Last First Kiss (14 page)

Read Last First Kiss Online

Authors: Lori H. Leger,Kimberly Killion

Tags: #Fiction, #Contemporary Women

Giselle reached out to touch his hand resting on the table. “I’m sorry, Bill.”

It’s alright, hon. I just want you to understand that God puts people in our paths for a reason. I know the reason he put Jackson and I in yours was so we could help your girls through this. When they’re with us, they talk about all the fun they had with their daddy. Isn’t that what you want for them?”

She choked up at his words, able only to nod at him.

Then, for God’s sake, don’t make them feel like they can’t speak of him in their own home where you were all so happy. Put their grief before your own, and yours will disappear.”

Giselle’s head dropped forward on the table as she cried for those left behind...Bill, Jackson, her girls, and finally herself. Her tears, quiet at first, progressed into long, loud, body wracking sobs...the kind that free the soul of suppressed sadness and pain.

Bill wrapped her in his strong, comforting arms, and held her while she cried.

My babies,” she groaned, once her sobs had subsided. “What have I done to my poor babies?” She turned tear-filled eyes to Bill for answers. “Will they ever be able to forgive me?”

Bill handed her a box of tissues. “Hon, they’ll be so glad to have their momma back, they’ll forget everything else.”

Mac said she hated me. She was right, too, when she said Toby would have taken better care of them if I’d been the one to go. He never would have let this happen.”

What happened was meant to happen. It’s all tiny threads woven into the fabric of your life. It’s all part of God’s plan and you have to trust he knows what’s best for you. Mac didn’t mean what she said any more than you meant what you said.”

I pray you’re right, Bill.” She groaned again. “I said such awful things to Jackson. How will I ever face him?”

Don’t worry about the rest of us. We all know what you were going through. He just wants to see you back to your old self. Your girls sure have found a place in our hearts.”

Giselle wiped her eyes. “I know you both mean a lot to them, and you two are welcome to be a part of their lives.”

Thank you for that.” His voice deepened with emotion. “I know they don’t have a grandpa of their own, but I’d be honored if you’d let me treat them as if they were my grandchildren.”

She gazed at the kind man before her, with whom she felt this strange bond. “Are you sure, Bill? What if Jackson meets someone and has children of his own?”

Bill stood, stretching his tall frame to his full height. “Giselle, people have more than one set of grandchildren all the time, by blood, by marriage, by adoption...I have enough love to spare for as many grandchildren as I’m blessed with.” He placed his hat back on his head. “And for God’s sake, please give me a reason not to be so damn jealous of Sam Langley.”

Giselle slapped her hand over her mouth to stop the laugh that popped out of her. She looked up at Bill, unable to suppress it any longer, and let it burst forth. Surprised that she could laugh so soon after her bout with tears, she held her side as tears streamed down her face. Finally gaining control, she sat back in her chair and wiped her eyes with a tissue.

Oh, that felt good,” she said, giving Bill’s hand a tight squeeze. “I don’t know how to thank you.” She was silent for a moment before grinning up at him. “How would you like it if my girls started calling you Grandpa Bill?” She watched as his blue eyes sparkled with delight.

Make it ‘Paw Paw’ and you’ve got yourself a deal!”

Paw Paw it is.”

Paw Paw Bill...I
like the sound of that. Thank you hon, you’ve made me one happy old man today. Just wait until I tell Sam,” he said with a chuckle as he hugged her.

You’re not old, Bill. As a matter of fact, Carrie’s said on countless occasions if Sam hadn’t stolen her heart, she could really go for some Bill Broussard, but you didn’t hear that from me.”

Bill sucked in his breath and grimaced. “Coming in second to Sam Langley isn’t quite the ego boost I was looking for, but I guess it’ll have to do.” He sat back down in his chair and stretched one of his long legs out in front of him. “What’s the story with those two? Why didn’t they ever have any children together? They’ve been together long enough.”

By the time they met, she was thirty-five, and couldn’t have children anymore. She got a degree in drafting, a divorce, a job at B & L, and met Sam all in the same year. They really do have their own love story. Maybe she’ll tell you about it someday.”

I bet that’s a story I’d find interesting. Should we call her back now?”

She nodded and made the call. Carrie was back with the girls in less than five minutes.

We’ll give you some privacy with them,” Bill told Giselle when they heard the slam of car doors outside.

She smiled up at him, and placed her hand on the face so similar to Jackson’s. “Thank you, Bill. Can you wait around for a few minutes? I want you and Carrie to be here after I straighten things out with them.”

We’ll be out here.” He went outside to meet Carrie and the two girls, who stared warily at the door of their home.

Bill cradled both girls close to him and spoke in a reassuring voice. “It’s okay now. Go on, your mom’s waiting for you.” He watched the girls disappear into the house then turned to Carrie. “She’ll be fine now.”

Carrie reached out to cover his hands with her own. “I don’t know what you told her, but I know it had to be difficult for you, and I’m so thankful.”

He gave her a sly look. “Enough to leave Sam for me?”

She pushed his hands away and laughed. “Be serious, Bill.”

It don’t cost a thing to ask, and all you can do is turn me down, Sweetheart.”

Carrie wiped tears of laughter from her eyes as she gazed up at him. “You and Jackson should put a patent on those sexy grins of yours, you know. They’re absolutely irresistible.”

He raised a brow as he pulled the patio chair out for her. “Have you reconsidered?”

irresistible...” she threw in, shaking her head as she sat and waited for him to sit across from her. “I’ve already got the love of my life, but that doesn’t mean we can’t find someone for you. You interested?”

He pulled his hat off and placed it on the glass topped table. “You know, I’ve been thinking maybe it’s time. Got anyone in mind?”

I’d have to think on it.” She leaned her elbows on the table and tapped her tooth with a fingernail. “Hmmm...What kind of woman would be right for you?”

I could do with a young grandmotherly type, kind of like you,” he said, giving her a wink.

Carrie chuckled as she shook her head. “I appreciate the compliment, honey, but, you can do better. Have you thought about someone young enough to give you a child of your own?”

Bill’s brow furrowed as he pondered the question. “I’d like that, but I really didn’t think it was an option for me.”

Why not? You’re healthy, aren’t you?”

My doc just told me I had the heart of a man twenty years younger. I don’t smoke, I lift weights, and swim laps everyday to keep in shape, I only drink occasionally, and I do all my own work around the ranch.”

Carrie leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms loosely. “At the risk of inflating your ego, you and Jackson are two of the finest looking men I’ve ever known. When it comes to sex appeal, you easily hold your own against men half your age.”

You really think so?”

Yep, and I think you should consider it,” she told him.

Bill sat back in his chair. He ran a hand through his hair and released his breath in a slow hiss. “All right then, let’s do it. My life is in your hands. What do you need me to do?”

She smiled and gave his hand an affectionate pat. “Sit back and watch the gears turn, Bill. I’ll take care of you.” She turned to the door as Mac and Lexie burst through, grinning from ear to ear. The two little girls ran to Bill’s outstretched arms, as squeals of “Paw Paw!” filled the air.


Giselle watched through tear-filled eyes as her daughters hugged the man who’d promised to become an even bigger part of their lives.

Is it true?”

Are you our Paw Paw now?”

Bill beamed down at them. “I am if you want me to be,” he said, as high pitched shrieks of joy filled the air.

We’ve never had a Paw Paw before,” Lexie said when they’d calmed.

Mackenzie raised hopeful brown eyes to Bill. “Would that make Jackson our uncle, or what?”

Carrie caught the look from Bill. “How about if you just call him Jackson, for now? I’m sure he’d be fine with that.”

We have a Paw Paw Bill and a Jackson!” Mackenzie squealed. “I can’t wait to tell everyone that my birthday party is going to be at my Paw Paw Bill’s house.”

Paw Paw Bill’s
” he corrected her.

Mackenzie’s eyes grew large with excitement. “Lex,
Paw Paw has a real ranch with cows and horses...”

...and mini horses and piggy goats,” Lexie cut in.

...and a pond we can fish in,” Mac finished.

I also ordered paddle boats for your party,” Bill added. “They’ll be ours to keep so you can use them anytime.”

Mackenzie threw herself at him again. “I can tell already, you’re going to be the best Paw Paw in the world.”

Can we call Jackson? I can’t wait to tell him we’re his family now,” Lexie said.

Giselle cut in on her daughters’ conversation with Bill. “If it’s okay, I’d like to speak to him first then I’ll let you talk to him. You two go inside with Bill and Carrie, okay?”

As Bill and the girls vanished through the door amidst giggles and laughter, Carrie turned to Giselle. “Do you have his number?”

Sure do,” she said, flashing her I-phone.

I’ve been calling all morning and he hasn’t answered. Maybe he will, if he sees your number,” Carrie said.

Giselle took a seat at the patio table and pulled up Jackson’s number, then lifted her face to soak up the glorious morning sunrays while waiting for him to answer. She finally heard a gravelly voice croak a single word.

Yeah.”’s Giselle.”

What do you want?”

Are you okay?”

If you mean miserable, heartbroken, and hung over, then yeah, I’m damn near perfect,” he said, the sarcasm pouring forth from her phone’s speaker

Oh, I’m sorr...”

What the hell do you want, Giselle? You want to rip my heart out? Have you decided it’s
fault Toby’s dead again?”

If you’d let me expl...”

You know, I didn’t ask for this crap, and I sure as hell can’t help the way I feel. Just leave me the hell alone,” he growled.

Giselle heard the distinct click of disconnection and stared, dumbfounded at the phone. She hit redial and waited. He picked it up and disconnected without a word. The next time she hit redial, she got a busy signal.

Well, damn, Jackson,” she murmured. “How am I supposed to apologize if you won’t answer?” She stood abruptly and went inside.

Lexie turned her hopeful face toward her. “Did you talk to Jackson, Mama?”

No sweetie, he must still be sleeping. I’ll call him back later.”

Lexie’s face crumbled in disappointment. “I bet he’s still appressed after yesterday. Can we go see him?”

Giselle brushed her daughter’s bangs back from her pixie face. “I think I need to talk to him first before you see him again, Sweetie.”

Can you hurry, Mama? He didn’t look too happy last time I saw him.”

I’ll keep trying, Lex, I promise.” After Lexie ran off, Giselle turned to Bill. “I think I need to go over there,” she said, relating Jackson’s words and tone.

I don’t know if that’s such a good idea,” Carrie said.

Jackson hardly ever drinks. He had to be hurting, to pull one that bad,” Bill said.

Giselle chewed on the corner of her thumbnail. “I can’t stand this. I need to apologize to his face.”

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