepfather.” He felt her hot tears drip onto his chest, but she didn’t try to pull away this time. “He’s never forgotten how badly Gareth humiliated him, how he saved me. He wants to destroy my brother, Duncan. And all I can do is scream in the darkness, wait for him to grab me. I think I could handle anything he did to me,” she told him, her voice muffled slightly. “But if he hurts Gareth…if he hurt Gareth, I would never forgive myself.” Looking up at him with liquid brown eyes, she pleaded. “Don’t tell him. Don’t tell Gareth.”


“Angel, I don’t think I can keep something like this from him.”


“He knows about the blonde. And he knows about the nightmares. But Gareth thinks I’m still afraid of him—of Travis. I don’t want him to know what really terrifies me is the thought of him being hurt because of me. He’ll think it means I don’t believe he can ‘beat’ Travis. I don’t want him rushing into a situation recklessly because he wants to prove something to me.”


Duncan nodded. “I won’t tell him.” Pulling her closer to him, he couldn’t help his body’s reaction to her. “I have one question. It’s a little personal, though.”


“What?” She gave half a chuckle. “I’ve just confessed my deepest, darkest fears. What’s one more answer?”


“Well, I know you stomp on a guy’s foot for bossing you around, and you punch them in the jaw for pushing you around. What do you do if a man kisses you?”


His question took her completely by surprise. “Black eye,” she answered automatically.


“It’s definitely worth it,” he said.


Sitting there with Duncan’s arms wrapped around her, Melissa watched, spellbound, as he lowered his head to hers.


When their lips touched, her eyes drifted closed. She expected to feel his tongue inside her mouth, some kind of invasion, much like the other kisses she’d received. But he took his time, his warm lips pressing against hers, moving slowly, easing a response from her as they pushed her worries away.


Duncan pulled away from her, kissing the tip of her nose. Opening her eyes, Melissa saw a smile on his lips.


“Definitely worth it,” he repeated.


But she had never felt less like hitting someone. She wanted to feel him kissing her again.


Not giving herself time to stop and think about what she was doing, Melissa wrapped her arms around his neck, brought his head back down to hers. A low moan escaped her throat when she felt his lips pressing against hers. Sucking his lower lip into her mouth she nibbled on it, another sound escaping her as Duncan pulled her closer to him, his erection pressing into her hip.


He cupped the back of her head, deepening the kiss, his tongue darting out to trace her lips. Her tongue moved tentatively, touching his. When he groaned, Melissa grew braver. She’d been kissed before, but never before had she ever felt so alive from the act.


It had always felt like more of a chore to get through. Thrusting her tongue inside Duncan’s mouth, she began to play, learning his taste and reveling in the sensation moving from the pit of her stomach, down between her legs.


Her tongue moved inside of his mouth, exploring. When she felt the extended fang, her tongue pressed against it carefully.


He growled deep in his throat and shifted her so she was sitting on his lap. He leaned into the kiss, still allowing her complete control, as Melissa traced his lower lip.


Parting from her slightly, his mouth pressed against her cheek, trailing tiny kisses and nibbles to her ear. She turned her head giving him better access. Without quite remembering how she’d gotten there, she felt her cheek pressing against a pillow. When his mouth released her ear, she turned to look into his warm gray eyes. She didn’t care how she had gotten in this position so long as he didn’t stop.


Closing her eyes, she wondered how she could have ever thought of such things as a chore. How could she have never known just how great this felt?


“My beautiful angel,” Duncan murmured before nibbling down to her throat.


Duncan tried to control the lust raging inside of him. The last thing he wanted to do was take advantage of Melissa while her emotions were rioting within her. He thought he might have a grip on himself; that he might be able to let her get off the bed without ripping her clothes off.


But as he eased off her, she wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him closer.


His mouth grew slightly rougher, his teeth nipping at her flesh, careful not to drink from her without permission. Duncan’s hands went to her jeans in the scant space between them and unbuttoned the pants quickly. He pushed her shirt up with one hand, eager to feel her bare flesh arching against him.


His mouth trailed lower. A smile tilted his lips as he watched her enjoying his touch. Her eyes were closed and she was biting down on her lower lip, an expression of wonder on her face. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think she’d never felt anything like this before.


A sudden thought crept into his mind. Did he know better? Had she ever felt like this before? Before he could ask the questions, Melissa opened her eyes.


“What’s wrong?” she asked. “You stopped.”


“Nothing’s wrong, Angel. I was just admiring the view.”


“Kiss me again?”


Leaning down to fulfill her request, he was amazed at how greedy she had become, how eager since the first kiss.


It was as though she couldn’t get enough of him. His hand teased her nipple through the lace bra she wore. Shifting slightly away from her without breaking their kiss, he managed to free her breast from the barrier and continued to circle her nipple.










Samhain Publishing, Ltd.


It’s all about the story…




















Red Hots!




Science Fiction




Young Adult




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