Read Kraven (VLG Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Laurann Dohner

Kraven (VLG Series Book 2) (19 page)

“Got it. You live in a weird world, Kraven.” She rested her head on his chest again. “I’m going to be glad to return to mine.”


Kraven rested his chin back on top of Bat’s head and hid his scowl. He wasn’t happy they were venturing into the human world. His height and stature always drew attention. There were humans his size but not many. Six feet five tended to make him stand above a normal crowd.

He’d have to be leery of women too. He’d be putting off hormones with Bat around. Humans were naturally drawn to Lycan men when they were horny. He was pretty certain that was going to be a problem, unless Bat stopped resisting their attraction. He didn’t want her to become pissed off if women came on to him.

For his part, he’d want to kill anyone who approached Bat for sex.

He’d just have to make certain they bonded stronger before they had to deal with that issue. Bat was stubborn and wasn’t about to easily give up her life. She’d resist admitting they were a mated pair.

It might be a mistake to take her back to Los Angeles. It would only show her what she had to lose once the danger passed and they could return to Alaska, where they both belonged. But it was important to speak to the doctor who had helped Antina Filmore. He’d hold answers that Bat needed. And Kraven was a little curious himself.

He stroked her back, staring out the window. It might give her peace if the doctor turned out to have all the answers to her questions. Kraven just hoped he didn’t have to spill much blood to force the Lycan or Vampire to talk; he was certain the doctor had to be other.

He chewed on his bottom lip, contemplating how to go about that without making Bat fear him. He’d usually just unleash his claws and start cutting until his prey was willing to tell him any damn thing he wanted to know. She might not enjoy that kind of violence.

“Is this going to be a long flight?”

Her question jolted him from his thoughts. “I’m not sure. I know commercial flights are about three and a half hours. It doesn’t matter. The GarLycans can’t come after us until nightfall. We have a huge head start. The control tower is going to tell anyone who asks that we’re flying into Seattle.”

“Aren’t we?” She jerked her head off his chest and peered up at him.

“No. There’s another airport we’re heading to. I don’t want Decker or Aveoth calling Lycan packs so they’re waiting for us when we land.”

“What if we crash again? You fucked with our flight plan. How will they find us?”

He hated that he’d scared her. “We’re good. You saw me stop and ask that first guy we met who had the best plane and flying record. That’s Norman, our pilot. Just relax and try to get some rest.”

“As if,” she sighed, but she did rest her cheek against his chest again. “I’m a little jealous of you.”

That surprised him. “Why?”

“That mind-control thing. It’s kind of cool.”

He found that admission amusing. “I see.”

“I wonder if I could do it but just didn’t know to try.”

“You can’t.”

She looked up at him again and frowned. “You don’t know that for sure.”

“It’s a Vampire thing. I’ve tasted your blood. You didn’t inherit enough to get that trait. Sorry.”

“That sucks.”

“You have me,” he reminded her. “I got us on this aircraft without any problems.”

“Yes, you did. I’d love to have you in court with me.”

He snorted. “So I could look pretty?”

She smiled. “I’d never lose a case again. You could order them to believe everything I say, like my client is innocent.”

“We only mess with minds in emergency situations.” She had a lot to learn. “It can cause damage to some humans, so we avoid it whenever possible.”

“What kind of damage? You mean like telling them they’re a cow and then they’d spend the rest of their lives mooing and trying to eat grass?”

He laughed. She did have a great sense of humor. “No. The mentally unstable can become more so. Some humans have a slight resistance to our kind and we have to push them harder than normal. It causes them pain; sometimes a brain bleed can occur. It’s rare but it’s a risk. It’s why Drantos and I didn’t mess with any of the survivors from the plane crash. They already had injures and we didn’t want to accidentally kill them. Then there’s the totally immune…” Though Kraven wasn’t sure if he should tell her about those.

“What about them?”

He should have known she’d ask. “A very small percentage of humans are immune to Vampire suggestions. But it’s law that humans can’t know about other races. It puts all of us at risk.”

“And that means what for the humans?”

He didn’t know if he should answer.

“I’m waiting. Spit it out.” She peered at him.

“It’s a death sentence,” he stated. “There’s always that risk when we use our power of persuasion, that it’ll fail and we’ll reveal too much to a human and can’t fix it. They might try to convince other humans of our existence. Ever hear of Vampire hunters? Some of those stories are based on history. Immune humans have tracked and killed Vamps during the day while they slept. It got even more dangerous to allow those humans to live as technology evolved. They could stalk us easier, film us to provide proof to others, and there are more effective weapons to kill anything not human. Past hunters started with Vampires and eventually learned about other races. They wanted to slaughter us all. So…” He paused. “It became law.”

Bat studied him, her expression grim. “Good thing I’m not totally human then. Would you have to kill me too?”

“I voluntarily told you what we are. I’d never hurt you.”

“So you’re just going to let me go after all this is over and done with?”

No. Never.
He couldn’t say that to her though. “Do you plan on becoming a Vampire hunter?”

“I like to sleep at night. I’ll pass.”

“Most Vampire hunters kill when the sun is up. That’s when Vamps are most vulnerable.”

“I’d be in court.”

“You’re good then. You’re also smart. Most humans don’t believe in our existence. They think the ones who do are mentally unstable. That’s fortunate for us.”

“How so?”

“It gives us time to clean up messes when they happen.”

She seemed to ponder that. “I’d make a horrible Vampire slayer. It sounds dirty and disgusting. I’d much rather spend my free time getting a manicure or a pedicure.”

It was a reminder of how different she was than any of the women he’d ever known. Most of them were tough females who loved to go hunting.

He didn’t mind, though. His mate was more human than not. It would be an adjustment but he’d make it work. They’d both have to compromise.

He suddenly couldn’t resist touching her more intimately. He lifted his hand and gently caressed her cheek. Then he dropped all his restraint and lunged for her surprised mouth, kissing her. Bat tensed in his arms but she caved quickly, meeting his tongue with her own.

He slid his other hand lower to cup her ass. She moaned in response and he leaned forward a little so she had room to wrap her arms around his neck. She couldn’t deny that they belonged together when they touched. He wouldn’t allow her to put emotional barriers between them.

My mate.
The instinct to bond with her became almost unbearable. He wanted to slash open a vein to make her drink his blood, and take more from her. It would help their bond strengthen until they could feel each other’s emotions and even share thoughts. He resisted though. He wanted her to accept what they were on her own terms, not because his pain over her rejection would be something she felt. He never wanted his Bat to hurt.

She jerked back, breathing hard. Passion showed in the way she looked at him. “We can’t do this.”

“We can.”

“The pilot—”

“Won’t come back here. He’s busy flying.”

He kissed her again, capturing her lips with his. She didn’t protest. He realized soon enough when she began to grind her hips on his lap that the seat wasn’t going to work. He pulled his face away from hers, both of them panting, and frantically looked around for an option. The narrow aisle between the seats looked to be the best place.

“Hold on tight,” he ordered.

She wrapped her arms around his neck. He braced one arm around her waist and grabbed the seat in front of him to pull them both up. He nearly slammed his head on the low roof. He twisted sideways and took them both to the floor, ending up on top of her. The space felt pretty tight for someone his size, but all he cared about was making sure he didn’t crush Bat. Then he discovered another problem. She no longer wore a skirt. The sweatpants hugging her lower body meant he’d have to get her at least partially naked.

Sexual frustration rolled through him but he refused to stop. He was going to have his mate. They were safe for the time being. No GarLycan would dare attack the plane in flight, even if they were insane enough to do it during the day. It would put Bat’s life in danger, not something they’d be willing to do, since Aveoth would order them to bring her to him alive and well.

He lifted off Bat, assessing her. Her cheeks were flushed a bit, her mouth a little swollen from his kisses, and her nipples were taut, showing through the shirt she wore. He inhaled, picking up the scent of her, as turned-on as he was. She wanted him too.

He reached down and shoved her legs together, lifting them so she had no choice but to bend her knees to her chest. He snagged the waistband of the sweats at her spine and tore them down her legs to her knees. He spread her thighs, ducked his head, and scooted forward so her bunched-up pants ended up behind his neck. It put her exposed pussy right under his mouth.

“I’m not a pretzel.” Bat lifted her head, holding his gaze.

He grinned. “Relax and enjoy, my little hellion.”

It was the only warning he gave before he dropped his chin and began to feast on her. She moaned when he lapped at her clit with his tongue. She stabbed her fingers into his hair. He almost expected her to pull at it, try to stop him. She surprised him by doing the opposite. She just curved her hand along the back of his head, almost as if she were afraid he’d stop and wanted to force him to stay exactly where he was. Her moans were soft and throaty. He loved the sounds she made.

He adjusted his hold when her hips began to rock against his mouth. He pinned her tighter by her thighs to keep her still. He sucked on her stiffening clit, knowing she was really close to her climax. He’d normally want to draw it out and torment her a bit but his dick demanded release from his constraining jeans.

Bat came loudly. She cried out his name, her fingers fisting his hair. Kraven eased off her clit and ran his tongue down her slit. The sweet taste of her, aroused and needy, was the best thing ever. She could become his addiction. He let go of her thighs and maneuvered one hand down to unfasten his jeans. He had to twist his hips a bit to shove them down enough to free his stiff shaft. He wished he could strip them both entirely but he’d make do with what was possible.

He reached up and behind him next, blindly finding one of Bat’s feet. He yanked on the sweats until he freed one of her legs, then crawled up her body. Bat’s eyes opened and their gazes locked. He had to have her.

He braced his elbows above her shoulders since there was no room next to them. “Wrap around me,” he demanded.

Bat didn’t hesitate. She hugged his ribs and wrapped her legs around his waist. He shifted his hips until his rock-hard dick was in position, entering Bat in one long, slow thrust. A groan passed his lips.

Bat felt like heaven. She was wet, hot, ready for him.

“Yes,” she moaned.

That was all he needed to hear. Bat was his for the taking.

He was never going to let her go




Chapter Twelve


“What’s the problem?” Bat kept her voice down. There were a lot of people in the airport, despite its smaller size.

Kraven glanced down at her feet. “Nice shoes. Are those flowers printed all over them?”

“Shut up. It’s all the gift shop had and they aren’t even my size. That store was a joke. I’ve seen larger bathrooms. Can you say limited merchandise choices? They should. Did you get us another plane?”

He shook his head.

“Why not?”

He gazed at her with those intense eyes of his. “There are cameras everywhere.”


He gripped her arm, pulled her into an alcove with a large fake plant and invaded her space. One of his hands lifted, as if he were rubbing his temple. The color of his eyes sharpened, brightened, and the blue began to glow neon. They were gorgeous.

“I have to look this way to control minds. Do you see the problem?” The brightness faded to a pale shade. “I figured since it was a small airport it would be more like the one near home. There are cameras all over in here. It’s a nightmare.”

“You can’t use your power.”

“Nope.” He dropped his hand and stepped back, pulling her away from the wall. “I can’t.”

“So we just hire someone. Simple.”

“The two pilots I talked to just came off flights. They refused. I looked up and saw cameras on us so I couldn’t change their minds.”

“What about Norman?”

“I let him go after I paid him. He was tired. I could see it. We don’t want to crash again and having a pilot who can’t keep his eyes open isn’t the brightest move we could make.”

“That’s true.”

“I also couldn’t take over his mind once we left the plane. They have surveillance
damn where.” He looked pissed.

“Welcome to the human world.”

He scowled.

“So we have to fly commercial?”

“We can’t be tracked and you don’t have identification.”

“Got it. No eyes. We’re screwed.”

“We need to get out of here. There isn’t a lot of time to waste if we’re being hunted by Lycans.” His gaze lifted and he turned his head, watching the people around them. His nostrils flared. “I haven’t seen any so far or picked up their scent. We’re going to have to rent a car.”

“That’s a long drive to Southern California.” She cringed.

“We don’t have a choice.”


“I agree.” He shifted the strap of his bag on his shoulder and offered his hand. “Come on.”

“Won’t that leave a trail?”

“It won’t matter if they find out I rented a car in Washington. They already know we flew here by now. Let’s go.”

She clasped his hand and he led her to the car rental area of the airport. There was a short line. Kraven passed her his bag and pointed to a chair. “Go take a seat. This won’t take long.”

“I’m hungry.”

“We’ll grab something in the car.”

“Fast food. Awesome.” She rolled her eyes.

“I’m sorry, Bat.”

“I’m being a pain. I know. Go. I’ll sit right here and guard your bag.”

He flashed a smile before getting in the line and Bat took a seat on a plastic chair. A woman a few seats over shot her a dirty look and curled her upper lip. Probably because of how she was dressed and the generic tennis shoes she wore without socks.
Judgmental bitch.
Bat reached up and rubbed the bridge of her nose with her middle finger. The woman gasped and jerked her head in the other direction.

Bat relaxed and watched Kraven. He was the most interesting thing in the airport. And it quickly became apparent she wasn’t the only one paying attention to him. Women walked by, their gazes lingering on him as they slowed.

“Yeah, he’s hot. Move on,” she muttered.

Kraven turned his head, regarding her over his shoulder. One of his eyebrows arched. She shook her head and he faced forward. Damn, he had really good hearing. She’d have to remember that.

Another woman walked by, nearly tripping in the process of admiring Kraven. It irritated Bat, and her irritation just got worse when he reached the counter. The cute brunette he rented a vehicle from grinned widely and appraised him like a side of prime beef. Bat wished she could hear what was being said.

Long minutes passed and Bat had finally had enough when she watched the brunette laugh and have the gall to reach out and purposely touch Kraven’s hand. She stood, grabbed the strap of his bag, and lifted. It was heavier than it looked and she had to battle to carry it to his side. She dumped it on the floor.

“What’s taking so long, sweetheart?”

That killed the brunette’s cheery smile as she took notice of Bat.

Kraven signed his name on the digital screen and dropped the stylus pen. “Nothing, honeybun. I got us a car.”

“Fantastic.” Bat held the brunette’s gaze. “We’re going on a romantic getaway.”

“How nice.” The brunette walked over to a printer, her movements jerky. “I’ll get you a copy of the rental agreement. They’ll bring the car around and hand you the keys then.”

“Thanks.” Kraven turned his gaze on Bat, looking far too amused. His lips twitched as if he wanted to laugh.

“Don’t even,” she mumbled. “I said I’m hungry. I didn’t want to wait while you continued to flirt.”

All humor vanished and he leaned toward her, putting his face closer. “You’re the only woman I want. Should I fuck you on the floor again to prove it?”

He spoke loud enough that everyone around them, including the clerk, had to have heard. Bat swallowed hard. It was a good thing she didn’t embarrass easily or was the type to back away from any kind of a challenge. “Does this car have a backseat? We haven’t tried that yet. Confined spaces sound exciting.”

The brunette slapped the papers on the counter. “There you go. Follow the sign and someone will bring your rental around in a few minutes. Next!”

Kraven folded the papers and pocketed them in his duster. He bent, gripping his bag. “Come on, honeybun. Let’s go find out how roomy this car is.” He offered his elbow.

Bat slid her arm through his and allowed him to lead her outside. She avoided looking at him.

“I like it that you felt the need to stake your claim on me.”

She refused to look at his face. “Give me a break. I was just annoyed.”

“Too bad. I also liked you calling me sweetheart. It had a nice ring to it.”

“Bite me.”

He chuckled. “Invitation accepted. I’m part Vamp, Hellion. I have fangs and I’m happy to use them.”

“You know what I meant. Keep your fangs sucked up.”

“They’re actually retracted.”

“Shut it.”

A silver sedan pulled up to the curb and a kid slipped out of the passenger seat. He wore a shirt with the rental company logo over his chest. Kraven unhooked his arm from Bat and removed the paperwork, passing it over to show the employee.

“Here you go, sir. It’s fully gassed. I strongly suggest you return it with a full tank.” He handed over the keys. “Have a great day.”

Kraven nodded, pocketed his paperwork again, and walked over to the car. He opened the back door, threw the bag in, and stripped off his duster to toss in too. He opened the passenger door next, flashing Bat a killer smile.

“Come on, honeybun. It’s got a roomy backseat. It’s our lucky day.”

Seems he wasn’t about to let that go. She sighed and climbed into the car. Kraven closed the door and rounded the vehicle. She put on her belt as he adjusted the mirrors and seat on the driver’s side, before driving away from the curb.

“Can you do me a favor?” Kraven glanced at her.

“It depends on what you want.”

“There’s supposed to be a map in the glove box. Get it out and find us the nearest highway.”

She leaned forward and found the map, unfolding it. “Map reading isn’t my best skill. Fair warning.”

“I just want to put some miles between us and that airport.”

“Got it.” She studied the map and found where they were on it, giving him directions. “I really am hungry. That sandwich I ate on the plane was mostly frozen.”

“I know. You barely touched it. You only took three bites.”

She wasn’t sure how to feel about him being that aware of her actions. “And I’m not a fan of fast food.”

“I picked up on that. Let’s put some miles behind us and I’ll find a restaurant. I doubt it will be very nice but there won’t be a drive-thru window. Can you hang in there for at least half an hour or so?”



He was being sweet and she appreciated it. She suddenly had a thought and laughed.

“What?” Kraven glanced over at her.

“I just realized we’re going on a long road trip together but at least you’re willing to ask for directions. That puts you above a lot of men.”

“I don’t get it.”

“Men never ask for directions, especially from women.”

“Humans might not but this isn’t familiar territory to me. Maps are needed and you’re the one who can read it without having to steer at the same time.”

She smiled, telling him which turns to make. “This map only covers Washington.”

They reached a freeway and Kraven drove them onto it. “We’ll pick up more maps when we need to fill the tank.”

They drove for a good ten minutes before Bat saw a sign listing the distance to major cities. Dread struck as she read the miles posted for Los Angeles. She quickly did the math. “Shit. We’re looking at about fifteen hours of drive time to reach L.A.”

“I don’t require as much sleep…and we’ll be able to cut down that time.”

“How do you figure that?”

He glanced at her. “I’ll have any law enforcement forget they saw us if I’m pulled over for speeding.”

“Forget it. One, you said it could be dangerous to the person if they’re immune, and two, most cops wear body cameras now.”


“Because people are assholes. It’s for their protection against false claims being filed against them.”

He sighed, staring forward.

“Do the speed limit. I’ll take turns driving with you. Just tell me when you get tired and we’ll switch.”

“I’m not human, Bat. I don’t require as much sleep as you do. I can stay up for a few days without it becoming a problem.”

“Lucky you. You still might get sick of driving. Don’t you trust me behind the wheel?”

“I trust you. You can drive if you have an overwhelming desire to. Let’s find somewhere to eat. I can hear your stomach rumbling.”

She put the map away and closed the glove box. Kraven had to be the most agreeable person she’d ever taken a road trip with. It might not be so bad after all. He didn’t even turn on the radio. Her sister loved to blast loud music that gave Bat a headache.

* * * * *

Kraven reached over and gently adjusted Bat’s head to a more comfortable position. She’d fallen asleep an hour before. Traffic had slowed to a crawl and red lights flashed ahead in the darkness. He hoped it was just an accident and not a trap. Decker’s enforcers could have forced the human police to narrow the lanes to one in hopes of finding them if they were aware the two traveled by car.

He got closer and saw two tangled vehicles in the distance. Paramedics were attending one of the victims from the back of an ambulance. Another human, presumably the other driver, spoke to a law enforcer who was taking notes. Kraven let out a relieved sigh and relaxed.

It was taking longer than he’d hoped to travel via vehicle with his mate. She demanded they stop at restaurants instead of just grabbing quick premade food, and had a tendency to waste a lot of time when they refilled the gas tank. The mini mart had seemed to fascinate her as she’d strolled around picking out a few snacks. He glanced down at the bag resting on the passenger floor. She hadn’t touched anything she’d bought but had seemed comforted by having the food nearby anyway.

Must be a human thing.
He sighed.

A slight noise drew his attention and he twisted, reaching into the backseat. He blindly felt around for his bag and finally located the pocket. Kraven withdrew his cell phone and glanced back and forth from the screen to the slow-moving traffic ahead of him. The text from Carver wasn’t long but the message made him feel a hell of a lot better. He debated about waking Bat to let her know her sister and Drantos had safely returned to their village, but she looked exhausted. The news could wait.

He used his thumb to type back.


The response came quickly. Being hunted.

That put a smile on Kraven’s face. It didn’t last long. He typed again. Aveoth?


Is Dusti or Drantos injured?

Wasn’t able to see or talk to them. He took her right home but no healer was called. I assume they’re both fine.

That was good news. Kraven dropped the phone onto his lap when he saw one of the human law enforcers directing traffic. He smiled at the man and drove past. The lanes opened and he pressed his foot down on the gas, accelerating. He waited until it was safe to lift his phone and glance at it again. A message waited.

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