Read Last Call Online

Authors: Michele G Miller

Last Call (8 page)

Seeing that I understood his meaning, he leaned over the bar and whispered close to my ear, "Riley was right, by the way. You
look very do-able lounging there."

Jaw dropped.

"Gage, they need you in the back," called one of the other bartenders.

Bringing myself back towards the bar, I watched as he nodded. He stood there for a moment, his thoughtful eyes on me, before he leaned in like he was about to confess a secret. "For the record, Malibu Barbie's got nothing on you."

With that little piece of panty dropping magic, he slid around the end of the bar and disappeared around the corner.

"I've got a sweet girl in the crowd tonight who needs to get her ass on the dance floor as these boys play a little ‘Country Girl’ for you guys." Riley's voice broke through the Aussie haze that covered me while I tried to process Gage's compliments.

The strains of Luke Bryan's song called to me as Riley's request sank all the way in. I pulled myself together and looked across the crowd at Riley, who was pointing straight at me. His finger was crooked and beckoning me to the dance floor.

What was he
? Abandoning my stool, I waded through all of the country girls shaking their things on the floor. When I reached his booth I gave him my best glare, before being bombarded by Sara and Candace.

"What are y'all doing here?" I shouted. Relief flooded me at seeing them and knowing I wouldn’t be alone for the rest of the night.

"A little birdy told us you were lonely," smiled Sara.


"Guilty baby," he admitted. "Couldn't stand watching you get ogled by the masses any longer. I needed reinforcements to keep you safe."

"I could kiss you guys right now," I laughed; starting to let loose and dance in our private little circle.

Riley leaned over the booth. "
take that kiss."

I assumed he was kidding, but as I went to plant a friendly kiss on his cheek, he turned his head and allowed me to kiss his lips. It was a quick kiss, but it was unexpected and certainly something new for us.

"Meowww," teased Sara.

Candace pulled me back from the booth and raised my hand to twirl me while the band played another song. We danced to the band for another hour before my cute little heels staged a revolt. Sara had taken up with one of her many "friends with benefits" partakers, and left once the band finished their last set.

"I'm beat. Do you need a ride home?" I asked Candace. I was ready to go home and soak my poor little piggies. When she agreed, we waved to Riley that we were off. His face flashed with disappointment but he smiled and signaled that he would call us.

Or me.

I really wasn't sure. I hadn't thought much more about his flirting from earlier. I was hoping I wouldn't have to.

As we walked to the exit, I motioned to Candace to hold up. Gage was leaning against the bar and I limped my way over. He was talking animatedly to a few ladies and pouring them wine.

"Hey," I called out. The redhead directly in front of him turned around, and I noted her hand was resting on the forearm that he had draped over the bar top. "Sorry," I apologized. Inside I groaned at myself for yelling, yet again. "I wanted to thank you for the drinks."

His eyes met mine, his mouth opened slightly, and then it closed. He simply nodded instead, as he finished pouring wine and placed the bottle in front of him. I stood there for a moment expecting him to say something, but he didn't reply. He corked the wine bottle, leaving his free hand resting around the neck. His other arm was being stroked by the redhead, who was giving me a serious evil eye.

I coughed in embarrassment. "Well, okay then. See ya."

Spinning on my heels, I hustled over to Candace's side and ignored the questioning daggers her eyes were shooting at me. We quickly made our way to my car and I clicked the doors unlocked. I was fidgeting with my key chain and stopped short when I heard footsteps rushing out of the bar, coming our way. Jerking my gaze up, it took a moment for my mind to register what my eyes were seeing.

It was Gage hurrying towards us. Candace was already seated in the car and I was still making my way around to the driver’s side. I pulled the door open and stood there mutely as Gage slowed down and stopped. I watched as he stuck one hand in his pocket, his face half in shadows.

There were two cars between us when he finally called out, "I didn't get your name."

I stood there. Candace hissed “Answer him” at me from within the car, but I froze.

He glanced behind him and I wondered how much trouble he would get in for following a patron, a female patron at that, outside while on shift. I was sure he probably wasn't supposed to do that. Why did he want to know my name? Why was he so freaking hot? Why was I a crazy freak who couldn't answer the hot Australian bartender?

Lord, say that ten times fast.

"Sorry," he faltered, adding, "I didn't mean to bother you," and he turned to go.

"No. Wait," I finally choked out, desperate for him not to leave. "It's Savannah."

The slow smile that crossed his face caused my body temperature to rise at least ten degrees.

"Savannah," he repeated, his voice taking on the confident super power sexiness from earlier in the evening. "Will you be making it four nights in a row?"

"Four nights? Oh, you mean will I be here tomorrow? No," I said almost reluctantly. "Contrary to what you may think, I'm really
a regular here. I've got a appointment next Thursday upstairs, though." I added that little tidbit to see if he would tell me to stop by. No go.

"Then I'm sure I’ll see you around," he called as he took a step backwards. "Drive safe…sweetheart."

"Okay, you too. Thanks," I called after him as he laughed and proceeded to walk back inside.

I slipped into the car with what I’d said echoing in my head; sitting there dumbly repeating it out loud. "
’Okay, you too?’
Did I really just
that to him?" Lord, that made absolutely no sense.

"Lucy, you've got some 'splaining to do," Candace quipped in her best Ricky Ricardo voice.

Yes, yes I did.


Sunday - April 28, 2013

Remembering Daniel


Bzzzz Bzzzz Bzzzz

In the midst of a
tantalizing dream with a
buff Australian superman, the
annoying vibrations kicked in.

Bzzzz Bzzzz Bzzzz

I pulled my pillow over my head and tried to sink back into the dream. Please, for all that’s decent in this world, come back to me. He was getting ready to show me some of his special superpowers….can’t a girl get a break!

Bzzzz Bzzzz Bzzzz

I agitatedly reached out from under my blanket cocoon to answer the phone. "What?!"



"Hi mother," I groaned. Worst. Timing. Ever. I sighed inwardly.

"Darling, it’s very rude to yell at people when you answer your phone," she chastised me, adding, "Is everything all right?"

Yes, mother. You know, it’s also very rude to interrupt dreams involving a sexy Australian superman and his x-ray vision, but you don't hear me whining do you?
I snapped mentally; stretching out from under the covers and peeking at the screen on the phone for the time. Nine thirty-six a.m.

Nine thirty-six! On a Sunday morning!

"Mother." I began taking in deep breaths. "It is nine in the morning. On a Sunday. Really?"

"Now, darling, don’t take that tone with me. I wanted to catch you before church. You know I have that shower for Mary Anne this afternoon, and I bought her a present from you."

I shot up in horror and yelped, "You WHAT?"

"Oh really now, drop the drama Savannah," she snapped. "Mary Anne is like a sister to you, and it's about time you got over the past. It's bad enough you're not coming home for any of the pre-wedding events. I mean really, what am I supposed to say to everyone when they ask why you're not here?"

Her voice continued to go up an octave with each line she spoke. "And Daniel's family loves you. You know, his mother still asks about you all the time, and to be honest I really think they were expecting you two to work things out eventually. It isn't right that after all this time you can't bring yourself to let bygones be bygones. Our circles are small, Savannah, and you’ll be the talk of the club."

Kill me now.

"Mother…" I blurted out, trying to stop her rant. "Mother!" I shouted louder.

"There’s no need to screech, darling. I’m not hard of hearing."

"Thank you for buying a gift. Please convey my apologies for not being there. I need to go now. I love you."

"Well alright then, if you must rush off. I'll call you later and tell you all about the event. Did I mention that it’s at the botanical…?"

"Goodbye, momma," I said; stopping her.

"Alright, alright darling. Get some rest. You sound horrible. Goodbye."

I tossed my phone to the side and buried my head back under my pillow.


An hour later I was standing in the kitchen trying to decide what to eat, when I heard the front door lock jiggle. Sara snuck in quietly, closing the door softly behind her.

Busted. She was wearing the same cute little tank top and bubble skirt she’d worn the night before.

"Don't try to sneak past me, Sara. Embrace your walk of shame," I teased, sticking my head out of the kitchen.

"AHHH," she yelped, dropping her black boots with a loud thump. "You scared me."

"I bet." I laughed and returned to the pantry and my fruitless search for something amazing to eat. There was nothing, unless I wanted Pop-tarts or Lucky Charms. While I was a fan of both, I was craving real food. Like bacon.

"Hardy har har," came Sara's voice as she propped herself against the doorway. "There's no shame in this walk, babe."

"Really? You were with Chris, right?"

"Mmmmhmmm, and I am deliciously exhausted."

Groaning, I shut the cabinet door and laughed at her. "Ugh, Sara. I don't want to hear about your sexcapades."

She made a sign as if she was zipping her lips and turned to head to her room, but not before calling out behind her, "Your loss." I heard her hum all the way down the hallway.

"What's your loss?" asked Candace a few minutes later, freshly showered and dressed for the day.

"Ha. I wouldn't let Sara brag about her torrid night of passion with Chris."

Candace chuckled. "She spent the whole night out? The little ho," she teased. She went behind me and checked all around the kitchen for food, much as I just had.

"Hmmm, I need something substantial," she moaned, rubbing her stomach. "Brunch?"

"You read my mind," I agreed quickly. "Be right back." I raced to my room and threw on a simple sundress and some Keds. Thankfully I’d showered before bed, so I just threw my dark hair into a high ponytail and slicked on some lip gloss.

"Let's go.”


Sitting over brunch, Candace shoved a bite of sausage into her mouth and requested information on what had gone on between me and Gage.

"Nothing," I squeaked, my voice all but cracking.

"Nothing," she mimicked. "Sweetie, he chased you outside the bar to get your name. Obviously you made quite an impression."

I took a sip of orange juice and told her about yelling at Mr. Aussie when he called my dates losers. Although she held her tongue, her wide eyes and silently shaking shoulders attested to her amusement.

"I got the impression he was hoping you’d be back again tonight," she hinted.

"C'mon Cand, that's Sara's department. Did you
all the chicks hanging on him? He probably scores more than Peyton Manning."

"Dude, harsh." She broke out into hysterical laughter. "Probably true, but still harsh."

I joined wholeheartedly in her laughter. "He's super hot though – I’ll give him that."

"Oh, I'd give him more than that," she chuckled, earning herself a peg in the face from one of my home fries.

"Alright then," she piped up after a few moments, "let's talk about Riley."

"You're full of questions this morning, aren't you Lois Lane?" Lois Lane. My thoughts immediately went to my abbreviated dream this morning with my Aussie superman and I shifted guiltily in my seat.

"Why yes, yes I am," she teased. "Inquiring minds want to know. What was up with that kiss?"

question is somewhat harder to answer than the one about Gage. He was in full-on-flirt mode last night. He called me ‘doable’," I laughed. "I mean hell's bells, it was random."

“Not totally random. I’m pretty sure he’s been scoping you out for a long time. You know about the brief fling back freshman year with Sara? Well maybe he’s been biding his time with you because of her.”

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