Read Knights-of-Stone-Bryce Online

Authors: Lisa Carlisle

Knights-of-Stone-Bryce (16 page)

“It pleases me that you appreciate my work.” Leading her fingers down the figure’s chiseled chest, he leaned in closer and added, “I liked watching you admire it.”

His voice alone sent flames rippling through her. Every nerve in her being lit with awareness in reaction to him. In the months since they’d met, they’d never been alone in such proximity. Weeks of heated looks from afar had inflamed her desire so the slightest touch became intimate, strengthening her need for more.

Sounds of approaching voices indicated this evening’s performance in the chateau would soon begin. Several of the musicians in the art colony had collaborated on orchestral pieces they wanted to play in front of an audience for the first time. As fellow artists in residence, they sought the support of fellow residents.

Antoine kissed her hand like a suitor in a bygone era. “I hope you enjoy the concert, Savannah.”

Her lips parted, opening and closing like a fish while she thought of what to say. When she mustered up the courage to turn and face him, he had already left the room, filling her with both relief and disappointment. Unaware she’d been holding her breath, she exhaled deeply.

Several times over the course of the evening, Savannah caught Antoine’s dark eyes watching her. Her emotions roiled in confusion while the performers played Barber’s Adagio for Strings. The way he held her gaze without blinking made her squirm in the burgundy armchair. The rising tension and resolution from the violin and cello underscored her tumultuous emotions. She smiled at him briefly and focused on the musicians, aware of how her heartbeat had escalated.

When she glanced again at Antoine, he still watched her unabashed, as if unconcerned about what the others would think. He took a sip of Porto, nodded her way, and then returned his attention to the musicians. She sat up straighter and crossed her legs at the ankles, then uncrossed them, and crossed them again.

The attraction was becoming more difficult to ignore. In light of how he breached the physical distance by touching her earlier, she feared she’d be unable to keep her desires hidden much longer. She’d developed an instant crush since she arrived at the castle six weeks before. How could she not be? He was a renowned sculptor with a devastating, dark appeal. What was she to him than just another young resident who would be gone in six weeks, replaced by another.

Was she reading more into the brief exchange than was warranted? Adjusting in her seat, she pictured kissing his soft lips, tasting the sweet rich Porto on his tongue. A tingle grew in her nipples. She imagined him touching them, kissing them, as he peered at her with those seductive eyes. An ardent rush of desire flooded between her thighs.

It’s just a look. Only a casual glance my way.

Even as she attempted to fool herself, she knew she was full of shit.

Since she had arrived for her stay at the artists’ colony called Les Beaux Arts at the Chateau DeRoche, she’d noticed something different about the owner, Antoine Chevalier. And not just the way his eyes bore into hers, shooting shivers through her and making it difficult to breathe. His quiet nature, his preference for seclusion for days at a time, and his still, composed temperament belied an intensity within. Noir eyes that rarely blinked spoke of haunted depth and smoldering passion. He was quite simply unlike any man she had ever met.

Antoine had established an artist’s colony here in the early 2000s. He named it Les Beaux Arts at the Chateau DeRoche in homage both to his native France and DeRoche Island, where the chateau was located off the coast of Massachusetts, but most of the residents referred to it as the castle or the colony. The castle was perched atop one of the rocky cliffs on the tiny and remote island, which made it visible from many locations on land. The island itself was scarcely a mile with no paved roads, streetlights, or cars, and only the diehard were permanent residents. Many residents came to the island by boat during the summer months and left before winter; Antoine kept the colony open year round.

Although she forced herself to focus on the performance by watching the violinist’s hands before her, her thoughts drifted throughout the rest of the piece. Sensuous images of Antoine kissing her everywhere with those finely sculpted lips flooded her mind. She didn’t dare glance his way again, fearing her flushed cheeks would give her away.

When the music ended and the audience applauded, they drifted out of the salon. Savannah congratulated the musicians who’d played on a job well done. Although it was a cool winter night, her body was aflame with need, and she had to get some air. She strode down the stone hallway bedecked with Renaissance paintings to get to the front entrance.

“How did you like the performance?” Antoine fell in step beside her, and her urgency to get outside dissipated.

She stopped walking and faced him, the heat within her rose. “It was lovely,” she answered, her voice an octave higher than usual. Something about Antoine being so close kicked her body to work at a higher gear. Her pulse raced, she had to remind herself to breathe normally. “They worked so hard putting it together, and it came out wonderfully. I think they’re more than ready to perform it for outside guests soon.”

Stop babbling, Savannah.

Antoine glanced around at the others and then leaned closer. “Come to my library tonight,” he said in such a low sultry voice she barely heard him.

Her heart pounded, and when she glanced at him, his gaze was even more intense than usual. Antoine both excited and terrorized her. The way his hawk-like eyes bore into her incited physical reactions she couldn’t ignore.

“Uh, um—” Taking a deep breath to steady her heartbeat, she said, “For any reason in particular?”

“Yes.” One corner of his mouth twitched in a smile before he continued down the hall away from the residents. He turned back to see her gaping. “Say, ten o’clock,” he added.


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“Looking for a sexy vampire novel? If so, then this is definitely a must buy!”

“…insanely hot chemistry between the female protagonist Savannah & vampire Antoine. Their intensity starts off right away and you’re not a chapter in before it takes off like a rocket.

~ Paranormal Romance Junkies


“Carlisle gives readers a blend of the paranormal and the erotic. This novella was a very enjoyable read for me. The setting on DeRoche Island was beautiful, and felt like it was from another time. The chemistry between Savannah and Antoine is sure to draw the reader in as well.

Dark Velvet is the first novella in the Chateau Seduction series. I am very excited to read Carlisle’s next installment!”

– That’s Erotica

Dark Muse

Chateau Seductions, part 2

It takes time before Gina Meiro warms up to people and her shyness is often misunderstood. She hasn’t had to worry about meeting new people at a remote art colony until a new resident arrives—a rock guitarist more suited for a billboard. Her carefree days of painting at the medieval-styled castle on a remote New England island are shattered when she stumbles right into his welcome gathering.


After a falling out with his band, Dante Riani wants nothing more at Les Beaux Arts on DeRoche Island than solitude to work on new songs. When a shy young painter asks to paint him at sunset, he’s tempted by the opportunity to be alone with her.


Someone at the colony claims to know what Dante is and asks for his help. Dante fears his plans are coming undone, especially as he grows more drawn to Gina. Her scent and vulnerability are too difficult to resist. But he must stay away from her—she would never understand his secret.


5* Review from Books and Beyond Fifty Shades! –

“While it is a story about struggle, it is also about love; and doing whatever needs to be done to be with the one you are attracted to. I really enjoyed the dynamic between Gina and Dante. This story has the perfect amount of witty banter, sex, and romance.”



Dark Stranger

Chateau Seductions, part 3


Wolf shifters come to Chateau seeking a missing pack member. During an altercation, Cameron Stevens, the manager of the art colony, is separated from the others. He ends up alone with Nadya, one of the female shifters.


Together, in the forests of DeRoche Island, they struggle against conflicting feelings. In addition to battling each other as well as their mistrust, they fight a powerful, inexplicable attraction to one another—one that leaves them irrevocably entwined.


They're mates? Cameron can’t comprehend or accept such a thing is possible. They’re two different species and their worlds don’t mesh. It must be lust. His fixation on her is simply attraction that he’ll get out of his system after one night with her. But his heart and mind aren't on the same page where she's concerned. One thing is certain—Nadya is stamped on both.


Paranormal, Erotic Romance

Shifters, vampires, gargoyles


5* Review of Dark Stranger from Books and Beyond Fifty Shades! –

I have read the first 2 books in this series and could not wait to get my hands on this one; and I was not disappointed. The thing I love most, is that while this is a story about paranormal creatures, you can still relate to the trial and tribulations that they go through. You can relate to how each character is feeling, even though you are nothing like them.”


Also by Lisa Carlisle
Temptation Returns

Antonio returns from the Marine Corps to begin a new life as a civilian. While visiting Cape Cod, he meets a strange woman who reads his Tarot cards. He doesn’t believe in such nonsense; after all, he’s a Marine. When he returns to Boston, he receives a ticket to a rock club where he runs into the one woman he never forgot.

Lina can’t believe Antonio is back in town, right before her wedding. Being around him again resurrects long-buried feelings. Will she be able to resist temptation in the form of a dark-haired Italian Marine, the same man who once broke her heart?


4.5 Hearts from Books and Bindings

“This saucy little story hit the spot with interesting characters, some humor, some spice, and a thoughtful NA second chance love story about a returning vet with a few issues.”

“I enjoyed the story, humor, and steam – oh yeah, did I mention the spice? Let’s mention it again just to be safe.”

Better than Cake

After the worst fight of their relationship, the last place Stephanie wants to be is a wedding reception. She still can’t get over what happened. Could their five years of marriage be destroyed after a blast of heated words? Johnny suggested separating. Separating! Now with her marriage on the line, she has to put on a brave face and pretend love is grand.

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