Read Kissing In Cars Online

Authors: Sara Ney

Tags: #Fiction

Kissing In Cars (14 page)

Matt turns to me with his hands in the air. "What the

I roll my eyes at him. "Go inside the house, Matt. You are being ridiculous."

"You're out here practically humping this prick on Dad and Mom's porch and you're calling
ridiculous?" His face is flush and slowly begins to match his auburn hair. I always thought Matt was a big guy, but actually now that they're standing side by side, he's no larger than Weston.

Before I can respond Weston cuts in, stepping in front of me in a defensive move. "Okay man, that was totally uncalled for. We might have gotten a little carried away, but-"

Matt cuts him off, spitting mad - almost like he can't believe Weston has the balls to talk to him. "Who the
are you, anyways? Some hockey punk who's probably banging anything with a slit? I'm one of you," he thumps his chest with his fist. "I know how it works, and I
want you near my sister."

"Jeez Matt, can you watch your mouth? You're such an asshole." I shove him in the chest before crossing my arms over my chest and glaring at him. It's taking all my willpower not to call into the house for my dad. "You know what Matt? Weston is a really nice guy and as far as I'm aware, you're the only man-whore standing on this porch."

Here's the problem with these hockey players: they have to be very intuitive to be champions at the sport, and I know that even though they're both watching me, they've got their instincts honed in on each other.

"Can I just say something here?" Weston interrupts the evil glares Matt and I are giving each other. I groan.

"This better be damn good," Matt grumbles through clenched teeth.

"It's just... dude. I'm a



Chapter Fifteen


"My parents said we could be anything we wanted to be when we grew up. So Matthew became an asshole." - Molly


For a minute, Matthew Wakefield just stares back at me with the same green eyes (albeit angrier) as his sister, the blood rushing back to his face. His shaggy disheveled hair is in his eyes, but even so, just from the way he's looking at me I can tell he's trying to decide if I'm being serious, or if I'm being a sarcastic little prick. A little bit of both actually, but one thing is for sure: two seconds ago he was ready to sucker punch me - I'd bet my left nut on that.

Matthew crosses his arms across his broad chest and doesn't respond.

"Yeah, sooo... I was at the game against Duke last year - that had to have been one of your best career games to date. That goal against Kuznetsov was one for the records books."

Matt purses his lips, but it's obvious the ego trip is softening his resolve because his feet shift and he hasn't hit me yet. Again, Molly groans, "
Oh brother

"What did you say your name was?" Matt asks narrowing his eyes.

"McGrath. Weston." Before I can stop myself, my hand shoots out. "Good to meet you."

"I'm sure it is." He says with a sneer, and doesn't move an inch. Doesn't take my hand.

Molly was right: Matt is an asshole.

"Matthew!" Molly shouts. "Oh my god, don't be so rude." She stands next to me and grabs the hand I have extended, her warm body sidling up against mine. Matt looks down at our clasped hands and his wall goes back up.

Finally, he says "I might have heard of you kid. Must suck
being compared to...
all the time."

Slowly, I nod. "Yeah but that only lasted my freshman year. That one year was all it took to break your high scoring record." I plaster a smug look on my face knowing I just royally pissed him off.

Matthew laughs with his head thrown back. "No fucking way you broke my record."

"Well, no you're right. I didn't break it. I
it." Now it's my turn to laugh.

"You little fucker," Molly's brother says, fists clenched at his sides. He takes a step forward.

"Hardly little, but...go on."

"STOP!" Molly shouts, pulling me by the hand towards the porch steps and pointing an angry finger at her dipshit brother. Wow, she is
. "Weston,
are leaving. Matt, get inside and find a good place to hide because when I come back in, I'm going to
you for ruining my night."



As I'm stalking across the turnaround dragging Weston behind me, my freaking brother is standing on the front porch shouting "Don't think you're going to stand out there making out by your sex machine McGrath.
Are you listening
? I'm watching you!"

Ugh, what an idiot

I see my mom open the front door and drag him inside as he struggles against her grip.
what the hell mom? It sure took her long enough to get that maniac out of my business. I'll have to thank her tomorrow
one more time
for telling Matt about my date in the first place.

I drag Weston behind the Hummer and thank god the driver's side door is away from the house, cloaked in the dark shadow of the truck. I shove him up against the huge black vehicle before giving his arm a good smack, grateful for the fact that no one can see us.

"What is wrong with you two?" I hiss as he shrugs with a lazy grin on his face. "That wasn't a pissing contest."

"Come here." he says quietly, the low timbre of his voice in the dark making my stomach flip-flop. Leaning up against his dad's shiny truck with his legs spread wide, Weston pats his hard thighs inviting me to lean in. It all seems too...easy. Too comfortable. Too everything.

Shouldn't this be more - I don't know -

I feel like we've been doing this for...years.

Before I even think about what I'm doing, my body, of its own accord gravitates closer, stopping just shy of his knees. Even in the dark the sight of him stroking his legs while he watches me is erotic and the butterflies return, wreaking havoc on my insides.

"What? You're crazy." I shake my head and cross my arms.

"Babe, you're so adorable when you're pissed. Come here," he repeats, grabbing my hand before I can protest, and drags me until I'm standing in between those gorgeous thighs. I shake a little - I can't help it. This all is just too much for me to handle in one night: this large sexy hunk of a guy, my dipshit brother...

And holy shit, back up - did he just call me

"I should go before he comes back out and forces me to knock him on his ass." Weston's calloused hands are softly stroking my bare upper arms and he leans in, nuzzling my neck with his nose. It tickles and, sorry, but I
have giggled softly.

"Stop that, I'm mad at you both." Even as I say the words I know they're a big fat lie, because I'm leaning into him too, lacing my fingers through his short hair. He moves his head around until he can plant a kiss in the palm of my hand.

"Aw, don't be mad, Molly..." his voice trails off playfully. "You make me feel so -"

McGrath your time is up, get the hell outa here. Molly, get your ass back in the house.
" Matthew's loud annoying voice booms from the porch, and I vow I'm going to kill him in his sleep.

Weston's hands roam my backside, pulling me closer still. "Goddamn he's a pain in the ass."

You think?



Chapter Sixteen


"Life is good? That's all you have to say about it? Unacceptable." - Jenna, the morning after."


Let me tell you my ideal Sunday morning routine: Wake up to the smell of frying bacon, typically around Nine O'clock - or whenever I can pry my eyes open to the point where I'm functional. Most times, I'll open my laptop to check Facebook and surf the internet or I'll just lay in bed awake and read - that is, until I decide it's finally time to change into something decent and wander downstairs to eat breakfast.

I know - rough life, right?

Now let me tell you what my ideal way to wake up on Sunday morning IS
: three hysterical teenage girls jumping on top of me, shaking me out of my slumber in a fit of giggles. But guess what: that's exactly how it went down the day after my big date.

It's so loud in my room from the shouting that I'm forced to cover my head with my blankets to block it out, while also serving as a snuffle for my sudden cursing.

Huh, maybe I do take after Matthew after all...

I didn't think it could possibly get any more irritating, but I'm proved wrong because Jenna full out hops up onto my bed, yanks off my down comforter, and begins bouncing up and down. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!" She chants.

"Oh my god." I snap, "
Why are you here
?" I hurl my pillow at her but miss (by a long shot, I might add), then realize how counterproductive the move was.

Now I have no pillow.

"Get out of bed slut and tell us about your date," my friend Maddie deadpans, unceremoniously taking my desk chair and pulling it out. She flips her long blond bangs out of her eyes, straddles the chair backwards, and sits. "We waited all night for you to get home so you can't kick us out."

"Yeah, I can't believe you didn't at least text one of us from a bathroom." Tasha chimes in, sentencing me with an accusing stare. She takes a sip of her Starbucks Chai Latte (it's written on the side of her cup) and perches herself at the foot of my Queen sized bed. "That's girl code."

"Actually Tasha, girl code is not dating your friends ex-boyfriend...."

, Maddie."

As I lay there -
by the way - in nothing but boxer shorts, a tank top with my bedding completely ripped off, I look around at my three friends and groan. Jenna is now sitting by my head and peers down at me with a smirk on her face. She's got on a full face of make-up and yellow feather earrings wisp down to her shoulders. "We're not leaving, so you mine as well sit up and start talking."

Everyone nods.

Jenna leans over so we're eye to eye. "Did he kiss you?"

Tasha immediately scoffs. "Of course he kissed her! Have you seen that guy? He's sex on a stick!"

This comment causes Maddie to raise her eyebrows and snort. Loudly. "
Sex on a stick
? What the hell does that mean?"

"Oh my god you guys, would you please stop? Just stop." I rub my temples with my forefingers and close my eyes. I know how excited they were for this date and they're here because they love me, so I take a deep breath and let it out before saying, "It was really a really...good date."
Hey, I don't want to lay all my cards out on the table at once
. Then they get all greedy.

Maddie rolls my desk chair closer to the bed and rests her arms on the back of the seat. "Where did he take you?"

"Do you guys mind if I get up and brush my teeth? I feel gross." I try to sit up so I can put my legs over the edge of the bed, but Jenna pushes me back down.

"Stay. You're a flight risk and we're not taking any chances. Now spill."

"Jeez, at least let me sit up." I huff.

"Wait! Everyone wait!" Tasha throws her hands in the air, crisscrossing them like a referee. "Ladies. We forgot to ask one of the most important details. The detail that sets the whole scene...." She is at the foot of the bed but she stretches herself out, leaning towards me with the intensity of a lioness stalking her prey. ""

What is it with girls and wardrobe selections?
. I bite the inside of my cheek to hold back the smile threatening to escape. Before I can talk, Jenna interrupts, talking rapidly. "She wore that white peplum top with dark skinnies and those high espadrille wedges. She looked smokin' hot. Okay Molly - Go." She points her finger at me to indicate I should continue, but then Maddie interrupts.

"Were you showing boob?" She reaches over and grabs Tasha's latte, taking a big sip, which earns her a loud "Hey, give that back!"

I showing boob? I shrug. "Uh, I guess a little?"

"Nice..." Maddie nods approvingly. "Did you see him checking out your cleeve?" (apparently, this is Maddie talk for

I nod. "Yes actually, and he wasn't the least bit embarrassed to get caught."

"Yeah, because he wanted to get his man hands on 'em," she cackles and Tasha high five's her.

"Okay so where did he take you?" Jenna asks. "It was driving me crazy all night - Ugh, I still can't believe you didn't text..."

I look around before answering, ringing my blanket between my hands because I know my response is going to put them all over the edge. I cover my ears before saying, "The Shedd Aquarium. We went downtown."

A chorus of very un-ladylike 'shut the fuck up,' 'holy shit' and 'O-M-G's' fill the room, plus lots of squeals and screaming, and once it dies down Jenna silences the group with a "
Shh, shh, shh
... Oh my god. Oh my god. Amazing. I'm so super jealous." Her earrings float around her face and even at nine in the morning it strikes me how adorable she is. "
that guy is good. I never would have guessed he had it in him."

Tasha snorts. "That's because he wants to have 'it' in
." Everyone laughs, including me - not that I don't think her words aren't embarrassing (because my face is now bright red), but because sometimes I forget how clever she is.

"So what's he like? How did he treat you," Jenna wants to know.

I think about this for a minute before answering, debating about how much to tell them, biting my lower lip in concentration. "He was great
, really
great. Not at all like the image he puts out there. You know how he just always seems like he wants to be left alone? Well, he mostly does, but it's because he wants to get a hockey scholarship, not because he's an ass."

"Uh, Weston is in my gym class and I'm going to have to disagree. That guy is an ass." Maddie says, pausing for effect. "A hot
of ass!" She keels over laughing at her own joke, tipping the chair back and hitting Tasha in the leg.

"Get off me you freak!" Tasha squeals slapping Maddie on the arm and rolling her eyes. "Oh my god, you're so annoying."

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